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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 131
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 11, 1986
Eight Pages
to request
Special to the Daily
LANSING - The chairman of the
Senate higher education subcommit-
tee said yesterday he will recommend
that the Legislature add $2 million to
Gov. James Blanchard's funding
proposal for the University of
Michigan, but that would still leave
the University $33 million short of
what administrators say they need to
meet rising costs.
Sen. William Sederburg (R-East
Lansing) told the Daily that he will
recommend $10 million more for
higher education than Blanchard's
budget provided when he meets with
the subcommittee next Thursday,
that would mean $1.5 to $2 million for
the University, he said.
Blanchard's budget, which was
released in January, would provide
$222 million for the University, but
administrators say a $257 million ap-
propriation would allow them to hold
down tuition and increase faculty
Richard Kennedy, the University's
kvice president for government
:re ations, said last night that Seder-
burg's recommendation is "good
news," although it is far from what
the University needs.
"It's an encouraging sign that they
are willing to again put this priority
.on higher education," Kennedy said.
"Our full budget is as honest an ap-
praisal we can make about the total
need of the institution, but in the
budget process you have to come to
grips with monies available."
BILLY FRYE, the University's vice
president for academic affairs and
provost, said yesterday that the gap
between what the state can ap-
propriate and what the University
needs is so large that tuition increases
are inevitable. Frye predicted the in-
creases will be under 10 percent.
Eleven University students joined
representatives from other Michigan
colleges in Lansing to pressure
lawmakers to increase state aid to
higher education.
See STUDENTS, Page 2
Shapiro won 't discuss
honoring activist
By KERY MURAKAMI because he would not have been able
A top University official said to receive it in person.
yesterday he does not think jailed Wallenberg, who as a Swedish dip-
South African activist Nelson Man- ,lomat saved the lives of nearly 1o6,ooo
dela will be nominated for an Hungarian Jews from the Nazis, was
honorary degree this year. arrested by the Soviets after World
"' R.fl...ar Kefnnedythe nivritv's War II and is believed to be dead
--Aft -a -
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Rackham student Thea Lee, a member of the Latin American Solidarity Committee, helps Roe Goodman ad-
just his cross before the march to the Federal Building yesterday.
Marehers head downtown
to protest Con tra aid bl
Mldunlluy, 61 1yG1 0
vice president for state relations
said the University's honorary
degrees committee has already made
several recommendations to the
Board of Regents on who should
receive the degrees at next month's
commencement ceremony. "There
has been no recommendation from
the committee on that particular in-
dividual (Mandela)," Kennedy said.
THE COMMITTEE could still make
further recommendations before the
regents make their final decisions on
honorary degrees next week, but
Kennedy said he didn't expect any
more recommendations.
A member of the'honorary degrees
committee said the committee
reached a deadlock over the issue
because of a regental bylaw which
prohibits giving honorary degrees to
people who cannot accept them in
Mandela has been serving a life sen-
tence in a South African prison since
1962 for his part in leading the South
African revolutionary group, the
African National Congress.
THE COMMITTEE member, who
spoke on condition that he not be iden-
tified, said the regents in January
rejected the committee's recommen-
dation of giving University alumnus
Raoul Wallenberg an honorary degree
About 60 people marched fromn the Diag to the Federal
Building yesterday afternoon in an effort to rekindle op-
position to sending military aid to the Nicaraguan rebels
before Congress votes on the issue next Tuesday.
In Washington, President Reagan met with about 20
Democratic members of the House of Representatives
and urged them to let the House vote on the $100 million
aid package without tying it to a spending bill he might
veto. (See story, Page 2).-
REAGAN'S original proposal to send aid to the Contras
was defeated by the House last month, but a compromise
plan has been worked out in the Senate.
Mark Weisbrot, an organizer of yesterday's march, said
the demonstrators hoped to make politicians aware of
public discontent with the administration's policy in Cen-
tral America. "We're trying to keep up the pressure so
they will vote against it," said Weisbrot, a graduate
student in economics.
Congressman Carl Pursell (R-Mich.), whose district en-
compasses Ann Arbor, voted for the aid package last mon-
Weisbrot said yesterday's protest was also a "victory
march" to celebrate the passage of Proposal A in this
week's city elections. The proposal, which was approved
by a wide margin on Monday, calls for the city to send a
message to Washington opposing military aid to Central
America. It also establishes a Central America Sister City
Task Force to encourage cultural exchanges between Ann
Arbor and cities in Central America.
High speed train may
,make stop in Ann Arbor
The Free South Africa
Coordinating Committee has
spearheaded the movement to change
the regental bylaw and give Mandela
the degree. "This policy excludes 4
whole group of people like Mandela
and Wallenberg for the same reasons
that they should get a degree," said
Hector Delgado, a sociology teaching
assistant and one of the leaders of the
"YEARS from now, when people
look at the list of honorary degree
recipients of the University, they will
see Marcos but not Mandela or
Wallenberg," Delgado said.
Former Philippine President Fer;
dinand Marcos reeived an honorary
degree from the University in 1966.
Delgado said the Free South Afric4
Coordinating Committee will continue
urging that Mandela get the degree.
Members of the group have beet)
going to Uninversity President Harold
Shapiro's office every afternoon to
show their concern for the issue, and
they are expected to speak to the
regents at their meeting next week.
SHAPIRO yesterday released a
publicestatement saying he sym-
pathized with those pushing for
honoring Mandela, but that the
University would not discuss his
n See 'U' OFFICIAL, Page 2
'U' Council
tries to
ease fears
of code
The University Council took several
steps yesterday to try to ease studen-
ts' fears about a possibly unfair code
of non-academic conduct.
For more than a year, the council
has been drafting a code of non-
'academic conduct to serve as an
alternative to the code proposed by
University administrators in1984.
Yesterday, councilmembers agreed
that any system implemented by the
University should expire after two
years. At that time, the University
Council would propose that the
system be continued or draft a new
THE COUNCIL'S proposal would
have to be approved by the Michigan
Student Assembly, the University's
Board of Regents, and the faculty's
Senate Assembly.
The "sunset" clause was added,
said Suzanne Cohen, a law student
and co-chair of the council, to give
students the power to reject the code
See 'U' COUNCIL, Page 2
High speed trains may be zipping
through Ann Arbor en route to
Chicago and Detroit at 120 mph as
early as 1992.
The trains, rivaling those already
operating in Great Britain, France,
and Japan, would travel the Detroit-
Chicago corridor with planned stops
along the way, possibly including one
in Ann Arbor.
Amtrak currently operates three
daily round-trips between Detroit and
Chicago, with a travel time of 51/2
hours. The high speed rail system
could cut the commute to two hours.
muter traffic between Ann Arbor and
Chicago make this city a likely stop on
the high speed line.
"Ann Arbor has the highest boar-
ding rate on the Detroit-Chicago
line," said Nancy Maciaj, a
legislative aide to Rep. Richard Fit-
zpatrick (D-Battle Creek).
Of the 365,909 passengers who
traveled the Detroit-Chicago corridor
in 1985, approximately 10,245 were
students, said Clifford Black, Am-
trak's public affairs manager in
WORK ON the new system can
begin once the House Ad Hoc Commit-
tee on High Speed Rail completes its
investigation and all the contracts are
signed. The project, slated to take
upwards of five years to complete,
would cost an estimated $1 billion,
said Maciaj.
The maximum speed for trains
making the Detroit-Chicago trip is
currently 79 mph, and that can be in-
creased only if track conditions are
improved, according to a, report writ-
ten by the Michigan Department of
Transportation. Nearly 180 of the 280
miles of track would have to be im-
proved to accommodate high speed
A recently released interim report
of the House Ad Hoc Committee on
High Speed Rail said the rail system
would be a boon to the state's
economy and would drastically
reduce travel time.
"A NEW SYSTEM would be faster
than travel by automobile or bus and
time competitive with air travel
(when considering travel to and from
airports)" the House report said.
To finance the new train system,
Amtrak will rely on investments
from the private sector rather than
government subsidies.
"In light of recent cutbacks in Am-
trak service in the Detroit-Chicago
corridor and of a federal budget
debate that will consider ending the
subsidization of Amtrak, it is an op-
portune time to discuss the merits of
privatization of passenger rail service
in the corridor," according to the
House report.
In addition to a faster commute,
legislators expect the new trains to at-
tract business and industrial
development, create jobs, and in-
crease tourism and revenue from
state and local taxes.
"Thirty million dollars in new
tourism revenues could be generated
in the corridor," according to the
House report, with the area around
the proposed route becoming an
"'economic oasis' - complete with
development of office complexes,
housing units, and commercial
Although Ann Arbor has not taken
an official stand on the proposed rail
system, City Administrator Godfrey
Collins said, "It's a very optimistic
program. I'm in favor of rail to com-
plement our other forms of transpor-
See TRAIN, Page 3
Cancan Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Engineering senior Michael Mitchell guesses the number of pop cans in
the Fiero on the Diag yesterday. The contest, a fundraiser for the
American Cancer Society, is sponsored by the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.
Grand prize is a television and VCR, not the car.
Honor peace
ANN ARBOR will be home to the third
major Vietnam war memorial in the nation,
if Ann Arbor resident Charles Tackett has his
way. Tackett, a veteran of the Vietnam war,
has been working since late last year to build a
MSA president Paul Josephson, who is coordinating
support among Michigan universities. Despite the sup-
port, however, the memorial project remains a one-
man show. "My main problem is getting word out to
people about what's going on," Tackett says. "I can't
go door to door speaking to nine million people alone."
Tackett predicts the memorial will cost about $150,000
and be completed by the end of the summer. He hopes
tn hold aronnd breakina ceremoniensn Jun e14th Fli0a
in the same courtroom where they met just weeks ago.
The romance began Feb. 26 in a jury room where the
couple was among prospective jurors unhappy about
the idea of sitting through a long trail. Both were selec-
ted two days later and assigned seats next to each
other in the jury box. By day for the next three weeks,
jurors heard lawyers argue over faulty plumbing
fixtures in a suit between a condominium assocation
and a plumbing firm. The judge warned jurors not to
FIERY RHETORIC: Opinion finds Kemp im-
pressive but removed from student concerns.
See Page 4.
JAMMONI: Arts previews tonight's Ann Ar-
bor Comedy Jam. See Page 5.
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