Student Bc& OCTOBER 1989 .^
OCTOBER 1989 U.--S
Breast reductions
Reduction operations are
increasingly popular among
college-age women.
Page 23
1996 Olympics
Georgia Tech prepares for
possible bid from Olympic
Page 23
Bikes for books
A U. of Georgia couple
plans to travel the world
after spring graduation.
Page 23
Playing catch up
How do your school's recre-
ational facilities compare?
Page 23
They didn't break the rules, just the spirit
Soccer needs
rule changes
to draw fans.
By Mark May
The Pan American
Pan American U.
Soccer is adored almost every-
where in the world, except the
United States.
In a nation that glamorizes
sports, the United States has
neglected to embrace soccer.
Professional leagues cannot exist
here unless the international rules
palatable. For a pro circuit to survive,
it must have a major TV contract.
That is the bottom line as the
now-defunct North American
Soccer League discovered. The
Major Indoor Soccer League had
several teams fold last year.
Youths develop an affinity for the
athletes they see on the tube, but
what they see are mostly football,
baseball and basketball. Children
may start off playing soccer, but
eventually are coerced into the
glamour of money-making sports.
The major pro sports command
high salaries, directly and indirect-
ly because of television, radio and
print coverage. Soccer receives min-
imal coverage in America, and can-
not get off the ground.
Some suggested changes...
Shorten the field and reduce the
number of players to nine.
The field is 120 yards long. Make
it 90 yards so the players won't have
far to run to score. Often, when one
team attacks, the flurry is broken
up by a defender. By reducing the
players on the field, the passing
lanes open up.
Put the official game clock on the
scoreboard where everyone can see
it. In a close match, the suspense is
heightened with each tick.
As further incentive to imple-
ment these changes, the United
States needs a strong league to
draw a national team that will be
competitive when the United
States hosts the 1994 World Cup.
Otherwise, the United States is
going to get its butt kicked for all
the world to see.
newest way to
snare recruits
By Tom Nelson
Daily Nexus
U. of California, Santa Barbara
The U. of Nevada, Las Vegas basket-
ball team's true colors were displayed for
all to see in a story that came over the
Associated Press wire in July - and I'm
not talking about scarlet and silver.
According to the story, the NCAA isn't
too happy with Coach Jerry Tarkanian's
running of the school's basketball pro-
NCAA officials spent time on the
Vegas strip investigating the methods
used to recruit Lloyd Daniels in 1985
and 1986. You remember him-he's the
guy who was touted as one of New York
City's best ever basketball players.
The emphasis in the last sentence
must be placed on the "was" because he
is currently back in his hometown,
recovering from bullet wounds incurred
in a drug-related shooting. You see,
things in Vegas didn't work out too well
for Daniels.
After being admitted from ajunior col-
lege, Daniels had to try to apply his
third-grade reading skills at the college
level, according to a Sports Illustrated
article published May 22, 1989.
But Daniels spent his first year in "the
town that never sleeps" doing more than
hitting the books - he was hitting the
streets, too, according to the article.
Eventually, he ended up in a cocaine
deal that involved more than just the
usual participants: the cops also knew
about the deal and Daniels was busted
for trying to buy rock cocaine.
Since then, Daniels' life has been a
mess. He was thrown out of UNLV and,
according to Sports Illustrated, has been
thrown out of teams in both the
Continental Basketball Association and
in New Zealand.
Finally, he went back to the Big Apple
where he was shot three times for failing
to pay up on an $8 drug debt - the NYC
special, three slugs at roughly $2.67
The reason the NCAA is sticking its
nose into the affair is to investigate the
relationship Daniels had with Mark
Warkentien, UNLV's assistant basket-
ball recruiting coordinator. Apparently,
Warkentien became Daniels' legal
As guardian, Warkentien was free to
give his "son" gifts without breaking any
See ADOPTION, Page 27
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Ex-players: 'Sugar families' gave gifts
By Rick Taylor that"sugar families" have broken NCAA
a The Prospector rules by giving gifts to university bas-
U. of Texas, El Paso ketball players.
However, he said he intends to talk to
U. of Texas, El Paso Athletic Director players to warn them about possible
Brad Hovious has closed his investiga- NCAA violations.
tion, finding no proof of allegations See SUGAR FAMILY, Page 27
Animal rights has emerged as a
major issue during the '80s.
Experiments on live animals regular-
ly occur on university campuses,
where the debate has become partic-
ularly tense. The following accounts
focus on this topic of growingnational
Lab research
defended for
medical value
By Caroline Smith
Oregon Daily Emerald
U. of Oregon
Acting Associate Provost Pamela
Daener sips tea in her kitchen as her
four-year-old son, Chris, peers around
the corner.
He is sick, and Daener sends him back
to bed. As Chris slips out of the kitchen,
Daener warns him not to walk on his
He suffers from muscular dystrophy,
and the muscles along the back of his
legs are shortening.
According to Daener, the doctors who
diagnosed Chris' condition two years
ago say unless a cure is found, Chris will
die before he reaches the age of 20.
Both parents are active in helping
make that cure possible.
Daener's husband, Neil, a junior biol-
ogy major, plans to conduct research on
muscular dystrophy, and Daener sup-
ports the animal research she hopes will
save her son.
Daener is coordinating committee co-
chair of a campus group called the
Coalition for Animals andAnimal
Research (CFARR), a group formed last
year in response to an increasingly
potent animal rights movement.
The group's goals are to educate the
public about what it calls the "true
nature" of animal research and animal
researchers, support the "responsible
and humane" use of animals in biomed-
ical research, and promote development
and the use of alternatives to animals
in research.
According to Daener and others, ani-
mal rights groups have succeeded in
passing legislation that has slowed the
progress of medical research in areas
such as AIDS and organ transplanta-
Radical animal rights activists, she
says, want all animal research stopped
or to take place "in test tubes and lab
Although Daener expresses agree-
ment with some points made by animal
rights activists, she says their goals are
generally too radical.
"Animals deserve humane and decent
treatment," Daener says. "But I don't
believe putting an animal in a cage is
inhumane treatment."
Animal rights activists march on UCLA's campus as part of annual Animal Liberation week activities in April.
20 arrested for sit-in prote4
By Steve Macauley
Daily Bruin
U. of California, Los Angeles
Twenty members of the anti-vivisec-
tion group Last Chance for Animals
(LCA) were arrested at UCLA's Murphy
Hall on trespassing charges, ending the
first day of protests during April's annu-
al World Laboratory Animal Liberation
Two members were arrested on felony
charges of assaulting a police officer.
Those charged with trespassing were
released on their own recognizance,
while the protesters charged with
assault were booked and taken to the
West Hollywood sherriff's station, said
Rich Elbaum, a public information offi-
cer for the Center for Health Sciences.
The protesters refused to leave
Chancellor Charles Young's office unless
he responded to a letter requesting that
UCLA fire nine researchers for "misus-
ing millions of taxpayers' dollars and
pointless animal experiments."
The letter was orginally sent to Albert
Barber, vice chancellor for research pro-
In a prepared statement, Barber said
the demand was "totally without merit,"
and "UCLA strongly supports the work
of these prominent researchers."
The LCA protest, one of many which
took place nationwide during Animal
Liberation Week, began at 10 a.m. as
about 130 members gathered near the
UCLA Medical Center's main entrance.
The group carried posters of cats alleged-
ly mutliated during experiments and
placards calling for a halt to animal
About 70 members of a pro-animal
research group, the Coalition forAnimals
and Animal Research (CFAAR), gath-
ered nearby with posters and signs sup-
porting research. Morning traffic slowed
as drivers craned their heads to read slo-
gans the two groups carried.
LCAhas found no evidence supporting
researchers' claims that they are looking
for alternatives to animal experiments,
spokesman Jack Carone said.
Pointing to medical buildings under
construction, Carone said they are proof
that science is not moving away from the
use of live animals in researcl
He called the buildings e
"vivisection factories" and said
tribute to "scientific masturba
The arguments LCA membe
support their position ranged
entific to moral. Some saic
resarch is not applicable ti
medicine; others, that human
right to murder other living crE
advance science.
Most protesters said they be
arguments are equally compel
"If it was constructive re
would support it. But it's just
said LCA member the Re
Thacker. His wife and both o:
dren have muscular dystroph
believes animal research can d
to find a cure.
"There aren't enough cor
between human and non-hu
mals to justify the torture," Tha
After LCA protesters pa
CFAAR crowd, the pro reseaz
marched behind the anti-vi
activists and chanted "Resew
Ignorance, no."
I - * !i * AL ~ -
Arizona State U. ...A zoology student
saidin April that she was withdraw-
ing from the university out of horror
over animal research projects con-
ducted in her classes within her cur-
riculum. "I've had nightmares about
the experiments," said Michelle
Woodburn, a graduate student
studying biology. Members of
Woodburn's Basic Physiology class
perform vivisction on live rabbits
after administering anesthetic. The
class' instructor, zoology Professor
Jeff Hazel, defended the experi-
ments and said Woodburn had been
offered other options. "I told her to
watch an experiment and if she still
had problems with doing the proce-
dure to come and talk to me," he said.
"I understand she has a problem
with doing the experiment but it
doesn't warrant withdrawing from
the university." Lori Zubalik, The
State Press, Arizona St. U.
California Polytechnic St. U....An
anomymous student came fo
his student paper this sums
protest the decapitation of Iiy
in chemistry classes. "We first
swing the rat by the tail, knock
head against the table, to s
before we decapitated it," the s
said. U. officials confirmed tha
dreds of rats and mice are bre
year for experimentation by v
classes and that a small numb
killed. :Lynne Hasselman, M
Daily, California Polytechnic
Rain set the stage for a rugby match between U. of Idaho and Washington State U.