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October 10, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-10

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 10, 1986 -
Fine named'Professor of Year'



Sidney Fine, a renowned University history
professor, has been named Michigan's "Professor of
the Year" by the Council for Advancement and
Support of Education (CASE).
The award, sponsored by CASE and funded by the
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching, recognizes excellence in teaching and
research and demonstrates the recipient's impact on
"I'M flattered. It's a great honor," said Fine, who
attributed his success as a professor to "careful
preparation, considerable enthusiasm, and a blend of
narrative and analysis in explaining and interpreting
the past."
"I enjoy what I'm doing. I love the classroom and
love what I'm doing, " he said. Fine said his biggest
thrill from teaching lies in "the excitement of really
opening up the students' minds, when you see them
grasping the point you are making, connecting with
it, so to speak. It's just a wonderful feeling."
Each professor entered in the contest had to supply
a one-page curriculum paper describing his career

along with six letters- one from the president of the
university, one from the department chairman two
from former students, and one from a current student.
A DISTINGUISHED scholar of modern
American history, Fine has written widely on the
history of the labor movement, the New Deal and the
history of Michigan and its political institutions.
Fine's two-term course in 20th century American
history consistently attracts more students than it can
accommodate. The second part of the course, "History
of the United States since 1933," was rated the best
course on the University campus in 1984 by Lisa
Birnbach's informal guide, The College Handbook.
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Fine graduated from
Case Western Reserve University and received his
master's and doctoral degrees from the University. of
Michigan. He has been a member of the University's
history department since 1948 and was named to the
White Professorship in 1974. In 1984, Fine was the
University's Henry Russel Lecturer, the highest
honor the University bestows on a senior faculty

... honored

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Captured Contra supplier
admits CIA involvement

(Continued from Page 1)
down Sunday by a surface-to-air
missle and crashed in southern
NICARAGUAN officials have
claimed the supply operation was
part of a CIA effort to help the
Contras, who have been fighting
for about five years to overthrow
the Sandinista government. Under
restrictions imposed by Congress,
the CIA may not aid the Contras.
CIA spokeswoman Kathy
Pherson said the agency could only
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respond to Hasenfus' remarks by
repeating its earlier denials of
PresidentReagan and other U.S.
officials also have denied that the
plane or its crew had ties to the
U.S. government.
HASENFUS said he was told
he would be paid $3,000 per month
plus housing, transportation and
expenses for working with the air
Pentagon for
defense plan
(Continued from Page 1)
University $7.7 million; if current
projections are correct, URI money
could eventually increase that figure
by more than 50 percent.
THErURI funds already granted
will provide lab equipment,
"student support," and researchers'
salaries, said Gerl. The lab
equipment will be used to build
"Centers of Excellence" to conduct
According to Gus Teschke, co-
chairman of the Michigan Student
Assembly's Peace and Justice
Committee, "These Centers of
Excellence will turn into ghost
towns unless (the University) does
what (the defense department) wants
us to do with it."
Gerl, however, does not see a
significant increase in military
funding resulting from the projects.
The Centers of Excellence will be
used for basic research only, which,
he said, "the military can't depend
on to solve everyday problems."
BASIC research, Gerl said,
"investigates new ideas in areas of
interests in various science topics,"
whereas applied research, "uses
technology to build something."
Applied research is what the
military is concerned with for
weapons research, he said.
The first URI project approved
by the defense department studies
the problems of fluid movement
around ships, with the goal of
improving hull designs. Naval
architecture Prof. Robert Beck has
been granted $4,867,000 to
conduct his research. His project is
funded through the Naval Research
Another project that has been
partially funded is Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. George Haddad's effort to
increase the speed of computer
Haddad has been given $557,000
for graduate student help, and $1
million for equipment. His project
is funded through the Army
Research fund. Haddad had asked
for $15.4 million, and the rest of
his grant is still pending.
James Lesch has been director of
the University's Division of Res -
earch and Development Admin -
istration(DRDA) since 1973. The
Daily incorrectly reported yesterday
that he has been head of DRDA for
36 years.
- 1


Reagan arrives, in Iceland
REYKJAVIK, Iceland-President Reagan, vowing to "face the
tough issues directly" but frowning on quick-fix deals, arrived in
Iceland yesterday night for his weekend superpower summit with
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
Under a pelting rain, Air Force One taxiied on the tarmac on the
Keflevik airport. The president was greeted by Iceland's president,
Vigdis Finnbogadottir, the only elected woman president in the world,
along with Prime Minister Steingrimur Hermannsonn and Foreign
Minister Matthias Mathiasen.
An honor guard of the Icelandic policemen stood by as Reagan
shook hands, then took a limousine ride into Reykjavik, the capital
Several hundred Icelanders, a few holding candles in the darkness,
stood along the motorcade route in the rain to catch a glimpse of
Reagan's armored limousine as it sped by.
About 25 people from the neighborhood where the president will
be staying waited in a chilly drizzle at a roadblock at the entrance to
the street where the American ambassador's residence is located.
Ministers back Blanchard
LANSING-Democratic Gov. James Blanchard has won re-election
support from more than 30 Detroit ministers, most of them black,
who ignored the appeal of black Republican gubernatorial nominee
William Lucas.
Lucas'call, for voters to make history by making him the nation's
first elected black govenor, isn't attractive, said the Rev. Wendell
Anthony, associate pastor of the Fellowship Chapel United Church of
"We don't want to ride the GOP elephant... That is the antithesis
of the kind of history we want to see made," Anthony said.
Lucas spokeswoman Debra Townsend dismissed the ministers'
endorsement, made Wednesday, saying they were "individuals whose
endorsements we never expceted to get."
She said the ministers are political allies of Detroit Mayor
Coleman Young, a supporter of Blanchard. Lucas has, however,
recieved the endorsement of some Detroit ministers
Botha freezes foreign funds
of anti-apartheid coalition .
JOHANNESBURG-The government decreed yesterday that South
Africa's largest anti-apartheid coalition cannot receive foreign funds.
The group said it expects to be outlawed within months.'
President P. W. Botha issued the order against the Untied
Democratic Front under the Affected Organizations Act, which allows
him to prohibit foreign influence.
Botha's action froze 100,000 rand ($45,000) in UDF bank
accounts, said Azhar Cachalia, its national treasurer. He said more
than half the annual budget of "millions of rands" comes from abroad,
most of it from Scandinavia and none from the United States or
Soviet Union.
Cachalia told reporters the multiracial coalition, formed three years
ago, will challenge the order in court next week.
He and the UDF president, Albertina Sisulu, are the only members,
of the 15-member national executive who have not gone into hiding
or been jailed under the national state of emergency imposed June 12,
Cachalia said.
Researchers make advances
toward cure for hepatitus
BOSTON-Scientists' long quest to grow the hepatitus B virus in
a test tube has been achieved by at least six research teams, and
researchers say the discovery should speed the search for new drugs to
fight the disease.
"I think it's extraordinarily important," said Dr. Frank Chisari, a,
hepatitus expert at the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic in La
Jolla, Calif.
Although the virus easily infects people, scientists had failed for at
least a decade to make it thrive in human tissue in test tubes, a key
step in learning how the virus functions and testing medicines that
might kill it.
The hepatitus B virus infects 200,000 Americans annually. It can
cause cirrhosis and other liver diseases, including liver cancer.
Worldwide, hepatocellular carcinoma caused by the virus strikes an
estimated 250,000 people each year and kills virtually all of them.
Floods threaten E. Mich.
The threat of high waters spread along Lower Michigan's eastern
shoreline as northwest winds prompted flood advisories yesterday
night from from Saginaw Bay to western Lake Erie, authorities said.
"The winds are calming, but the water levels are so high that with
the wave action there should still be a considerable amount of
flooding," said Dennis Dixion, a meteorologist with the National
Weather Service in Ann Arbor.
"As bad as it may be, when we get gale-force winds out of the
northeast in the fall, it's going to get much worse," he said.
Northeast winds of 15 knots to 25 knots aggravated flooding and
beach erosion slightly along southwestern Saginaw Bay, Lake St.
Clair and the the St. Clair River, while water levels were rising along
western Lake Erie, the weather service said.
But officials in the affected counties of Bay, Macomb and Wayne
reported no significant new flooding-related problems yesterday.
"I haven't heard of any new flooding at all," said a spokeswoman at

Saginaw County central dispatch unit.
Sandbagging efforts continued in Macomb County's Harrison
Township, where more than 2,500 homes were hit by high water in
canals leading from Lake St. Clair and along the shore line.








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Vol. XCVII-- No. 27
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times
Editor in Chief..................ERIC MATTSON SPORTS STAFF: Paul Dodd, Liam Flaherty,
Managing Editor...........RACHEL GOTTLIEB Jon Hartmann, Darren Jasey, Julie Langer,
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