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November 19, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-19

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Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor,_Michigan - Tuesday, November 19, 1985


Vol. XCVI - No. 54

Eight Pages

Council rejects

Members of the Ann Arbor City
Counil last night defeated a proposal
to prohibit handguns within the city
limits because they felt the ban would
be unenforceable and only symbolic in
As a crowd of 700 community
residents looked on, the council voted
7-3 against the proposed ordinance.
Councilmember Doris Preston (D-
Fifth Ward) said she opposed the ban
because "as city council people, we
have a responsibility to pass respon-
sible legislation and this is symbolic
LOWELL Peterson (D-First Ward),
in a rare split with his Democratic
voting record, also opposed the
proposed ban.
"I am not convinced that this ban is
going to do what it was set out to do ...
There is no evidence that passing a
law banning handguns would help in

Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward), who
proposed the ordinance, still stood
behind his measure. "We have to have
a consensus belief that it is time to set
(handguns) aside."
more to follow
MAYOR ED Pierce, a Democrat
1voted in favor of the ban. "I want to
pake it so that loaded hand guns are
snot so easily picked up and fired at
people," he said explaining his vote.
Before the Council considered the
ordinance, the 11 member body
listened to concerned citizens both for
and against the ordinance voice their
particular stands.
Dan Schleh, chairman of Citizens for
Responsible Gun Ownership, asked
the audience for a show of hands of
those who belong to his nearly three-
week-old group. The majority of those
packed into the council's chambers
raised their hands.
SCHLEH also cited FBI reports
that show hand gun bans are ineffec-
tive in preventing hand gun-related
crimes. He pointed to Washington,

D.C., which in 1976 adopted a hand
gun ban to fight it ranking as the city
with the seventh highest violent crime
"In 1982," Schleh continued,
"Washington, D.C. was listed number
one city for violent crimes."
In Morton Grove, Illinois, where a
hand gun ban went into effect in 1983,
burglaries rose from 33 percent to 47
BUT ANN ARBOR resident Thais
Peterson said if "even one life is
saved by this (proposed) ordinance, it
would be effective."
"I think, obviously those of us that
support a hand gun are heavily out-
numbered by opponents, and that's
persuasive argument that there is, in-
deed, a hand gun problem in Ann Ar-
bor," she said.
Raymond Tanter, a political scien-
ce professor at the University, spoke
against the ban, reasoning that
criminals would be the last hand gun
owners to give up their weapons.

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Invisible Ink plays to a nearly empty Michigan Theater Sunday during the twelve hour Rock Aid concert. The
band tried to raise money for the Ann Arbor Aid for Africa committee.

A 2

Aid for Africa falls short

Organizers of the Ann Arbor Aid for Africa benefit
concert were disappointed with the $3,000 they made at
the box office Sunday.
The benefit, or "Rock Aid" as it was dubbed, was
part of a nationwide effort by many campuses and
Public Interest Research Groups to raise moneydfor
the USA for Africa committee.
ONLY $200 out of the $3,000 raised will be sent towar-
ds the hunger drive due to numerous expenses, like the
rental fee for the Michigan Theater.
Organizers said the date and the price of the concert
might have contributed to the low turnout.
"The problem was in having it Sunday ... people on
this campus study," said Gary Kalman, PIRGIM's
student organizer.
"TO A DEGREE I think $10 might have been a bit
much, but the idea was to raise money for Africa,"
Kalman said.
Kalman also suggested that perhaps there might
have been some misconceptions regarding the nature
of the price. "Ten dollars is a contribution to benefit
hunger, not $10 for a concert. Maybe we didn't get that

The group had hoped to raise between $15,000 and
"ROCK AID" featured performances by nine bands
and two comedians. Audience attendance peaked at 100
people between 9:30 and 10.p.m.
PIRGIM workers said the concert had run very
smoothly and the bands played enthusiastically. In
fact, several performers declined reimbursement
money for gas and other expenses to help the cause.
"Maybe this was an ill-conceived idea and you need
big names," said Kalman. He added, regarding the ef-
forts of the 45 to 50 students involved in the event, "We
gave it our best shot.. . Ann Arbor missed a great show
and the bands played their hearts out."
"Putting on a benefit is a really risky business," said
Andy Buchsbaum, a state-wide organizer for PIRGIM.
"I hope U of M students take a few more chances in
their entertainment choices. Be risky when you go out.
particularly if it's for a good cause," he added.
Organizers had arranged for 15 radio announcemen-
ts during the week before the concert and had placed
about 1,000 posters advertising the event around town.

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Blue may
have to
settle for
a Fiesta

Unless Michigan gets a bid to the
Rose Bowl, it looks like the
Wolverines will open the new year in
Tempe, Ariz. playing in the Fiesta
Nothing is official, however, until
after Saturday's clash with arch-rival
Ohio State.
handed out until Saturday evening,"
Michigan sports information director
Bruce Madej said yesterday. "At this
time, if we don't go to the Rose Bowl
and if we get a Fiesta Bowl bid, we

will accept the Fiesta Bowl bid."
Athletic director Don Canham con-
firmed this yesterday afternoon.
"That (the Fiesta Bowl) is a bowl we
would look at as second to the Rose
Bowl," he said. "As long as the
players and the staff feel it's the thing
to do, that's probably what we would
The Fiesta Bowl has shown interest
in Michigan all season and the
Wolverines are on top of the commit-
tee's list - even if they lose to Ohio
State. It would be Michigan's first ap-

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LSA elections draw a
.high student turnout

'U' professors
predict dim
summit rslts

About 1,500 students yesterday voted
in the first day of the combined LSA
student government election and
special referendum for the
Michigan Student Assembly.
"More people will vote in this elec-
tion than in any other, looking at the
- first day's results," according to Eric
!Berman, an LSA senior who is serving
as elections director.
BERMAN estimates that between
3,000 and 4,000 students will have
voted when the last poll closes tonight
at 10 p.m. That would be doubling last
year's turnout.
Yesterday's turnout could have
been even higher if all three parties
with presidential candidates had ac-
tively campaigned, Berman believed.
"Action and SAID have run a more
visible campaign than CAUSE. I think
if it were a three party race, more
people would have come out to vote,"
Berman said.
Despite the high turnout, those
campaigning for spots on LSA student
government discovered yesterday,
that many students were unaware of
the elections or the issues.
STEVE HERZ, presidential can-
didate for the Action Party who was
campaigning in the Union, said, "I
* think that most people that I'm en-
countering didn't realize that there
were elections today and to get their
attention is difficult."
"I think it's an outrage that after al
the money we've spent notifying
students of the election, they still
don't know what's going on," he ad-
Todd Sapiro, an LSA freshman who
was sitting near the Fishbowl poll site

yesterday afternoon echoed Herz's;
views, "I didn't even know there was
an election."
SEVERAL students who did vote
gave several reasons for choosing a
particular party, the least of which
was the party's stand on the issues.
Scott Rickman, a junior in LSA
said he voted for SAID because, "I
don't have any complaints about what
they've done and they've got the ex-
"I voted for Action because I knew
people in the party and I knew they
were reliable," said one student who
declined to give her name.
LSA SENIOR Bob Pollock said he
also voted only because he knew the
candidates of one party.
Speculating on why his peers may
have shied away from the polls,
Pollock continued, "(Student gover-
nment) has a place, but not a vital
one. It's just a representative body
that does little or nothing for th
average student. I guess it's just
apathy. If there is something that's
really a salient issue, the students will
rally around it even if there wasn't a
representative body."
MSA president Paul Josephson said
he received a favorable response
toward the ballot question regarding a
change in the assembly's constitution.
He said several students told him they
voted their dissatisfaction with the
mandatory $100 computer fee all
students will be assessed beginning
next term.
One voter who agreed was LSA
sophomore Beth Barish. "I said that
we shouldn't because I don't use com-
puters, and I already pay tuition."

University political scientists ex-
pect President Reagan and Soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev to hammer
out few solid agreements during their
meetings today and tomorrow, but
say any easing of tensions between
the two officials will make the Geneva
summit a success.
"If relations improve, the summit
will be a success even if very few con-
crete agreements are made," says
Harold Jacobson, a political science
"(THE SUMMIT) is no place to
negotiate numbers," adds Prof.
Raymond Tanter, "It is where the
leaders negotiate an overall political
Arms control is a central item on the
summit agenda. Prof. Al Meyer says
Gorbachev may be seizing the issue
as a way to consolidate political
power in his country, something his
predecessors have always had dif-
ficulty doing.
"Gorbachev has to do a balancing
act - he will hold himself in power
only by having some success in.
foreign policy, economic reforms, or
reaching an agreement with the U.S.
that includeshmajor emphasis on ar-
ms control," he explains.
discussion on how the United States
and the Soviet Union can reduce their
nuclear stockpiles is Reagan's
Strategic Defense Initiative. Gor-

bachev fiercely opposes the so-called
Star Wars program.
If Reagan compromises on his plans
for SDI in order to win other con-
cessions from Gorbachev he may lose
congressional support for the protec-
tive shield, Tanter speculates.
On the other hand, the professor ad-
ded, Reagan will threaten potential
strides at the summit if he seems un-
bending about SDI. Nevertheless,
Tanter doesn't expect Reagan will
agree to any restrictions on SDI
swayed by the magic of the moment
and agree to restrictions on
developing and testing space-based
ballistic missiles in exchange for an
agreement on principle to reduce of-
fensive ballistic missiles - but I
doubt it," he says.
Prof. David Singer, however, views
Defense Secretary Casper Wein-
berger's remaining in Washington,
D.C. during the summit as a sign that
Reagan may soften his hard-line
stance to the extent that he will
"make some deal on Star Wars."
"(Reagan and Gorbachev) will
probably allow lab testing but prohibit
field testing," Singer says.
FIELD TESTING would allow the
United States to perfect the SDI
system because it would test tactics
otherwise untried in a laboratory

Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Stocking up
A squirrel braces himself for winter as he eats berries off a tree next to
the Grad library.


Township, wants to make the wager even. "I would like
to meet (Nies) at the State Line Cemetery ... after we
win the game ... to collect the documents that would
give us the little town of Trilby," Albert said. Trilby is
a section of Toledo attached to Michigan. "We haven't
heard about the escalation" in the border battle, said
Tnm Sent - annkgrcman fnr Michiann nv James

readers. If you are one of the lucky 800 people who
found the survey in your mailbox, please take a break
in between term papers to fill it out and mail it in. Our
staff and our advertisers are anxious to find out what
happens to the 10,000 newspapers we print each day.
And if you're a subscriber to the Ohio State newspaper,
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POWER PLAY: Sports examines Michigan's
resurgent power play. See Page 8.

Blue-Buckeye border battle

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