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October 06, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-06

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The Michigan Coiy-Tuesday, October 6; 'Xi3- Page 3
SACUA studies harassment


Members of the faculty's Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs yesterday praised a new
University policy which make
compiling statistics about racial and
other forms of harassment easier.
But they added the procedure for
reporting these incidents is still
unclear to many faculty and students.
Students and faculty have been
able to report incidents of
harassment to the Office o f
Affirmative Action, the Office of the
Ombudsman, personnel offices, and
the deans of schools and colleges.
But, "Due to the decentralized nature
of the University, it has been
difficult in the past to accurately
gauge the frequency and severity of
incidents," said University President

Reporting process centralized

Harold Shapiro in a memo
explaining the new policy.
The new reporting method,
developed by the Office o f
Affirmative Action, provides a
standard form for recording incidents
of discrimination based on race,
ethnic or national heritage, religion,
sexual orientation, handicap, and
The Affirmative Action Office
will retain these reports and
periodically compile summaries
describing the number and types of
In the wake of several campus

Affirmative Action Office posted
"Tell Someone" posters which urged
students and faculty to report
incidents of sexual and racial
harassment. But often, the system
for filing a report is unclear,
SACUA members said.
"My sense is that it's not well
known. Students see the (Tell
Someone) posters and that's it," said
SACUA vice-chair Beth Reed.
SACUA chair Harris
McClamroch said, "It's a reasonably
unclear system. There are many
avenues one can take. It's not well
known by the faculty and certainly

not by the students."

McClamroch said that SACUA
will address the issue further in the
future. SACUA may take some
education initiatives in order to
bettter inform faculty and students of
ways to file complaints.
Originally, the policy did not
include provisions to report statistics
to the public. But SACUA said it
felt a periodic reporting was
"I think it's important that the
campus know what condition the
campus is in," said McClamroch.


racist incidents

last year, the


Prof. to discuss health care accessability

Visiting Pharmacy Prof. Robert Gibson, who came
to the University this week under a program to increase
the number of minority faculty members at the
University, will speak tomorrow on making health care
more accessible to the underprivileged.
Gibson arrived on campus Sunday night as part the
Martin Luther King/Ceasar Chavez/Rosa Parks
Visiting Professorships program.
Robert Ross, associate editor of the College of
Pharmacy's magazine Interactions, said Gibson's visit
will benefit more than just pharmacy students.
He said tomorrow's 4 p.m. lecture in 3554 C.C.
Little Building should interest dentistry, public health,
medicine, and social work students, as well as
pharmacy students.
Gibson said the United States currently faces a
geographic "maldistribution" of physicians. He said too
many doctors crowd into suburbs and rich urban centers
and neglect rural areas and inner city neighborhoods.
Gibson feels that people working in professional
health care like pharmacists and nurses can take up the

slack doctors leave in these areas by providing advice
on sickness prevention and on medication.
He said that between 1962 and 1986 he was the only
Black tenured faculty member at any pharmacy school
west of the Mississippi River.
According to Gibson, another barrier to the
underprivileged receiving adequate health care is the
During his lecture, Gibson said, he will encourage
future health care professionals to search for ways to
brings cost within reach of the poor.
To do this, Gibson said that pharmacists and nurses
can offer poor patients installment plans for paying
bills, or they can even give discounts.
"Students must be aware of the fact they can satisfy
their professional goals in other than just the suburban
areas," he said.
He states that there isn't enough minority faculty in
pharmacy schools to attract potential students. To
reverse this Gibson encourages minority pharmacy
students to pursue doctorates in Pharmacy and teach.

f na4'
Vital organs
Kai Ole Boggild gives an organ recital as part of this week's 27th Annual
Conference on Organ Music at the School of Music.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

... discusses health care

Officials prefer ten term' rule


Dr. Freddy Sussman - "On the
Effect of Mutations on the Activity
of Enzymes" 4p.m., Room 1300
Win Means - "Sknkinematic
Microscopy": A New Way to Study
Microstructure In Deforming
Materials 4p.m., 4001 C.C. Little
Will Weber - "Trekking in the
Himalaya," 8 p.m., Bivouac Outdoor
Ward Stone - " P o l i c y
Implications of Research Findings
showing the link between numerous
bird and wildlife 'kills' to pesticide
poisoning," 7:30, 3001, Public
Health Building.
Jill Joseph - "What Everyone
Wants to know About AIDS, but was
afraid to Ask" and James Harris
"Mysteries of the Nile," 7:30 p.m.,
Carrol Auditorium, Chrysler Center.
Hebrew Speaking Club - 5
p.m., 206 Angell Hall.
WHE-AC - 6 p.m., 4202 Union.
Women Job Hunt Club - 12
p.m., Center for Continuing
Education of Women.
Ukrainian S t u d e n t s
Association - 8 p.m., Michigan
Union of Students For Israel
- 7:30, 2439 Mason Hall.
Society of Christian
Engineers - Speaker David
Haubenstricker will discuss The
Christian Business Traveller, 11:30
a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 1018 Dow
Building, North Campus.
TARDAA, British Science
Fiction Fan Club - 8-11 p.m.,
Room 296 Dennison Building.
The Science Research Club -
7:30 p.m., Auditorium of The
Chrysler Center for Continuing
Engineering Education.
LAGROC - Lesbian And Gay
Rights On Campus, 8 p.m.,:3200
Safe Walk - night safety walking

service, 8p.m. - 1:30 a.m., 936-1000
or stop by 102 UGLI.
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center - Discussion
to vent feelings about rape trial
verdict, 8 p.m., Rainbow Room, St.
Andrew's Church.
"Color 11 - Focus on You!" -
workshop will focus on faces,
featuring make-up and skin care, 7-
9:30 p.m., Ann Arbor "Y".
Leadership Institute Workshop
- "Nuts and Bolts of Programming,"
7- 9 p.m., Union Anderson Rooms A
and B.
Academy of Early Music
Concert r- featuring Dawn Kalis,
Rob Utterback and Kathryn Reed -
Maxfield, 8 p.m., Pendleton Room,
Computer Courses - registration
required, MS-Dos Basic Skills, 1- 4
p.m. 3001 SEB, Introduction to
TEXTEDIT, 1:30-3, 2065A, Freize
Building, MTS Editor Patterns, 7-9
p.m., 4003 SEB, Using an IBM PC-
Compatible, 10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.,
3001 SEB.
Career Planning and
Placement - Intro to CP and C,
10:10-10:30 a. in., CP and C,
Applying to Law School, 4:10-5:00
p.m., CP and C, Resume Writing
Lecture, 4:10-5:30 p.m.
Campus Cinema
Building The Green Movement, 12
p.m., 1520 Dana Building presented
by the School of Natural Resources.
The Revolutions of 1848, 7 p.m.,
116 MLB.
Send announcements of up-
coming events to "The List." c/o
The Michigan Daily; 420
Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Mich..
48109. Include all pertinent in-
formation and a contact phone
number. We must receive an-
nouncements for Friday and
Sunday events at least two weeks
before the event, and announ-
cements for weekday events
must be received at least. two
days before the event.

Continued from Page 1)
women and those with family
obligations, makes studying material
outside their fields more difficult,
they say..
Graduate students now take about
6.5 years to earn their Ph.D. But
most students in some departments,
including chemistry and astronomy,
earn their Ph.D's in five years or
In many of the humanities, the
process is much more time-
consuming. Political science
students usually take six to seven
years to earn a Ph.D. and only 60
percent of economic students in the
past ten years have received their
Ph.D's in less than six years.
"We'd like to get back to five
years," said Department of
Economics Chair Richard Porter. He
said the limit "might hurt our ability
to teach 201 and 202 sections. We
need every TA in good standing."
Economics graduate students are
also hurt because they are spending
more time choosing thesis topics,
which in turn, increases the time
required to earn a Ph.D., Porter said.
Economics students once spent only
a few months on the task, he said,
but now, sometimes spend years.
Four economics graduate students
will be affected by the rule this fall
as they enter their tenth term as

An angry Rackham Student
Government (RSG) also fears that
the ten term rule will hinder the
quality or education for graduate
Mark Greer, president of RSG,
believes that degrees in non-technical
departments like history and
anthropology, require seven to eight
years of studies because, "Students
must critically evaluate a great sum
of literature in order to gain the
competence to write a dissertation. "
But Steiner argues that "Their
Ph.D. is their beginning as a
scholar, not the end. One could just
as easily read a book after one has a
Ph.D. as before."
Many graduate students also hold
that earning a Ph.D now takes
longer because of the increasing
complexity of most fields.
Steiner disagrees, attributing the
increased time to a faculty that
encourages students to linger on
because TAs offer experienced
teaching assistantships. Students are
also in no hurry to graduate, Steiner
said, because of the soft TA job
market and students' fears that there
is no better alternative Than life in
RSG has formed a subcommittee
to evaluate the impact of the rule.
"We're concerned about people

losing their funding and having
difficulty completing their graduate
degrees," said subcommittee member
Eban Goodstein, an economics
graduate student. "We're trying to
determine how many people and in
which departments, have been hit
hard by the cut-off."
The College of LSA is sending
letters to departments listing about
40 graduate students now entering
their eighth or more term.
Although many professors
support the new rule, they are
concerned about financial assistance
for graduate students.
"Our financial situation is not
rosy,"said Political Science Chair
Jeff Walker. "We would like to
move people through quickly so
that we have more money for more
LSA anticipates supporting more
students because of the ten term
limit. They can, for example,
support 28 students for five years at
the same price as they can support
20 in seven years, Steiner said.
Prof. Douglas Richstone,
Astronomy Chair, worries that there
are dangers in makes sources of
funding less flexible, especially
when federal funding is declining and
the costs of the University are


for the
Beach Boys,

Linder tells of son 's murder

(Continued from Page 1)
Benjamin, a 27-year-old graduate
of the University of Washington in
mechanical engineering, did not
limit his assistance to his trade. He
often entertained the children of the
Nicaraguan town as a clown.
"About three weeks before he was
killed, he was seen on his unicycle
going through El Cua calling to kids
to get them to the clinic to get their
measles shots." Dr. Linder said, "He
wanted to be a participant rather than
an observer.
"He was killed because he was

starting another hydro-power plant
and because (the contras) wanted to
kill him. They thought it was a
way to stop progress in the area.
They knew what they were doing and
it was planned," Dr. Linder said.
Neither the Reagan administration
nor the State Department have lent
support to the Linders, he said,
"They never said it was a wrongful
death. They never said that the
contras made a mistake. There's no
directive that says - don't do that

c'mon... thursday's classet aren't all that important
StandUp Comedy
presents comedian


A limited number

And Your Host

I f

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