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March 19, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-19

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 19, 1985
Repairs close
until une

PONTIAC, - Pontiac Silverdome of-
ficials announced yesterday they will
take down remaining roof panels to put
up an entire new covering, which won't
be ready until mid-June.
That means all events at the stadium
are canceled until the fabric roof is in
place, they said. Part of the roof collap-
sed during a March 4 snowstorm and
other panels gave way during the next
several days.
The Detroit Pistons immediately an-
nounced they would play the remainder
of their schedule at Joe Louis Arena in
downtown Detroit, with the exception of
one game that has been shifted next

door to Cobo Arena, after a rock group
refused to play there.
James Clarkson, chairman of the
Pontiac Silverdome Authority, said at a
news conference the few panels not rip-
ped out by high winds and heavy snow
would be removed soan entire new
covering could be installed. The new
panles are said to be of a more durable
Teflop-coated canvas.
No events will be staged, Clarkson
said, until the new roof is installed and
inflated to allow crews inside the com-
plete repairs to damaged concrete and
seating to the 80,638-seat facility.

Iraqi planes bomb
Iranian cities, kill 17

From the Associated Press
Iraq said yesterday that its war-
planes bombed Tehran and several
other Iranian cities, "scoring crushing
hits." Both sides claimed victory in the
border marshland battle for control of
the highway linking Baghdad with the
strategic southe Iraqi port of Basra.
Witnesses repted a huge explosion
in Baghdad,rnear the residence of
President Saddam Hussein. The
Iranians said it was caused by one of
their long-range missiles. Iraqi officials
did not comment on the explosion, but
have blamed two previous blasts in the
capital on bombs placed by saboteurs.
THE WAR, now four and a half years
old, has intensified sharply in recent
weeks. An Iraqi military com-
munique monitored in Nicosia, Cyprus,
said its jets raided "selected targets"
in Tehran, Kashan, and Khorramabad
late yesterday afternoon. Com-
muniques earlier in the day had repor-
ted attacks on Hamadan. Isfahan,
Tabriz, Kermanshah, and Arak.
The combat communique said Iraqi
jets and helicopters flew 361 sorties
against "fleeing Iranian troops inside

Iranian territory," inflicting "heavy
casualties." It said the aircraft retur-
ned safely after destroying 19 gunboats,
eight anti-aircraft guns, an artillery
replacement and four ammunition
The attack was its retaliation for
Iraqi air raids on its cities. Baghadad
residents said they heard deafening
blast and saw bellowing black smoke
near the site of the two similar ex-
plosions that occurred over the
They reported seeing ambulances
rushing to the scene, but said civilian
traffic was routed away from the area.
Iran warned Iraqis to leave the
capital, according to an unidentified
senior official in Tehran who was
quoted by IRNA, the Iranian news
Iraq threatened to shoot down
civilian airliners in Iranian airspace
beginning today, and many airlines
canceled service to both Tehran and
Baghdad as a result. Iran said it
protested to the International Air Tran-
sport Association and the International
Civil Aviation Organization.

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Karen Berman sings Tina Turner's hit "What's Love Got to do with," Thur-
sday night in the Michigan Union at the M against MS Rock-A-Like contest.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Senate conmiittee recommends
further MX missile funding
WASHINGTON - Amid intensive personal lobbying by President Reagan,
the Republican-led Senate Armed Services Committee voted 11-6 yesterday
to recommend freeing $1.5 billion to build and install 21 additional MX
missiles in underground silos in Wyoming and Nebraska.
Committee Chairman Barry Goldwater of Arizona predicted an extremely
close vote today when the full Senate decides whether to approve the next
stage in Reagan's plan to add a total of 100 MXz to the nation's nuclear ar-
senal. Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole (R-Kan.), said "I ani confident"
the MX will be approved.
Goldwater, who had previously said he would oppose the MX, voted for it
yesterday, saying "A vote against it would indicate a defeat for the president;
that would be the dangerous thing, not the loss of the missile."
Asked why he said early this year that he would abandon the missile,
Goldwater said he was attempting to shock the president into mobilizing the
pro-MX forces in the Congress. Despite the defeat for MX foes in the com-
mittee, they pledged a tough fight on the Senate floor today and again Thur-
sday, when a second vote is scheduled.
Court throws out PAC limit
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court threw out a key provision of election
law yesterday ruling that limits on the amount political action committees
may independent spend on presidential campaings violates First Amen-
dment guarantees.
The 7-2 ruling defeated attempts by the Federal Election Commission and
the Democratic Party to uphold a federal electin law provision that places a
$1,000 ceiling on independent expenditures for presidential candidates ac-
cepting public financing of their campaigns. Violation of the law carried a
criminal penalty.
The Democrats had sued to stop conservative groups, including the
National Conservative Political Action Committee and the Fund for a Con-
servative Majority, from spending millions on behalf of President Reagan's
re-election efforts. The court refused to rule on the matter before the 1984
campaign ended and the conservative PACs spent a total of $15.2 million.
Ohio considers reopening
savings and loan associations
COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Ohio General Assembly yesterday wrestled with
emergency legislation to reopen some of the 70 state-chartered savings and
loan associations and protect 500,000 depositors, some of whom had to
"borrow money to live."
A proposal worked out by the governor, legislators and bank executives
was introduced in both houses, but majority Republicans in the Senate
raised questions about provisions of the bill.
A weary Gov. Richard Celeste met in Cincinnati with community leaders
in an attempt to assure them and nervous depositors that his plan would
enable the institutions to "open their doors with their dollars fully protected
as soon as possible."
Celeste closed the state-chartered but privately insured savings and loans
Friday and extended that order indefinitely yesterday after a "run" by
customers took some $60 million out of the institutions.
Feds announce cocaine bust
SAN DIEGO - Federal authorities said yesterday they had arrested major
kingpins in a cocaine smuggling operation believed to be responsible for 20
percent to 25 percent of the cocaine entering the United States every year.
In a morning news conference U.S. Attorney Peter Nunez said 59 people
are in custody and nine others were being sought in the investigation, which
involved an international cocaine smuggling cartel operating out of Peru
and Colombia.
The arrests were made on criminal complaints and some indictments
handed down in recent days by a federal grand jury, and Nunez said a grand
jury on Thursday will hear evidence against about 20 alleged purchasers and
users of the narcotic.
Nunez said extensive use of wiretaps and other surveillance was made
during the 18-month probe.
"These people were the highest echelon of the cocaine market in South
America and Peru," Nunez said.
Capital City Inc. buys ABC
NEW YORK - American Broadcasting Co. and Capital Cities Com-
munication Inc. said yesterday they would merge in a $3.5 billion deal that
allows the much smaller Capital Cities to take control of the network.
Under the agreement, ABC stockholders would receive $118 in cash per
share for stock that closed last Friday at $74.50.
Trading in both ABC and Capital Cities stock was halted on the New York
Stock Exchange yesterday, and when it resumed after the merger announ-
cement, the value of ABC shares shot up to $107.
ABC has been rumored as a possible takeover target for months, causing
its stock to fluctuate widely. The network has been running third in the
ratings this year, and analysts said its stock was trading at much less than
the value of its assets - a circumstance that always draws the attention of

Icorporate raiders.J
Vol. XVC - No. 132
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-



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Berman wins
(Continued from Page 1)
cheered her on as they watched Ber-
man strut across the stage.
"I NEVER thought I'd win," said
Berman. But she did win - and in a big
During numerous fund-raisers across
campus over the last six weeks, studen-
ts voted on photographs of the rock-a-
likes. They gave Berman more votes
for her impersonation than any of the
other contestants. She also raised the
most money for the Multiple Sclerosis
Winning the second highest number
of votes was LSA sophomore Will
Carlson, who lip-synced to David
Bowie's MTV version of "Blue Jean."
He wore calf-length gypsy pants tied
with a silver sash; his face was painted
black and white and his hair was
streaked with white.
THIRD PLACE went to Darrel
Thompson, an LSA sophomore, and Bill
Downey, an LSA junior. The duo per-
formed their own version of Phillip
Bailey and Phil Collins' "Easy Lover"
video. And like the professional enter-
tainers, the students performed stage
antics while they lip-synced.
Similar Rock-a-Like contests are
being held at 11 other campuses around
the nation. The contests, sponsored by
MTV, are raising money to fight
multiple sclerosis. MTV will film a con-
Linguistics iv
(Continued from Pagei1)
because the college is being forced to
cut its budget, but also because in-
tegrating linguistics with related units
has been needed for a long time.,
",WE FEEL that by coordinating
present faculty within the linguistics
department with faculty who are
linguists outside the department" is
crucial to the improvement of
linguistics education, said Jack
Meiland, LSA associate dean for long-
range planning.
"Linguists tend to be talking too
much to themselves, rather than to the
entire University," said Prof. Alton
Becker, another committee member.
Dean Steiner and other University of-

cert on the campus that collects the
most money on April 27. The top three
rock-a-like winners from each college
will be invited to attend the concert
with their friends.
At the University of Michigan, more
than $8,000 has been raised, excluding
the money made from Michigras,
which has not yet been counted, ac-
cording to Rob Markus, a memberr of
the steering committee of M Against
"KAREN (Berman) made over
$1,000 of that herself," he said.
The other 15 contestants were spon-
sored by a large organization, such as
Greek houses and dormitories. Berman
however, raised more than them with
only the help of her three roommates
and two other friends.
"We had private donations, and we
made and sold earrings to my high
school to raise money for MS," said
Berman. As the top fund-raiser, she
will get to hold a private party at Rick's
American Cafe
And, Berman will compete with the
winners from the 11 competing cam-
puses inan MTV-filmed look-a-like con-
test. The final winner will be offered a
$4,000 summer internship in New York
at MTV.
Markus said the University's cam-
paign should raise a total of $12,000 for
MS, once the receipts from Michigras
are tablated.
iay face cuts.
ficials would have to arrange for appoi-
ntments of linguistics faculty into other
units on campus, according to Catford.
But other instructors in the depar-
tment aren't so optimistic about what
the report might mean for the future of
linguistics education at the University.
"They keep saying they're not trying
to do any kind of program reduction...
I just don't know," said Prof. Kenneth
Hill, former chairman of the depar-
tment. Hill and the other faculty mem-
bers first learned of the report at a
special meeting last Friday afternoon.
"There are so many details that have
to be filled in, it'd be difficult to decide
if you're in support of it," said Prof.
Donna JoNapoli.




The Executive Officers of the University of Michigan are consider-
ing a proposal from the governing faculty and Executive Committee
of the Medical School to discontinue the Medical Technology Pro-
gram on the Ann Arbor campus. Persons interested in speaking to
this issue should contact Margaret Lemley at 3060 Fleming Admin-
istration Building (764-1051). Speakers are limited to a five minute
presentation, but may submit additional written material to the

cate, and College Press Service.
Editor in Chief..................NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors...........JOSEPH KRAUS
Managing Editors...........GEORGEA KOVANIS
News Editor................THOMAS MILLER
Features Editor.. ............. LAURIE DELATER
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Personnel Editor ............... TRACEY MILLER
NEWS STAFF: Jody Becker, Laura Bischoff, Dov
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ardi, Marla Gold, Ruth Goldman, Amy Goldstein, Ra-
chel Gottlieb, Jim Grant, Bill Hahn, Thomas Hrach,
Sean Jackson, Elyse Kimmelman, David Klapman,
Debbie Ladestro, Vibeke Laroi, Carrie Levine, Jerry
Markon, Jennifer Matuja, Eric Mattson, Amy Min-
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Christy Reidel, Charlie Sewell, Stacey Shonk, Katie
Wilcox, Andrea Williams.
Magazine Editors.............PAULA DOHRING
Associate Magazine Editors....... JULIE JURRJENS
Arts Editors......................MIKE FISCH
Associate Arts Editors... MICHAEL DRONGOWSKI
Movies ............ BYRON L. BULL
Music..,...................DENNIS HARVEY
Theatre .............CHRIS LAUER

Sports Editor.....................TOM KEANEY
Associate Sports Editors .............JOE EWING
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha, Eda Benjakul, Mark
Borowsky, Emily Bridghams David Broser, Debbie de-
Frances. Joe Devyak, Chris Gerbasi, Rachel Goldman,
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Muth, Adam Ochlis, Mike Redstone, Scott Salowich,
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Herman, Linda Holman, Lori Marusak, Sue Mel-
ampy, Stephani Mendelson, Matt Mittelstadt, Emily


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