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October 11, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-11

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 11, 1985
By Dean Randazzo

"How do you feel about the mandatory $100 per term computer fee recen-
tly passed by the regents?"


Diane Dalton, Alumna: It's
not quite fair for students
who have no use of com-
puters to have to pay the fee.
The only advantage I can see
is that if a student was ac-
tually forced to use com-
puters, it would be good
because they are probably
going to have to know
something about them in the
working world.

John Arent, Alumnus: My
opinion is that the computer
fee is good because it will
pay for computers and it will
make the University more
competitive and productive
academically. Since U of M
has to compete with other
universities in the job
market we have to keep up in
the new technology.

Mark Weisbrot, Graduate
student: I am against it. I
think that some people use
computers a lot more than
others and at the very least
the students should be able
to vote on something like
this, rather than just have
the regents decide.

Patty Olsen, LSA Junior: I
don't think that the fee is
fair. That's quite a bit to ask
of students for using com-

Jong Ho Kim, Graduate
student: I think it is unfair to
make all students pay a
computer fee. If the students
use the computers then they
should pay the fee. If they
don't use them they
shouldn't have to pay.

Blackouts plague central campus

(Continued from Page 1)
contractors for Centel Business Ser-
vices, the company in charge of in-
stalling new telephone lines around
campus, may have accidentally
damaged underground cables,
triggering the blackouts.
Douglas Dunlap, project manager
at Centel, confirmed that contractors
are working around campus, but he
said that they have not worked around

South University Avenue since the
Mason said Detroit Edison workers
were told by the University to make
fixing the Diag lights their number
one priority. And those lights were
restored within a few days. Workers
were "lucky" to spot the problem for
the Diag lights and repair them so
quickly, he said.
AS FOR THE other streetlights,

* Campus Visits
* Phone Contacts
* High School Visits
* Special Projects

Mason said he would like to have them
restored within 48 hours. But he
qualified this, saying that the
magnitude of the problem would
make it unlikely for that to happen.
A work crew has been assigned to
the repairs and will be working on
"100 percent time," Mason said.
"They're going to be working on
Saturday . . . They're working until
dark . . . We're trying to get them to
work as many hours as they can."~
Detroit Edison has been receiving
complaints from numerous students
who are afraid for the safety of the
campus, said Mason.
MICHIGAN Student Assembly
member Rick Frenkel said he called
Henry Johnson, vice president for
student services, Tuesday afternoon
and "expressed lighting concerns on
behalf of the students." According to
Frenkel, Johnson agreed there was a
problem, and said he would take it to
the executive officers.
Johnson could not be reached for
comment last night.
"THERE'S NO other form of back-,
up lighting provided, and it's almost.
pitch black," Kohnstamm said. "If
there's not some type of provision in
their (the University's) contract with
Detroit Edison for backup lighting,
then they need to have their contract
Daily reporter Francie Allen
filed a report for this story.
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218 N. Division St.
Episcopal Campus Ministry
Rev. Andrew Foster, Chaplain
WEDNESDAYS at 5:00 p.m. - Libera-
tion Eucharists: Celebration of the
Holy Eucharist followed by a simple
shared meal, for people who are con-
cerned about social justice and peace.
For more info. call 665-0606
a. * * .
1511 Washtenaw
Dr. Paul Foelber, interim pastor
Worship Services at 9:15
and 10: 30 a.rr.
Sunday Supper at 6:00 p.rr .
* * *
Huron St. (between State & Division) -
Sundays: 9:55 worship, 11:25 Bible
Study groups for both Undergrads and
Graduate Students.
Thursdays: 5:30 Supper (free) and
for information call 663-9376
1429 Hill St. 663-3336
Reform minyan - 8:00 p.m.
Conservative minyan - 7:45p.m.
Orthodox m inyan - 7:45 p.m.
KOSHER MEALS - Fri. nights and
during week.
Call Hillel for more information.
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus Group
Campus Ministry Coordinator:
Jamie Schultz.
Sunday mornings 11:00.
Wednesday evenings 7:00.
Dr. William Hellegonds, preaching.
Worship services at 9:30 and 11 a.m.
Bible study 8 a.m.

Reagan demands prosecution
of cruise ship hijackers
WASHINGTON - President Reagan demanded that four Palestinian
sea pirates be turned over to authorities for prosecution "as the mur-
derers that they are." But U.S. officials said they were not sure where
the hijackers were.
Two Reagan administration officials said they believed the four
hijackers, who were accused of killing an elderly American passenger
aboard the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro, had been sent to an airport
outside Cairo in early afternoon EDT and that Egyptian authorities were
preparing to fly them to an unknown destination.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said the hijackers had become
the Palestine Liberation Organization's responsibility, but a PLO
spokesman in Tunisia said the pirates had not been turned over.
Earlier, President Reagan said that if the PLO had custody of the
hijackers, it should turn them over to "a sovereign state" to prosecute
them for the murder of an American passenger, 69-year-old Leon
Klinghoffer, a retired New Yorker who was confined to a wheel chair,
was killed and thrown overboard by the hijackers who were demanding
that Israel release Palestinian terrorists.
Moslems hold Soviet officials
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Moslem extremists said in a statement published
yesterday they will not free three kidnapped Soviet Embassy officials
even though their main demand - a halt to fighting in Tripoli - has been
"Now that Syrian guns and missiles have stopped bombarding Tripoli,
we must explain the real reasons which prompted us to do what we have
done," the extremists' statement said.
The extremists kidnapped four soviets on Sept. 30 from the streets of
Moslem West Beirut, killed one two days later, and said it would not free
the others until Moscow persuaded its closest ally in the Middle East,
Syria, to stop a Syrian-backed assault on the northern port of Tripoli.
A cease-fire was declared Oct. 3 between leftist militias assaulting
Tripoli and Moslem fundamentalists in control of the city center,
following 15 days of fierce battles in which at least 500 people were killed
and more than half the 500,000 population fled.
P.R. considers mass grave
PONCE, Puerto Rico - The National Guard ordered everyone out of
Mameyes shantytown yesterday after Puerto Rico said it was considering
making a common grave of the mudslide that was believed to have
buried up to 500 people this week.
Gov. Rafael Hernandez Colon said a decision will be made soon
whether to seal off the disaster site outside Ponce to avoid an outbreak of
"We don't have much time," Hernandez Colon said.
The governor's office said the action could be taken by this weekend.
A 30-hour tropical deluge triggered the avalanche Monday morning
that toppled some 400 wood and tin shacks in the hillside shantytown out-
side Ponce.
Dr. Giodano San Antonio, the Ponce region's health department direc-
tor, said decomposing bodies, covered by mud, rocks and splintered
homes, were creating a threat of water contamination, typhoid fever,
mosquito-borne diseases, tetanus and diphtheria.
Shultz backs Jordan arms sale
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State George Shultz told skeptical
senators yesterday that approval of the Reagan adminstration's $1.9
billion arms sale to Jordan is an "absolute necessity" for ultimate suc-
cess in the search for peace in the Middle East.
Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Shultz said
Jordan's King Hussein has taken "courageous moves" toward opening
negotiations with Israel, and added that from the king's point of view,
"You like to feel that peace has friends, and the friends of peace will
stand with you."
But several members of the committee challenged Shultz description of
events in the Middle East. "I disagree that the king of Jordan has made
meaningful moves," said Sen. Rudy Boschwitz, R-Minn. "... He puts a
number of obstacles in the way of peace."
Shultz' 90-minute appearance before the committee represented the
beginning of what is expected to be a hard sell for the adminstration to
win approval for its proposed sale of sophisticated aircraft and air defen-
se missiles to Jordan.
Guerrillas attack army base
LA UNION, El Salvador - Up to 400 leftist guerrillas attacked the ar-
my's main training center yesterday, killing dozens of soldiers and
wounding 68, the army said. It was the rebels' biggest operation in over a
But the insurgents failed in their apparent objective of blasting the
rows of barracks where about 2,000 trainees slept. Soldiers recovered
several home-made bombs, which they placed in a large pile near the
bodies of 10 rebels in a make-shift morgue at this sprawling base 113
miles east of the capital.
Lt. Col. Joaquin Cerna Flores, commander of the Military Training
Center of the Armed Forces, said 40 soldiers died in the attack. An em-

ployee at nearby La Union hospital said it had received the bodies of 58
soldiers. The guerrillas' clandestine Radio Venceremos claimed gover-
nment casualties were near 200, but did not give a breakdown of dead and
Thedconflicting reports could not be verified.
It was the worst blow to the army since last Dec. 3 when rebels killed 43
soldiers, wounded 20 and captured 40 in an ambush at El Saslto, 35 miles
southwest of the capital.
Sie 3itI. an 'a l
Vol XCVI - No. 27
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and. Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.


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Editor in Chief.................NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors ..,.......JODY BECKER
Managing Editors......GEORGEA KOVANIS
News Editor...............THOMAS MILLER
Features Editor..........LAURIE DELATER
City Editor .............. ANDREW ERIKSEN
Personnel Editor............TRACEY MILLER
NEWS STAFF: Eve Becker, Melissa Birks, Laura
Bischoff, Rebecca Blumenstein, Joanne Cannella,
Philip Chidel, Dov Cohen, Kysa Connett, Tim
Daly, Nancy Driscoll, Rob Earle, Rachel Gottlieb,
Stephen Gregory. Linda Holler, Mary Chris
Jakelevic,Vibeke Laroi, Jerry Markon, Eric Mat-
tson. Amy Mindell, Kary Murakami, Jill
Oserowsky, Christy Riedel, Michael Sherman,
Jennifer Smith, Jeff Widman, Chery Wistrom.
Associate Opinion Page Editor .. KAREN KLEIN
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Jonathan Corn, Gayle
Kirshenbaum, David Lewis, Henry Park, Peter

PHOTO STAFF: Jae Kim, Scott Lituchy, John
Munson, Matt Petrie, Dean Randazzo, Andi
Schreiber, Darrian Smith.
Sports Editor ................. TOM KEANEY
Associate Sports Editors...........JOW EWING
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha, Mark Borowsky,
Debbie de Frances, Liam Flaherty, Steve Green-
baum, Rachel Goldman, Jon Hartmann, Darren
Jasey, Phil Johnson, Rick Kaplan, Christian Mar-
tin, Scott Miller, Greg Molzon, Brad Morgan,
Jerry Muth, Adam Ochlis, Chris Parker, Mike
Redstone, Duane Roose, Jeff Rush, Scott Shaffer,
Pete Steinert.
Business Manager .,...... DAWN WILLACKER
Sales Manager........... MARY ANN HOGAN
Assistant Sales Manager ...........YUNA LEE
Marketing Manager......... CYNTHIA NIXON
Finance Manager.............DAVID JELINEK
DISPLAY SALES: Sheryl Biesman, Diane Bloom,

Tuesday, October 15, 1985I
4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


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