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October 06, 1987 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-06

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 6, 1987
U.S. chopper
crashes; ships
flee Gulf war

u \h a 4Panel urges
n therapy for


MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) -
Iraqi planes struck five tankers,
including the world's largest, in raids
yesterday in Iranian oil targets at
both ends of the Persian Gulf, and
Iran fired a missile into Baghdad.
The missile was the first to strike
the Iraqi capital in nearly eight
months. Authorities there said ti
killed many people, but did not give
Japanese owners ordered their
ships out of the perilous Persian
Gulf, where Iran and Iraq have been
at war since September 1980.
Three crewmen of a U. S. Marine
helicopter were rescued and a fourth
was listed as missing after a crash
during a night operation in the
central gulf, the Navy said. It
reported no "hostile activity"
involved in the second helicopter
crash since U. S. warships began
escort operations 20 months ago.
The 564,739-ton Seawise Giant
and four other tankers were reported
damaged at the makeshift Larek
Island oil terminal in the Strait of
Hormuz, the gulf's narrow southern
entrance. Iraq said its French-built F-
1 Mirages flew 600 miles tyo raid
the Larek terminal and another on
nearby Lavan Island.

Chartered tankers shuttle oil
south from Iran's main oil export
terminal at Kharg Island in the
northern gulf, which comes under air
attack almost daily. Tankers of other
nations pick up the crude oil and
petroleumproducts at Larak and
Iraq claims its air force has
attacked 21 ships in Iranian waters
since the end of August, but its
planes seldom make the long flight
to attack the Hormuz island
In Baghdad, people living near
where the missile struck told the
Associated Press they heard and felt a
strong explosion at 10:07 p.m.,
which they described as similar to
explosions in previous missile
A military spokesperson said on
state radio that many people were
killed. Ambulances raced into the
area and police sealed it off. Officials
would not say precisely where the
missile landed.
Iran's official Islamic Republic
News Agency filed an urgent
dispatch under the headline
"Thundering Missile Gives a Rude
Awakening to Baathist Regime," a
reference to Iraq's ruling Baath
Socialist Party. It claimed the
missile hit a military training center.

Millions of Americans with high
cholesterol levels that previously
went untreated should get intensive
therapy, an expert panel said
yesterday, making sweeping recom-
mendations to doctors on decreasing
,this major cause of heart disease.
The recommendations, immedi-
ately endorsed by the National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute, the
American Heart Association and
other health groups, call for doctors
to aggressively prescribe diets as the
first therapy for high cholesterol
If regimented diets that reduce fat
and cholesterol intake fail to decrease
blood fat levels, the panel said, then
cholesterol-lowering drugs should be
Panel chairman Dr. DeWitt S.
Goodman of the Columbia
University College of Physicians
and Surgeons in New York City told
a news briefing that the n e w
recommendations differ from similar
guidelines from other groups in that
they give doctors a step-by-step
program for treating each type of
"This is the very first time such a
specific detailed set of recom-
mendations has been developed,"
Goodman said.
"We think medical practice will
undergo a major change on the basis
of this report and other educational
efforts," he said.

Daily Photo by DAVID LUBLINER'

Cash flow
Frustrated students wait in line to withdraw money from their accounts at a State Street automatic teller
Early snows elt East; heat fries West

Ski resorts opened early and rising temperatures
raised the threat of flooding, as more than 200,000
people remained without electricity yesterday after New
England was battered by the earliest snowstorm of the
Six deaths were blamed on the weekend storm,
which piled snow as high as 20 inches in New York's
Catskill mountains. Frosty temperatures extended deep

into the South, while the West Coast was having a
100-degree heat wave.
Snow and fallen trees on roads made thousands of
tourists, who had come to see New England's colorful
fall foliage, spend an extra night in motels and inns. At
Vermont's state Travel Division, officials wondered
what impact the storm would have on the foliage
season, which attracts one million people to the state
between mid-September and mid-October.

City council tables firearm

The Ann Arbor City Council tabled an ordinance
last night which could severely restrict the location and
expansion of firearm stores in the city.
Councilmember Dave DeVarti's motion to postpone
voting on the proposal was passed, 7-3.
DeVarti (D-Fourth Ward), author of the proposal,
said he was "convinced that we won't be able to address
all of people's concerns ... we can't address concerns of
people who insist that this is gun control."
At last week's Council Work Session, 38 people
debated the ordinance during the public hearing, and

whether or not it was a "backdoor" method of firearm
control. DeVarti said 22 of the speakers were "people
against gun control," and 16 were in favor of the
DeVarti said the proposal's purpose was to "keep
gun stores out of downtown and campus areas."
The tabled ordinance, passed by the council at its
first reading on Sept. 8, would have permitted firearm
stores only in C3 zoning districts, which included
many shopping malls. DeVarti said he and fellow
Fourth Ward Councilmember Jerry Schleicher, a
Republican, would submit a changed ordinance within

regulation ordi
the next few weeks. '
Last night, Schleicher, and Republican
Councilmembers Terry Martin (Second Ward) and
Jeanette Middleton (Third) opposed tabling the
Five of the six speakers at last night's public
hearing spoke in protest of the ordinance, including
Susan Walsh-Wigton, co-owner of the Ann Arbor Rod
and Gun Company.
Walsh-Wigton's store was the center of controversy
last summer when nearby residents formed a group
called Neighbors Against the Gun Store to protest its


nance again
expansion to Packard St. near Stadium Blvd. The group
picketed thestore several times.
Last night, Walsh-Wigton denounced the ordinance's
hypocrisy in regulating "the one local sporting goods
business that is unable to fight...." She said larger,
less-restricted stores like K-Mart and Herman's also sell
firearms, reminding council that speakers called the
ordinance "a back door way to gun control" at last
week's meeting.
But last week, the University's Michigan Student
Assembly passed a resolution supporting the tabled

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