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April 06, 1989 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-06

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 6, 1989 - Page 3

to Daily
Leaders of several Jewish groups
held an open discussion yesterday to
voice additional objections to what
they perceive as anti-Semitic edi-
torials on the Daily's opinion page.
About 200 people protested the
Daily in February, accusing the pa-
per of running anti-Semitic editorials
and guest columns. Following the
demonstration, Daily editors and
protest leaders "reached an under-
standing" about the difference be-
tween legitimate criticism of Israeli
political actions and opinions offen-
sive to Jews, said Brad Kurtzberg,
one of the protest's leaders.
"This agreement has been vio-
lated," said Kurtzberg, an LSA se-
Lorne Zalesin, an LSA senior and
chair of Hillel's governing board,
agreed. "We strongly feel the edi-
torials are unfair. We'd like to see
legitimate debate."
Daily opinion page editors Betsy
Esch and Amy Harmon had prepared
a statement in response to the dis-
cussion. "We realize this is a painful
and sensitive issue," they said. "We
feel, however, that as long as Pales-
tinians are denied basic human
rights, we will continue to speak out
against this kind of oppression."
- Daily editorials are selected twice
weekly through a process of open
discussion and a vote by staff mem-
bers who attend the editorial board
"The Daily has continued to pub-
lish editorials offensive to Jews,"
Kurtzberg said, citing specifically a
March 30 editorial entitled "Re-
member." The editorial discussed
Land Day, an annual commemora-
tion by Palestinians of a day when




race, sports

As he has done with area high
school students and University ath-
letes recently, visiting Sociologist
Harry Edwards captivated his audi-
ence yesterday with a booming
speech on sports and racism.
Edwards, a pioneer in the rela-
tively new field of sports sociology,
spoke on how Black athletes in this
country are embroiled in a system
which he said is economically ex-
ploitive and perpetuates racial
mythologies. Blacks and whites in
America undergo "daily acculturation
which promotes a consequent corre-
lary between Black intellectual infe-
riority and physical superiority," he
White Americans, he contended,
are so invested in the ideology of
Black inferiority that when it comes
to hiring practices, not only with
regards to baseball or basketball
front office positions, but across the
occupational spectrum, "they never
even give it a thought."
Yet Edwards went on to say that
Black Americans, "despite being the
primary victims of the ideologies'
deleterious effects," also subscribe to
the societal mythology which per-
petuates Black intellectual inferior-
He criticized institutionalized

sports, saying that "no other group
of people in this country would let
somebody back a bus into their
community and haul off some of the
most energetic, talented, and ambi-
tious youths, exploit them, dump
them back onto the streets without
any real education or marketable
skills, and then let them come back
and do the same the next season."
In comparison to the dispropor-
tionately high numbers of Black
athletes making up the backbone of
most revenue sports, "the press box
and the broadcast booth remain the
most racially segregated corners of
the sports arena." A central thesis of
his analysis was a comparison of the
dynamics of American sports to a
"plantation system".
"They have moved us from the
cotton field to the football field, yet
the fundamental relationships have
remained the same," he said. Edwards
maintained that the racial disparity
between Black athletes producing
billions of dollars for sports institu-
tions and white males in decision-
making positions, continues to be
prevalent and "as sick as ever."
Edwards' final appearance on
campus will be today at 4 p.m. in
room 150 of the Law School where
he will speak on education and

Room of the Union about what they

Lorne Zalesin (left) and Brad Kurtzberg speak in the Pendleton1
consider as anti-Semitism on the Daily opinion page.

the Israeli government forcibly re-
moved thousands of Palestinians
from their homes and confiscated
their lands.
One sentence in the editorial -
"This day cannot and should not be
viewed as an isolated incident but
rather as part of a systematic agenda
put forth to Judaicize the land of
Palestine and create and expand an
exclusive state for the Jews." -
"distorts and suggests an attempt to
displace non-Jews," Kurtzberg said.
The Daily, in an editor's note,
later justified the use of "Judaicize"

by saying it was originated by Israel
Shakar, a human rights advocate in
Israel. Shakar, Kurtzberg said, is a
chemist at Hebrew University, and
also a member of the Israeli Com-
munist Party.
Relying on Shakar as a determi-
nant of Israeli public opinion is
equivalent to relying on the head of'
the Ku Klux Klan to illustrate U.S.
opinion, Kurtzberg said.
He also objected to yesterday's
editorial about last weekend's van-
dalism in the Daily offices. Un-
known perpetrators broke into the

building and spray-painted "Long
live Israel," "Jew haters will pay,"
and "PLO-Daily" on the walls early
Friday morning. The editorial,
Kurtzberg said, "holds Jews collec-
tively responsible for Daily vandal-
Robert Woronoff, a law student,
complained that letters to the editor
and guest editorials have sometimes
been cut or altered to the extent that
they "faintly represent" the original
The Daily often cuts letters and
columns to comply with space con-

Outing Club ideal
for adventurers

Turkish poet narrates
BY VERA SONGWE that many of the poets who criticized
The audience listened with inten- the Turkish Sultans or Vezirs were
,sity as he read poetry, but the verses persecuted and continued only be-
.were not those of Shakespeare, Frost cause of a fervent desire to write.
:or Moliere. Halman said that "poetry used to
The 50 people who gathered at be a very strong force in Turkish
:Rackham yesterday came to listen to life. It was the most important
:Turkish poetry read and interpreted means of communication, to such an
by Talat Halman, a poet and profes- extent that people corresponded in
:sor of Turkish history and culture at verse." He said even memos were
New York University. written in rhyme and verse.
"It is regrettable that a lot of In a poem entitled "Audience," by
people do not know about Turkish F. H. Daglarca, Halman was able to
poetry," Halman said. "It is univer- bring to life the imagery and mean-
sal in its themes and is beautifully ing of the poet's words without tak-
:written." ing away from the intensity of the
Halman began reading poetry poem.
composed in the 13th century. The As he read tragic poems, Halman
poetry centered predominantly on was accompanied by a harp player,
'themes of love and social criticism which set the mood for a better un-
} of the government and Sultans. As derstanding of the poem and more
Halman read the poems, he explained appreciation of the poem and Turk-
A Palestine Solidarity Committee advertisement, regarding the group's
:planned trip to Israeli-occupied territories, said applications for the trip are
available at the Daily. The Daily has no such applications, and the adver-
,tisement was run without the authorization of the Daily's editor-in-chief.

history thro
ish culture as a whole.
"One can say Ottoman poetry was
composed as music so they would be
recited as though a song was being
sung," he said.
Turkish poets, unlike many of
their counterparts in other countries,
did not make a living on their writ-
ing, Halman said, because most of
them had other duties.
In the 19th century, there was a
tremendous infusion of Western po-
etry into Turkey and this changed the
way poetry was written, Halman
said. Ottoman poets then began to
compare European culture with
In addition, 19th century Turkish

ugh poetry
poets did not given up their poetic
magnificence. "Someone produced a
chemistry book in meters and
rhyme," Halman said.
As in many other countries, po-
etry is no longer the main form of
expression. "It is not as effective as
it used to be because of intense
competition," Halman said. "Today,
there are many other forms of art.
Modern poetry is just another form
of expression."
"I thought it was a wonderful in-
troduction and exploration of Turk-
ish culture which allowed people to
get a glimpse of over a thousand
years of Turkish culture," said Kenan
Akfirat. an LSA sophomore.

Whitewater rafting down the Yu-
cataney River through Washington,
D.C., Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Camping in beautiful wooded areas
overlooking lakes. Sitting around a
campfire with friends while singing,
laughing, and roasting marshmal-
lows. A travel brochure? No, just
some recent items from the calendar
of a University Outing Club mem-
Exuberantly, club president John
Ivanko explains the club's wide
range of activities, its uniqueness,
and the special friendships he has
Club outings have included hik-
ing, camping, canoeing, whitewater
rafting, biking, and the occasional
"outing" to a campus bar. Recently,
the group travelled to Waterloo, a
campsite approximately 30 minutes
outside of Ann Arbor.
The club consists of 130 stu-
dents, ranging from first-year LSA
students to ROTC members to grad-
uate teaching assistants. Ivanko de-
scribes the club members as
"extremely diversified," but said "the
same love for the outdoors is what
brings us all together."
Leslie VanGelder, a Residential
College junior and next year's club
leader, also stressed the importance
of the group's varied membership.
"From ROTC to Chemistry and
Physics TAs, we feel very together
and always have such a great time,"
she said.
The club attempts to be both ca-
sual and spontaneous. Ivanko coor-
dinates activities around members'
schedules, and everyone helps to se-

lect destinations. The club is sensi-
tive to fragile student budgets; trips
are surprisingly inexpensive, often
ranging from $10 to $15 for an en-
tire weekend.
But members say the club's true
uniqueness comes from the lasting
friendshipsthey form. VanGelder re-
calls the day she attended her first
outing club meeting and 100 strange
faces turned to stare at her.
"The moment I walked in, I
wanted to turn around and walk right
back out," she said. "It's funny when
I look back. These people who I was
so afraid of are now my closest
Trips are slated for most week-
ends during the school year; none are
mandatory, but all promise a fun
time. If you like the outdoors,
meeting new people, and having a
good time, you'll probably enjoy the
Outing Club.

Haiti declares state of





What's happening in Ann Arbor today

-A Symposium on Color: "No
Fools' Red: Some Observations on
the Traditional Secondary Quali-
ties" -- Saul Kripke, Princeton
University, Rackham Amphithe-
atre, 3:30 pm.
"Did Fisher Have it Backwards?"
- Nancy Burley, Ph.D., University
of Illinois, E. Lecture, Rackham, 4
"Culture and Commitment: US
Literary Communism Reconsid-
ered" - Alan Wald, W. Confer-
ence Rm., Rackham, 8 pm.
"Kramer Vs. Kramer" - Film
presentation with discussion after-
wards, re-examining men's roles in
cinema, Pond Rm., Michigan
Union, 8 pm.
"Jewish Motifs in Soviet Litera-
ture" - Maurice Friedberg, Uni-
versity of Illinois, W. Conference
Rm., Rackham, 4 pm.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimina-
tion Committee - Welker Rm.,
Michigan Union, 6 pm.
Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry

Michigan Union, 5:30 pm.
Rainforest Action Movement -
1040 Dana, 7 pm.
Northwalk - Sun-Thur, 9 pm-1
am. Call 763-WALK or stop by
3224 Bursley.
Safewalk - Sun-Thur, 8 pm-1:30
am; Fri-Sat, 8-11:30 pm. Call 936-
1000 or stop by 102 UGLi.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
- Mon-Fri, 11 am-5 pm. Fourth
floor lobby, Michigan Union. Free
tax help.
Peer Writing Tutors - 611
Church St. Computing Center, 7-
11 pm. ECB trained.
InternationalCoffee hour: "The
Return of Jesus to the Land of
Palestine, Islamic Views" - Rm. 6,
Michigan League, 12 noon.
Film Series: Hitler and the Holo-
caust Some Had the Courage to
Care - Canterbury House, 7:30
Drawing Exhibition: "Virgins and
D - Er,....,., n _1 7.,1.

- The government declared a state
of emergency, ordered troops on
maximum alert and censored the
news media yesterday after soldiers
revolted and demanded the ouster of
Haitian leader Lt. Gen. Prosper
It was the second mutiny within
the 7,000-soldier army since Sunday,
when Avril narrowly escaped an at-
tempt to overthrow his 6-month-old
government. But diplomatic sources,
speaking on condition of anonymity,
said Avril remained in control.
"Our impression is that it is not
an attempted coup," but rather an
internal army dispute, said one
Western diplomat.
"It's a standoff," another diplomat
said. "I think they're just staring
"if your hair isn't becoming
to you you should be
coming to us."
" 6 Stylists--No waiting"
opposite Jacobson's 668-9329

after revolt
each other down," he said, referring
to the rebels and loyalist troops.
Avril's Presidential Guard sta-
tioned two anti-aircraft guns, four
armored personnel carriers and three
wheeled cannons inside the com-
pound of the National Palace.
Across the Champ-de-Mars Plaza,
about 300 supporters gathered out-
side the Dessalines Barracks, where
the rebellion broke out.
Interested applicants to pickup
applications for the 1989
Delegation to the Occupied
" available at the MSA office,
PSC Office, or call Rashid at
" deadline for pick up Friday
April 7, 1989.
Paid for by PSC



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