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January 20, 1986 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-20

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Peres backs Hussein's resolve

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Jor
dan's King Hussein is serious about
bridging Arab-Israeli differences,
Prime Minister Shimon Peres of
Israel said here yesterday at the start
iof a three-nation, 12-day West
European visit.
Peres also said at a news conferen-
ce that the Soviet Union could take
part in an international Middle East
peace forum proposed by Hussein as a
prelude to direct talks between a
Palestinian-Jordanian delegation and
"I DO believe that King Hussein is
serious in his attempt to bridge over
the differences at the source of the
conflict," said Peres, referring to
Hussein's efforts in the peace process.
. But Peres added that there remain,
"two burning issues, which are the in-
ternational forum on one hand, and
Palestinian representation on the
other." He said efforts toward peace
"have made some headway, but there
are still some important issues to be
One reason for Peres' tour is to
gather world support for a peace
process without the participation of

the Palestine Liberation
Organization, which Israel regards as
a terrorist organization dedicated to
the destruction of the Jewish state.
PERES WILL also visit Britain and
West Germany.
There were indications that the
Middle East peace process would in-
tensify this week. Peres was due to
meet yesterday with Richard Murphy,
the U.S. State Department's top ex-
pert on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Murphy, in Europe to arrange the
proposed international conference,
arrived in the Netherlands yesterday
after meeting Hussein in London, ac-
cording to a Dutch government
THE UNITED States has in the past
resisted a Soviet role in the Middle
East peace process, and Peres'
statements yesterday appeared
designed as a concession to Jordan's
desire for a Soviet role.
Peres has previously said Soviet
participation in such a forum might
be acceptable.
Aboard his plane on the way to the
Netherlands, Peres told reporters
that "the international forum can be
formed either by the two superpowers

or by the five members of the Security
THE FIVE permanent members of
the U.N. Security Council are the
United States, the Soviet Union,
China, Britain and France.

At the Hague news conference,
Peres said "the Middle East conflict
includes the superpowers, Europe and
the Middle East nations. Understan-
ding in essential to the promotion of a
climate of peace."

The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 20, 1986-Page 3
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Rising rates force
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(continued from Page 1)
assets, the building, the land, and the
fixtures. If you're not collectable,
people won't sue. We're vulnerable."
To help defray insurance costs
Charlie's began collecting a cover
charge a week ago Friday. They did
not charge one last night, however,
because their cash register was
"The only other alternative we have
is to go to 21 only, and we don't want to
do that. People don't choose their
friends by age. If we went to 21 then
50-60 percent of our clientele would be

out," Buhr said.
Charlie's doorman Joe Gneise
disagreed, saying, "the Greek system
needs a place to socialize, and this is
Both of Charlie's owners, Buhr and
John Rogers said that it's still too
early to tell if the fee will have a large
effect on business. Some patrons feel
that they are paying for nothing, since
Charlie's does not offer live music or
dancing. Others disagree.
"(Charlie's) is the most conducive to
having a conversation," said Paul
Andoni, an LSA junior.

I ;

Michigan Theater Foundation - Head, 8 p.m.; Don't Look Back, 10
p.m., Michigan Theater.
Nectarine Ballroom -28 Flowers, 10p.m., 510 E. Liberty.
Bird of Paradise Jazz Club - Paul Vornhagen and Friends, 207 S.
Norman Miller, "Understanding and Mastering the MCAT," 8 p.m.,
Hussey Room, League.
Chemistry - Doug Stephen, "Early Transition Metal Metalloligands:
Synthons for Heterobimetallics," 4 p.m., room 1200, Chemistry Bldg.
Near East and North African Studies/Anthropology - Lois Ibsen al
"Faruqi, "Another Islamic Perspective on Symbolism in the Arts," noon,
Commons Room, Lane Hall.
Statistics - David K. Pickard, "Markov Fields and Statistical Inferen-
ce," 4p.m., room 451, Mason Hall.
Women's Studies - Eileen Yeo, "Social Science and Gender Relations
in Britain, 1789-1830," noon, room 238A, W. Engineering.
Faculty Women's Club - Lunch/listen, Freeman Miller, "Halley's
Comet," 11:30 a.m., Michigan Room, League.
Multiple Sclerosis Society - Counseling group; Significant Others
group, 7 p.m., Washtenaw United Way.
Society for Creative Anachronism -7 p.m., East Quad.
TARDA - Doctor Who Fan Club, 8 p.m., Conference Rm. C, Michigan
Canterbury House - Open class on intuition and healing, 8 p.m., 218 N.
Film series, Francis Schaeffer, "How Shall We Then Live?" 7:30 p.m.,
Aud. C, Angell Hall.
University Flyers - Private Pilot Ground School Course, 7 p.m., room
245, Dennison.
University Club - Buffet, 11:30 a.m.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The Executive Officers of the University of Michigan are
considering a proposal from the University of Michigan Hos-
pitals to discontinue the Nurse Anethesist Program on the
Ann Arbor campus. An Open Meeting to consider this issue
will be held Wednesday, January 22, 1986, from
7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Pond Room of the Michigan
Union. Persons interested in speaking to this issue should
contact Margaret Lemley at 3060 Fleming Administration
Building (phone 764-0151) to arrange a time. Speakers
are limited to a five-minute presentation, but may submit
additional written material to University administrators at
that time. All persons who have information pertinent to this
pending decision are invited to make their views known.
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