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April 10, 1989 - Image 1

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1£ ir rn ai
Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 130 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Monday, April 10, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily



be named
'M' coach
Michigan interim basketball
coach Steve Fisher will be named
head coach at a press conference
scheduled for 11 a.m. today at
Crisler Arena.
Athletic Director Bo Schembech-
ler did not interview any other
candidates before offering Fisher the
job. Terms of the deal were not
available last night, but most
Michigan coaches have one-year
hand-shake agreements.
The University's Board of Re-
gents is expected to approve Fisher
at its April meeting.
Fisher and Schembechler were
unavailable for comment.
"I don't think anybody knows
who the next head coach is going to
be," Michigan assistant Brian
Dutcher said. "The only people who
know would be Bo, (Associate Ath-
letic Director Jack Weidenbach), and
Steve. Steve would be the only one
who would tell me and I haven't
heard a thing.
"If (the naming) is happening to-
day, then it is great, not only for
him, but for Michigan basketball as
Schembechler had made it clear
throughout the Wolverines' NCAA
tournament run that he would not
make any decision until the tourna-
ment had ended.
Schembechler and Fisher met
twice last week to discuss the
coaching vacancy, once on Wednes-
day and again on Friday.
"Steve Fisher is a class person,
See Fisher, Page 12

About 150 angry pro-Palestinian
protestors shouted "Shame! Shame!"
at guests arriving at the Jewish Na-
tional Fund's $150-a-plate dinner
last night.
"We are protesting the JNF be-
cause of its discriminatory land
policies," said Nuha Khoury, a
member of the Palestine Solidarity
Committee and Rackham graduate
student. Khoury said the purpose of
the demonstration was to show soli-
darity with Palestinians in the occu-
pied territories.
The protesters also took issue
with the JNF's selection of Univer-
JESSICsity President James Duderstadt as
outside Ann Arbor'Honorary Chairperson. LSA first-
See dinner, Page 2

Members of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee protest the dinner sponsored by the Jewish National Fund last night
Campus Inn. About 150 people protested the dinner, but were countered by about 20 pro-Israel demonstrators.

JNF hosts 'tree of life' awards dinner

Several University officials attended the
Jewish National Fund's "Tree of Life Award
Dinner," honoring U.S. Congress member
Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth), at Ann Arbor's
Campus Inn last night.
Members of several local pro-Palestine
groups, however, protested University offi-
cials' attendance outside the event, saying
they were favoring one side of the Arab-Israeli
Though President James Duderstadt's name
is on the event's program as one of the Hon-
orary Chairs, he did not attend. Instead, the
President addressed alumni groups yesterday
during a televised satellite hookup.
Assistant to the President :Shirley Clark-

son said earlier in the week that "the President
had never planned to go to the dinner - his
name should not have been on the program."
But JNF staff member Howard Ingram said
yesterday, "No name appears on the program
unless there was agreement."
Ingram would not say whether the Presi-
dent intended to join the dinner.
Khoury, one of the protesters outside the
Campus Inn yesterday, said the PSC was
protesting the dinner because they wanted to
make people aware of the JNF's policies.
"They (the JNF) are taking lands that be-
long to Palestine and they are giving and de-
veloping them to benefit only the Jewish cit-
izens of Israel," said Khoury. About 150
people, mostly students, protested the JNF

About 20 people counterprotested in sup-
port of the JNF.
"The protest that PSC is doing is unfair
- it doesn't look at all the facts. The JNF
has no policy of favoring Jews over Arabs,"
said Tagar president, Keith Hope, a LSA se-
nior and counterprotester.
University Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs Charles Vest, also listed on
the program as being on the dinner commit-
tee, did not attend. Vest was also present at
the alumni satellite linkup.
University Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor), and Vice President for Research Linda
Wilson, however, both attended the JNF din-

"I'm here to honor Carl Pursell," said
Baker. "He has been a strong supporter for the
University in obtaining research funds and for
several of the schools."
Wilson said she went to the dinner because
she works with Pursell and agreed that "he
has been a good supporter of the Universities
Political Science Prof. Raymond Tanter,
who teaches a class on the Arab-Israeli con-
flict, said people came to the dinner as indi-
viduals and not to represent the University.
"I'm proud to take part of this enterprise. I
don't speak for the University. If Pro-Arab
students had some function, I'd be happy to
take part as well," said Tanter.

More than0 drawn to
More than 100
protesters defend
fetal rights
WASHINGTON, D.C. - People are misguided in
thinking that a fetus is not a human being, said anti-
abortion activists counter-protesting yesterday's rally
to defend abortion rights.
"Four thousand lives are taken each day (by abor-
tion). It's worse than the Holocaust," said Laura Pen- -
nesather, a resident of Virginia and one of about 100
anti-abortion activists attending the march. "If I have
to die to stop abortion, that's fine."
Pro-choice ralliers, who marched past the scattered "
group of anti-abortionists, chanted, "Pro-life, who are
they kidding? They're pro-war and anti-women." -
And as the yelling started to get louder, the anti- 4
abortionists responded, "Equal rights for unborn chil- n fA
dren." n
"It's not just a mother anymore. There are two R
people now," said anti-abortionist Tom Ehart, a resi-
dent of Greenbelt, Maryland. He said because he had -
relatives killed in World War I and a grandfather in a
Nazi concentration camp, every human life is sacred to
him. He added that although thousands of people at the
rally believe women have the right to kill their babies,
many strongly disagree.
Among the literature that the anti-abortionists tried
to distribute to the marchers, was a pamphlet that Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators rallied in Washington D.C. to show supprt f
traced the developmental landmarks of a fetus.
See Protest, Page 2

D.C. for


rally in D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Echoing through the
streets of the Capitol yesterday, the voices of more
than 600,000 pro-choice demonstrators chanted, "We
will never go back again."
During the march, sponsored by the National Orga-
nization for Women, pro-choice activists called on the
nation to defend abortion rights and fight for women's
More than half of the marchers were college stu-
dents from around the country.
Later this month, the Supreme Court will hear
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, the case that
could overturn the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe v.
Wade, which legalized abortion.
"It's ridiculous that we would want to roll back to
decades ago when abortion was illegal," said Univer-
sity of Michigan nursing school junior Lisa Wallace,
one of the large number of University students who
participated in the march. "It's already happened in
Michigan with Propositon A."
"If we're not going to fight who will?" asked Jackie
Kadanoff, an RC senior.
Two buses from the Ann Arbor NOW chapter and
one bus from the Ann Arbor Tenants Union brought
University students and Ann Arbor residents to the
march, which started at noon yesterday.
Catherine Brighton, a student from Smith College
in Massachusetts, said over eight busloads of students
- most of the student body - came to the march.
She asked, "How could we responsibly not be here?"
Pat Nolen, a finance junior at University of New
Hampshire, shouted, "The Supreme Court should mind
its own uterus."
Carrying signs with slogans such as "Keep your
laws off my body" and "Rapists make lousy fathers,"
banging pots and pans, dancing, and singing, the
protesters marched from the Washington Monument
down Constitution Avenue to a rally at the Capitol
"I will make it my job to make sure we have safe,
clean abortions," said actress Whoopi Goldberg, one of

Associated Press
or abortion rights.

South U. melee may result in more INSIDE

city/University communication

LSA faculty members oppose ed-

Those who rushed onto S. University
Ave. after Monday night's NCAA cham-
pionship, did more than celebrate Michi-
gan's first national basketball champi-
onship. They did $78,000 worth of dam-
} age to the area's businesses, according to
O *,L A ai iior:t~ T. NA- TITd 0 rA-...f

the scene.
City officials said they want the Uni-
versity to foot the bill for the damages to
city property and overtime. But University
President James Duderstadt said the Uni-
versity will not pay.
Pete Pellerito, the University's senior

Many city council members and the
mayor have said they want the University
to contribute more money for services
such as fire and police protection. The
University, which owns 17 percent of the
city's property, does not pay property
Pih it nfi ir ni IUniversrity nd-t

See Opinion, Page 4
lives up to its name.
See Arts, Page 9

Dead Calm1

Michigan's men's tennis estab-
lished itself as the favorite in the
Big Ten this weekend.

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