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November 11, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-11

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom


Vol. XCVI - No. 48

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 11, 1985

Eight Pages

Powerful Blue pounds Purdue, 47-0

It wasn't quite cold enough to snow
aturday at Michigan Stadium, but
the Purdue football team ran into a
blizzard just the same.
_ The Wolverines (4-1-1 in Big Ten, 7-
1-1 overall) froze out Purdue's Jim
Everett, the Big Ten's most produc-
tive quarterback, and buried the
Boilermakers under an avalanche of
offensive stats while coasting to a 47-0
THEY totally dominated the
ame," said Purdue head coach Leon
urtnett about the ninth-ranked
Wolverines. "I've brought some great
teams up here and we just don't know
what happens."
The outcome of the contest may
have left Burtnett a bit bewildered,
but what actually happened was quite
simple. Michigan finally got an offen-
sive storm to go with its defense,
which has whitewashed opponents all
The Wolverines took advantage of
several big plays and rolled for 551
yards in total offense while holding
Purdue, which had averaged a Big
Ten-leading 481 yards per game, to a
mere 104 yards.
PURDUE, on the strength of Everett's
arm, was expected to have a big day
passing. However the Wolverines and
Jim Harbaugh outgained the Boiler-
makers and the All-American Everett
in air yardage, 276 to 96. Michigan
lso plowed through the Purdue
defense for 275 yards on the ground,
while the Boilermakers could manage
just eight yards on the ground all day.
The Wolverines struggled
somewhat in the first quarter as the
Boilers used short dump passes to
pick up three of their seven total first
downs early, and Purdue's defense
stifled the Michigan offense. But then
the roof fell in on Purdue.
"The big plays did it," said
edichigan head coach Bo Schem-
bechler. "It wasn't really that kind of
a game at first."
"I THOUGHT our defense played well

in the first quarter," said Burtnett.
"But after that it was all down hill."
Michigan got turned -around with
4:57 left in the first stanza when Pur-
due return man Steve Griffin fumbled
a punt on his own 23 and Michigan
long snapper Andy Borowski jumped
on the ball. Two plays later Harbaugh
hit tight end Eric Kattus in the corner
of the end zone for the first Michigan
From then on, the first half passing
show belonged to Michigan. Har-
baugh connected on 11 of 12 tries
before the intermission for 225 yards
and three touchdowns to power
Michigan to a 28-0 halftime lead. The
Wolverine field general finished with
a 12 for 13 showing for 233 yards.
"WHAT you see is a first-year quar-
terback," said Schembechler of Har-
baugh, a junior who is seeing his first
real action this year after sitting out
most of last year with a broken arm.
"He's not perfect, but he's smart and
he has a good arm. Thank heaven he's
here, he's healthy and we've got him
for another year."
Harbaugh showed that he could
come up with big passing plays when
the Wolverines needed them, as he hit
freshman flanker John Kolesar on first
half touchdown strikes of 34 and 65
yards. Kolesar finished the half, and
the game, with a team high four cat-
ches and 148 yards.
"Their defense had given us some
stuff in the first half that had cofused
us," said Schembechler, "but then we
got the big plays with the pass."
GERALD White banged over from
one yard out midway through the
second period for the Wolverines' only
rushing touchdown of the first half.
While Michigan primarily used a
flurry of passes to bombard the
Boilers in the first half,bit discovered
another, more traditional way of
moving the ball in the second half.
"In the second half we found that we
could run the ball," said Schem-
bechler. "In fact, our first drivE
(which resulted in a Thomas Wilcher

D aily rhoto by DAN HABIB
Purdue quarterback Jim Everett manages to escape Wolverine defensemen Mike Hammsterstein and Mark Messner. Everett, however, was

sacked three times and was held to only 96 yards passing on the day.
two-yard touchdown plunge) was all ds on 13 plays with Wilcher getting
running." most of the work. The senior tailback
ON THAT drive, which ate up the from Detroit completed the afternoon
first seven minutes of the third quar- with 54 yards on seven carries.
ter, the Wolverines ground out 80 yar- Despite switching to a ground at-

tack after the intermission, the for the final Michigan score halfway
Wolverines showed they could still through the fourth quarter. Webb led
break the big play as sophomore all rushers with 97 yards on just nine
tailback Phil Webb scampered 64 carries. On the season, the 6-1, 205
yards untouched down the left sideline
Commitee closes

B nhr.su p p o r tsstdns
as regents

Special to the Daily
EAST LANSING - Gov. James Blanchard told student
leaders Friday that he supports a proposal to have studen-
ts serve on the governing boards of the state's public
universities and colleges.
Blanchard, who was honored for his "commitment to
higher education" by a coalition of student government
leaders from schools across the state, also said he would
push the state's schools to keep tuition increases at or
below the inflation rate. He said the state probably would
not be able to give the schools enough state funding to
demand a tuition freeze for state residents, as it has the
past two years.
M SPEAKING AT a reception in his honor at Michigan
State University's Student Union, Blanchard encouraged

the students to push state legislators to change the state
constitution and allow him to appoint the schools' board
Members of the University of Michigan's Board of
Regents are currently elected in a statewide vote.
A two-thirds vote by the state legislature is needed for a
change in the constitution. This is easier than the alter-
native of collecting 300,000 signatures in order to change
it, said Paul Josephson, president of the Michigan Student
Assembly. Josephson said he has talked to state leaders,
including Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), about
pushing for the change.
BLANCHARD SAID the idea would undoubtedly face
opposition, especially after a Michigan State University
See STUDENTS, Page 2

'45 protest 'sexist'
Black Velvet b'll ad

Forty-five people protested down-
town Saturday against what they said
was sexist advertising on a billboard
4t the corner of Main and Ann Streets.
The billboard, which has been the
subject of several protests in the past,
is a Black Velvet whiskey adver-
tisement which portrays a woman in a
black dress lying down undernearth
the words "Feel the Velvet Canadian."
THE protesters carried signs which
read "Beware Young Wimmin
They're Foolin' You" and "Stop Rape
Now." Another sign, apparently
*eferring to the several times the
billboard has been spray painted with
anti-sexism slogans, read "Un-
derground Feminists Unite. Spray it
out Loud."
After an hour of picketing and chan-
ting, the protesters stopped to listen to
several speakers denounce the
billboard. Judy Levy, a spokesperson
for the Workers Revolutionary Party,
told a captive audience that "We have
been physically and mentally raped
*ya society that uses women as ob-

Levy also called for immediate
rape prevention programs funded by
the city and the University, a city-
funded lesbian/gay community cen-
ter, and a third political party
representing the workers that is
capable of competing with the
Republicans and the Democrats.
Jacquelyne Eccles, a professor of
psychology and women's studies at
the University, said similar ads have
contributed to the rise in anorexia and
bulimia among women who feel they
must compete with the magazine
Jennifer Akfirat, who was jailed
and fined $2,000 for defacing the
billboard earlier this year gave the
group directions on how to "enhance"
it in the future. "You need three
people and a ladder," she told the
About 30 women and 15 men par-
ticipated in the protest, and organizer
Debbie Jurmu said both males and
females are exploited in advertising.
But she pointed out that "men are not
the victims of sexual violence."

research ,
The chairman of the University's
classified research guidelines review
committee announced Friday that the
committee's first meeting this Wed-
nesday will be closed to the public,
despite oppostion from the Michigan
Student Assembly.
In a prepared statement, Prof.
Phillip Converse, director of the Cen-
ter for Political Studies, said he
decided to close Wednesday's meeting
to allow the committee "to hear its
detailed charge and to organize itself
for its program of work."
MSA LAST week urged the Univer-
sity administration to open the
meeting, but Converse at the time
said he had not made a final decision
on the issue.
The committee will review the
University's current guidelines for
classified research at the request of
the Board of Regents.
Although Converse wrote that the
committee "will plan some public
hearings as an integral part of its
review procedures," MSA leaders
yesterday said the decision to close
Wednesday's meeting is part of an
overall University effort to loosen the
current guidelines.
"I DON'T KNOW why the decision
can't be arrived at openly," said
Steve Heyman, chairman of MSA's
Legislative Relations Committee. "I
would guess they're worried about
people opposed to the classified
research on campus trying to get their
views across."
MSA President Paul Josephson said
the committee "is attempting to limit
the debate and steer it into one par-
ticular direction-loosening the
Josephine and other MSA leaders
have previously accused the ad-
ministration of trying to stack the

nlee ting
committee with-faculty members who
are opposed to research guidelines.
"I WANT TO know what individual
people are going to say during the
meetings. I think every person on
campus should be privy to that infor-
mation," Josephson said yesterday.
At least one committee member,
Pathology Prof. Rees Midgley, agrees
that the review committee should hold
open meetings.
"It's an honest open issue that
deserves honest open debate,"
Midgley said. "You want to present a
picture that all sides are heard."
refused to comment, and Converse
yesterday would not elaborate on his
reasons for closing Wednesday's
"The committee just wants to
organize itself-what is so hard to un-
derstand about that," Converse said.
He added that the policy for future
meetings will be determined this
According to University officials,
the University does not have a
specific policy regarding meetings of
ad-hoc review committees, and the
Regents' By-Laws, which determine
overall University policy, do not ad-
dress the issue.
tees-such as the ones which
reviewed the College of Engineering's
Humanities Department in 1983 and
the schools of art, education, and
natural resources in 1983-have
closed their working sessions and held
public hearings for students and
faculty members.
The State of Michigan Open
Meetings act of 1976 mandates that
public bodies hold open meetings in
most cases, but University attorneys
said the act does not apply to the
current review committee.

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Michigan junior Brad Jones is congratulated by teammates after scoring
a goal in the second period of Friday's 54 victory over Michigan State.
See story on Page 7.

A declaration of WAR

University. In the coming days the Today column will
endeavor to bring our readers a collection of objective
journalistic observations on Ohio State University and
the "people" who attend it.

Wolverine football team will destroy the bumbling
Buckeyes on the gridiron. So, it's up to students to give
that pint of blood to make our victory complete. The
Red Cross will be at the following locations:
Monday - Bursley, 3-9 p.m.
Tuesday - Couzens, 1-7 p.m.
Wednesday - East Quad, 1-7 p.m.
T1,,-cl~ - nc ar.Trrav 1-7 nrn_

KNOW-IT-ALLS: Opinion looks at students
who seem to know enough to tell other
students what not to learn. See Page 4.

T T ' HEREAS, the boys and girls of the Ohio Lie down and fight like a Buckeve


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