Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 2, 1988
Study: nursing
homes are poor
WASHINGTON - Inspectors
found unsanitary food service or poor
provision for personal hygiene in
about one-fifth of Michigan's full-
service nursing homes visited as part
of a federal study released yesterday.
However, Michigan nursing
hales provided better care than the
national average in nearly all of the
categories used to assess the quality
of their performance, the study show-
Over 400 nursing homes in
Michigan were covered, and the fa-
cilities were rated on whether they
met 32 criteria for quality of care.
These ranged from freedom from
mental and physical abuse to everyday
items touching on the quality of life,
such as the cleanliness of residents'
quarters and the sanitary condition of
The study found 74 skilled nursing
facilities in Michigan that failed to
give residents the daily personal;
hygiene needed to assure cleanliness,
and 60 of the facilities stored,,
prepared, or served food under less
than sanitary conditions. In 60 of the,
skilled nursing facilities, drugs were1
administered without the written
orders of the attending physician.
"We certainly welcome this 'report
because it is the first national report
card on nursing homes," said Florence
Meiers, chief of the licensing and
certification division of the Michigan
Public Health Department. "We feel
the data will be useful to current and
future patients."
Charles Harmon, executive vice
president of the Health Care Asso-
ciation of Michigan said the survey's
reliance on the individual judgement
of 3,000 surveyors make its results
"We feel the report is an over-
simplified assessment of nursing
home care, and that people will
misguidedly turn to it as a complete
guide, which it is not," Harmon said.
The Four Seasons nursing home in
Bad Axe was marked down because of
"the manner in which a patient was
awakened in the morning," said Kay
Peruski, social services director. "It
didn't harm her physically."
The rating may be misleading be-,
cause "it makes you look like you'rei
beating your patients, which is not1
the case," she said.
Rackham student Jenny Guranian
Continued from Page 1
nians want fair representation in in
the Soviet Union, but the government
has failed to even protect the
Armenians in Azarabaijan, he said.
"It is a problem with no ambigui-
I talks about her experiences in Soviet
ties. It is just a question of basic hu-
man rights," said Ronald Suny, pro-
fessor of Armenian and Soviet history
at the University:
"It is somewhat hard to relate to
the conflict which is happening in
Armenia, and it seems even more ob-
scure to people when it is pictured as
a Moslem-Christian conflict," he said.
ompiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Wind delays space launch
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Weather permitting, NASA will tryagain today to send the space shuttle Atlantis on a secret military mission
after1crubbing yesterday's attempt because of violently shifting winds.
Officials said they would took at the forecast last night before giving a
go-ahead to fuel the spacecraft again for a launch today in a three-hour
period beginning at 6.32 a.m. EST. If the weather looked bad, NASA
will wait until tomorrow.
"We're going to take a hard look at the weather again," said launch di-
rector Bob Sieck. "If it is clearly a no-go (today), we don't want to exer-
cise the launch team, the crew and the systems."
Navy Cmdr. Robert L. Gibson and his four-man military crew, dressed
in uncomfortable, bulky flight suits, had been lying on their backs in 'ca-
bin seats for nearly five hours yesterday when the decision was made to
Mexican election protested
MEXICO CITY, Mexico - President Carlos Salinas de Gortari took
office today as opponents protested in congress and in the streets. He
promised to push for political and economic modernization.
Salinas, a 40-year-old economist, succeeds President Miguel de la Ma-
drid for a six-year term. He inherits an economy threatened by both reces-
sion and inflation, growth squeezed by a 8102 billion foreign debt and a
population impatient after six years of austerity treat reduced earnings
about 50 percent.
About 140 delegates from the National Democratic Front walked out
of the Legislative Palace just before Salinas was inaugurated, and mem-
bers of the National Action Party held up signs declaring "Fraud".
The opposition maintains that Salinas' Institutional Revolutionary
Party cheated to win the July 6 election and that the real victor was
Cuauhtemoc Cardenas.
U.S. refuses to let Arafat
speak at United Nations
UNITED NATIONS - The United States refused a request by the
General Assembly to issue a visa to Yasser Arafat so the PLO leader can
speak to the world body on the Palestine issue, a U.N. spokesperson said
The State Department denied the visa last Saturday on grounds that
the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization was an accessory to ter-
Arab diplomats said they would introduce a resolution this morning to
move the General Assembly from U.N. headquarters in New York to
Geneva to hear Arafat. A ranking U.N. official said a vote to move to
Geneva could be taken Monday and approval was certain.
Earlier yesterday, a rally outside the U.N. headquarters intended io wel-
come Arafat became a protest by about 400 people at which Palestinians
and a few dozen anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews denounced the refusal of a
Israeli parties vie for control
JERUSALEM - The left-of-center Labor Party yesterday secured the
backing of half the Israeli Parliament, enough to prevent a right-wing
Likud government from coming to power but not enough to seat a
government of its own.
With the 120-member Knesset split between the left and right blocs, it
remained unclear a full month after the elections who will govern for the
next four years.
In the Nov. 1 ballotting, Likud had a small edge of Labor, with 40
seats to Labor's 39. Each must woo smaller parties to form a majority, .
and Likud's Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir planned to do so with the
backing of right-wing'and Orthodox religious parties.
But the defection of an ultra-Orthodox Likud ally to Labor's ranks has
thrown a wrench into the works. Now Labor leader Shimon Peres has the
backing of 60 members, limiting the Likud bloc to 58.
Continued from Page 1
their first two years.
However, there may have to be
additions and alterations to the LSA
course curriculum if students are
forced to take a course on racism
because too few current courses
meet the criteria.
Jack Meiland, LSA assistant dean
for curriculum and long range plan-
ning, said he does not know if there
are current courses that could fulfill
thecourse requirements, and a spe-
cial board has been formed to de-
termine if any current courses do.
Proponents of University Course
299 were generally pleased with the
decision by the curriculum commit-
tee, although most have not had the
chance to look the exact proposal.
Philosophy Prof. Elizabeth An-
derson, a proponent of UC 299, said
many of the supporters were sur-
prised the committee moved so
quickly. "This means the committee
is taking this seriously," she said.
Anderson said that since the Uni-
versity has no current courses that
could fill the requirements, the pro-
posal could effectively force the
University to recruit more faculty
who are people of color to teach the
new courses.
"We want to use this graduation
requirement to make the University
aggressively recruit faculty to teach
these courses, most of which will be
minority faculty," Anderson said.
Tracye Matthews, a UCAR
spokesperson, said "It is indeed a
victory for us... we just hope the
faculty will follow the lead."
"I'm surprised it went this far so
fast, but there still is a long way to
go," she added.
English Prof. Buzz Alexander,
another proponent of UC 299, said
though he has not had the chance to
look closely at the idea, he is
pleased. "We're pleased that they
took our criteria," he said. "That's a
positive step."
It's time for
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In Today's Daily
Continued from Page 1
The reform also creates a strong
presidency in place of the largely
ceremonial post Gorbachev assumed
Oct. 1.
Earlier in the week he said that
without the political reform, "The
drive for perestroika inevitably will
begin to skid.'
He said in a speech yesterday,
concluding an extraordinary three-day
session on his proposals to restructure
the government, that the revised
constitution was temporary, and
further changes would respond to
demands for expanded power for
republic and local governments. But
he emphasized the rest of his reforms
will be considered by the new
Gorbachev also told the deputies
that a storm of controversy over the
reform package -including 250,000
letters to the Kremlin- could have
been reduced, and he took the blame.
"...All of us are now learning our
lessons. All of us are in a school of
democracy, _and we shouldbe good
pupils in that school," Gorbachev
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American Baptist Campus Center
First Baptist Church
Huron St. (between State and Division)
Across from Campus
9.55 Worship Service
11:15 Church School Classes for all ages
Wednesdays: -
5:30 (beginning September 14)
Supper (free) and fellowship
and Bible Study
A get acquainted supper will be held
Sunday, September 18, at 5:30.
Please join us.
Center open each day
For information call
Robert B. Wallace, pastor
(Episcopal Church Chaplaincy)
218 N. Division
Sunday Schedule
Holy Eucharist - 5:00 p.m.
Celebrant and Preacher:
The Rev. Virginia Peacock
Supper - 6:00 p.m.
7:00 - New Beginnings:
Meditations for Advent
Call 665-0606
(a non-denominational church)
Sunday Worship Service - 10 a.m.
at Angell Elementary School
(1 block east of Washtenaw on South U)
Pastor Mike Caulk - 971-9150
Friday Night Video & Games at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday Bible Study at 9:15 a.m.
Advent Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.
Fruitful romance ends
in Rafko's marriage
MONROE, Mich. _ Miss America 1987 Kave Lani Rae Rafko says
she is engaged to a 26-year-old computer analyst she met five years ago in
a strawberry patch.
The 25-year-old nurse, whose reign ended in September, said Monday
she plans to marry Chuck Wilson next August and settle somewhere
between Ann Arbor and Monroe, Rafko's hometown 25 miles south of
The Monroe man met his bride-to-be in 1983 while she was picking
strawberries at a farm where he worked. For Wilson, it was love at first
sight, although he waited until Nov. 21- of this year to pop the question.
Rafko said she was equally smitten but needed a little prodding from
her mother.
"She said, Why don't you go over and talk to him?"' Rafko recalled.
"I ended up going back three times that day to pick strawberries and I gave
him my phone number."
loan. 143a7
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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