Page 2- The Michigan Daily -Monday, April 10, 1989
Few minorities attend abortion rights
demonstration in
Washington D.C.
ple of all ages from across the nation
converged in Washington yesterday
to march for abortion rights and
women's equality, but very few were
Howard University junior Lacey
Wyatt, who has attended several
marches in the past, said, "Unless
it's a civil rights march, minorities
are never well represented."
She said most of the people of
color at the march were from Howard
Michelle Phillips, a marcher from
New Jersey, found out about the
march from a pamphlet at work. She
said the lack of minorities may have
been a result of working people not
getting information.
But Rebecca Helem, a marcher
from Philadelphia said, "For reasons
that are historic, women of color do
not show up at these rallies."
She said that although women of
color were the basis of the feminist
movement, they now feel excluded.
"Feminists do not embrace the fight
against racism."
Helem suggested that the Na-
tional Organization for Women, the
sponsor of the march, should have
included racism on the agenda be-
cause women of color are the most
affected by the abortion issue.
"Statistically, women of color
have more abortions than white
women," said Helem.
Leslie Cambel, a senior at the
George School in Pennsylvania, said
she and her friends noticed that most
of the marchers were from colleges
and that minorities are underrepre-
sented at colleges.
She also said working people
may not have had the time or money
Continued from Page 1
According to the pamphlet, a fe-
tus feels pain, responds to touch,
sucks its thumb, swims with a
natural swimmer's stroke, and grabs
an instrument placed in its palm
eight weeks after conception.
Faith McKenna, an anti-
abortionist who had an abortion, said
she knows from experience what
abortion does to a woman and her
McKenna said she doesn't think
making abortion illegal would stop
all women from getting one. But
just as murder and drugs should not
be made legal because they occur,
neither should abortion, she said.
Reiba Neiting, 13, was one of the
youngest anti-abortionists at the
"I'm with my dad, and we're
against abortion," she said..
Continued from Page 1
year student Sami Abdo said the
protesters wanted to know why
Duderstadt, "is mentioned as hon-
orary chair of a fundraising dinner
that funnels money to both the oc-
cupied territories and within the
green line. It establishes military
outposts and settlements on land
stole and expropriated from the in-
digenous population, that is from
Despite having his name as on
the invitation as an honorary chair,
Duderstadt did not attend the dinner.
Instead, he attended the alumni
satellite linkup at his home yester-
The protesters began their march
from the Union to the Campus Inn
where the fundraiser was held. At the
hotel, they were met by a group of
20 counter-protesters who sang the
Israeli national anthem.
"The JNF is a good thing and
these people are misrepresenting it,"
said Ben Brosilow, an organizer of
the counterprotest. "We are here to
show the truth about the JNF."
LSA sophomore Ben Baskin,
one of the counterprotesters, said,
"The JNF of America has no racist
development policies. It develops for
all the inhabitants of the land."
The two groups, who were
shouting slogans at each other,
moved from the front of the hotel to
the driveway. At that point, hotel
manager Daniel Walker ordered hotel
security to chain the hotel's front
Walker also called the Ann Arbor
police, who monitored the scene
from a distance.
"Picketing in front of the hotel
is fine, but blocking the driveway is
another thing," said Walker.
The protesters who stood on
both sides of the driveway shouted,
"JNF is planting trees. They want
Arabs on their knees. But we are
here to make it known, Palestine is
our home."
The counter-protesters also
shouted slogans and passed out "We
are all Zionists" pins to the arriving
Protesters gathered around
Political Science Professor Raymond
Tanter as he arrived for the dinner
and yelled, "Don't go! Don't go!"
Inside, Tanter said he was glad to see
University students exercising their
freedom of expression.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) also at the dinner, said, "I am
here to honor (U.S. Rep.) Carl
Pursell, who has raised tremendous
amounts of money for the Univer-
sity." Baker declined comment on
whether he supported the JNF.
Continued from Page 1
"(The merchants) want the Uni-
versity to be more communicative
with them, when situations such as
these might arise," Pellerito said.
"They felt the police did not consult
with them before Monday night and
they thought the University sat aside
and let it happen."
Pellerito said University officials
met with police department and city
officials as well as the mayor before
Monday night.
He said the merchants were con-
cerned about the University's inabil-
ity to control student drinking and
the use of controlled substances by
Although no special meeting be-
tween city officials and University
administrators has been set to dis-
cuss the issue, onesof the quarterly.
policy meetings is set for this week.
Borgsdorf said he expected the S.'
University incident to dominate
Borgsdorf said the financially-
strapped city - currently facing a
budget deficity of about $2.8 million
- will have to cut from other areas
in order to cover the costs. "We'll
simply cut back in one area to pay
the bills."
Vice President for Government
Relations Richard Kennedy agreed
with Borgsdorf that the city and
University must work harder to deal
with these type of issues.
"We should get together as a
community. It's not like we haven't
had incidents like this before,"
Kennedy said, adding that the riots of
the '70s were worse than the bedlam
at S. University.
Many protests in the early '70s
resulted in damage to city and pri-
vately-owned property.
Two former mayors said the city
never requested money from the
University to foot the bills for stu-
dent protests during their terms in
Sam Eldersveld, former mayor
and University political science pro-
fessor, said the current disagreement
over payment between the city and
the University is not a sign of a
worsening relationship.
"No, this does not signal a rup-
ture between the city and the
University," he said. "The city is
just in a tough financial situation.
They need the money from wherever
they can get it."
- Daily News Staffer Noah
Finkel and The Associated Press
contributed to this story.
to come.
Helem wore a sign declaring "End
sexist, racist, homophobic oppres-
sion of women" and said as a Black
lesbian she feels even more op-
pressed. She added that feminists are
more likely to support the gay rights
movement rather than the movement
against racism.
A group of women from
Philadelphia said they were rallying
to show that lesbians support het-
erosexual women and their fight for
abortion rights, and that they may be
affected by the issue by incest or
Scheduling classes and charting a
career path can be a confusing expe-
rience, and for first-year students, it
can be even more overwhelming.
But often, getting advice from
someone who has been through the
same type of problems helps.
Since 1985, the Comprehensive
Studies Mentorship Program has
employed University alumni to help
new students with classes and offer
advice for their careers. During a
presentation at the University's
Alumni Center yesterday, alumni
mentors received medallions and cer-
tificates for their work.
The program was launched by
CSP Counselor Lola Jones to help
new University students establish a
rapport with professionals working
in their field of interest and to relieve
the tensions of being a new student.
Although the program was set up
for minority students, it is open to
all students, said Jones.
LSA sophomore Erika Diete-
Spiff, who is interested in business
administration, finds the program
"Since my freshman year I've had
a mentor. She has taught me to set
priorities and the advice she gave me
has helped a lot," she said. Diete-
Spiff called her mentor "a role model
in the field I want to pursue."
Regina Myrick, a LSA commu-
nications senior, also benefitted from
the program. "My mentor is always
there for an encouraging word. He's
suggested courses and professors
(that he had) for me to take."
But Myrick did find one drawback
with the program. "I think they
should make it mandatory for
mentees to meet with their mentors
more often. As of now, only once a
term is required."
Social Work Prof. Howard Brab-
son, who received a medallion for
his four years as a mentor, said, "In
faculty we get so involved with re-
search that we forget that our main
purpose of existing is to prepare
students for the future."
Brabson said the program has
been very rewarding for both men-
tors and students. "I have been doing
this since 1970 on my own -
working with minority students. I
saw a need for this."
CSP organizers plan to include
more faculty and staff members as
mentors this fall, said Jones.
Your choice of
location in
Detroit Metro Area
Work as much as
you want.
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Soviet soldiers charge protestors
MOSCOW - Soldiers wielding shovels and clubs charged thousands
of nationalist demonstrators in the capital of Soviet Georgia yesterday, a
duty officer of the Tbilisi city executive committee said. The clash killed
16 people and injured 100, official sources said.
Tension has been building since Tuesday, when thousands of hunger-
strikers and protestors began pressing demands for Georgian independence
from the Soviet Union. The Georgian nationalists also accused the
Kremlin of fomenting unrest among Georgia's ethnic Abkhazians, who
are demanding more autonomy.
Unofficial sources said yesterday many soldiers and tanks were still in
the streets, and there were reports more were arriving.
Authorities detained at least five activists, according to relatives. The
five had been among the leaders of pro-independence rallies, which ac-
tivists said had brought up to 100,000 people to the central square of
Tbilisi over the past several days.
Nuclear submarine explodes, kills 48
MOSCOW - Soviet officials said yesterday that 48 sailors were
killed when a nuclear-powered submarine caught fire and exploded in the
Norwegian Sea. They disclosed that two torpedoes on board were armed
with nuclear warheads.
The vessel went down in international waters 120 miles southwest of
Norway's Bear Island and about 310 miles west of Tromsoe, on Norway's
northern coast.
The official Tass news agency said the design of the warheads com-
pletely rules out radiation threat during large-depth submergence. To en-
sure radiation safety, the nuclear-powered engine was stopped and the
power unit was effectively shut off.
The Soviets officially informed Norway of the accident nearly nine
hours after the vessel went down. The Norwegian news agency NTB
claimed Norwegian rescue helicopters could have reached the ship several
hours before Soviet fishing vessels if the Soviets had promptly asked for
South Africa promises SWAPO
'safe passage' from Namibia
WINDHOEK, Namibia - South Africa agreed yesterday to allow
Black nationalist guerillas safe passage from northern Namibia to Angola
in an offer aimed at preserving plans for Namibia's independence. There
was no comment from the South West African People's Organization, or
SWAPO, which has been fighting for independence since 1966.
South Africa contends SWAPO has sent more than 1,900 guerillas
into northern Namibia from Angola since April 1 in violation of a re-
gional peace accord that requires them to remain at bases at least 100
miles inside Angola.
SWAPO, however, maintains that the guerillas were inside Namibia
prior to April and should be allowed to set up bases in the territory.
Some U.N. officials have suggested that SWAPO field commanders
were of the understanding that their units could return to Namibia begin-
ning April 1 and set up bases there. Several captured guerillas have said
they returned to Namibia in search of U.N. personnel and expected no
Israeli troops kill 2 Palestinians
JERUSALEM - Soldiers fatally shot two Palestinians during clashes
in the occupied territories yesterday, including a 12-year-old boy and a 60-
year-old man who attacked a soldier with a pitchfork.
In the Gaza Strip village of Jabaliya, Mahmoud Dib Nabhan, 12, died
of a plastic bullet would to the chest and six other youths were injured
when the army responded with gunfire to a firebomb attack, Arab reports
11 Palestinians were wounded in violence that came on the second day
of a general strike in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, the reports
said. The strike was called to mark the 17th month of the uprising, in
which at least 422 Palestinians and 18 Israelis have been killed.
Veterinarian recommends
transcendental pet care
TAKOMA PARK, Md - Take away Fido's bowl of gravy-laden
goodies and treat him instead to a dollop of yogurt or some steamed
broccoli. And if Yappy is bothered by fleas, try using a collar soaked in
eucalyptus oil or sprinkling garlic on her supper.
This prescription for happy, healthy pets is written by Dr. Monique
Maniet, a Belgian-born veterinarian who practices holistic medicine for
ailing dogs and cats.
If Fido is suffering from swollen joints, she might inject some
honeybee venom. If he's uptight about missing his usual breakfast of red
meat, she might calm him with a herbal tranquilizer of black conosh and
passion flowers.
"Research has shown that our pets can benefit from the same holistic
care that we are learning to give to ourselves," Dr. Maniet says, speaking
in a soft French accent.
dibe £bja4~a
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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