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November 20, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-20

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Constitutional changes approved
Students reject computer fee

With approximately 26 percent of
the vote counted in the Michigan
Student Assembly's special election
last night, it appeared that the student
body had strongly supported changes
in the MSA Constitution and disap-
proved of the University's controver-
sial computer fee.
According to Bruce Belcher, a
representative from Rackham who
helped count ballots, 524 of the 654
students recorded as of late last night
had approved of MSA's constitutional
changes, which will revise the assem-
bly's existing committee and

representative structure.
UNDER THE new constitutional
plan, MSA will hold two elections each
year - as compared to one in the
present system - to facilitate
training and to insure that at least
some representatives always have
assembly experience.
The assembly also received ap-
proval for increasing the number of
assembly representatives by about 25
percent, a move MSA leaders have
said will allow them to work and con-
tact their constituents more efficien-

According to Belcher, 522 out of the
759 ballots counted as of late last night
had rejected the University's fee for
increased computer services.
Although over 2000 ballots in LSA
had yet to be counted, students in
other schools and colleges had over-
whelmingly voiced support for
student input to Universityscomputer
policy, with 687 out of 767 supporting
such input.
The Board of Regents approved last
September the plan to charge studen-
ts $50 next term and $100 each term

thereafter for expanded computer
services on campus. some students,
including MSA representatives, have
criticized the plan, saying the regent's
decision was arrived at without suf-
ficient student input.
The assembly's special election was
held in conjunction with LSA Student
Government elections yesterday and
Monday. The ballot also asked
students whether they supported the
University's computer fee, and sought
their feelings about student input in
University computer policy.

Israeli, Syrian warplanes clash in dogfight

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 20, 1985 - Page 3
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(Continued from Page 1)
losses and said the Israeli planes were
driven away.
, AN ISRAELI army spokesman said
his nation's planes were intercepted
while on a routine reconnaissance
patrol over Lebanon.
"They tried to engage us," the
spokesman said, explaining why the
Israeli pilots made the decision to fire
air-to-air missiles at the Syrian
"The first that shoots wins," an

Israeli military source said. The
missiles hit their target with unerring
accuracy within seconds, he said.
Lebanese military sources, quoting
a Lebanese military report from the
Bekaa Valley air base at Rayak, said
the dogfight lasted only two minutes
and agreed it "Developed when the
Syrians tried to intercept the Israeli
Israeli air force commander, said on
Israel radio that the battle began

when Soviet-built Syrian jets came
"Nearer than usual" to an Israeli
reconnaissance patrol flying over
"In order to continue the battle and
not endanger our planes, we were for-
ced to stage a short battle with them
across the border," Lapidot said.
He said the Israeli F-15s were six
miles from Syria's border when the
battle began, but the Syrian fighters
had air-to-air missiles with twice that
range and could threaten Israeli

planes without leaving their own air
In the last incident - on May 25
1983 - Syrian warplanes fired air-to-air
missiles at Israeli jets over Lebanon.
No hits were reported by the Israelis.
Israel television quoted Defense
Minister Yitzhak Rabin as saying
that, if the Syrians harassed recon-
naissance flights in the future, Israel
would retaliate. It said he made the
commentJewish fund raisers inLos
Angeles after the two MiGs were

Extra Dimensions, the last film in a series on women artists, will be
shown tonight. The series has been offered in commemoration of the
closing of the International Decade of Women. Tonight's film includes
selections from a number of writers' works. It begins at 7:30 p.m. in Aud.
B, Angell Hall.
Cinema II - The Autograph, 7:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Mediatrics - Octopussy, 7:15 & 9:30 p.m., Natural Science Bldg.
Michigan Math - Soap Bubbles; Dimensions, 4 p.m., room 3201,
Angell Hall.
Michigan Theater Foundation - Koyaanisqatsi, 8 p.m., Michigan
Laughtrack - Tony Hayes 10 p.m., University Club.
School of Music - Harpsichord Recital, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Biology - Terry Dawson, "Monotremes and Marsupials: A Look at
Recent Information on Their Evolution and Physiology, Especially
Energetics," 4 p.m., room 2, MLB.
Business - David Wilson, "Career Decisions-Corporate Finance," 4
p.m., Wolverine room; Recruiting representative, "Account
Executives," 4 p.m., Hale Aud.
CRSO - Brown bag lecture, Kim Scheppele, "Caveat Emptor Rules in
19th Century New York," noon, room 4051, LSA Bldg.
Chemistry - Leonidas Bachas, "Binding Proteins as Reagents in En-
zyme-Linked Competitive Binding Assays," 4 p.m., room 1200, Chemistry
Bldg.; Charles Kausch, "Bicyclic Organic Peroxides: Synthesis and
Reactions," 4 p.m., room 1300, Chemistry Bldg.
Classical Studies - Graziano Arrighetti, "Before the Platonic
Gratylus: the Reflections of the Greeks About Their Own Language,"
4:10 p.m., room 2009, Angell Hall.
Computer Science - Babak Bagheri, "Numerical Measure of Uncer-
tainty," 5 p.m., room 2076, E. Engineering.
Engineering - Stein Wallace, "Investigating in Arcs in a Network to
Maximize the Expected Max Flow," 4 p.m., room 241, IOE Bldg.
Physiology - David C. Dawson, "Fluctuation Analysis of K SU/ +
Channels: When the Signal is the Noise," 4 p.m., room 7745, Med. Sci. II.
Psychology - Herbert Clark, "Collaborative Processes in Conver-
sation," 4 p.m., room 102, Perry Bldg.
Research Club - Ellwood Derr, "Bach and Handel as Teachers;"
Gabriel Weinreich, "How Does a Computer Sound When It Tries to be a
Piano or a Violin," 8 p.m., Assembly room, Rackham.
Russian and Eastern European Studies - Brown bag lecture, Maris
Vinovskis, "Report on the Soviet-American Quantitative History
Seminar in Moscow, October, 1985," noon, Commons room, Lane Hall.
Statistics - Adam Martinsek, "Negative Regret, Optional Stopping
and the Elimination of Outliers," 4 p.m., room 451, Mason Hall.
Western European Studies - Deiter Dowe, "Methodological Con-
siderations of the Problem of Hunger in Germany, 1800-1850," noon, room
5208, Angell Hall.
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity - Order of Omega Initiation, 7 p.m.,
Alpha Tau Omega House.
Baha'i Club - 5:30 p.m., Union.
Dissertation Support Group -1:30 p.m., room 3100, Union.
Ensian Yearbook -7 p.m., Student Publications Bldg.
Michigan Gay Union - 9 p.m., 802 Monroe St.
Science Fiction Club - Stilyagi Air Corps, 8:15 p.m., League.
Student Counseling Service - Adult children of alcoholic parents, 10:30
ARK - Open mike night, hootenany, 8 p.m., 637S. Main St.
Canterbury House - Liberation Eucharist, 5 p.m., 218 N. Division St.
Guild House Campus Ministry - Beans and rice dinner, for charity, 6
p.m., 802 Monroe St.
HRB - Workshops, "Electronic Filing," 1p.m.; Meditation, 8:30 a.m.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church - Worship, 7:30 p.m., 801 S. Forest at
Microcomputer Education - Workshops, "IBM PC and IBM-

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Granny Oakley Associated Press
Marquerite Lanker, 81, poses with her trusty 30-30 and the nine-point buck
she shot in her backyard Monday. She's been a deer hunter for more than
20 years, but this is the first time she didn't have to go into the woods to
bag one.

Rembrax ndt art riucmdited

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BERLIN (AP) - A West Berlin art
expert said yesterday that the "The
Man with the Golden Helmet,"
believed for centuries to be the work
of Rembrandt, probably was painted
by one of the Dutch master's students.
The latest brochure from the
Kaiser - Friedrich Museum, which
owns West Berlin's most famous pain-
ting, lists it as the work of an
"unknown artist" from the Rembran-
dt era.
JAN KELCH, an art historian and
specialist in Dutch paintings, said
"The Man with the Golden
Helmet" probably was painted by one
of Rembrandt's students in about
IT WAS PAINTED with very thick
layers, almost like a relief work,
Kelch said, and Rembrandt never
used that method.
One difference is that the painting
does not appear to focus on the man as

its subject, he said. It depicts an
elderly man in armor, wearing a
feathered golden helmet, against a
murky background.
"The master always had people as
the central motif, while this painting
seems to be focusing on the armor,"
said Kelch, who in recent years has
restored "The Man with the Golden
Helmet" and others of West Berlin's
best-known art works.
Doubts about the painting's origin
were raised first in July by a Dutch
curators' commission visiting West
The Daily incorrectly identified the
person if$ a photograph with Jesse
Jackson yesterday. He is David Car-
tright, the executive director of
SANE, the Committee for a Sane
Nuclear Policy.

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