Page 2-- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 19, 1985
Students plan to incr
Several student groups plan to in-
crease student awareness about the
problem of sexual assault by spon-
soring workshops and handing out in-
formation this week.
Student members of the Women
Safety Task Force will hand out 5,000
whistles to women on the Diag today
in an effort to increase the awareness
of rape.
THE TASK force, a part of the
Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan, will also hand out 8,000 gold
tags to both men and women. The tags
explain how to use the whistles and
who to call when the whistles are
Also tomorrow the Michigan
Student Assembly's Women's Issues
Committee will sponsor a "Sexual
Awareness Day for Men and
Women." The theme will be date and
acquaintance rape.
Students will give out 1,000 "No
means No" buttons and several flyers
near the Diag addressing the ways
both men and women can reduce the
high number of acquaintance rapes
among students.
AT NOON and 12:55 p.m. tomorrow,
LSA senior Pam Shore, who has a
brown belt in karate, will demon-
strate how women can best defend
themselves in stranger and acquain-
tance rape situations.
"I show women that if they are ever
attacked, men have certain
vulnerable spots they can aim for
such as his eyes, nose, and knees,"
Shore said.
Women's Issues Committee Chair-
woman Debbie Kohnstamm said one
of the top priorities is to "increase
awareness that sexual assault is a
crisis that affects men as well as
tion of rape will hopefully occur every
day of the week beginning January 1
ease rape ,
when the new director of the Univer-
sity's Center for the Prevention of
Sexual Assault begins work.
Today the eight member selection
committee for the center's director
will interview its second of four
Residential College junior Pam
Kisch, a member of the selection
committee, expects the new director
will be chosen in the next two weeks.
THE $75,000 budget for the center
was approved last spring.
According to Housing Program
Director Marvin Parnes, also a mem-
ber of the selection committee, the
center will be a centralized place to
gather data on sexual assault and will
coordinate sexual assault programs
that students presently have to go "all
over the map" to find.
"Of course the new director will
need to address some obvious campus
needs like education and counseling
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or a good counsel referral system,"
Kisch said.
KISCH FEELS putting the center in
the Michigan Union is one of the most
important aspects because "it will be
a symbol of how serious the issue of
rape has become.".
Meanwhile, PIRGIM and MSA are
organizing their own escort service
which will service Betsy Barbour,
Helen Newberry and West Quad
residence halls. All three are not
covered by the Nite Owl route.
Currently, the 55 students who volun-
teered to escort in tag team shifts of
two women or a man and a women are
being extensively interviewed.
"If all goes well the escort service
will begin January 1," says LSA
Junior Amy Simon.
ABOUT 30 protestors flooded the of-
fice of Henry Johnson, vice president
of student affairs, after the January
issue of Detroit Metropolitan
Magazine quoted him as saying
"Given the current (financial)
climate, I just don't see something
labeled 'rape prevention clinic' or of-
fice as necessarily germane to the
mission of the institution. That's a
cold thing to say but it's so."
He later claimed the article quoted
him out of context and also misquoted
The sit-in was a catalyst for the
formation of the center and the in-
creased effort toward increasing
awareness about rape.
"I'm really pleased with the
establishment of the center. It proves
the administration is really concerned
with the women's safety. But there is
still a lot to be done," Kohnstamm
For example, she and the other 45
members of the MSA's Women's
Issues Committee and the 30 mem-
bers of PIRGIM's Women Safety Task
Force are still working for better
lighting, faster repairs of broken
lights, and an increased Nite Owl bus
route which would serve some of the
off-campus students.
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4 PLO hijackers convicted
GENOA, Italy - Four Palestinians accused of hijacking the Achille
Lauro cruise ship were convicted with a fifth man yesterday on charges
of illegal possession of arms and explosives.
Three of the defendants said in written statements read in court that
aides to PLO official Mohammed Abbas delivered the weapons used in
the hijacking. Abbas has denied the allegation.
The court ordered prison terms ranging from four to nine years for the
five. They face trial at a later date on charges of kidnapping and mur-
dering Leon Klinghoffer, an American passenger aboard the Italian
cruise liner during the Oct. 7-9 ordeal.
The United States has accused Abbas of masterminding the hijacking.
A panel of three judges convicted the five men after hearing testimony
in the morning. There was no jury. The judges deliberated for two hours
and 20 minutes before announcing the verdicts.
The five defendents, in handcuffs and blue jeans, were brought into the
gymnasium-sized courtroom and divided among three metal-barred
We will defend with our blood and soul our country," they chanted in
Arabic while waving victory signs through the bars of their cages.
Col. military to shoot looters
BOGOTA, Colombia - Soldiers patrolled the town of Armero with or-
ders to shoot looters who roamed the sea of mud, stepping on the injured
in their haste to rob the dead, officials said yesterday.
Five more survivors were found, including a 7-year-old boy, according
to rescue workers interviewed by the Colombian radio chain RCN.
Colombia's health minister said two cases of typhoid fever had been
reported in the Andes valley farming town destroyed by a last week's
volcanic eruption. He said the area would be fumigated to kill flies that
carry the disease but the operation would not interfere with rescue
Officials say about 25,000 people were killed when the Nevado del Ruiz
volcano erupted last Wednesday, melting part of its snowcap and sending
a 15-foot-high wall of mud down the Langunilla River that buried Armero.
Victor Ricardo, president of the government emergency committee,
told Caracol radio he had reports of looting in the devastated area.
He said Col. Rafael Horacio Ruiz was appointed mayor of Armero and
its outlying districts and told to restore order.
Waite briefs U.S. officials on
efforts to free hostages
LONDON - Church of England troubleshooter Terry Waite briefed
U.S. officials yesterday on his efforts to free American
hostages from their Moslem captors in Lebanon and said he would return
to pursue his mercy mission.
"I am going back to Beirut because I believe there is still hope," Waite
told reporters outside Lambeth palace after reporting to Archbishop of
Canterbury Robert Runcie.
"And that is the message I think I could give to the families of the
hostages at this stage. While we're talking, I'll keep the momentum
going," said Waite, who returned to London on Sunday after a five-day
mission to Beirut.
A spokesman for Runcie announced that Waite, who said he had built
up "a measure of trust" with the hostages' captors, would fly to Paris
yesterday night and to Beirut today.
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DECEMBER 1, 1985
Americans, Vietnamese
begin search for MIAs
HANOI, Vietnam - Village children lined the road yesterday and wat-
ched a gum-chewing U.S. soldier drive a tractor to the excavation site at
Yen Thuong village on the outskirts on Hanoi, where remains of U.S. air-
men may be buried.
In an unprecedented joint search, American and Vietnamese military
men are to begin digging today for remains of the airmen, who the Viet
namese say bombed their cities 13 years ago.
Workers tore down a brick kitchen building so Sgt. Michael Dixon and
his 7 -ton tractor could enter the village.
The tractor, water pumps, metal detectors and other equipment
arrived yesterday aboard a U.S. Air Force C-141 transport plane.
Air Force Capt. Virginia Pribyla, spokeswoman for the U.S. team, said
a short ceremony today would mark the start of the dig.
She said U.S. experts would use metal detectors to determine where
and how far to dig. After the tractor clears the upper layer of earth,
workers with hand shovels will probe for what the Vietnamese say may
be the wreckage of a B-52 and the remains of four crew members, she
9 rioters killed in S. Africa
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JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Police said yesterday they shot and
killed nine people during clashes with black rioters in the worst outbreak
of racial unrest in six weeks.
The two-day wave of violence brought the death toll in a 14-month black
uprising against the white minority government's policies of apartheid,
or racial segregation, to more than 850.
The worst of the unrest occurred Sunday at Queenstown, a farming
community about 550 miles south of Johannesburg where officers fired
shotguns into black crowds hurling gasoline-bombs and stones,
authorities said.
Police said five people were killed.
In another development yesterday, Mrs. Mandela, wife of jailed
African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela, defied a government
order to return to exile in Brandfort and remained in Johannesburg.
Vol XCVI - No. 54
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.
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