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April 06, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-06

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Ninety- nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Thursday, April 6, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily




In the continuously escalating
wave of racial tension at the Univer-
3ity, another threatening flyer was
slipped under the doors of the Baker-
Mandela Center and the Latin Amer-
ican Solidarity Committee yesterday
"Faggots, niggers and spic
lovers- BEWARE! You have gone
beyond acceptable criticism. NEVER
AGAIN will you go unpunished,"
declared the hand-written, photo-
copied flyer.
This was the second anonymous
flyer to surface this week. The first
one called April "White Pride Time."
It said, "April 1 is April Fools Day.
This is when we tell all the minori-
ties that they have equal rights."
The flyer called for whites to
overcome Affirmative Action, grade
point stipends, and minorities
"invading our congress, schools, and
bus stops."
No one has claimed responsibility
for either flyer. Campus police re-
ports were filed after both incidents,
but security officers were not avail-
able for comment.
"This incident indicates the envi-
ronment on campus is leaning fur-
ther to the right with reactionary,
violent, racist behavior," said United
Coalition Against Racism member
Kimberly Smith in an exclusive in-
terview with the Daily.
She said such actions were in-
tended to intimidate students of color
who were working to challenge
racism on campus and challenge the
University to make changes in its
policies. "Extra precautions will be
See Flyers, Page 2

to speakat
A 25th anniversary and a late committee start con-
tributed to the University's choice of President James
Duderstadt as this year's commencement speaker.
Duderstadt was selected over two other candidates
because of his experience in several administrative
positions, and because the speech would give him an
opportunity to provide a "comprehensive review" of
his first year as University president, said Paul Boylan,
chair of the committee which chose the commence-
ment speaker.
This year also marks the 25th anniversary of
Duderstadt's graduation from Yale University.
"It seemed to be the best recommendation," said
Assistant Vice President Richard Kennedy, who said
the committee had started the selection process late -
just after the first of the year. Normally, the commit-
tee that organizes graduation ceremonies begins
searching for a commencement speaker a year in ad-
Along with Duderstadt, three honorary degree
recipients - educator Matina Horner, economist
Howard Raiffa and mathematician Isadore Singer --
will be asked to make brief comments to the graduat-
ing class.
The selection of Duderstadt is unusual for the Uni-
versity, which usually hosts notables from outside the
University community, but it is not unprecedented.
The last University president to give the com-
mencement address was James Burrell Angell, who
served from 1871-1909.
Reaction to the choice is mixed.
"It's a wonderful idea to have him speak," said John
Coleman, chair of the engineering graduation commit-
tee. "It will give him a real chance to state his views,"
he said, adding that the students have never really heard
him speak.
Engineering graduate student Ken Shepardson dis-
agreed. "Students on the campus have enough oppor-
tunity to hear him speak that it might be more inter-
esting to. hear someone from outside the campus with
different views on what's going on.
Many people said it doesn't matter who the speaker
is because students pay no attention anyway.
See Pres., Page 2

Capitalist Deadheads
Deadheads outside Crysler Arena sell food and drinks before yesterday's Greatful Dead Concert. The Dead will be
playing again tonight.
Police may use videotapes to
arrest more South U celebrants

Those who broke the law but escaped
arrest at Monday night's post-victory cele-
bration/mel6e on South U. may have
something to worry about. Ann Arbor is
considering using video tapes of the event
to identify lawbreakers with the intention
of making further arrests.
The Ann Arbor News reported that
Mayor Gerald Jernigan advised the police
department to look at photographs and
videotapes to identify lawbreakers. The

tapes may be run on community access
The News also reported that Police
Chief William Corbett said the University
should consider "kicking out of school"
students who had broken laws Monday
night. Corbett was unavailable for com-
About two dozen South University
merchants met with Corbett and Jernigan
yesterday to discuss the police depart-
ment's actions Monday night.

Many stores were vandalized and win-
dows broken. The awning and sign at the
China Gate restaurant were torn down and
part of the building set on fire. When
China Gate owner Hwang-June Jan tried to
break through the crowd to get to his
restaurant he was barred from the door,
shoved, hit, and his wallet was stolen.
China Gate manager Linda Lee said the
police would not take a report at the time
of the incident and told her to call the de-
See Riots, Page 2

Attorney buys
halfway house site

Polish Solidarity
restored; gov't.
will hold elections

The Varsity House Motel, the
controversial site of a proposed
prison halfway house, has been sold
to a new owner who has no inten-
tion of proceeding with plans to
house soon-to-be-released prisoners.
William Conlin, an Ann Arbor
attorney, bought the motel and in-
tends to demolish it and replace it
with a shopping center and office
Conlin could not be reached for
comment last night, but told the
Ann Arbor News he bought the mo-
tel because he thought it was the
only way to stop it from being con-
verted into a halfway house.
The state Department of Correc-
tions had discussed leasing the
Washtenaw Ave. motel and using it
to house up to 160 prisoners serving
the final six months to two years of
their sentences. Prisoners at the
halfway house would work or look
for employment and would sleep at
the Varsity House under supervision
at night.
When the plan was revealed in
January, many members of the
community became upset because
they feared the halfway house would
be too close to residential and com-

mercial areas. It would be across
from a day-care center and surrounded
by four schools. The Ann Arbor
City Council responded by
condemning the proposal.
Councilmember Terry Martin (R-
Second ward) said she was elated by
the sale. "It was the most inappro-
priate location that could have been
chosen," she said.
Although Martin is not opposed
to the idea of a halfway house, she
said the proposed location
"threatened both the area and the
Jeff Epton, a former coun-
cilmember (D-Third Ward), dis-
missed fears about the proposed fa-
cility. "The hysteria associated with
criminals is irrational," he said.
"Kids are not at risk because some-
one across the street has done time."
People are in prison for many
reasons, he said, and those who are
moved into a halfway house have
been through extensive rehabilita-
The DOC had agreed to allow a
committee of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti,
and Washtenaw County officials to
suggest an alternative site for the
halfway house. The committee had
been given until May 15 to find a
new location.

WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Sol-
idarity leader Lech Walesa sealed a
historic deal with the government
yesterday to restore the independent
trade union after a seven-year ban and
give Poland its first democratic elec-
tions since World War II.
Walesa, representing the opposi-
tion, and Gen. Czeszlaw Kiszczak,
the interior minister representing
Poland's communist government,
approved the package that emerged
from two months of negotiations on
political and economic reforms, as
the 57 participants in the talks gath-
ered for a final time at the "round
table" in the Council of Ministers
"There is no freedom without
Solidarity," Walesa said at the be-
ginning of a 10-minute address to
the table in which he explained why
the opposition had approved the
He credited authorities with hav-
ing shown "readiness for a radical
:hange of the system."
But he said that behind the "nice
words" of communist authorities for
the past 45 years there was
"dishonesty and violence," and Soli-
darity had aimed for "substantial set-
tlements that could be implemented
right away."
He declared the opposition had
achieved the "necessary minimum"
by regaining the legal status lost af-

the accords that have started Poland
on this new path toward reconcilia-
Polish leader Gen. Wojceich
Jaruzelski, who banned Solidarity in
1981, argued strongly for its
restoration at a Communist Party
plenum in January, saying it would
be the culmination of his policy of
national reconciliation.
The government, acknowledging
it needed greater public support to
take the painful steps of reviving the
economy, offered the talks to Soli-
darity last year to help end a series of
Jaruzelski did not participate di-
rectly in the talks or attend the cere-
mony, but he has said he would not
rule out a meeting with Walesa.
The meeting was preceded by
separate signings of the three main
agreements - on economic, politi-
cal and trade union reforms - by the
opposition and government heads of
the working groups that negotiated

A shirt for everything
Kevin Kolley sells basketball championship t-shirts yesterday
in front of the Union.

Shamir and Baker discuss peace proposals

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State
James Baker said yesterday he was encouraged by
suggestions by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Shamir for settling the Arab-Israeli dispute.
Baker commented after a two-hour meeting

Shamir said after the session with Baker that
he would pursue bringing peace to the Mideast
with President Bush today at the White House.
Israel has controlled the West Bank and Gaza
since its lightning victory over Egypt, Jordan and
Cur:a :n tA 1QA'7 C:v- naW Ar Cn nnin

Instead, he has sought to revive the 1978
Camp David agreements' promise of a transi-
tional period of autonomy for the Palestinians
and then negotiating for an overall settlement.
"The prime minister has made some sugges-
tions." Raker said "We are wing to continue our

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