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November 20, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-20

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Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Sic gn
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 20, 1985


Vol. XCVI - No. 55

Eight Pages

T w pece
for halt in
arms race
More than 50 people participated in
a vigil held yesterday evening on
President Harold Shapiro's front lawn
to protest the review of the Univer-
sity's classified research guidelines.
The vigil, which was sponsored by
Campuses Against Weapons in Space
(CAWS), was followed by a can-
dlelight procession to the First Bap-
tist Church on Huron Street, where
the protesters joined another 250
people who were gathered in support
of the summit meeting being held this
week between President Reagan and
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
FOLLOWING A procession from
the church to the Federal Building,
the participants prayed and sang in
support of a peace agreement bet-
See RALLIES, Page 6




at summit

Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZ2
Demonstrators march to the First Baptist Church to protest the University's role in the arms race and to show
a pledge of support for the summit meeting in Geneva. Last night's candlelight vigils drew over 300 people.

Sperm wars
About 250 people gathered in the Diag
4 -'yesterday to watch, a theatrical
.. upresentation entitled "The Strategic
j4 Diaphram Initiative and Sperm
Wars." Comparing sperm to missiles
the speakers talked about the most ef-
z fective ways to kill sperm.
Nine students dressed as sperm
danced around wearing white hats
with a white streamer hanging off.
There were four ways to kill the
sperm: 1) a mirror that reflects light
onto the sperm represented a laser
system; 2) two cowboys sprayed
water guns and represented anti-
ballistic missiles; 3) people represen-
ting University researchers sprayed
spermicide foam (shaving cream) on
~ the sperms, and 4) someone who
pretended to be Rambo (from the film
First Blood) single-handedly killed
the sperm.
Speaker Mara Silverman, a mem-
ber of Campuses Against Weapons in
Space said: "we need to resist 'Star
Wars' on campus and state that this
campus will not participate in the
z destruction of human life."
Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO
2,388 vote in LSA-SG election

From AP and UPI
GENEVA - President Reagan and.
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev
opened their superpower summit in a
"good atmosphere" yesterday and
met for more than four hours, in-
cluding a surprise 44 minutes alone
in a lakeside pool house.
The two leaders seemed to be get-
ting along well, judging from their
moods and the nearly two hours of
private time - eight times the
amount scheduled. .
LITTLE substantive information
about the talks was available,
however, as both sides agreed to
clamp a news blackout on what went
on in the meetings. All top U.S. and
Soviet officials were ordered not to
leak anything to the press.
The veil of secrecy cast over what
some have dubbed "the media event
of the year" is bad news for the more
than 3,000 journalists trying to inform
the world about the first superpower
summit in six years.
It may not be such bad news for the
rest of humanity if the blackout is an
indication that Reagan and Gorbachev
have indeed agreed to go to the heart
of the serious questions dividing the
LEONID Zamyatin, Gorbachev's
chief spokesman, rejected the term
"news blackout."
"We will have no secrets," he said.
"But if the confidentiality of the talks
can help produce a better agreement,
we will all be the better for it."
White House spokesman Larry
Speakes called the confidentiality
agreement "an important and con-
structive" contribution to the
seriousness of the talks.
AT THE START of the afternoon
session, Reagan greeted Gorbachev
with a big smile and asked, "How was
your lunch?" Gorbachev smiled back
just as broadly, gave a shrug and
walked into the summit meeting place
with the president.
The Soviet leader gave up much of
his lunch break between summit
sessions with President Reagan to
have an unplanned 40-minute meeting
with the Rev. Jesse Jackson and his
50-person American delegation of an-
ti-nuclear activists, feminists, and
members of Jackson's Rainbow
Jackson asked for the meeting to
give Gorbachev the massive petition
signed by 1.25 million Americans that
urges an immediate freeze in nuclear
GORBACHEV, questioned about

... meets Gorbachev

the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union
said Jews "contribute a lot to the
cause of disarmament" and are "a
very talented people (who) are very
valued in the Soviet Union."
"Therefore, the problem, or so-
called problem, of Jews in the Soviet
Union does not exist," he said.
"Perhaps this problem only exists
with those who would like to mar the
relations with us, who would like to
cast doubts and aspersions on our
country and our system."
Jackson later told reporters, "This
answer was not adequate to us."
ZAMYATIN, asked about his im-
pressions of the first sessions, replied,
"It was in a good atmosphere."
Following the afternoon session,
Speakes agreed with that assessment.
Reagan stressed the seriousness of
the talks in a brief session with repor-
ters after his first get-together with
his Soviet counterpart.
"WE WERE very businesslike,"
Reagan said. "We talked about the
things we are going to talk about."
This is an unexpected development
that the two are spending more time
together, one on one, than originally
thought," Speakes said. "The
president feels personally that this is
the way he would like to do it."
The leaders, joined by their wives,
got another chance to get to know
each other last night when they atten-
ded a dinner held at the Soviet
NANCY REAGAN and Raisa Gor-
bachev first met yesterday afternoon
See GOOD, Page 2

When the polls closed last night at 9 p.m. in the
UGLi, 2,388 students had cast ballots in the LSA
student government election, 700 more than last
The results of the election will be available
today, according to election director Eric Ber-
FOURTEEN percent of the 17,056 LSA students
voted Monday and yesterday, up from last year's
10 percent.
Michelle Tear, a junior running for reelection as
president of LSA-SG with the SAID (Students for
Academic and Institutional Development) party,
said last night that she's had a better response this
year than in the past. "This is my third year cam-
paigning. More people have voted this year than in
the past two years," Tear said.
Steve Herz, running for president with the Ac-

'The fact is that we've in-
creased awareness of LSA-
- Steve Herz
Action Presidential candidate
tion party said that "99 percent of the students say
they have voted or are in engineering."
"THE FACT is that we've increased awareness
of LSA-SG. Whether or not we win or lose as a par-
ty, LSA student government and all parties are
winners," Herz said.
John Pantowich, a sophomore running with the
SAID party, agreed: "It seemed that some
students were aware of the issues, but not as many

as should have been. But the most important thing
is that more students are now aware there is a
student government."
Keith Titen, who ran for president with the
CAUSE (Concerned About University Student
Education) party said that he found students
receptive to the party's ideas, especially office
hours in the fishbowl.
Titen admitted that his party did not campaign
as actively as SAID and Action. "I was counting
on an informed student body vote. I think people
who understood what we stood for voted for us."
Annette Bowman, spokesperson for the SDS
(Students for a Democratic School) party said
that student reaction to her party was mixed.
Some students didn't want to be disturbed, she
said, others asked about the 60's, and others
showed strong support. "I'm curious to see how
the vote turned out," Bowman said.

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down two
jet fighters

From AP and UPI
Israeli jet fighters shot down two
Syrian MiGs over Lebanon yesterday
in a two-minute dogfight - the first
major clash between the Middle East
foes in three years.
The battle at 11:15 a.m. was the first
downing of Syrian planes reported
since the summer of 1982, when Israel
said its fighters shot down at least 85
Syrian jets in air battles that followed
the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
THE CLASH raised tensions between
the principal Middle East allies of the

.United States and Soviet Union on the
first day of the summit meeting of
President Reagan and Mikhail Gorba-
chev in Geneva.
Israeli Prime Minister Shimon
Peres called the battle "an isolated
incident" and said it did not signal a
change in Syrian policy toward Israel.
A military spokesman in Damascus
said Israel's U.S.- made F-15s
violated Syrian air space near Nabek,
40 miles north of the capital. The
statement made no mention of Syrian
See ISRAELI, Page 3

13 survivor
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -
Exhausted rescue workers, refusing
to believe reports that no one was left
alive in the volcanic mud covering the
Armero Valley, yesterday found 13
more survivors of the mudslide that
killed more than 25,000 people last
The rescue of the 13, who were
buried six days under the mud, was
reported by the Colombian radio net-
work, RCN.
"THERE ARE no survivors to
rescue," Colombian Red Cross Direc-

s found in
tor Carlos Martinez said at a news
conference yesterday. But gover-
nment officials say rescue efforts will
continue until they can be certain of
Workers trying to prevent the
spread of disease began fumigating
the outskirts of Armero, 30 miles east
of the volcano and 60 miles west of
Bogota yesterday.
Reporters flying over the area said
workers had also begun burning hun-
dreds of corpses. Other bodies were
spotted lying undisturbed in the mud.

A SERIES of small earthquakes
rumbled through the area of the
Nevado del Ruiz, the volcano whose
eruption melted the snowcap and
caused the Nov. 13 mudslide. Scien-
tists monitoring the volcano said they
would have to study seismograph
charts and watch for a continuing pat-
tern of shocks to tell if another erup-
tion is imminent.
In Manizales, 25 miles west of the
three-mile high volcano, two dozen
See Quakes, Page 6

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Get your Garg
OUESTION: Where can you buy a literary collection which
which features the work of such legends as Arthur Miller,

An OSU blue book
AFTER A great deal of scientific research and
develonment. the Daily has devised a way to com-

MATMEN: Sports previews the 1985-86
Michigan wrestling team. See Page 8.


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