'U' to
The College of Engineering could
receive a temporary dean as early as
next week, according to a letter re-
leased by Interim Vice President for
Academic Affairs Robert Holbrook
Current Dean Charles Vest was
selected as the new Provost and Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Tuesday, and is scheduled to begin
his new position Jan. 1. The Uni-
versity's Board of Regents will most
likely approve Vest's appointment,
and an acting dean will fill the gap
until the University completes a
search for a new dean.
Chemical Engineering Prof.
James Wilkes, a member of the En-
gineering school's faculty executive
committee, said the four current as-
sociate engineering deans -
Erdogan Gulari, Daniel Atkins,
Lynn Conway, and Walton Hancock
would "do a good job" as acting
"A great deal of momentum is
being built up in the college, and it's
essential that we don't lose it,"
Wilkes said.
,Vest held Gulari's current post as
Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs before he was appointed
interim dean, then dean in 1986. But
University President James Duder-
stadt; the previous dean, had been
promoted directly from his spot as a
nuclear engineering professor in
Gulari was out of town and un-
available for comment yesterday.
Holbrook met with the committee
yesterday to discuss candidates for
acting dean, Wilkes said.
To find Vest's permanent
successor, Holbrook said he would
appoint a search committee of five
engineering faculty members, two
students, an alum, and a faculty
member from another department.
The new dean, said Engineering
senior Karyn Walack, should be
"someone who is more willing to
change." She said the school needs
more updated technology,
professors, and classes.
Aerospace Engineering Prof.t
John Taylor said the new dean
should emphasize pressing social
issues, such as technology in
medicine, peace, and war. "I hope
that the new dean would be sensitive
to those kinds of issues," he said.
Holbrook proposed a similar
search to the one in 1986 that re-
sulted in Vest's appointment as
dean. Aerospace Engineering Prof.
Robert Howe, chair of that commit-
tee, said the 1986 process went
"smoothly and relatively fast.:. I
don't think we really had any prob-
But others say the process should
represent more students. For exam-
ple, junior Brian Rashap, president
of the student Engineering Council,
said the search should contain both
an undergraduate and a graduate
student, because the two programs
Better to give
William Standler, 2 and 1/2, donates money to the Salvation Army. The
campus service group Circle K is collecting the funds.
Nabisco faces
possible takeover
possibility of a corporate breakup
loomed yesterday over RJR Nabisco
Inc. after Kohlberg Kravis Roberts &
Co. agreed to buy the food-and-
cigarette giant for a record $24.53
billion, but the buyout specialist said
there would be no "wholesale" selloff.
After an exhaustive bidding free-
for-all overseen by a special RJR
directors committee, Kohlberg
triumphed over an RJR management
group led by chief executive F. Ross
Johnson late Wednesday. Kohlberg's
package of cash and securities was
valued at $109 a share for each of
RJR's 225 million shares, making it
the biggest takeover agreement in
RJR's directors accepted the bid
over an apparently higher offer from
Johnson's group valued at $112 a
share or $25.2 billion. They said both
offers were nearly the same but
Kohlberg's offer would give
shareholders a 25 percent stake in the
acquired company, compared with a
15 percent stake offered by Johnson.
Securities analysts surveying the
aftermath of the chaotic takeover
auction for the Atlanta-based RJR said
they were awaiting more details of thes
securities portion of Kohlberg's bid to
emerge before voicing any
Nevertheless, many said it wasc
certain Kohlberg would have to sell at
least part of RJR's wide-ranging food
operations which include Nabiscos
crackers, Lifesaver candies, Del Montey
fruits -and other valuble brand names-s
to service the enormous debt acquired'
to engineer the deal.S
The RJR acquisition will more
than quadruple the company's existingc
debt of $5 billion to $22.3 billion.s
But the amount of equity in thef
acquired company is estimated atd
about $7.4 billion, for a debt-to-
equity ratio of 3-to-1. In terms ofE
leveraged buyouts, that is considereda
RJR's stock price rose about 66t
percent during the 5-week takeover
The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 2, 1988 - Pagq%
More than 200
charged in U.S.-
Italy drug scanda:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- More than 200 people being made in Palermo, Bologna, and Florence
were charged in a multimillion-dollar heroin impor-
tation and cocaine distribution operation involving One of those arrested in the police roundup was:1
taton nd ocane istibuionopeatin ivoling Giuseppe Gambino, a nephew of Carlo Gambino, thy'"
Sicilian Mafia figures and the Gambino crime family late reputed head of the Gambino crime family.
in New York, the FBI and Italian authoritiesd dy
announced yesterday. A complaint filed in Manhattan against 28 people.
A total of 68 people were charged in the United alleged that the organization "obtained cocaine in the
tos dital oy,68 seoplemwerechargd ingr thee-yitad U.S., transported the cocaine over to Italy, exchanged
States and 133 in Italy, stemming from a three-year the cocaine for heroin, so the cocaine was sold in,
FBI undercover operation in which agents traveled to Italy, and the ,heroin was sold in the U.S.," U.S.: ;
Italy and posed as interested buyers who discussed Attorney Rudolph Giuliani said.
making major drug purchases, the FBI said.
"They found the best market for their product
As of midday yesterday, 59 people had been Giuliani added.
arrested in the United States and 20 in Italy.
Giuliani and James Fox, assistant director of the"
Substantial amounts of imported heroin were sold . FBI's New York office, said 14 of the 28 charged in"
to the Gambino Mafia family in New York, which New York were arrested. If convicted, they could face
allegedly arranged for nationwide distribution, accor- a maximum penalty of life imprisonment and up to?
ding to a complaint filed in the case in Philadelphia. $4 million in fines.
Some of the heroin was passed to buyers in pizza
parlors. The FBI said the operation developed from what,a
originally were independent criminal investigations in
Arrests were made in Baltimore; Buffalo, N.Y.; Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia. They grew into .
Miami; Newark, N.J.; New York; Philadelphia; San a coordinated effort when agents found links between
Francisco; and Rockford, Ill. In Italy, arrests were many of the targets of the separate investigations.
AIDS Day forum stresses
need for caring doctors
AIDS patients, after testing posi- A I S198 .* :x
tive for the deadly disease, are often Oct.1988
ostracized by their family and friends, " 0l1 988
[ose their jobs and homes, and de- sin c e-19 8 1
velop debilitating diseases. 47,845 AIDS cases were J11
They have nowhere else to turn but reported nationwide
to their doctors. These medical between 1981 and
professionals, therefore, must be 1987. Less than a year ;
ready to be supportive and caring - later, in October 1988, DEC
omething most doctors aren't trained 74,566 cases had 98
for been reported. 18
Dr. Carol Kaufman, an assistant Last month the
dean at the Medical School, criticized total rose to 76,764.,.
the medical community for poor care As of Nov. 14, .
and lack of responsiveness to the Washtenaw I
needs of the three predominant County had 37
classes of AI:DS patients - gay men, reported cases. National
drug abuses and prostitutes. Source
"You don't learn this in Med ContyPubic
School. No one's going to teach it to Health Division --
you," she said. Kaufman was one of
six speakers at an observation of 1L
World AIDS Day at the Medical....------------ - ---- - --- oca
School. (Washtenaw County)
She discussed the need for health Daily News Graphic
care professionals to educate them- for a year told his family that he had to groups and universities across the
selves on the issue, and not to be leukemia. He added that some people state. -
fearful of caring for patients with the who test positive even commit sui- Hayner, who is still sexually ac
disease. cide. tive, said therd are many ways to have:
"I've heard med students say that He said that at the time he was di- a satisfying sex life and not pas
gay men don't deserve the sae care agnosed, you were considered a dirty along the disease. He said that inter-
as donAIDpatients because they person if you had AIDS. He recalled course is out of bounds, but intimacy
as other AIDS phis anger toward doctors who were mutual masturbation, the uses of oils
bd i themid e e not able to "fix" it. He knew that and massages, as well as fantasy ar
dents and Residents who was in the prevention and education were being all ways to have a satisfying sex.life.
adenca eaddressed, but not help and care for Deidre Brown, who works with
audi ne . n - _T -- - - _ _-- , 1 , 1 .
Health care professionals have a those wno already had the virus. Clear House, a chemical dependency
minimal risk of contracting the virus, To fill that void, Hayner started the program in Ypsilanti, told the grouw
but Kaufman reports that ignorance Friends of Persons with AIDS, a local about her history as a drug abuser anq
d fe till wid d support group that works to provide AIDS patient. An IV drug user for 19
Kafearn added tt it's difficult food and clothing, and is working on years, Brown said she shared many
afon otosdodel wthattrmdifafill shelter. Hayner speaks three or four needles and had many sexual
patients at all, especially those dying times a week about his life and AIDS See AIDS, Page 10
from AIDS. "These are people who-
are young, who were healthy, and are
going to die," she said.
Rick Hayner, who was diagnosed
with AIDS in 1986, told the audience
of about 120 that he received his test
results over the phone, and that no -;
counseling services or medical refer-. C A
rals were given. Hayner said he was
in a state of panic for three days, and *
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109 S. 4th Avenue from
saga, partly on the prospect that ever-
higher offers would emerge.
But the stock slid back $1.125
yesterday to 91.875, evidently
reflecting the view that Kohlberg's
package of $81 in cash and $28 in
securities was worth less than its face
Unique English assignment
becomes unique guide to A2
Did you know that Saturday night is barefoot danc-
ing night at the Dance Gallery Studio in Ann Arbor?
Or that kicking back in the Michigan Stadium is a great
way to get away from the crowds?
These are just a couple of the 34 uncommon fea-
tures investigated by an equally uncommon class,
Practical English 329. For a corporate project, one sec-
tion of the class compiled a guide describing unusual
things to do in Ann Arbor, ranging from undiscovered
study spots to unconventional museums to funky jazz
"A unique guide for a unique class," is how LSA
senior Lance Howard sums up this semester's efforts.
What makes this class unique is that the project was
conceived and executed by a self-taught student class.
It took six weeks of frustration, patience, confusion
and compromise, but these entrepreneurs finally pro-
duced 5,000 copies of their guide.
The class democratically chose this project out of 40
other proposals which included a soap opera and an
Asian-American art catalogue. According to RC senior
Natasha Raymond, the unique guide to Ann Arbor was
the "most feasible and exciting idea."
"After the four years many of us spent learning
about Ann Arbor, we want to give something back to
the other students," she said. "We want to make it eas-
And then the fun began. The class explored nine ar-
eas of interest: bars, musical clubs, restaurants, muse-
ums, exhibits, shopping areas, recreational facilities,
athletic events, and "private spots."
From this, they abstracted the most unheard-of
characteristics of 34 interesting places.
The fact that the class was self-taught was the
biggest strength and also the biggest weakness of the,
project, the students said. Reliance on one's peers-
added to the positive, supportive atmosphere and an
overall sense of commitment and cohesion. But, the
lack of a professor to make decisions often led to dis-
putes among students.
"Once it got so bad I got a migraine and walked out
of the class," Raymond said.
According to LSA junior Mimi Spalding, she
learned the most from public relations and the interac-
tion with her peers. Others gained valuable experience
from the practical business aspects of the project and
from peer editing. And yet for others, learning about
Ann Arbor's history and local population was the most
interesting part of the project. "It was enlightening to
find out how things work around here," Raymond said.
The project pleased even the self-proclaimed 'most
pessimistic member of the class.' LSA senior Steve