The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 10, 1989 - Page 3
University President James Dud-
erstadt addressed more than 10,000
Michigan alumni live from his liv-
ing room during a nationwide broad-
cast via satellite yesterday.
Duderstadt spoke about the
Michigan Mandate, his plan to in-
crease minority recruitment on cam-
pus, and other University issues
during the hour-long program.
The satellite linked Ann Arbor to
50 sites around the country, where
more than 100 alumni chapters
viewed the broadcast.
Alumni Executive Director Bob
Forman said the broadcast cost the
Alumni Association around $50,000
and cost local alumni chapters $300
to receive the downlink of the satel-
lite transmission.
The broadcast - the first alumni
program of its kind - also featured
a pre-videotaped tour of the Presi-
dent's House narrated by Ann
Duderstadt, the president's wife, and
a newsreel showing highlights from
Duderstadt's tenure.
After Duderstadt spoke, Univer-
sity figures discussed issues such as
the quality of undergraduate educa-
tion and the public's perception of
the University.
Participants included Athletic Di-
rector Bo Schembechler, Provost and
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Charles Vest, LSA junior Sangita
Rao, Forman, and Judge Geraldine
Ford, a University alumna.
At the University's Alumni Cen-
ter, about 75 alumni anxiously
awaited for the show to begin,
counting down as the seconds ticked
closer to 5:00.
"Let's all say a silent prayer and
keep our fingers crossed," said Bill
Colburn, associate executive director
of the Alumni Association.
"This was an extraordinary op-
portunity to talk about the Univer-
sity and the things we're trying to do
here to our alumni leaders across the
country," Forman said.
Colburn said more than 170,000
invitations were mailed to alumni
clubs across the country.
"The interest increases as the dis-
tance from Ann Arbor increases. In
Seattle and California, people are.
excited, but in Southfield they're
rather blas6," Colburn said.
Director of Alumnae Activities
Jean Cobb said she hoped the satel-
lite link-up would become an annual
University event.
Colburn said the same satellite
uplink that is used for Michigan
basketball games was used for yes-
terday's broadcast.
Last week at the University of
Michigan, LSA faculty members
voted down a proposal to make a
class on race, ethnicity, and gender
required for graduation.
At Michigan State University,
the opposite happenned. A new plan
called Institutional Diversity: Excel-
lence in Action (IDEA) was un-
veiled. The plan's objective is to
fight discrimination, and it includes
six hours of classes on national and'
multi-cultural diversity, among other
While unveiling the plan, MSU
President John DiBaggio told the
students that he would not tolerate
any form of racism, overt or other-
On Thursday, MSU Prof. Lash
Larrowe's column in the student
newspaper and his comments on na-
tional television news provided mi-
nority students with a chance to test
the president's pledge.
Larrowe was accused of being a
I of racism
racist because of his article titled,
"Put Racism In Its Place: Part
Two," in which he criticized the
Rev. Julius Lester.
Darius Peyton, spokesperson for
MSU's Black Student Leaders Al-
liance said, "We felt the article was
very racist."
Darius said the president made a
pledge not to tolerate racism, and
"we are letting him know that the
article was offensive. It is not upon
the students to act - it is upon the
Darius said the comment made by
Larrowe on television only served to
clarify and enhance the fact that he is
When asked why there were so
few Blacks in his class on Detroit's
WDIV, Larrowe responded that it
was too tough for them.
Larrowe was suspended from
MSU's State News, but his column
will begining running next Friday.
time to think about the problem, we
felt we owed that to the minority
community," said State News Edi-
tor-in-Chief Kelley Root.
Root added that Larrowe had
written an apology to be printed in
today's newspaper.
"My column was not racist. I was
critising a public figure and he hap-
pened to be Black," Larrowe said.
While Larrowe denied that his
column was not racist, he agreed that
the comment to the TV news re-
porter was racist, saying "If I were in
the students-minority-shoes I would
rally to have the person fired - I
just wish I was not the target."
He added that he had just read a
letter by MSU minority students to
DiBaggio, calling him a "ranting,
raving racist... and that ticked me
off. I lost my cool and I am apolo-
gizing for it."
Although Lash made a public
apology on television, he said he
thinks the students do not accept it
Classical Dance JESSICA GREENE /Dolly
South Indian classical dancer Aruna Kumar performs Thillana, a
dance that includes coordination of eye, neck and facial movements
along with flowing arm gestures and intricate foot movements.
"We wanted to give ourselves and want him fired.
Personal and property crimes rise in 1988
WASHINGTON (AP) -,- Car thefts and
burglaries jumped at least 9 percent in 1988
as personal and household crime went up 1.8
percent for the second straight year, the Jus-
tice Department said yesterday.
The increase in the overall number of of-
fenses during the last two years reversed a
five-year decline in crimes reported by victims
to the National Crime Survey, the department
"The increase reverses a declining trend
that began in 1981," said Joseph Besette, act-
ing director of the department's Bureau of
Justice Statistics, which conducts the survey.
"Crime rates reached their lowest levels in
1986, when there were fewer offenses for
most categories than at any time since the
National Crime Survey commended in 1973,"
he said in a statement.
Preliminary results for 1988 showed a 1.2
percent increase in personal crimes, including
rape, robbery, assault and theft.
Household crimes went up 2.6 percent
from 1987, the study said.
In this category, there was a 6.3 percent
increase in burglary, including a 9 percent
jump in completed break-ins. The survey also
found a 2.6 percent decline in attempted
forcible entries.
Motor vehicle thefts went up 9.6 percent
from 1.4 million to 1.6 million, according to
the study.
The growth in crime last year may have
arisen in apart from an increase in the na-
tion's population, the department said.
The survey of 99,000 people over age 12
in 49,000 households is conducted every six
months by U.S. Census Bureau representa-
tives to determine who has become a crime
The figures are based in crimes reported by
the victims to the survey, not to police au-
thorities. Those surveyed are asked if the
crimes were reported to the police.
The survey found that 36 percent of all
crimes were reported to law enforcement offi-
cials. Victims reported 47 percent of violent
crimes and 39 percent of household crimes,
the survey found.
The survey found a 12.8 percent increase
in rapes, but the result was not considered
statistically significant, the department said.
There was also a 9.3 percent decrease in rapes
reported to the police.
The study also showed a 6 percent increase
in assaults, including a 9.3 percent jump in
aggravated assaults.
Overall, the number of crimes reported to
the survey increased from 35.3 million in
1987 to 35.9 million, a 1.8 percent increase.
Speakers condemn U.S. occupation of Honduras
"We will not allow ourselves to
die of hunger," Gladys Lanza, a
Honduran labor organizer, told an
audience of about 50 in Rackham
Amphitheater last night.
Lanza said Honduras is occupied
by the U.S.military, the contras and
the Honduran army. She said that
though hunger and disease are in-
creasing, the U.S. provides mainly
military aid.
Dr. Juan Almendares, a Honduran
physician and physiologist, and for-
mer president of the National Uni-
versity of Honduras, told the audi-
ence about the health crisis in Hon-
Almendares said the infant mor-
tality rate is one of the world's
He said, "The most dangerous
pesticides are used wildly," including
those banned in the U.S., like DDT.
He objected to U.S. television
showing U.S. soldiers helping Hon-
durans when it is they who brought
AIDS and penicillan-resistant
gonorrhea to Honduras. He said
Honduras has the highest AIDS rate
in the hemisphere.
Almendares said Hondurans do
not want their country to be occu-
pied. He noted that Honduras is the
only Latin American country where
the U.S. embassy has been burned.
Lanza's analysis was similar.
"We have landing strips for war
planes, radar for spying, torturers in
the Honduran army trained by the
United States. This is not a message
of peace. How can we believe the
U.S. wants peace?" she said.
"We have a right to a better life."
she declared. "Our objective is to ar-
rive at your hearts. We need your
Phillis Engelbert, an organizer of
the event, said, "The country is
basically being destroyed... all our
country is sending the military, cre-
ating new military bases in Hon-
duras in order to provide the U.S.
with a launching pad for attacks on
other countries."
The event's main sponsor was the
University's Public Health Student
"The U.S. government wants to keep the Contras in our country in
spite of the injustices that we suffer," said Gladys Lanza, right, who
spoke last night. On her left is translator Janet Melvin.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Asian American Association -
Trotter House, 7 pm.
Amnesty International Campus
Group - 439 Mason Hall, 7:30
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate - 1200
CCRB, 7:30-8:30 pm. Beginners
U of M Taekwondo - 2275 CCRB,
6:30-8:15 pm. Beginners Welcome.
U of M Fencing - Sports Coli-
seum, 6-8 pm.
Peer Writing Tutors - 611
Church St. Computing Center, 7-
11 pm. ECB trained.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
- Mon-Fri, 11 am-5 pm. Fourth
floor, Lobby Michigan Union. Free
tax help.
Northwalk - Sun-Thur, 9 pm-1
am. Call 763-WALK or stop by
3224 Bursley.
Safewalk - Sun-Thur, 8 pm-1:30
am; Fri-Sat, 8-11:30 pm. Call 936-
1000 or stop by 102 UGLi.
English Peer Counseling - 4000A
Michigan Union, 7-9 pm. Help
with papers or other English re-
lated questions.
Free Film Series: "Fahrenheit 451"
- MLB, Aud. 3, 7 pm.
Open House For Latino Students
Involved in Latino Community at
U of M - Women's Studies
Lounge, 236 W. Engineering, 7:30
pm. Refreshments served.
Inside Out - At the Beat, doors
open at 9:30 pm.
All items for the weekday list must be mailed or delivered to us at 420
Maynard at least three days before your upcoming event. There will be no
previews of any kind, and all items for Weekend Magazine must be delivered
the Friday before publication.
The Michigan Daily misidentified Kenan Akfirat in an article Friday. He is a
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