Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 20, 1986
AIESEC students work, travel
University students can travel,
work for international corporations,
win friends, promote world under-
standing, and in general, have lots of
fun. Students can do all of these things
AIESEC, an international student
exchange program, allows 40,000
students from 61 countries to gain
practical business experience
working for companies in other coun-
tries. AIESEC is a French acronym
for International Association of Stud-
ents in Economics and Business
FOREIGN students find jobs in
their own country for Americans,
while Americans find jobs for
Nineteen University students in
AIESEC went abroad last year, ac-
cording to AIESEC member Rob
Boyce, an LSA senior.
Besides giving students business
experience, the program helps
promote internationalism, said
CAROLYN Kley, a senior in the
business school, said she joined
AIESEC "'for business reasons. And
because it would be fun to travel
While she was stationed in
Freibourg, Switzerland, she
developed an "appreciation of foreign
cultures and foreign business en-
"Their attitudes and culture are dif-
ferent. They took business and work
seriously, but (work) is not an all en-
compassing - being like it is for
some (American) business
executives," she said.
"THEY TOOK two hour lunches
over there. And they locked the door
of the office (during lunch) so you
couldn't get back in. After an hour, I
got bored but I couldn't get back into
the office," she said.
"They are more naturalistic. They
see other qualities in life. (Business) is
not as important," she said.
"(Understanding) happens on two
levels," said Lynda Sun, President of
AIESEC and an LSA senior. Both
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foreigners and Americans learn about
each other as they interact, she said.
BEFORE Julie Starkel, an LSA
junior, went to France, she thought
"all Frenchmen wore berets, ate
French bread, and drank wine."
Besides American misconceptions
of the French, American tourists have
created misconceptions of
Americans, she said.
"Ever since the war, American
(tourists) think they own the world,"
she said. Some American tourists will
walk down the middle of the main
boulevard in Paris, stopping all traf-
fic, just to take a picture, she said.
''We're trying to fight that image,''
she said.
"TOURISTS come and go and don't
give a good impression of what
Americans are like," said Sun. "My
roommates (from France, who were
also in AIESEC), said to me 'Wow,
you Americans actually do have a
sense of style and dressing.' "
Besides the opportunity to learn
about different cultures, AIESEC of-
fers students practical business ex-
"Traveling to exotic places...
when you're young and idealistic, it's
great fun," said Business Prof. Gun-
ter Dufey, adressing the group last
Tuesday. But now with the
globalization of financial markets
"the dimension (of international
business experience added to your
general training is essential," he said.
"The international game is a big
part of life and should be part of
education," said Dufey, an ALESEC
participant from Germany 23 years
ago. "This is true whether we work
somewhere else (outside America) or
in Midland, Michigan. It's amazing
the business transactions you can do
with two TV screens and a couple of
phone lines," he said.
Even those students who don't go
abroad receive valuable training.
Greg Dufour, an AIESEC member
and an LSA senior, tries to persuade
area companies like Burroughs,
whose headquarters is in Detroit, to
take in foreign students. "From
speaking with and learning from
various managers, I've learned a lot
about their organization and cor-
porate structure," he said.
"It's been a world of experience
whether I go on a traineeship or not,"
he said.
AIESEC plans to have a mass
meeting Feb. 3 in Hale Auditorim at
7:00 p.m.
January 22 6 - 8 p.m.
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U.S. may abduct terrorists
WASHINGTON - The administration, struggling with a strategy to
combat terrorism, has considered abducting terrorists abroad and
bringing them to the United States to stand trial for crimes against
Americans, The New York Times reported yesterday.
The Times said the option has arisen in the course of what has become a
sometimes contentious debate within the administration on counter-
terrorism tactics but has yet to receive approval from senior officials.
That internal debate has been marked by rare public disagreement
over appropriate responses to terrorism, with Secretary of State George
Shultz advocating military reprisals and Defense Secretary Caspar
Weinberger taking a more cautious line.
The White House had no comment on the newspaper report.
Without confirming the debate over kidnapping fugitives, State Depar-
tment legal adviser Abraham Sofaer told the Times that there are instan-
ces that could justify "bending" the rules of international law that stand
in the way of such extraterritorial action - if innocent people were not
threatened and the operation "had a reasonable chance of success."
Tutu helps U.S. honor King
South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu joined yesterday in events
honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as Americans of all races
remembered the slain civil rights leader on the eve of the first national
holiday marking his birth.
A candlelight memorial service was planned last night at King's tomb.
in Atlanta, in advance of today's official holiday. His widow, Coretta Scott
King, was to place a wreath at the tomb today.
Tutu was among those scheduled to participate yesterday in an inter-
national conference in opposition to South Africa's apartheid system at
Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King was pastor. He also
spoke earlier at Ebenezer's yesterday morning service.
Today's scheduled observances included "Living the Dream," a
musical celebration by several top recording stars and others in
Washington, New York City and Atlanta. Performers will include such
people as Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Quincy Jones, the Rev. Jesse Jackson,
Patti Labelle and more, with Harry Belafonte and Bill Cosby as co-hosts.
Reagan may transfer CIA
role in defector cases to FBI
WASHINGTON - The Reagan administration, unhappy with the CIA's
handling of former Soviet KGB agent Vitaly Yurchenko, may reduce the
agency's role in defector cases and give primary responsibility to the
FBI, informed sources said.
"I think it's a great move," said a senior White House official, who con
tended that defectors invariably have been able to establish much closer
relations with FBI personnel than CIA officers.
The official, who insisted on anonymity, said the proposal has been un-
der consideration for some time and was given additional impetus by
Yurchenko's surprise decision to return to the Soviet Union in November
after three months in CIA custody.
White House spokesman Edward Djerejian acknowledged that
procedures for dealing with defectors are being reviewed but declined
commeit on the options under consideration. FBI and CIA spokesmen
refused to discuss the issue.
Tunnel may link France, U.K.
LILLE, France - The leaders of France and Britain are expected to
announce today that 31-mile twin rail tunnels have been chosen to achieve
the nearly 200-year-old dream of a permanent transport link across the
English Channel.
President Francois Mitterrand and British Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher meet in this city southeast of Calais to reveal their decision.
The tunnels, privately financed, would cost $3.3 billion at current prices
and would open in 1993.
Terminals would be near Calais and Dover in England, where a rail
tunnel was begun in 1973 but was halted under a British Labor gover-
nment austerity program.
Vehicles would travel on special rail cars, and high-speed trains would
halve the Paris-London time to under four hours. The largest civil
engineering project in modern Europe, it would employ about 40,000.
workers during seven years of construction.
Yesterday's newspapers in Britain, where the "Chunnel" has aroused
far more interest than in France, said two weeks of tough negotiations
ended with agreement for the Channel Tunnel Group-France Manche
consortium, known as CTG.
Lesotho prime minister says
S. Africa tried to oust him
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Lesotho Prime Minister Chief
Leabua Jonathan, missing from public view since soldiers surrounded his
office six days ago, emerged from seclusion yesterday and accused South
Africa of trying to oust him.
In interviews with the South African Broadcasting Corp. and the British.
Broadcasting Corp., Jonathan said he remained in complete control of,
the government of the tiny mountain kingdom that is surrounded by South
South African Foreign Minister Roelof "Pik" Botha has accused
Lesotho of harboring black guerrillas responsible for at least one of a:
series of bomb and mine attacks, which have claimed 14 lives since Nov
26. Botha charged guerrillas are being trained in Maseru, about 3 mile$.
from the border.
Meanwhile members of tribal factions angered over a beer hall dispute
fought with sticks and iron bars yesterday at Kloof gold mine west of
Johannesburg, killing seven black miners and badly injuring 39, police
Vol XCVI -No.77
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through.
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September-
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.
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