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January 20, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-20

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI -No. 77

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, January 20, 1986

Eight Pages



Hawkeyes alive

Special to the Daily
IOWA CITY - They say an animal
caught in a trap will chew off its own
leg to get away, and for a while in
their 61-57 basketball victory over
Iowa Saturday, the Wolverines looked
like they might be such animals.
The Hawkeyes' half-court trap
defense forced Michigan into 17 tur-
novers, nine after halftime, and
helped the Wolverines chomp their
own four-point lead down to a five-
point deficit midway through the
second half.
"THEY WOULD get you in the cor-
ner and they would come so quick,"
said Michigan guard Garde Thom-
pson, who tried without great success
to scratch his way out of several cor-
ner traps. "Their whole defense
would switch to that side.
"It was hard to get the ball opposite,
and it cost us a lot of turnovers."
But Michigan, being a generally
patient beast, used superior muscle to
punch the release on the Iowa trap,
pulling out to a five point lead with
1:27 left before settling for the final
"Their physicalness just wore us
down," said the Hawks' head hunter,
George Raveling. "We couldn't get
into our trapping areas. We just
didn't have the thrust we needed at
the end."
BY THEN the Wolverines had found
the weaker of those areas. Three of
Michigan's last six hoops were dunks,
and two of the others came on clean
rebounds of errant jump shots.
"They do a good job of .trapping,"

said Michigan head coach Bill
Frieder, "but sometimes it's effective
and other times it might lead you to
getting an easy second or third shot
because they overplayed so much."
FORWARD Richard Rellford took
the most advantage of Iowa's fatigue,
scoring nine of his 15 points during the
late Wolverine surge.
"He got some of that from their
overplay," said Frieder. "We were
keeping both guards on one side, and he
was free on the other."
Rellford was free, for example,
when Michigan was down 49-44 and
the Hawkeyes were converging on
Gary Grant high on the right side.
The sophomore guard saw Robert
Henderson cutting left to right across
the free throw line and zipped a pass
at Henderson.
The pass went through Henderson's
hands, but because the defense had
shifted to the right side, Rellford was
free to pick up the loose ball and glide
down the left baseline for the dunk
that started the Wolverines'
AFTER HIS tip dunk put Michigan
ahead for good, 52-51, with three
minutes left, Rellford went to work on
the other end. The 6-6 senior stole one
Iowa pass, and on the next Hawkeye
possession, he pounded into the stands
an Al Lorenzen shot that would have
cut the Wolverine lead to three.
Lorenzen had beaten Michigan cen-
ter Roy Tarpley, who was playing
with four fouls, to take the shot.
"I'm usually the one reaching and
Roy's the one man blocking the shot,"

said Rellford. "So I looked at him
and I said, 'Hey, ne always gets
blocks so let me try and block a
"I JUST tried to cheat over a little
and fortunately I got the block."
Tarpley, meanwhile, was leading
the effort that gave the Wolverines a
45-27 rebounding edge. He grabbed 16
boards to equal his career high, and
scored 18 points to lead all scorers.
The 6-11 center also teamed with Rely
The women's basketball
team upsets 16th-ranked
Iowa. See Page 7.
ford and Butch Wade, whom Raveling
called Michigan's "two tackles," to
shut.down Iowa's leading scorer, Roy
Marble. The three used fierce elbow
grease and just plain elbows to
remove the polish from Marble's
early season success. The 6-7 Flint
native finished with two-of-nine
shooting from the floor and only seven
points, less than half his Big Ten
"He took a beating out there," said
Raveling. "I'm not saying anything
derogatory about Michigan, but it's a
fact. They really bumped and
knocked him around."
MARBLE was not the only player
struggling offensively. Michigan's
guards shot a combined 32 percent, as
Antoine Joubert worsted Marble's
shooting with a two-of-ten performan-
"It seems like the last three or four
See BLUE, Page 7

Daily Photo by JAE KIM


A mother and her child enjoy Saturday afternoon on a stone path over one of Gallup Park's frozen ponds.

Ypsi. man

t........... ::::.::::: ----

koutside of
*" Dooley's


A 21-year-old Ypsilanti man was
stabbed in the alleyway between
Dooley's and Burger King on
Maynard St. at 1:30 a.m. Friday, Ann
Arbor Police said.
The victim, thought by police to be a
current or former football player for
Eastern Michigan University, was
admitted to University hospital with
a "graze wound" in his abdomen. He
was in stable condition Saturday, said

Ann Arbor Police Lt. Gary Kistka.
THE SUSPECT, a 20-year-old man,
was apprehended in The Nectarine
Ballroom on Liberty St. within a half-
hour of the incident. He was arrested
but not charged. The police do not
know if they will press charges and
have been unable to establish a
motive for the incident, Kistka said.
The police were initially called to
the scene for a shooting.

Greater costs
frce Charlie s
to charge cover

Skyrocketing insurance rates have
caused one local bar to impose a cover
charge. Good Time Charlie's Village
Bar and Grill began charging one
dollar to their over-21 patrons, and
two dollars to their under-21
customers last week.
"Our costs went up about 1,000
pecent last year," said Rick Buhr, co-
owner and general manager of
Charlie's. Due to the rising rates,
Charlie's presently pays $36,000 per
year for liquor liability insurance, and
Buhr expects this number to double in
the coming year.
THE "DRAM-Shop" law, covering
Michigan civil liquor liability, has
been on the books since 1937. "What
caused the current controversy over it
is because the insurance companies
have raised their rates so rapidly,"
said Ken Wasniac of the Michigan
Liquor Control Commission. "The
amount of settlements have gone up,
and (the insurance companies) have
been losing money on the premiums."
However, Brian Kuehn, account
manager for Dobson-McOmber, an
insurance company in Ann Arbor,
said rates are rising so rapidly as
result of the increasing number of
lawsuits in which bar owners have
been held liable.
The problem is more complex than
insurance costs. Availability of liquor
liability insurance is limited, and
those companies that do offer such in-
surance are sometimes not finan-
cially stable. "Those companies that
are less stable are usually more

liberal with their limit (of coverage)
than the more stable companies,"
said Kuehn. Many of thecompanies
that have offered liquor liability in-
surance in the past have gone
"WE'RE ALMOST to the point
where bar owners are either paying
the bare minimum or dropping their
insurance. The attitude is 'come and
get me.' Eventually, if they keep
pushing (the rates) up, very few will
buy it, or they will pass it on to their
customers," said Kuehn.
Some bars are forced to buy the in-
surance at any price. "National
chains cannot afford to take a chance
with an uninsured claim. When you hit
a certain size, you have to buy in-
surance at any price. Smaller
operations can take a chance. They
can pull in their assets, so there's
nothing to collect, and just declare
bankruptcy," said Kuehn.
Many bars in Michigan, as much as
50 percent, have dropped their in-
surance. "If insurance costs more
than profits, the only way to get
profits is to drop the insurance,"
Kuehn said. Rather than close or drop
insurance several bars have opted to
pass the costs on to their customers:
THIS is what Charlie's has done.
Because it is a college bar, insurance
rates are high, and limits on the
coverage are low. However, the
owners do not feel they can afford to
drop their insurance. "We're collec-
table," said Buhr, "We have the
See RISING, Page 3

S. Yemen
ABU DHABI, United Arab
Emirates (UPI) - Hard-line Marxists sup-
ported by the Soviet-equipped armed
forces overthrew President Ali
Nasser Mohammed of South Yemen
yesterday after a week of bloody
rebellion, official Radio Aden repor-
An Israeli radio monitor said
Mohammed flew to Addis Ababa.
Ethiopia, Saturday night, apparently
seeking political asylum, and a
Yemeni jet carrying an unidentified
"senior personality" left Addis Ababa
Sunday for Taizz, North Yemen.
BUT ADDIS Ababa radio later said
that Mohammed left for "home" after
a "brief stopover" in Ethiopia to brief
Ethiopian leader Nangistu Haile
Naviam on the situation in South
Yemen. The radio dispatch,
monitored in London, did not specify
where "home" was.
The Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram
reported in today's early editions that
Mohammed flew from Ethiopia to
Moscow with five aides. The Soviet
Union is South Yemen's closest ally.
There was no confirmation of the
reports, which came as an inter-
national flotilla of ships, including
Queen Elizabeth's private yacht, tried
to evacuate about 1,000 foreigners still
stranded in Aden, the capital of the
only Marxist nation in the Arab world.
A spokesman for the British Em-
bassy in Washington said the royal
yacht Britannia, the first of the ships to
reach Aden, evacuated at least one
American, a woman identified only as
Hazel Denton.

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
The bells'of the Burton Memorial Tower will chime today at noon after a year and a half of silence. The bells
were taken down for repairs and renovation in 1984.
Tower bells will be ringing today
By RACHEL GOTTLIEB a chance to ring," DeTurk said.
The bells are back in position in the Burton Memorial THE UNIVERSITY allocated $125,000 for the repairs
Tower - they'll start to chime today at noon. and renovation and alumni contributions amounted to
The 53 bells that make up the University carillon stop- $8,000. The total cost of the project is unknown as the bills
ped ringing in August 1984 when they were taken down for have not been tallied and phase two, the installation of a
repairs and renovation on the tower. The bells, more than new keyboard, will not begin until the spring.
60 tons worth, weathered 48 winters without any major The carillon, a gift of Charles Baird, a former athletic
repairs, said Music Prof. William DeTurk, the Univer- department director, was donated in 1935. Burton
sity's carillonneur since 1981. Memorial Tower, named after Leroy Burton, a former
BUT DeTURK said the need for repairs was urgent. University president, was built the following year to house
The ceiling of the 50-year-old tower was falling and the the carillon.
bolts that held the bells in place were rusting away. The installation of the new keyboard and some final
"We had to get new bolts so the whole blooming thing acoustical improvements will be completed by late June,
wouldn't come falling down, DeTurk said. "It scared the just in time to host the seventh internatonal carillon
University Musical Society on the first floor - we used to Congress on July 5-8.
joke about whose desk would be smashed if the 12 ton bell The congress, which will be the scene of numerous con-
fell," he added. certs and exhibits of other towers, will take place for the
The insulation between the bells and the beams was also first time outside of Europe. "There will be all kinds of
replaced. "Before you got a sound and it would klunk people here from all over the world playing tunes on our
away. The bells were being strangled - they didn't have carillon," DeTurk said.

ANTkTO be a shoo-in for a job interview
and keep your resume from getting lost on
the boss' desk?uThen do what Alfred

ficult to file or photocopy.
The result? "It worked," Niquette said. "Out of 25
shirts sent out, I got 20 interviews. Some people didn't
even have job openings, but they said they had to meet
'this T-shirt guy.' "Even the receptionists were
looking for me," said the enterprising job-hunter, ad-
ding he onted for regular business attire, rather than

in the MSU Union. "We are very excited about the new
approach to food service at the MSU Union, and the
cooperative spirit shown by the companies should help
insure the success of this new undertaking," said Jim
Sheppard, Union manager. Sheppard said the three
firms were chosen from among eight bidders. The new
service will h offered in a food court in the Union

JAZZY: Arts reviews fresh vinyl from Slider-
Glenn and Seventh Avenue. See Page 5.



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