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November 20, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-20

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 20, 1985

Associated Press
President Ronald Reagan stands beside waving Soviet leader Mikhail day afternoon. The two leaders met here again for the afternoon session
Gorbachev outside the Villa Fleur d'Eau at Versoix near Geneva, yester- of their summit talks.
Good spirit reigns at Geneva

(Continued from Page 1)
at a tea where they exchanged in-
vrtations to visit each other's coun-
,"We talked about our husbands and
the (summit) meeting, and what we
both hope would come out of the
meeting... which is a better under-
standing," Mrs. Reagan told repor-
tors after the get-together at Maison
de Saussure.
Asked whether she and Mrs. Gor-
lachev could make a contribution to
Soviet-American understanding, Mrs.
Reagan replied, "I don't know. I hope
so. I think personal contact- and this
is one of the things we talked about-
is always helpful."

in two sessions at the villa Fleur
d'Eau, half the time with their top
aides at hand. But it was the nearly
two hours of private talks with only in-
terpreters present that raised expec-
tations they were getting along well.
Reagan and Gorbachev had been
scheduled to meet alone for only 15
minutes at the start of the morning
session, but that tete-a-tete lasted 64
Then, about halfway through the af-
ternoon session, Speakes said Reagan
decided to ask Gorbachev to take a
five-minute walk through the woods to
a small swimming pool near Lake
Geneva where they then conferred for
another 44 minutes.
"THEY WERE ABLE to engage in
a free exchange of opinions,"
Vladimir Lomeiko, another Soviet
spokesman, said of the pool house
The summit resumes today when
the Soviets host the two sessions and
the Reagans hold the dinner.

White House chief of staff Donald
Regan struck a nerve yesterday
among feminists outraged by his
comment that most women wouldn't
understand the issues at stake at the
U.S.-Soviet summit in Geneva.
"They're not . . . going to under-
stand (missile) throw-weights or what
is happening in Afghanistan or what is
happening in human rights," Regan
said in Geneva. "Some women will,
but most women - believe me, your
readers for the most part if you took a
poll - would rather read the human-
interest stuff of what happened."
"Absolutely unbelieveable," said
Rep. Patricia Schroeder, D-Colo., a
13-year veteran of the House Armed
Services Committee.
"IT'S HARD not to laugh," said
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bearing the sons who would go to
Arden Cummings, executive direc-
tor of Peace Links, an anti-nuclear
group, said if the 40,000-plus members
of her group "are any example of the
rest of the women in the United
States, Mr. Regan certainly is not
educated about American women."
Schroeder noted that women's anti-
nuclear groups have traveled to
Geneva for the summit, and she said
women legislators from five continen-
ts asked for and were denied a
meeting with President Reagan and
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
She said it was insulting that Regan
should intimate women would be in-
terested in little more than what Nan-
cy Reagan and Raisa Gorbachev were
wearing or saying at tea.
"I think it's a real insult and women

Nurses evicted in S. Africa
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -
Six people were killed and 21 arrested in riots across South Africa yester-
day as armed soldiers evicted 900 black student nurses from the
southern hemisphere's largest hospital, which is threatened with a strike.
National police headquarters in Pretoria, which reported the deaths
and arrests in eight black townships, said eight blacks and two
policemen were wounded as police used shotguns, tear gas and rubber
bullets to quell the violence.
Armed soldiers evicted 900 black student nurses from Baragwanath
Hospital yesterday, and doctors threatened a protest strike that could
cripple the 3,000-bed hospital, the only one in Soweto, Johannesburg's
black township of 1.5 million.
Witnesses said soldiers using dogs sealed off the empty student guar-
ters in the hospital. Soldiers and civil defense volunteers have maintained
limited services at Baragwanath for several days since the nurses went
on strike over a variety of grievances, and several hundred auxiliary
workers walked out for higher pay.
Sakharovs fear for mother
NEWTON, Mass. - The family of dissident Andrei Sakharov, after
failing to reach his wife by telephone for two days, said yesterday they
regretted her decision not to leave the Soviet Union as soon as authorities
gave permission.
"We would have felt much safer if she had left before the summit," said
Sakharov's stepdaughter Tatiana Yankelevich, referring to this week's
meeting between U.S. and Soviet leaders. "We are very alarmed by this
A telephone operator in the Soviet city of Gorky, where the Sakharovs
live in exile, told Mrs. Yankelevich yesterday that the couple did not show
up at any public phones for her calls, but that they had waited all day
Monday to hear from her.
That contradicted the claim of a Moscow operator who told Mrs.
Yankelevich Monday that the couple never showed up for either of two
calls. "She lied to us," said Tatiana's husband, Efrem.
He said he believed the calls were not going through because Soviet
authorities did not know how to handle them with premier Mikhail Gor-
bachev at the Geneva summit.
Envoy negotiates for release
of U.S. hostages in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Terry Waite, the archbishop of Canterbury's
special envoy, said yesterday the time is ripe "for a major move for-
ward" in negotiations with kidnappers to free their American captives.
Waite returned here yesterday from London, where he met with U..S
government officials and said he is now "hopeful" that progress can be
made. He met with the kidnappers last week.
"I have very important things to say to them," he said yesterday. "I'm
not prepared to say publicly what I need to say to them in private. I
believe that last time was a good step forward. I think now it's possible to
take another step forward."
Waite, who is a veteran hostage negotiator, said: "I hope those who
have responsibility (for the hostages) will see what an opportune time
this is now for a major move forward - not just for limited causes, but for
greater causes." He did not elaborate.
He would not say whether he was carrying a message to the kidnap-
pers, believed to be Shiite Moslem fundamentalists of the organization
Islamic Jihad, or Islamic Holy War.
Wild weather socks U.S.
Snow piled up in the Rockies and whipped across the northern Plains in
bitter cold yesterday, while parts of the East basked in record high tem-
peratures and deadly thunderstorms drenched Arkansas as the cold and
warm air collided.
At the same time, more typical of warmer seasons, Hurricane Kate
dealt a wild card south of Florida.
Drifting and blowing snow propelled by 30 to 40 mph wind gusts over
eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota made it "a very
dangerous driving area," the National Weather Service said.
But in the East, that warm southerly flow created more record highs
for the date yesterday, including a prenoon reading of 69 degrees at Buf-
falo, N.Y. That followed about two dozen record highs on Monday.
Farther to the south, Hurrican Kate lashed northern Cuba and the
Florida Keys, where residents were urged to evacuate and warned of
wind up to 110 mph.
Three people died late Monday when fast-moving thunderstorms with
high wind or tornadoes struck Arkansas, said Marion County Sheriff
Roger Edmonson, and left "quite a few injured."
Officials debate bottle deposits
LANSING - a spokesman for the Associated Food Dealers of
Michigan, testifying against deposits on wine cooler bottles, said yester-
day Michigan's voter-approved ban on throwaways itself should be
Attorney General Frank Kelley, Natural Resources Director Ronald
Skoog and Gov. James Blanchard's chief environmental aide were
among those who testified before the Liquor Control Commission in favor
of placing on wine cooler bottles the same deposit now charged on other

beverage containers.
The commission took no final action on the controversial issue.
Deeb said members of his association "do not feel (charging deposits
on wine coolers) is in the best interests of the state of Michigan, its
wineries...nor its consumers."
The amount of litter generated by wine cooler bottles, he said, is
SJhw 31rcp33au ?ailg
Vol XCVI - No.55
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.

Irene Natividad, cnairwoman of the
National Women's Political Caucus. deserve an apology," she said.
"All the gender gap polls in '84 The White House said it had not
showed that peace was the No. 1 received any complaints in
women's issue. We're the ones Washington about Regan's comment.


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