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April 06, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-06

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 6, 1989

F1 er
Continued from Page 1
taken to ensure the safety of office
members," she said.
Members of the Latin American
Solidarity Committee were unavail-
able for comment. However, in a
statement released last night, the or-
ganization condemned the act and
called on. the University to take im-
mediate action.
"The racism and bigotry which
thrive on this campus must not be
tolerated. This underscores the need
for widespread anti-racisn education

on campus," the statement read.
In a press release, UCAR called
for the University to publicly con-
demn acts of harassment and vio-
lence; increase security at the Baker-
Mandela Center and at offices of
people of color; and publicize proce-
dures for and results of investiga-
tions of racial incidents.
Delro Hatris, chair of the MSA
Minority Affairs Committee, said "It,
is unfortunate that the situation
should reach this point before it is
taken seriously."
In a separate incident, Ransby
said it was reported to the Baker-
Mandela Center that a Black youth
from the community was beaten by
a group of white men during the
NCAA victory riot Monday night.
"I will push for President Duder-
stadt to investigate thoroughly this
incident," said MSA president Aaron
Williams, who said he "whole-
heartedly" supports UCAR on this
In light of this most recent mci-
dent of racist violence on campus,
UCAR has called for a press confer-
ence tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the Pond
Room of the Michigan Union. The
organization has requested the pres-
ence of University President Duder-
stadt and Vice-Provost Charles
Moody. Duderstadt declined com-
ment, and Moody was unavailable
last night.

Valdez captain faces
negligence charges

VALDEZ, Alaska (AP) - The
captain of the Exxon Valdez surren-
dered to police yesterday, and salvage
crews freed the tanker from the reef
that ripped its hull and spilled more
than 10 million gallons of crude oil.
In Washington, Sen. Alan
Cranston and Rep. Mel Levine ac-
cused the federal government of cov-
ering up the possibility of a major
spill and the ineffectiveness of clean-
up technology.
Clean-up crews continued to skim
mayonnaise-thick oil from Prince
William Sound, but progress was
slow and the oil had spread over an
area larger than Delaware. The ani-
mal death toll rose and salmon
hatcheries remained endangered.
Oil has floated over 2,600 square
miles, soiled 800 miles of beach and
killed thousands of animals.
Favorable weather, however, has
kept it offshore from a national park
and additional coastline outside
Prince William Sound.
Flow through the Alaskan
pipeline returned to its normal daily
flow of 2.1 million barrels yester-
day, the Alyeska Pipeline Service
Co. said.
In New York, fired tanker captain
Joseph Hazelwood surrendered to
police and a judge set his bail at
$500,000, up from a prosecutor's
recommendation of $25,000. lie had
been sought since Saturday on a
fugitive warrant on misdemeanor
charges of operating the tanker while

"These misdemeanors are of such
a magnitude that hashnever been
equaled, at least in this country,"
Judge Kenneth Rohl said as Hazel-
wood was arraigned. "He's got to
think about that. We have a man-
made destruction that has not been
equaled, probably since Hiroshima."
Hazelwood is charged with
operating a ship while under the in-
fluence of alcohol, reckless endan-
germent, and negligent discharge of
oil. The charges carry a combined
maximum penalty of 24 years in
prison and a $10,000 fine.
FBI officials in Washington say
they are also investigating whether
Hazelwood could be charged with
felony violations of the Clean Water
Act, which prohibits negligent dis-
charge of pollutants into navigable
Hazelwood was fired by Exxon a
week after the National Transporta-
tion Safety Board said tests taken
about nine hours after the disaster
showed he was drunk.
Hazelwood has been arrested twice
for drunken driving and had his li-
cense suspended three times. His
mother told the Associated Press that
her son had undergone rehabilitation
and that Exxon. was aware of his
drinking problem.
Exxon said it has changed its
policy because of the spill and now
requires crew members to be aboard
ship, where drinking is prohibited,
four hours before sailing.

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Continued from Page 1
partment in the morning.
"They pushed him, they stole his
wallet," she said. "Nobody cared, the
(police officer) said 'sorry, call to-
morrow morning."'
The police at the scene said there
was little to do because the number
of people was so large. About 50
officers were at the scene, compared
to an estimated 7,000 in the crowd.
Police Sgt. Mark Jones said the
officers were concentrating on pre-
venting serious injury.
Andy Dryden, co-owner of Logos
bookstore, said she was upset by the
lack of police intervention. "It was
very disturbing to feel that the police
could do nothing to protect us."
Continued from Page 1
Last year, a rowdy crowd paid lit-
tle attention to University alumnus
Marshall Shulman of the Columbia
University's Averell Harriman Insti-
tute for Advanced Study of the So-
viet Union.
"We'll still drown him out, but at
least the University won't spend any
money," said LSA and Education
senior David Morris.


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"There wasn't an effective plan
ahead of time and that's what we
would like to happen in the future,"
she added. She said she was pleased
with the meeting.
Liz Mitchell, manager of the
Village Corner, agreed with Dryden.
"I think (the police department's) big
mistake was not expecting it to
Mitchell said because tape view-
.ings may lead to more arrests, the
merchants should not consider the
"event entirely over".
"In the short run it seems not
much was done, but I think it's a
little early to make that assump-
tion," she said.
The merchants will meet with
University community relations di-
rector Pete Pellerito on Friday
"I would have liked to have seen
somebody else, but considering he's
the new President, I guess that it's
okay," said LSA senior Julie
Graduation ceremonies are ex-
pected to cost $80,000, said Anita
Miller, coordinator of com-
mencement logistics. The cere-
monies have been moved to 10 a.m.
to help alleviate rowdiness, she said.
There was no student input into
the commencement speaker decision
because the Michigan Student As-
sembly was late in turning in its
applications for student representa-
tives on the honorary degree com-
mittee - which usually makes a
recommendation for a speaker to the
commencement committee.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Oil spill causes gas price hike
The Alaskan oil spill and a cutback by the organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries helped fuel a more than 10-cent rise in gasoline
prices in Michigan, industry officials and analysts said yesterday.
The average price of unleaded gasoline at self-serve pumps in Michigar
was $1.06 per gallon on Tuesday. A day earlier, the same fuel sold at
many stations for 96 to 97 cents a gallon.
The auto club said the jump, the sharpest in a decade, was partly a re-
action to reduced supplies to West Coast refineries.
Some officials called the price jump artificial and predicted rates would
stabilize as shock over the spill at Valdez, Alaska subsided.
C. Tobias of Benton Harbor, Mi. based Tobias Oil Co. called the in-
crease a knee-jerk reaction to the 10.5 million-gallon spill.
"The public is the one that's taking it on the chin." Tobias said.
"There's really nothing to substantiate this type of increase."
Bush expands weapon control
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration expanded its suspension
on imports of semiautomatic assault weapons yesterday and voiced regret
that American-made weapons could not be included.
The step widened a three-week old import ban to cover 24 foreign-made
models missed initially, said White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwa-
Fitzwater called the action, which took effect immediately, a
"midcourse correction" on the way to longer-range measures.
He said the new step should completely dry up the flow of foreign-
made semiautomatic weapons while an administration review continues.
The original suspension of imports, declared March 14 by the Treasury
Secretary Nicholas Brady, who oversees the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms, covered 80 percent of the imports. Yesterday's action was
designed to get at the remaining 20 percent, Fitzwater said.
CMU students protest min. wage
MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. - Several hundred Central Michigan
University student workers walked off their jobs yesterday to protest re-
ceiving only minimum wage, an organizer said.
But campus officials and other organizers said some students kept
working because they couldn't afford to sacrifice the pay to protest.
The Campus Coalition for Fair Pay, representing 4,300 student em-
ployees at the 17,000-student school, staged the protest to support a con-
gressional protest that would raise the federal minimum wage of $3.35 an,
hour, said organizer Jeff Johnston.
The student employees planned to return to work today after a univer-
sity official pledged to meet with them and address the pay issue, said
Johnston, a senior from Flushing who works at Hill Library.
Senator unveils plan to
safeguard state produce
LANSING - With recent scares over the health of American food
products still on consumers' minds, Senator Dan DeGrow, R-Port Huron,
yesterday unveiled a program designed to ensure the safety of Michigan
The project would add about $4.5 million to the state budget for the
fiscal year starting in October to beef up pesticide protections and reassure
consumers that Michigan food is safe.
"This program will help assure food buyers that Michigan products are
safe and healthy, and will make Michigan produce the most sought-after
in the country for its premium quality," said DeGrow.
DeGrow said the proposal was sparked by recent scares about chemi
cals found on Chilean fruit. But he said agriculture experts were already
discussing improvements in pesticide before then.
"The food supply in general in this state is safe," Agriculture Director
Paul Kinginger said. "This would expand our ability to look at that food
Stinky smell of skunk is
such a sensational scent
CHICAGO - Marilyn knew she was different: most people hold their
noses and roll up their windows when they drive past a dead skunk in the
middle of the road.
But she's always found something wonderful about that pungent,
musky, unmistakable scent.
"If you like the smell, you really like the smell. It isn't something
you can take or leave," Marilyn says of the skunk's scent. For most of
her 50 years, the suburban woman has reveled in the odor.

"Everybody else rolls up their windows," says one of her two daugh-
ters. "She rolls them down."
Marilyn began to wonder if there were others who shared her passion
so she ran the following ad in USA Today:
"My family and friends think I am the only person in the world that
likes the skunk scent. I would like to prove them wrong, so if you or
anyone you know likes the scent, please reply."
Within five weeks, she got 71 replies.
Kindred spirits can write Skunk Lovers. 931 S. Roselle Rd. Suite
128..Schaumburg,Ill. 60193.
EbE 0kdbtgan 1~ZUIQ
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550

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News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara
Gruzen, Kistine LaLonde, Jennifer Miller, Josh Mitnick, Fran Obeid, Gil Renberg, Micah Schmit, Stephen Schweiger, Noelle Shadwick,
Vera Songwe, Jessica Strick.
Opinion Staff: Bill Gladstone, Mark Greer, Susan Harvey, Rollie Hudson, Marc Klein, David Levin, Karen Miler, Mocha, Rebecca
Novick, Marcaa Ochoa, Hilary Shadroui, Gus Teschke.
Sports Staff: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cohen, Theodore Cox, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Mark Katz, Jodi Leichtman, Eric Lemont,
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Arts Staff: Greg Baise, Mary Beth Barber, Ian Campbel, Beth Couitt, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Greg Ferand,
Michaol Paul Fischer, Mke Fischer, Forrest Green, LiamF aherty, Margie Heinlen, Brian Jarvinen, Anyssa Katz, Leah Lagios,0. Mara
Lowenstein, Lisa Magnino, Marc Maier, Ami Mehta, Kristin Palm, Jay Pinka, Jilt Pisoni, Mike Rubin, Lauren Shapiro, Tony Silber,


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