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April 15, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-15

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Page 2.- - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 15. 1986


Physicists oppose 'Star Wars'

More than half the nations physicists oppose
Strategic Defense Initiative research, according
to a recent survey.
In a poll conducted by Peter D. Hart Research
Associates, Inc., a Washington-based polling
service, fifty-four percent of 549 physicists sur-
veyed nationwide said SDI is a mistake, while
twenty-nine percent support the program.
The poll results mirror sentiments among
University physicists. Last October, 25 of the 49
tenured University physicists signed a petition
-pledging not to accept SDI funds or work on SDI

Ellen Dudley, a spokesperson for the Union of
Concerned Scientists, who commissioned the poll,
said physicists were selected for the poll because
of the knowledge of necessary technology.
But James Ionson, director of the SDI Office in
Washington, said the survey asked the wrong
people, and that computer scientists and
engineers are more qualified to judge the
technical feasibility of SDI than physicists.
According to University physicist Michael San-
ders, technical considerations are not the main
reason for being opposed to SDI.
Sanders said even if something looks technically

unfeasible, many scientists will pursue a worth-
while goal. He doesn't consider SDI such a goal.
"It seems like a rotten idea," he said. "a lot of
resources are being poured into something that
will make the world more dangerous."
Sanders said the University's physics depar-
tment is just one of the major departments in the
country to circulate anti-SDI petitions.
Almost 3,000 physicists nationwide have signed
pledges not to accept SDI funds.
The College Press Service contributed to this

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Doctors use pump to
fight liver cancer

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In recent years chemotherapy has
proven invaluable in the war against
cancer, but the prolonged drug
therapy is difficult" to administer,
discomforting and time consuming.
As an alternative to conventional
practices, University researchers are
utilizing a surgically-implanted
titanium pump about the size of a
hockey puck.
The pump is implanted in the layer
of fat between the skin and muscle
near the beltline and slowly pumps
anti-cancer drugs directly to diseased
tissues or organs, said Dr. William
Ensminger, director of the Upjohn
Center and the developer of the



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The pump sends drugs through a
tube to the arteries that supply the
organ.with blood.
Until now the pump has been used
almost exclusively on patients with
liver cancers, but it is beginning to be
used to fight other cancers, En-
sminger said.
The pump enables physicians to
administer cancer-fighting drugs
directlyto the cancerous cells in high
quantities over a long period of time,
said Ensminger.
Previously developed techniques,
like injecting drugs into the blood-
stream intraveneously or feeding the
drug to artery with an x-ray guided
catheter are not as effective as the
pump, Ensminger said.
The I-V diffuses the drug
throughout the entire bloodstream,
making it impossible to pinpoint the
diseased area. The catheter, though
capable of directing the ad-
ministration of the drug, is not per-
manent like the pump and cannot ad-
minister it steadily over as long a
period of time, said Ensminger.
The pump also enables patients to
go through treatment with a
minimum of inconvenience. Because
the pump is so close to the skin, it can
be easily refilled every two weeks on
an outpatient basis with a hypodermic
Ensminger said the device generally
doesn't restrict patients. "I've had
people play tennis and golf and
swim," he said.
The pump was originally developed.
in 1972 at the University of Minnesota
to deliver Heparin, a substance which
prevents blood from coagulating. En-
sminger began to work with the pump
when he came to the University in
About 1,400 hospitals now use the
device nationwide. Between 5,000 and
10,000 pumps will be implanted
nationwide this year, said Ensminger.
So far the pump has performed
well, said Ensminger.h"The response
rate in terms of regression
(shrinkage) of the tumor has been
shown by a number of studies to be 60
to 80 percent," he said. Many of those
who respond to the treatment survive
three to four times- longer than they
would without the treatment, he ad-
Professor Leland Quackenbush, a
dean in the engineering college, was
only a visitor during the faculty
meeting of LSA on Monday, April 7.
The Daily incorrectly reported that
Quackenbush voted during the
After words
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Reagan urges aid for Contras
WASHINGTON - President Reagan said yesterday members of
Congress who use "subterfuge or backroom deals" to stop
passage of military aid to the Contra rebels will set back the
cause of peace and "hand down a verdict of shame on us all."
Reagan, in an emotional speech to the General Contractors of
America at the White House, portrayed the Marxist-led Sandinista
government in Nicaragua as a repressive gang and blasted plans by the
House Democratic leadership to attach the $100 million Contra aid plan to
a federal spending bill.
"The Sandista government is not a duly elected chosen gover-
nment," Reagan said. "It's a gang that took over by force, so we think
that maybe force on them will cause them, perhaps, to be willing to listen
to the will of the people of Nicaragua."
The House opens debate today on the aid package, which includes
surface-to-air Stinger missiles, and is expected to vote tomorrow.
Yale orders shanties torn
down; 78 arrested in protest
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Seventy-eight demonstrators were arrested at
Yale University yesterday before college employees leveled a shanty
village erected to protest Yale's investments in South Africa.
Afterward, more than 700 people shouted anti-apartheid slogans at a
rally where protesters promised to keep up pressure on the school to
divest at least $350 million in stocks.
"We are not going to let them get rid of us," Jonathon Piper, a second-
year law student, yelled at the rally, where shouts and applause echoed
off buildings surrounding Beinecke Plaza, former site of the shantytown.
"We're going to stay here until they divest."
The shanties were torn down by Yale supervisory workers after the stu-
dents were warned to leave the site, then arrested by campus police when
they refused.
Members of Local 35, the custodial union, had said last week that they
would not obey university orders to dismantle the shanties.
New Haven police in riot gear stood by but made no arrests.
S. African medical students
riot over admission of whites
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-Students rioted yesterday and were
thrown off the campus of South Africa's only black medical school, which
has been in turmoil for weeks over the admission of two whites.
Black students threw stones through windows and glass doors of the
administration building at the Medical University of Southern Africa,
most of whose officials and faculty are white, and overturned the car of a
university employee.
Rioting at the medical school involved about 500 students, said Maj.
Steve Von Rooyen at police headquarters in Pretoria.
Most of the 1,078 black undergraduates were taken to the Pretoria
railway station by buses after the university administration issued its
eviction order.
Officials said,,the school's 300 post-graduate students, about evenly
divided between blacks and whites, could continue their studies.
Although the school was established for blacks, students of other races
are allowed if there is space after all qualified black applicants are ac-
1 killed in pro-Marcos riot
MANILA, Philippines-Anti-riot police, once loyal to Ferdinand Marcos
fired into a stone-throwing crowd of the ex-president's supporters yester-
day. One person was killed, hospital officials reported.
They said some 60 people, including 18 policemen, were injured in the
fighting at the City Hall in the Manila suburb of San Juan.
The battle occurred several hours before pro-Marcos legislators met in a
Manila office building and declared they had reopened the abolished
National Assembly.
In the first major confrontation between police and demonstrators op-
posed to President Corazon Aquino, 60 police charged into nearly 1,000
people blockading the Sun Juan City Hall.
The demonstrators were protesting the government's ouster of Joseph
Estrada, a movie star and Marcos loyalist, as the mayor of San Juan.
A police official claimed there was shooting from the crowd, but the of-
ficial police report did not mention any guns in the hands of demonstrators
Reporters saw some plainclothes officers in the police lines armed with
Aquino, at a meeting with military commanders Friday, asked them to
show maximum tolerance for the demonstrators, according to presiden-
tial spokesman Rene Saguisag.
Stalin's daughter defects again
MOSCOW-Josef Stalin's daughter, who defected 19 years ago but
returned in 1984 declaring that she had not been happy for a single day,
said yesterday she is about to leave for the West again.
A prominent British friend was quoted as saying that "having Stalin for
your dad" was hard to imagine, and he doubted Svetlana Alliluyeva
would find happiness anywhere.

Alliluyeva said that she and her American-born daughter, Olga Peters,
had permission to leave the country and she hoped to go before the end of
April. She spoke from a Moscow hotel reserved for officials and impor-
tant government guests.
Her case is believed to be the first in which a Soviet citizen who defec-
ted and then returned has been permitted to leave again.
She did not say where she will go or whether she had definitely decided tol
settle abroad. "I don't know yet," she said. "I know that I will be going
CJhi ARirhigan Bailg
Vol. XCVI - No. 133
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term-$10 in
town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times
Syndicate, and College Press Service.







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