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November 11, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-11

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday,.November 11, 1985

Student leaders honor Blanchard

(Continued from Page 1)
student was caught embezzling university funds
while serving on the school's board of trustees in
He said that, as a result of that incident, State
Attorney General Frank Kelley ruled it a conflict
of interest for students, staff, and faculty to serve
on the boards. Kelley would have to reverse his
decision in order for any change to be made.
University of Michigan adminstrators have also
opposed several attempts to have a student on the
board, saying it woulk be a conflict of interest.
ADMINISTRATORS have also opposed giving
the governor authority to appoint board members,
saying it would be a violation of the University's
constitutional autonomy from the state.
But Josephson advocates the idea, saying it
would give students a greater influence in Univer-
sity decision-making. Currently students can push
ideas - such as a campus rape crisis center - to
the administration through MSA, but Josephson
said their recommendations are often altered
before being presented to the regents.
THOUGH THE reception was not included to be-
confrontational, at least one school - Central
Michigan University - refused to support the
award because Blanchard's "tuition freeze has
proven woefully inadequate. Increased and newly
-created fees at many of our state institutions have
rendered the tuition freeze useless, and we feel
much more remains to be done for the financial

welfare of state colleges and universities in
Michigan." said a resolution passed by CMU's
student government.
Students at CMU were told of an increase in its
health service fee shortly after its administrators
met Blanchard's demand that they freeze ini-
state tuition.
Responding to a question by Steve Heyman,
chair of MSA's legislative relations committee,
Blanchard said he wouldn't try to influence
student fees. "I'm not going to set what the dorm
fees or the meal rates are," he said. "That would
be ridiculous."
Josephson questioned the Michigan Collegiate
Coalition's praise for the in-state tuition freeze,
saying out-of-state students have been ignored and
sometimes have had to make up for the in-state
Blanchard replied he understood the value of
out-of-state students, but he said there isn't much
he can do for students outside Michigan. "The
number of out-of-state students isn't anywhere
near what it should be. I remember even back
when I was a student at Michigan State, how much
diversity they brought. I like to think that higher
education is one of the things we have to sell
around the country," he said.
ROCKY BECKETT, an MSU senior and former
president .of the coalition, defended the award,

saying the governor had done other things for
higher education besides pushing for the in-state
tuition freeze. Beckett said, for example, that the
governor had pushed for large increases in
education funding and that the tuition freeze was
still a step in the right direction.
Blanchard also praised the students. "It was
tremendous training for me," he said of his tenure
as president of MSU's student government. "I
hope you'll continue to be as concerned about
issues in the 'real' world as you are with things on
your campuses.,,
"That's the important thing. If you're politically
active when you're 21, you'll probably be active
when you're 31, or 41, or 51. If you're not active
now, you'll probably still be watching TV when
you're 31, 41, or 51," he said.
The coalition, made up of representatives from
the 15 four-year public universities in the state
was formed in 1983 after a similar group - the
Michigan Higher Education Students Association
- folded, said Don Cape, president of Michigan
Technological University's student government
and vice-president of the coalition.
"It lets us be a united voice when we're pushing
for things like the student regents," he said. The
Coalition also sponsors a student lobby day in the
spring, when they meet with state represen-

Soviets reject U.S. idea for joint statement

Union objected to virtually every item
in a U.S. proposal for a joint com-

munique at the summit between
President Reagan and Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev, a senior ad-

ministration official said yesterday.
Paul Nitze, Reagan's chief arms
control adviser, said the Soviet rejec-

tion, which came in meetings
Secretary of State George Shultz held
in Moscow last week with Gorbachev
and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze, makes it unlikely that
a joint communique will be issued.






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Man hurt in fall
off CCR bridge
A Wayne State University student
was in critical condition yesterday af-
ter falling Friday from the pedestrian
bridge over Washtenaw Avenue near
the Central Campus Recreation
The 19-year-old man lost his balan-
ce and fell while trying to do a han-
dstand on the bridge's railing, accor-
ding to news reports.
Karen Schwartz, a student who saw
the man fall, said she administered
first aid and was later told that the
man was in a coma and as suffering
from a bran hemorrhage and a blood
clot in the brain. Hospital officials
would give no further information.

PLO vows to continue fight
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - PLO chief Yasser Arafat said
yesterday the Palestinian people will "never let the gun fall from their
And in Jordan, King Hussein told a military graduating class that "the
Arab flag" will soon fly over Jerusalem.
Arafat's statement on Abu Dhabi television followed a declaration he
made only last week in which he denounced violence against unarmed
civilians anywhere and pledged to punish violators of a PLO commitment
against terrorism outside Israeli-occupied territory.
Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said
yesterday that his Cairo declaration was "a diplomatic riposte to the
fierce U.S. and Zionist (Israeli) campaign against the PLO."
The declaration was criticized by some Arabs who contended he had
dropped the Palestinian armed struggle in favor of peaceful accom-
modation with Israel.
Arafat said the contents of the declaration represented "truthful
respect for international legitimacy, which distinguishes between
resistance against an enemy and terrorist operations against innocent
civilians outside the occupied land."
4 die in anti-Apartheid riots
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Police said yesterday four blacks
died in anti-apartheid violence nationwide, and a policeman was shot and
wounded in a black neighborhood near Worcester in Cape province over
the weekend.
In another development, The Sunday Star newspaper said a letter used
by the government as evidence to restrict journalists was bogus and was
part of "a shocking disinformation scandal."
Police officers seldom have been shot at during racial violence, but
shootings have increased since August, suggesting that rioters may be
adding firearms to the rocks and gasoline bombs that are their usual
By official count, more than 800 people - the great majority of them
black - have been killed in anti-apartheid riots that began Sept. 3, 1984.
U.S. may bounce many checks
WASHINGTON - Unless Congress ends its impasse over the federal
spending this week, the U.S. government faces a Super Bowl of
bureaucratic snafus on Friday, the likes of which the country has never
For the first time in its history, the government may default on its
'financial obligations, bouncing millions of federal checks.
In addition, much of the federal government could be shut down, sen-
ding a half-million or more "non-essential" workers home on an un-
scheduled holiday and closing government offices from Washington to
Anchorage, Alaska.
The country is being brought to the brink of this double doomsday
because of continued wrangling over federal finances.
While Congress has until midnight Thursday to reach a resolution of the
impasse, officials are reluctantly beginning to make contingency plans if
this deadline is not met.
The two problems - a government shutdown and a default - will
require separate congressional solutions.
4 U.S. hostages return home
ORLANDO, Fla. - Four American missionaries taken hostage by lef-
tist guerrillas in Colombia returned home yesterday saying their faith
and their refusal to pay ransom led to their release after nearly five
weeks of captivity.
"We were terrified. They kept saying we were CIA spies, that the
United States was responsible for many atrocities," said Bonnie Cain, 33,
of Front Royal, Va., who was captured along with her husband, Tim, and
two other missionaries who tried to help them.
"Our faith, our inspiration, was the many small miracles performed by
God to show us he was with us.
Yesterday, all four returned to the New Tribes Mission headquarters
near Orlando.
Guerrillas burst in on the couple on Oct. 5, held a gun to Cain's head and
forced him to radio his home base, saying he was sick and needed to be
Royalty enjoy visit in U.S.
WASHINGTON - Prince Charles said yesterday that he and Princess
Diana are "enormously touched" by their welcome in America and hin-
ted that they might head for the wide spaces of the West on a future visit.
"There are lots of places I'd like to get to," the future king of England
told reporters in his first news conference in years. "I'd love to go to
Wyoming - the Queen has told me about it." Queen Elizabeth II visited
Wyoming in 1984.

The prince and princess of Wales worshipped earlier yesterday with
thousands of ordinary Americans, toured a museum full of British art
treasures, then visited the Virginia hunt country estate of Paul Mellon,
the philanthropist whose father once served as ambassador to the court of
St. James's...
Charles and Diana appeared somewhat tired midway in her first visit
to the United States, coming on the heels of a two-week tour of Australia.
"Anybody finds this sort of time changing difficult," he said, but both he
and his wife are coping. "It's all in the breeding," he cracked.
Vol XCVI- No. 48
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town ; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.




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Editor in Chief.............NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors.......... JODY BECKER
Managing Editors .......GEORGEA KOVANIS
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PHOTO STAFF: Jae Kim, Scott Lituchy, John
Munson, Matt Petrie, Dean Randazzo, Andi
Schreiber, Darrian Smith.
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Debbie Frances, Liam Flaherty, Steve Green-
baum, Rachel Goldman, Jon Hartmann, Darren
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Marketing Manager..........CYNTHIA NIXON
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DISPLAY SALES: Lori Baron,'Sheryl Biesman,
Eda Benjakul, Diane Bloom, Cindy Davis, Cathy
Ellman, Debbie Feit, Brady Flower, Mason Frank-

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