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April 15, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-15

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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom

Vol. XCVI - No. 133


Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbc
S. plani


or, Michigan - Tuesday, April 15, 1986
as bomb

Non-Profit Org.
Ann Arbor, MI
Eight Pages
ice hit


From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - U.S. jets launched a
lightning air strike against terrorist
bases in Libya yesterday - including
Moammar Khadafy's headquarters -
to retaliate for attacks against
Defense Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger said one U.S. Air Force plane
was unaccounted for. Speaking some
two hours after the attack, he said,
"There is no indication that it went
down." Libyan radio reportedly said
that U.S. planes had been hit.
Weinberger said about 18 F-ills
were involved along with 15 Navy
r planes with supporting aircraft and

President Reagan, in a nationally
broadcast address to explain the
military strike, said the United States
had direct, precise, and irrefutable
evidence that Libyan leader Moam-
mar Khadafy had ordered recent anti-
American terrorist attacks.
"When our citizens are abused or
attacked anywhere in the world, we
will respond in self defense," Reagan
said. And in an unmistakeable and
personal warning to Khadafy, he
declared: "If necessary, we will do it
In a statement, White House
Spokesman Larry Speakes said:

"Libya bears direct responsibility for
the bombing in West Berlin on April 5
that resulted in the death of Army
Sergeant Kenneth Ford and injury to
a number of American servicemen
and others.
"In light of this reprehensible act of
violence and clear evidence that
Libya is planning future attacks, the
United States has chosen to exercise
its right of self-defense," Speakes
Speakes would not discuss
casualties or damage. He said "we
took every precaution" to ensure that
no civilians would be injured or killed.
Speakes said American military

jets had struck at Libya's "terrorist
infrastructure - the command and
control systems, intelligence, com-
munications, logistics, and training
Khadafy's headquarters near Tripoli
was among the targets of the
American strike, which occurred at 2
a.m. Wednesday, Tripoli time.
Official Libyan radio broke into its
regular broadcast of patriotic songs to
report on the bombing and said
Khadafy's family had been injured.
"The savage American invaders
carried out a treacherous and bar-
baric air strike this morning against
the residence of the brother leader of

the Revolution (Khadafy). A number
of members of the family of the
brother leader were injured as a
result of this raid." It was not know
whether Khadafy was injured.
Reagan cautioned that the U.S.
strike was "carefully targeted to
minimize casualties of the Libyan
people, with whom we have no
quarrel." He did not reveal if there
were any casualties on either side.
The French Embassy in Tripoli was
hit in the U.S. bombing raid, the
French Foreign Ministry said. A
ministry spokesman said the embassy
was hit but no one was injured. The
spokesman provided no information

on the extent of the damage.
Weinberger and Secretary of State
George Shultz said U.S. embassies
and military bases around the world
were put on alert in case of any
Libyan reprisals.
There are thought to be more than
800 Americans in Libya, despite
Reagan's order last year that U.S.
citizens get out of the country.
Within five minutes after Speakes
finished briefing reporters at the
White House, several dump trucks
were brought onto the grounds of the
U.S. Capitol, blocking all the auto and
truck enterances in a move to enhan-
ce protection against terrorist attack.

will join
with wire reports
The parent companies of the Detroit
Free Press and the Detroit News said
yesterday they formed a joint
operating agreement under which the
two newspapers will cooperate in
their publishing.
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Inc. and
Gannet Co., Inc. agreed to establish
the Detroit Newspaper Agency, which
will publish the Free Press in the
morning and The News in the after-
noon Monday through Friday.
THE NEWSPAPERS will publish a
joint edition on weekends. Under this
arrangement, one -edition would be
published with seperate editorial and
"op-ed" opinion material under each
p newspaper's masthead.
The Justice. Department still must
approve the agreement under the
Newspaper Preservation Act of 1970,
which permits joint agencies if at
least one newspaper in a market is in
danger of failing.
In the last five years, operating
losses before corporate expenses
were $35 million for the Free Press
and $20 million for The News.
See DETROIT, Page 3

Dizzy for life Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie and bassist John Lee jam in a free concert for "Jazz for Life" in front of Hill Auditorium yesterday.

From The Associated Press
Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney said
yesterday his government was notified of U.S. inten-
tions concerning Libya, but there was little official
reaction from other foreign governments to the
American bombing raid on Libyan targets.
The government-run news media in the Soviet Union
and China ran urgent reports on the U.S. bombing raid,
and there were expressions of concern about the
thousands of foreigners who live in Libya.
IN A statement released by his office, Mulroney said
his government "has been fully consulted by the
United States all along and was notified in advance of
its intentions with respect to Libya.
"We accept President Reagan's statement that
Libya was involved in the perpetration of terrorist at-
tacks," Mulroney said.
It was past midnight in Europe when the White
House announced the bombing raids. At British Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher's office in London, press
officer Mike Horne said: "Until I get full details I shall
not be able to comment. I doubt if we will have any
comment until tomorrow (Tuesday) morning."
THE DEFENSE Department said in Washington
that 18 F-111 bombers based in England flew to a ren
dezvous in the Mediterranean with aircraft from the
aircraft carriers Coral Sea and America to take part in
the raid.
In Seoul, South Korea, government officials were
reported to have convened special meetings this mor-
ning, apparently to discuss the bombing of Libya,
where 20,000 South Koreans work in construction.
Canadians also voiced concern for their nationals in
"I AM TERRIBLY concerned about the fate of the
1,300 Canadians, which has to be the immediate
priority concern of the Canadian government," New
Democrat leader Ed Broadbent said in an interview in
his home.
In Moscow, the official Soviet news agency, Tass,
first reported the U.S. attack on Libya in a terse two-
paragraph news flash this morning nearly two hours
after the White House announcement.
The first paragraph of the news flash was dated
Tripoli, Libya, and said: "The Libyan capital has been
subjected to an air attack. Explosions are heard in the
THE SECOND paragraph was dated from
Washington and said, "The White House has confirmed
that the United States has dealt a series of air strikes
against Libya."
The Tass news flash moved at 8:55 p.m. EST, nearly
two hours after White House spokesman Larry
Speakes announced the air strikes.
The official Chinese news agency, Xinhua, put out an
urgent report today on the air strikes, but the Foreign
Ministry in Peling had no immediate comment.
XINHUA INTER R UPTED the lengthy transmission
of the state economic plan for 1986 with the three-
paragraph news item.
China condemned the U.S. attack on Libyan military
targets in the Gulf of Sidra last month as a "violation of
the norms governing international relations."
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R.-Kan.) said that
John Poindexter, chairman of Reagan's National
Security Council, had informed the congressional
leadership of plans for the attack some two to three
hours in advance of the strikes.
COURSE CHANGE: Opinion approves of new LSA
COURSES. See Page 4.
DECODIN: Arts previews tonight's perfor-
.... ..mow ..... L . IwCLn... mi..dreA .NNAJ#16

Su preme
wide and
By ALINE LEVANEN year's aw
For LSA freshman David Katz, the indepth
U.S. Supreme Court is more than an Novelli, a
award thi!
how Chi
with econ
in the mid
American institution. It represents a fKatz r
flexible yet consistent legal system - cascina o
and a $2,200 award from the National "My fa
Endowment for the Humanities. always h
Katz is one of just 66 students nation- house," K

two at the University to win this
wards, which provide funds for
research projects. Rebecca
in LSA sophomore, also won an
s year.
WILL use the money to research
ef Justice Roger Taney dealt
omic and technoligical changes
edits his father for inspiring his
on with the nation's highest
ther majored in history, so he
had history books around the
Katz said. "I also got interested

is Katz's
in law. History plus law equals the
Supreme Court.",
FOUR hundred dollars of Katz's award
will go to his project adviser, Prof.
Frederick Schauer. Schauer said he will
donate the money to the University's
Law School.
Katz sees the award as an opportunity
to combine his interests in American
History, the court system, and writing.
The 18-year-old New Jersey native has
until Sept. 30 to complete a 40-page paper
for the project. Once the project is com-
pleted he will receive the remaining

$1,800 of his award, and his paper will be
published in the Library of Congress.
Although Katz expects to read more
than 20 books for the paper, he doesn't
want to rephrase what scholars have
already said. He hopes to break some
ground with his research.
"I WANT to synthesize or come up with
some new conclusions that no one else
has," Katz said. "Rehashing new ideas
isn't what scholarship is about. I also
wish to benefit from my research instead
of just publishing something what I
already know."
See KATZ, Page 3

lStudyfinds student leadersi more liberal than norm

Second in a two-part series
Campus leaders are considerably
more liberal than the average student,
according to a study conducted by a
University political science class.
"There is a big difference between
what campus leaders are like and what
i the student body is like," said Colin Zick,
an LSA senior and a member of Prof.

Sam Eldersveld's American Political
Parties class.
THE SURVEY consisted of personal
interviews with 41 campus leaders and
194 LSA seniors and sophomores selected
randomly. Leaders were chosen from
groups such as the Michigan Student
Assembly, the Inter-Fraternity Council,
and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Participants in the study were asked

where they consider themselves to be on
the political spectrum. Fifty-three per-
cent of the student leaders considered
themselves liberal, while 60 to 70 percent
of the non-leaders considered themselves
moderate to conservative.
Members of the class offered differing
explanations for the split between
leaders and students. LSA junior Mark
Rose, for instance, questioned the

validity of political classifications. "You
can't say that's a reflection of their
political ideology," he said, asserting
that many people don't understand the
meaning of political categories such as
liberal and conservative.
"IT'S POSSIBLE they don't under-
stand what being liberal means," Rose
said of campus leaders.
See STUDENTS, Page 3

Sobering thoughts

Political activism remains largely untapped on
college campuses as 7.4 percent of those surveyed said
they had not participated in an activist event in the
past year. And college students aren't necessarily
taking Hart - or any other presidential candidate.

television a day. But another 41 percent said they
watched TV two to four hours a day. As for the benefits
of going to college, fifty-one percent said they thought
it would help them get a better job. Forty-nine percent
"see the value of their education in more philisophic



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