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April 17, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-17

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 17, 1986


Non-Profit Org.
Ann Arbor, MI

Vol. XCVI -No. 135

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ten Pages

From AP and UPI

ed healthy and was Khadafy's headquarters.
uniform with gold About 70 reporters had been crowded into
ands of military a bus for a promised news conference with
breast pocket, sat in Khadafy. The trip was aborted when small-
Libya during his ap- arms fire started about 500 feet from the bus
ab nations to break as it neared Khadafy's sprawling headquar-
he United States to ters compound, damaged by the U.S. bom-
bing attack Tuesday.
i-aircraft fire broke LIBYAN RADIO claimed four U.S. war-
capital, and Libyan planes were shot down Wednesday during a
t was a U.S. recon- new U.S. attack on Tripoli and said Libyan
rters heard small- planes drove off a high-flying U.S. recon-
and saw apparent naissance plane.
ar Col. Moammar See KHADAFY, Page 5

TRIPOLI, Libya - Col. Moammar
Khadafy surfaced last night for the first
time since U.S. air raids on two Libyan
cities, appearing on television in an ap-
parent attempt to dispel rumors he had
been overthrown in a coup.
The 20-minute broadcast about midnight,
which was also carried by Libyan Radio,
prompted Tripoli to erupt in celebration.
KHADAFY'S appearance after a day of
sporadic machine-gun and artillery fire in-
that capital that had fueled rumors of a
coup. It also followed a Libyan Radio call
for Arabs to kill Americans "Wherever you
may find them" to avenge the U.S. attacks.
Khadafy, speaking calmly and softly in
Arabic, accused the United States of killing
children and other civilians during the
raids on Tripoli and 'Benghazi early
Tuesday, but did not call for new attacks to
avenge the U.S. action.
The Libyan leader, whose baby daughter
was reported killed in the raid, told
Americans, "We will not kill your children.
We are not like you, we do not bombard
KHADAFY'S appearance on Libyan
television, during which he disclaimed
responsibility for anti-
American terror attacks, dispelled
speculation he had left the country or been
killed or seriously injured in the Tuesday
morning air raid, staged by waves of U.S.
warplanes that dumped one bomb just 10
yards from the Khadafy residence in his for-
tress headquarters here.
The Arab leader, identified as a financial
and political supporter of many guerrilla
groups worldwide, said he 'would not cease
those activities.
"We will not abandon our incitement of
popular revolution, whatever raids they
carry out," he said.
THERE WAS no indication whether the
speech was live or taped earlier, or from
where Khadafy was speaking. However, a
reference he made to a large pro-Libyan
rally in Khartoum, Sudan, earlier Wed-
nesday appeared to indicate the broadcast
if videotaped - was recorded sometime

Khadafy, who appear
dressed in a navalu
epaulets and five b
decorations on the left b
front of a large map of]
pearance. He urged Ar
diplomatic ties with th
retaliate for the raids.
Earlier yesterday ant
out for a half-hour in the
officials said the target
naissance plane. Repo
arms and mortar fire
street skirmishes nea

Profs view Libyan
attack differently

Two University experts have
diametrically opposing positions on the U.S.
bombing of Libya: one said America enhan-
ced its role as protector of the free world,
while the other called the raid an act of
Political Science prof. Raymond Tanter,
an expert on the Middle East, and a former
member of President Reagan's National
Security Couincil, supported the attack. In
Tanter's view, "the U.S. raised the cost for
(Khadafy) of sponsoring terrorism around
the world and the strike reinforced
America's image as leader of the free
TANTER downplayed the lack of public
support for the raid from America's
European allies," publically, these coun-
tries are covering themselves. This is the
price of leading freedom. Privately, you'd
be surprised at the amount of support the
U.S. receives, from the Arab world, too," he
As an example of European support, Tan-

Site sought for new
'U' computer center

ter cited French cooperation with American
intelligence officials. "On the crucial
issues," said Tanter, "the French were
Tanter does not believe the current crisis
with Libya will lead to a full-fledged war,
because "the U.S. doesn't fight wars with
countries like Libya." Instead, Tanter
predicted that tensions will ease and the;
United States will turn its attention to other
problem areas, such as Nicaragua.
REPORTS of small-arms fire in the
streets of Tripoli and Khaddafy's prolonged
absence from public view provoked rumors
yesterday of a possible coup attempt by the
Libyan military. Tanter did not discount
this possibility, agreeing that the primary
threat to Khadafy lies with the military
Nonetheless, he said, "Khadafy is popular
with the people."
Political Science prof. David Singer was
strongly opposed to the attack. He rejecte4
the Reagan administration's claim that the
attack was a defensive maneuver to pre-
empt future Libyan terrorism.
See 'U,' Page 3
rally on
the Diag
More than 100 protesters stood in the
pouring rain yesterday and linked the
American military strikes against Libya to
U.S. policy in Central America. They said
the attacks were an unjustified effort to
rally patriotic support for sending aid to the
Nicaraguan Contras.
Members of the Latin American
Solidarity Committee (LASC), who spon-
sored the rally in the Diag, called for
peaceful negotiations through the United
Nations or the World Court to avenge
terrorist attacks on U.S. citizens.
PRESENTING evidence of alleged
Libyan terrorism to these agencies could
have legitimized the U.S. attack, according
to Gregory Fox, a member of LASC who at-
tended yesterday's rally.
Other countries have condemned the
United States for failing to share what the
Reagan Administration calls "irrefutable
evidence" that Libya played a role in an ex-
plosion in a Berlin disco earlier this month
that killed a U.S. serviceman. The Ad-
ministration also suspects that Moammar
Khadafy's government was involved in an
earlier explosion aboard a TWA airliner
that killed four civilians.
The demonstrators attributed much of
this suspicion to American racism against
Third World countries.
"KHADAFY HAS committed two crimes
which the U.S. can never forgive him for:

University officials are looking for a site
to build a new computer center that would
,house 700 computer work stations. The area
between Angell Hall and the Museum of Art
is a likely spot.
The proposed Information Technology
Building, which would also be used for con-
sultation and administrative offices, is part
of a three-year plan, begun last fall, to
provide 1,500 public computer work stations
around campus. Five hundred work stations
are currently in operation in residence
halls, the Union, North Campus, and Angell

Hall among other cites.
"We want to make sure. we have enough
computers so students won't have to wait in
lines or go very far to use a computer," said
Douglas Van Houweling, the University's
vice provost for information technology.
Officials say the proposed $4.5 million
building will be partially paid for by the $100
computer fee students must pay each term.
The building will be 40,000 to 45,000 square
feet - about the size of the Alumni Center.
See 'U,' Page 5

Recount request approved


mistake is

Dave DeVarti, the Democratic challenger precincts t
who lost in last week's city council elections "It's no
to 4th Ward Republican Gerald Jernigan chance of
successfully petitioned the Washtenaw within the
Board of Canvassers for a recount in three it," DeVar
precincts. In the p
Although DeVarti could not produce any last year,
hard evidence of a miscount beyond a margin, D
"slight variance" in this year's vote from which is F
previous years, the board approved his votes in 1
request. votes. In t
DEVARTI lost the election by a margin of DeVarti lo
1041 votes, which could be reversed if a
FORMER political prisoner at South
Africa's infamous Robben Island will speak
b at 8:00 tonight in Angell Hall Auditorium

s found in just one of the three
being recounted.
it a likely thing. There is a slim
changing the results, but since it's
realm of possibility, I'll pursue
rti said.
recincts where Republicans won
they won this year by less of a
eVarti said. In the 12th Precinct,
Republican, DeVarti lost by 273
985, but this year he lost by 209
the 11th Precinct, also Republican,
ost by 72 votes last year and de-
See DEVARTI, Page 5

Daily Photo by PETE ROSS
Students and Ann Arbor residents attend a rally on the Diag yesterday protesting the recent U.S.
attack on Libya. The protesters said the bombing was in part an attempt to spark support for sen-
ding military aid to Nicaragua rebels.

Smart students
MORE HIGH SCHOOL students are mastering
college-level math and science, and girls' in-
terest in those advanced courses is growing twice as
fast as that of boys, according to The College Board.

Tests. "In addition, math and science examinations
have been attracting girls at a faster rate than AP
examinations in English, foreign languages, literature,
and history." George H. Hanford, president of the
Board, applauded the trend, noting that there is a
"heartening increase" in the number of high schools
offering pclleg-leve1 AP eams in math and sinc.in

WALDHEIM: Opinion examines the
U.N. leader's past. See Page 4.


WONDERFUL: Arts talks with lyricist Sheldon
.- . . . . . . . ...



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