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April 11, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-11

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 11, 1986
Dems may tie Contra aid to bill


From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Reagan, saying
there has been enough debate over aid to Contra
rebels fighting Nicaragua, urged Democrats
yesterday to let the House vote on the $100 million
play without tying it to a spending bill he might
Reagan met with about 20 Democrats, most of
whom voted against the aid package last month
but who have since indicated they might vote for it
with restrictions added by the Senate on how and
when the money will be spent.
"THIS IS clearly an effort to kill our proposal by
delaying tactics - tactics that could jeopardize
the lives of the freedom fighters and prevent the
delivery of defensive weapons necessary to
protect themselves from Sandinista attacks,"
Reagan told the Democrats.
At the same time, Secretary of State George
Shultz went to House Speaker Thomas O'Neill's of-
fice to appeal for a legislative vehicle other than
the disputed spending bill to carry the Contra aid
request. There was no immediate indication
O'Neill had agreed.
The House Rules Committee met yesterday to
establish ground rules for Monday's Contra aid

debate and it was considered likely to follow
O'Neill's wish to tie the aid around the supplemen-
tal spending bill the White House says will be
vetoed on budgetary grounds.
EVEN IF the bill passes, it would then have to
go to a conference committee with the Senate, and
then to the White House, where spokesman Larry
Speakes said it was "a certain candidate for a
The House narrowly defeated Reagan's first aid
plan last month. Since then, Nicaragua staged
raids against Contra. forces taking sanctuary in
neighboring Honduras and balked at last week's
efforts by other Latin American nations to get the
Contadora peace process moving.
"The invasion of Honduras by Nicaragua and
the lack of progress in the latest Contadora effort.
.. underscores the urgent need for effective sup-
port for Democratic resistance in Nicaragua,"
Speakes quoted Reagan as saying.
SPEAKES said Reagan told the Democrats
immediate aid would prevent the Marxist-led
Sandinista regime from consolidating its power
and wiping out the Contras, whose U.S. aid ex-
pired March 31.
"The president assured the Congress of his con-
tinued support for the Contadora objectives,"

Speakes said, adding Reagan "shares the hope"
for a negotiated settlement of the conflict in Cen-
tral America.
Speakes said Reagan was "shocked and
dismayed" with O'Neill's trying to tie the Contra
aid to the spending bill.
"THIS IS clearly an effort to kill our proposaltby
delaying tactics, tactics that could jeopardize the
lives of the freedom-fighters," he quoted Reagan
as saying.
"The president also told the congressional
leadership we have debated this issue enough. Its
urgency is such that the president appealed to the
House Democratic leadership to avoid further
parliamentary delay," Speakes said.
"The president says to those who oppose our
policy, 'If you want to vote no - fine, but the
process being suggested by the House leadership
is that even if a majority of the House votes yes,
they still won't be able to get aid to the Contras.'"
Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Dante
Fascell, (D-Fla.), and Armed Services Committee
chairman Les Aspin, (D-Wis.), predicted that
Contra aid would pass the House this time.
"I think the odds are that in some form, with
some restrictions, military aid will be approved,"
said Aspin., who opposed the aid last month.

U.S. explodes nuclear bomb
LAS VEGAS, Nev. - The United States, ignoring congressional
protests, exploded a nuclear warhead beneath the Nevada desert yester-
day, triggering a Soviet response that it will resume testing after an
eight-month moratorium.
As many as six anti-nuclear protesters in all-terrain vehicles were
believed to be on the Nevada Test Site grounds when the warhead ex-
ploded with a force the Energy Department said has less than 20 kilotons.
Peter Dykstra of Greenpeace, one of several anti-nuclear groups whose
members sneaked onto the Nevada Test Site all week, said there was no
immediate word on the infiltrators.
The test, delayed for two days, was conducted at 6:08 a.m. PST in a
reinforced tunnel complex 1,300 feet below the desert floor at Rainier
Mesa, a Department of Energy spokeswoman said.
The Soviets promptly condemned the test as a "dangerous
destabilization step" that demonstrates Washington's "haughty
disregard for the vital interests of the U.S. and all other nations, as if it
had decided to ride for a fall on the brink of a nuclear precipice," the of-
ficial news agency Tass said.
U.S. prepares to punsh Lbya
WASHINGTON -The Reagan administration has decided to retaliate
against Libya for a terrorist attack in West Berlin, but when the strike
will take place and how it will be carried out has not been determined,
U.S. officials said yesterday.
Two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups were poised in the
Mediterranean yesterday, awaiting an order from President Reagan to
execute a reprisal attack against military targets in Libya, the officials
Reagan told a news conference Wednesday that he was waiting for proof
that Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy - who he called the "mad dog of
the Middle East'"- was behind the Berlin attack before ordering a
retaliation. But other adminstration officials have said sufficient eviden-
ce exists to link the Libyan leader to the terrorist bombing.
Black medical students protest


'U' Council works to ease fears of code
t(Co.ntinued from Page


twnunueu rroui rags i) _

if it is used unfairly.
Councilmembers originally con-
sidered requiring only that the code
be re-ratified after two years, but that
would have meant that the University
would implement an interim code un-
til the council formulated an accep-
table system.

THE University would have sole
discretion in forming any interim
code, which student leaders fear
would be more repressive than a code
approved by students.
"Let's not give the regents a basis
in law of doing anything that's bad,"
said law student and former council
chairman Eric Schnaufer during the

'U' official says Mandela
not nominated for degree

council's public comments session.
On a related matter, the council
decided yesterday that any amen-
dments to a code would have to be ap-
proved by five members of the nine-
member University Council. At least
two students, one faculty member,
and one administrator would have to
agree on the change.
As is required now by the regents
bylaw 7.02 amendments would also
have to be approved by MSA, the
Senate Assembly, and the regents.
COHEN SAID councilmembers
want to have the right to approve any
changes in a document they draft. The
stipulation also gives more legitimacy
to regental bylaw 7.02. In the past,
University President Harold Shapiro
has threatened to bypass the bylaw to
implement the administration's
proposal for a code.
The council also decided to give
students more representation on the
University hearing boards that decide
whether students accused of violent
crimes should be punished.
Previously, the council planned to
recommend a three-member hearing
board comprised of one student, one


(Continued from Page 1)
Shapiro said, "Each year, the names
of many distinguished individuals are
submitted to the Honorary Degrees
Committee. Some of these names are
recommended to the regents by the
committee. Others, for a variety of
reasons, are not. Some are ineligible
because they are unable to accept a
degree in person."
"It has been our policy only to an-
nounce the names of those individuals
who have both been offered an
honorary degree and have elected to
accept it, since this course of action
most fully protects the privacy and
preserves the prerogatives of those
whom the University wishes to honor
in this way," Shapiro said.
Shapiro added that the interest in
Mandela "is quite understandable in
light of the contributions made by Mr.
Mandela and the great national atten-
tion currently focused on him and on
recent events in South Africa."

Members of the Free South Africa
Coordinating Committee yesterday
complained to Kennedy about the
secrecy that surrounds the honorary
degrees committee, and said the fact
that they were not told about the
regental bylaw until Tuesday was "an
insult to the people working on behalf
of Mr. Mandela."
"That doesn't seem to operating in
good faith," said Barbara Ransby, a
leader of the group.

faculty member, and one University
administrator. The student would be
randomly chosen from a pool of
students supplied by MSA, the faculty
member from a pool from the
faculty's Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs, and the ad-
ministrator from a pool provided by
the University President.
But yesterday the council agreed to
add a second student to the board,
making it a four-member board. "One
student on the board may feel in-
timidated," Cohen said. "They might
need a kind of moral support to be
able to speak their minds freely."
Councilmembers have stressed
throughout the year a need to be sen-
sitive to students' fears that a code
may be used to repress their civil
rights. Opponents of the code have
said it could be used to discourage
dissent on campus.
From 1982 to 1984, students rejected
six drafts of the code proposed by the
previous University Council and the
University's administration.
The council is expected to release
its work for input by other University
community members next Thursday.
R'e ttICE
, , ,tU

Students lobby in Lansing

white classmates in

S. Africa

(Continued from Page 1)
The student lobbyists testified
before a special session of the Seante
Subcommittee on Higher Education
as a part of the Michigan Collegiate
Coalition's Student Lobby Day
THE coalition tries to present a
united front to lawmakers, members

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say, but students also realize that in-
creased funding fortone institution
means less for another. At yester-
day's hearing, representatives from
different colleges were careful to
point out the problems their schools
Eric Baumstark of Michigan State
Universtiy said MSU has lost 120
tenured professors in the past three
years due to lack of funding. Vebo
Prasad, an LSA junior at the
University, described the poor con-
dition of the University's Chemistry
Building. And Judy Goldner, an
Eastern Michigan University student,
said she wouldn't have been able to at-
tend college without financial aid.
Kennedy said student lobbyists can
have more impact than ad-
ministrators on the legislators. "It's
one thing for us to make the case, but
if recipients of the service lobby and
seen as individuals it will be a lot
more meaningful," he said.
Sen Joe Conroy (D-Flint) said the
tuition for state institutions is high
due to economic problems the state
has faced in the past six years.
Michigan's public colleges and
universities are among the highest-pri
ced in the country. The University is
among the five most expensive public
colleges in the country.
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11:00 broadcast on WAAM 1600 AM
Sunday sermon title, "The God Who
Hides," by Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
April 13, Ground Breaking Ceremony
for Promenade.
April 16, O.A.F. 2-3:30, Social Hall.
602 E. Huron St. (at State)
United Methodist Campus Ministry
College class - Sundays 10:45 a.m.
Sunday Evening Supper &
Fellowship - 5 p.m.
Bible Study - Mondays 6 p.m.,
Fridays noon.
Holy Communion - Wednesdays
9:30 p.m.
Rev. Wayne Large, Chaplain.
Telephone: 668-6881.
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Dr. Paul Foelber, Interim Pastor
Sunday Worship 10:30. Family Day.
Sunday Supper 6:00
* * *
Sunday Service:
9:30 a.m. at Mack School 920 Miller,
Ann Arbor
10:45 a.m. Sunday School and
Adult Bible Study
Philip H. Tiews, Pastor
For more information call 761-1999.
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(between S. University and Hill)
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour - 10:30 social hall
Adult Education Classes during both
Campus Group: Coordinator - Jamie
Meets for Communion 7 p.m. Wednes-
days. Program follows at 7:30.
Dr. William Hillegonds - Sr. Minister
* * *

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The only two whites attending a
black medical school sat alone yesterday in classes boycotted by the
other 1,078 students, who do not want them there.
The problem began when Pieter Druger and Darryl Wilke enrolled In
They completed pre-medical training at regular universities and en-
tered the black school, commonly called Medunsa, because others would
not accept them as third-year students.
The predominantly white administration dropped them soon afterward
because of black protests, but the Supreme Court ordered their rein-
statement last month. The boycott began March 22.
Black leaders, who want integrated education, objected when the white
government opened the university in 1978. Students argue now, however,
that blacks need all the places available at the school to meet a severe
shortage of doctors.
The private South African Institute of Racial Relations reports that
there was one white doctor for every 330 whites in 1983 and one black doc-
tor for every 12,000 blacks.
AIDS victim returns to school
KOKOMO, Ind. - Teen-age AIDS victim Ryan White returned to school
yesterday after a judge threw out a temporary order barring his atten-
dance, and some parents promptly took their children out of class in
The ruling by Clinton Circuit Judge Jack O'Neill was the latest move in
the legal battle that has kept the 14-year-old Kokomo youth out of classes
all but one day of this school year.
Ryan, who contracted acquired immune deficiency syndrome through
blood treatments for hemophilia, has been barred from classes since last
Parents of Ryan's classmates at the Western Middle School had ob-
tained the temporary injunction on Feb. 21, the one day Ryan attended
classes after a local health officer said he posed no threat to his
Yesterday Ryan was whisked away from the court hearing and taken
to school. Asked if he was ready to finish the school year after monitoring
classes until now through a telephone link, the boy said, "Yeah, I guess."
Libyans await American move
TRIPOLI, Libya- Libyans adopted a "wait-and-see" attitude yesterday
about possible U.S. military retaliation for alleged Libyan involvement in
two recent terrorist attacks that left five Americans and a Turkish
woman dead.
An official at the Foreign Liasion Bureau, Libya's foreign ministry,
said the government took no actions in the wake of President Reagan's
threats Wednesday night to act against Libya if proof is uncovered
linking Libya to the bombing of a Berlin dance club and the attack on a
TWA jet in the skies over Greece.
"We are waiting," said the Foreign Liaison Bureau official. "There ha-
ve been no decisions made today. We are taking a wait-and-see attitude."
"As (Khadafy) said yesterday, we are ready to go to war if we are
attacked," an Information Ministry official said. "Libyans are ready to
die in defense of Jamahariya" - Libya's name for their country, which
means "the gathering of the masses."
0 bje.StMihign IDatlg
Vol. XCVI -No. 131
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term-$10 in
town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times
Syndicate, and College Press Service.

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