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October 06, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-06

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 6, 1987
MSA looks beyond PIGIM for work

(Continued from Page 1)
are viewed as the children," Phillips
Whether MSA can accomplish
these goals might be determined by
the assembly's ability to focus their
time on campus issues. Too much
concern with non-campus issues has
plagued previous assemblies. Former
assembly president Kurt Muenchow,
who presided from 1985 to 1986,
was elected on a platform that
advocated dealing with solely
campus issues.
The assembly came under fire last
year when it started addressing off-
campus issues, such as Contra
funding and South Korean protests.
The assembly will shy away from

There is a communication gap between MSA and the
student body. We want to close that gap.
Ken Weine, MSA President

passing resolutions of this sort at
their weekly meetings this year,
Phillips said.
"We're here to work for the
students, and to do our job," Phillips
Weine said that the assembly
cannot restrict what resolutions are
addressed if they are proposed and
seconded, but "we have and

obligation to follow through on
resolutions we pass.-
In the past, it was unclear who
would follow through on the
resolution once was passed, he said.
But this year, Weine said he would
ensure that an assemblymember will
take responsibility for the resolution
when it leaves the meeting.

The assembly has remained
focused on campus issues so far this
term, but it is scheduled to consider
a resolution tonight calling for the
release of Salvador Ubau, a student
kidnapped in El Salvador,.
The resolution is different from
purely non-campus issues the
assembly has addressed in the past
because Ubau is a member of a
student government in El Salvador,
Weine said. The national lobby
group, the United States Students
Association, is asking student
governments around the country to
write Salvadoran President Jose
Napoleon Duarte demanding Ubau's
release, Weine said.

Tests will add to language classes

(Continued from Page 1)
the tests have risen to the point
where the LSA faculty voted to halt
renting the tests. Instead, the school
will use a new test to be written
solely by University professors.
Hagiwara will spend next term
developing the test for French and
will assist on the new Spanish test.
He said the CEEB test was good for
upper-level placement, but added that
the faculty had arbitrarily invented
cutoff scores for students placed in
introductory classes. The new test

will rank students more precisely and
determine whether they should be
placed in, for example, French 101 or
He added that students who have
had no language experience will be at
a disadvantage being in a class with
students who have had some
instruction. A way to avoid this, he
said, is to create some first semester
sections for students who have had
no previous language experience.
LSA officials expect the increase
in the number of students in

beginning langauge classes to only
be temporary. Officials stress that the
motivation behind the new
proficiency tests is not to force more
students into language classes but to
eventually strengthen high school
language programs.
Michael Donahue, assistant
director of the admissions office, said
the University "recommends two
years of high school language and
strongly urges four," but realizes that
about one-third of Michigan high
schools do not offer four years of

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language classes.
Judge added the University has
informed high schools of the
changes, and that its real intention is
to motivate students to work harder
in high school to pass the placement
Domestic auto
sales decline;
still rate high
DETROIT (AP) - Automakers
sold 15.46 million vehicles in the
1987 model year, which began
October 1 and ended September 30,
down 3.7 percent from the 1986
model year but still the third-best in
the industry's history.
In the 1986 model year, auto
companies sold 10.53 million cars
and 4.9 million trucks, including
heavy-duty models, foreign and
domestic automakers reported
yesterday. Imports held 30.3 percent
of the car market.
"The 1987 model year was a
surprisingly strong one for the total
domestic and import industry," said
Louis Lataif, Ford Motor Co. vice
president for North American sales.
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Compiled from Associated Press reports
AIDS survival rate declines
NEW YORK - The survival rate for AIDS patients is worse than
official figures suggest, with up to 98 percent of the victims succumbing
in less than three years after diagnosis, a researcher said yesterday.
The official tally of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta
shows that about 15 percent of AIDS victims will live longer than three
years. But a detailed examination of long-term survivors suggests that
only two to five percent may hang on that long, said Ann Hardy of the
Hardy presented her results at the Interscience Conference on
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, a meeting devoted to research
on infectious diseases.
Elsewhere at the meeting, two researchers presented reports differing
sharply over whether the AIDS virus is being spread commonly through
heterosexual contact.
Abused teenager sentenced
six months for manslaughter
RIVERHEAD, N.Y. - A teenager who admitted hiring a classmate to
kill her father in order to end years of sexual and physical abuse was
sentenced to six months in jail for manslaughter yesterday.
Cheryl Pierson, 18, whose case had focused national attention on
incest and domestic violence, fainted in her courtroom chair when Suffolk
County Supreme Court Justice Harvey Sherman announced the sentence.
The former high school cheerleader had pleaded guilty to manslaughter
for hiring 19-year-old Sean Pica to kill her father, James Pierson, 42,
who she said had abused her sexually and physically for more than four
Pierson, an electrician, was shot to death in the driveway of their home
in Selden, Long Island when he left for work on the morning of Feb. 5,
U.S., Canada complete accord
WASHINGTON - U.S. Trade Representative Clayton K. Yeutter
conceded yesterday that winning congressional approval of a far-reaching
free trade pact with Canada will "require a lot of effort" on the part of its
Despite initial optimism expressed by Canadian and U.S. officials,
Yeutter said obtaining approval of the agreement might be difficult,
particularly over some of its provisions - including giving Canadians
access, for the first time, to oil from Alaska's North Slope.
But he told reporters that, in the end, "this is a package that should sell
itself and will sell itself."
The accord, completed after 16 months of negotiations, calls for an
elimination of all tariffs and most other trade barriers between the two
countries by Jan. 1, 1999. It would create the world's largest open
Ford Motor Co. loses appeal
WASHINGTON - An attempt by the Ford Motor Co. to get out
from under charges of violating the Federal Clean Air Act at its vinyl
coating plant in Mount Clemens, Michigan, was rejected by the Supreme
Court yesterday.
The court, without comment, let stand a ruling that forces Ford to
defend itself against a lawsuit filed by the Federal Environmental
Protection Agency.
Lawyers for Ford argued that the government's complaint should be
dismissed because a Michigan state court approved a compromise
agreement between Ford and state enforcement officials.
UAC: king and queen wanted
For the past 10 years homecoming at the University has been
lacking two things from its celebration - a king and a queen.
This year, however, the University ActiviesCenter decided to
reinstate the king-queen tradition. Applications - which should include
the student's name, phone number, GPA, and a 5x7 photograph - will
be accepted until Oct.16.
The king and queen should "act as a symbol for character,
scholarship, and leadership," according to David Sternlicht, co-chair of
the Homecoming Committee, "That's what the U of M represents."
The finalists will have to submit a 100 word personal statement, and
the king and queen, chosen by student votes, will be crowned on Oct.
In addition to appearing at the pre-game show during the Oct. 31

football game against Northwestern, the king and queen will participate
in the Homecoming Parade. Ann Arbor legend Shaky Jake agreed to be
the Grand Marsall of the parade "as long as he can sell his shirts."
- Rachel Stock
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
0Ie Michtgan BuI
Vol. XCVIII - No. 19
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13
in Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student
News Service.

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Editor in Chief.................................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor.........................AMY MINDELL
News Editor....................PHILIP I. LEVY
City Editor ......................MELISSA BIRKS
Features Editor..........................MARTIN FRANK
University Editor ..........KERY MURAKAMI
NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth Atkins, Francie Arenson,
Vicki Bauer, Eve Becker, Steve Blonder, Jim Bray,
Dov Cohen, Hampton Dellinger. Kenneth Dintzer,
Nancy Driscoll, Sheala Durant, Stephen Gregory,
Edward Kleine, Steve Knopper, Carrie Loranger,
Michael Lustig, Alyssa Lustigran, Andrew Mills, Peter
Orner, Eugene Pak, Lisa Pollak, Melissa Ramnsdell,
Martha Sevetson, Steve Tuch, David Webster, Rose
Mary Wurnmel.
Opinion Page Editors...................PETER MOONEY
Assoc. Opinion Page Editor....CALE SOUTHWORTH
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzamnmil Ahmed,
Rosemary Chinnock, Tim Huet, Josh Levin, Jeff
Rutherford, Steve Semenuk, Mark Williams.
Arts Editors................................BRIAN BONET
Books.................................LISA MAGNINO
Film ......................JOHN SHEA
Theatre ............................AMY KOCH

Adam Schrager, Seott Shaffer, Pete Stinert, Douglas
Volan, Peter Zellen, Bill Zolls.
Photo Editors...........................SCOTT LJTUCHY
PHOTO STAFF: Karen Handelman, Ellen Levy. Robin
Loanak, David Lubliner, Dana Mendelssohn, John
Munson, Cara Saffro, Grace Tsai.
Weekend Editors...........REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Business Manager......REBECCA LAWRENCE
Sales Manager ...... .........ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Sales Manager...........KAREN BROWN
SALES STAFF: Gail Belenson, Sherri Blansky, Julie
Bowers. Valerie Breier, Pam Bullock, Stephanie Burg.
Milton Feld, Kim Feuerstein, Lisa George. Miehelle
Gill. Jeff Grant, Missy Hambrick, Ginger Heyman,
Mary Johnson, Matt Lane, Denise Ivy, Jodi Manehik,
Mindy Mendonsa, Eddy Meng, Jackie Miller, Jaunie
Parsells, Jackie Rosenberg, Jennifer Rowe, Jim Ryan.
Laura Schlanger, Jennifer Siegel, Michelle SlavikMary
NATIONALS: Mictelle Ketcham
Finance Manager........................RYAN TUTAK


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