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April 17, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-17

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 17, 1986
By Jae Kim

"How do you feel about the end of this
year at the University of Michigan?"

Aydin Bengisu, jpol. sci.
junior: Being a transfer
sudent from Flint, I find
Ann Arbor much more
diverse with a whole lot
mbre to offer than Flint.
This is true socially,
aCademically and in
general, with everything.
Michigan has a
cosmopolitan atmosphere
which is just incredible.

Lisa Dennia, natural Julie Hall, Engin. fresh- John Gardyiak, pharmacy Liz Haas, LSA freshman:
resource junior: I had a man: I'm glad it's finally grad. student: It's been For me, it's sad since many
great year, but I have to here, because I need time to good, but I'm glad the end is of my older friends are
admit that I'm glad it's just relax and have some fun. near; too much of a good leaving. But I'm looking
about over. I'm looking for- The studying and academic thing can get boring. Unfor- forward to next fall. There's
ward to a relaxing summer, pressure gets to you so I'm tunately, the academics and so much to do in Ann Arbor
away from the pressure of looking forward to the end. the strain of finals puts a that I wish I could stay over
the University. damper on enjoying the spring and summer.
great spring weather.

Mimi Fox, pol. sci. senior:
Since this is my last
gemester I'm excited to go on
to bigger and better things,
even though I love Ann Ar-
bor and had a great time
here. The University has a
diverse student body which I
love; you can find so much
culture in Ann Arbor.

, John Bonmevich, natural sci.
senior: Graduate school is
next, so it's not really the
end for me. But now is my
senior year, I'm taking it
easy with breeze courses
and a relaxing time. It even
gets boring sometimes.

Claudia Herman, comp.
lit. masters candidate: Well,
I feel very relieved because
I'm finishing a degree now.
I'm looking forward to get-
ting another degree, but
right now surviving the next
two weeks is my current

Ed Anderson, comp.
science senior: I'm really
glad, since hopefully I'll
graduate and relax. It's
been so comfortable being
here that it's scary to be
leaving this place and going
into a foreign environment;
I guess I've just become so
close to Ann Arbor.

John Cho, LSA freesh-
man: I'm sorry that this
year came to an end so
quickly; my freshman year
was awesome. Since I'm
staying spring and summer,
I can enjoy Ann Arbor to it's
fullest potential. It was just
a great year.

Libya linked to disco bombing
BONN, West Germany - Chancellor Helmut Kohl said yesterday West
German intelligence had concrete proof that Libya orchestrated the West
Berlin nightclub bombing that triggered the U.S. air raids on Libya.
A government spokesman said West Germany's proof consisted of in-
tercepted and decoded radio messages between Libya and its embassy in
East Berlin. Before the U.S. attack early Tuesday, Bonn had said its
evidence in the bombing was not conclusive.
"We have incontrovertible intelligence sources that the Libyan Peoples
Bureau (embassy) in East Berlin was responsible for the bloody terror
attack on the West Berlin discotheque in which two died and more people
were injured than in the American attack on Libya," Kohl told
"These clearly amount to proof," Kohl said in an address on the U.S.
bombing attack on Libya that triggered angry mass protests in more than
a dozen West German cities and a rock-throwing, window-smashing
spree in West Berlin Tuesday night.
House refuses to split aid
package that may go to rebels
WASHINGTON - The House dealt President Reagan a setback in his
effort to win money for Nicaraguan rebels by refusing to split the $100
million aid package from an unrelated spending bill that Reagan may
In two votes Tuesday evening that went largely along party lines, the
Democratic-controlled House decided to keep the rebel aid package tied
to a bill providing $1.7 billion for a range of government programs.
House Minority Leader Bob Michel, R-Ill., warned that Reagan might
veto the spending bill and told Democrats, "What you have done here by
your procedure is kill aid to the Contras."
The House was scheduled yesterday to vote on a series of amendments
- and perhaps final passage - for the plan to provide $100 million in aid
to the Contra guerrillas fighting Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista gover-
Among the amendments are one which limits aid to only Nicaraguan
refugees and Latin nations trying to negotiate an end to the fighting, and
another which would temporarily limit Contra aid to non-lethal items
such as clothes and medicine.
State Senate supports SDI
LANSING - After long and heated debate, the Senate voted 18-13 in
favor of a resolution yesterday urging the U.S. Congress to support
President Ronald Reagan's so-called Star Wars defense program.
The resolution, sponsored by Sen. Doug Cruce, called for the Congress
to "endorse the concept of mutual assured survival and to pursue the
concept of High Frontier Technology" as a way to end the threat of
nuclear war.
Cruce, a Troy Republican, successfully fought several attempts to
refer the resolution to a committee for revision or to delay it for a day on-
ce the debate ran well into the senators' lunch hour.
"The doctrine we have operated under in the past is mutually assured
destruction," Cruce said. "The doctrine we will be replacing it with is
mutually assured survival."
State House okays funding
for Michigan National Guard
LANSING - The House approved yesterday a bill giving the governor
the authority to create a volunteerstate defense force for use if and when
the Michigan National Guard is called up to active duty in a national
The legislation sponsored by Rep. Rick Sitz, (D-Taylor), was approved
after amendments were added requiring that the House and Senate ap-
propriations committees approve the size andexpenditures of the force.
"Right now the budget implications are zero," Sitz said. "No state fun-
ds are currently programmed to be spent."
But he said salaries will have to be earmarked for coordinators of the
force and the cost of training may be picked up by the state - as it is in 41
other states which have similar defense forces.
Sitz said he expected the federal government to supply military surplus
uniforms and equipment for the up to 30,000 Michigan residents he
estimated will apply for the force. He speculated many may be Vietnam
War veterans.
U.S. warplanes patrol island
ABOARD THE USS AMERICA (UPI) - Warplanes from the U.S. 6th
Fleet patrolled the skies above the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa
yesterday in the wake of an unsuccessful Libyan missile attack on a
navigational installation there.
Despite the U.S. naval presence, Rear Adm. Henry Mauz, commander
of the 6th Fleet's Battle Force 80, said defense of the island in the event of
another attack would be Italy's responsibility.
Mauz said U.S. patrol planes and ships were dispatched to the island,
about 135 miles south of Sicily and 300 miles north of Libya, as a

precaution after the Libyan attack Tuesday on a joint U.S.-Italian
navigational facility.
The Soviet-made Scud surface-to-suface-"missiles were fired at the
island 15 hours after the U.S. air raid on Tripoli and Benghazi but fell into
the sea short of their target.
The missiles were initially believed to have been launched by a Libyan
navy vessel but Italian authorities said later a U.S. satellite determined
they were launched from a base on the Libyan mainland.
1Jhe tItgn tig
Vol. XCVI - No. 135
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term-$10 in
town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times
Syndicate, and College Press Service.

Protesters rally against U.S. attack on Libya

(Continued from Page 1)
One is that he's an Arab, and the other
is that he's African," said LASC
member Richard Cleaver.
"If you're a person of color wanting
an individual voice, the U.S. will
.make sure that you are never heard,"
Cleaver said.
Ali Al-Hash, a member of the
Association of Arab American
Uriversity graduates, agreed that,
the U.S. will dehumanize anything
related to Africans and Third World
Nations. Before terrorism can stop,

he said, the U.S. government must
treat Third World nations on an equal
HE CITED as an example of
American discrimination the ad-
ministration's publicized belief that
some civilian damage in Tripoli oc-
curred from Libyan missiles fired at
U.S. airplanes that missed their
He called this explanation "a Walt
Disney analysis of war."
Al-Hash and other demonstrators
also condemned President Reagan's

consistent description of Khadafy as a
"madman," saying this has been used
as an excuse to justify the United
States bombing. The United States is
"painting Khadafy as something less
than human, which then justifies the
United States bullying him," Cleaver
If Khadafy is a madman, the
demonstrators insisted, then Reagan
is equally crazy for supporting the
Contra rebels attempting to over-
throw the Nicaraguan government.
They said Reagan had used the at-
tack as a smokescreen to mask the
administration's ultimate goal - $100
million in Contra aid.
The LASC members said the bom-
bing was also intended to make the
American public forget about the
controversial Central American

issue. Recent polls show that three
fourths of Americans disapprove of
sending aid to the Contras. A similar
example, the protesters said, oc-
cured in 1983, when the United States
invaded the island of Grenada to
distract attention from an explosion
at a Marine barracks in Lebanon that
killed 241 Marines.
Some students at yesterday's rally
found different motivations in the U.S.
Seth Klukoff, editor of the Michigan
Review, a conservative campus
newspaper, said he agrees with
Reagan that Khadafy is insane. He
said he supports the bombings
because they "sent a message to
terrorist groups saying that the
United States will not sit back and
take attacks upon U.S. citizens

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