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February 08, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-08

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 8, 1985

(Continued from Page 1)
Student Assembly members had been
accused of stuffing the magazines.
Late Wednesday night, MSA assem-
bly member Steve Linowes accused
Eric Schnaufer, also an MSA assembly
member, of being involved in the in-
"I saw Eric up in the MSA chambers
putting together what looked like a
leaflet," Linowes said. He added that
he saw , the ;headline "Consider (Con-
sider)" printed in Kroy type and
realized on Monday when the magazine
came out that the leaflet he saw was
part of the insert.
DICK COSTELLO a University
student in the chambers briefly during
the time the leaflet was allegedly being
put together, said he saw parts of the
text and headlines of the insert lying all

- says
over an MSA desk.
When reached for
Schnaufer denied having any
with the insert.
Scott Page, MSA president
leaflet headlines may have
together in the MSA chambe:
it has one of the onlyt
machines on campus -1
belongs to Consider.
HOWEVER, he added that
group had nothing to do w
"None of the copying wa
MSA and our computer wasr
he said.
"I don't think Steve wouldf
cuse someone," but he added
had not brought up this incid
last meeting. He said that he
Linowes about the incident

sure no substantial MSA resour
comment, were used.
thing to do SCHNAUFER said that he
prepared to defend and dispute
, said that cusations that he had anything to
been put with the leaflets.
rs because Boyd also denied that Schnaufer h
two Kroy anything to do with the inserts.
the other
Insertion of the flyer angered C
MSA as a sider Editor Jeff Spinner who said ti
ith the in- the flyer misrepresented itself as be
part of the magazine.
is done at HE ADDED that it may also ha
not used,'' caused some confusion for students w
read the magazine.
falsely ac- Boyd defended his actions by;
that Steve
ent at their tacking the magazine's format. He s,
would ask that Consider prints views 'o
to make slightly left and right of the center a
presents them as being the points
view. They claim it's unbiased. Tha
totally untrue. The very format is
ideology," he said.
Boyd said that the two articles we
written from an American viewpo
and started out with the same assu
ptions. "They only differed tactical
Both dealt with how U.S. interests in 1
region are best served. Neith
recognized Nicaragua's right
national sovereignty," he said.
HE ADDED that he tried to pres(
the Nicaraguan point in terms of t
way Nicaraguans have explained it,
the insert.
t Boyd inserted three articles
tacking U.S. intervention in Nicarag
under the title, "Patria Libre
Morir!" They were written under t
? bylines of Nicaraguan officials -t
newly-elected president, the forei
minister, and the minister of culture.
Boyd said that he did put the artic

ces together, but added that they were
based on statements by the officials.
is The other side of the insert was a
ac- parody of the right-wing view of the
do Nicaraguan issue. It was titled
"Bringing the Empire Back."
had "The idea behind writing that article
was to rip off the facade the Reagan
administration uses to justify what it's
on- doing in the region, so that people can
hat see it for what it is," Boyd said. And ac-
ing cording to Boyd, the idea was suc-
cessful. "It got people thinking. It was
ve controversial, and in that sense it
vho worked."
HOWEVER, Spinner disagrees. he
said that Boyd doesn't understand the
at- idea behind Consider.
aid "Consider does not present itself as
ly being representative of all the views of
nd any issue."
of Boyd said he has challenged Spinner
It's to consider Consider in an upcoming
an edition.
BOYD SAID that he would write an
ere article examining the ideology of the
int magazine and that Spinner could write
m- the opposing point of view.
ly. Spinner said he would like to take
the Boyd up on the offer and will discuss it
ter with the Consider staff at its meeting
to Monday night.
et However Spinner said he did not
ent know what action Consider might take
the against Boyd. "Right now I can't make
in that decision," he said. However he ad-
at-ded that his inclination is not to go
ua through the legal system.
"While I can accept his concern about
0 Consider as being legitimate, the man-
the ner in which he expressed these con-
the cerns was unquestionably inap-
ign propriate and I hope he realizes that,"
Spinner said. "Wasn't there a better
les way to do it?"


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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Weinberger warns Congress
not to freeze mlitary spending
WASHINGTON-Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger told Congress
yesterday that an after-inflation freeze on military spending would
"decimate" major weapons programs, force the elimination of two Trident
submarines and slow by years production of the B-1 and Stealth bombers.
A freeze "would be the most dangerous thing we could do, not just foolish,"
Weinberger told the Senate Budget Committee.
Weinberger, for the first time spelling out in public his assessment of the
specific impact that an inflation-adjusted freeze would have, said it would
"cripple the ability of the department to move ahead."
Others said a full spending freeze is essential.
But Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), the committee chairman, insisted
defense must be part of efforts to reduce the federal budget deficit.
"You gave me a long shopping list of important programs that would have
to be terminated," Domenici told Weinberger. "Let me be honest and tell
you that I have a great deal of difficulty in believing that would be the
House to vote on seat belt law
LANSING, Mich.-Mandatory seat belt legislation was placed in position
for final action by the House yesterday, and a key backer exuded confidence,
about its adoption.
Following the voice vote, Rep. David Hollister said he feels "more comfor-
table now" about the bill than at any time in recent years. He said the bills'
supporters now number "closer to 65 than 56"-the minimum number
required for passage.
A final vote is scheduled for next Tuesday.
The Senate already has passed the bill in nearly identical form.
The measure requires drivers and front seat passengers to buckle up or
face a civil fine of $10. That fine will rise to $25 beginning Jan. 1, 1986.
In addition, there is a $5 assessment for law enforcement training.
Americans live longer today
WASHINGTON-The nation's death rate has dropped to a record low and
Americans can expect to live longer than ever before, new government
statistics show.
Life expectancy at birth "continued its upward trend and reached a new
high of 74.5 years" in 1982, the National Center for Health Statistics reported.
Indeed, despite the growth in the population over time there were actually
fewer deaths in the United States in 1982 than the year before. The report
said the total of deaths in 1982 was 1,974,797, down 3,184 from 1981.
The life expectancy data offered some good news for men, who gained
slightly more than women between 1981 and 1982, although women are still
expected to outlive men. In 1982, females could expect to live an average of
78.2 years, compared to 70.9 for men.
That represents an increase of six months in male life expectancy over the
1981 figure, while the figure for women is about four months more.
"The difference in life expectancy between the sexes, which was widening
for many years, now appears to be decreasing," said the report.
Four Polish policemen found
guity of priest's kidnap-murder
TORUN, Poland-Four secret policemen were found guilty of the kidnap-
murder of a pro-Solidarity priest and given jail terms of 14 to 25 years
yesterday at the end of a trial that provided an unprecedented look at official
misconduct in the Soviet bloc.
Judge Artur Kujawa, who presided at the 43-day trial, rejected
prosecutors' requests for the death penalty for Capt. Griegorz Piotrowski,
33, the acknowledged leader of the Oct. 19 killing of the Rev. Jerzy
Kujawa sentenced Piotrowski to 25 years in jail. His accomplices, Lts.
Keszek Pekala, 32, and Waldemar Chaielewski, 29, were given 15 and 14-year
terms respectively. Prosecutors had sought 25-year terms for the pair.
The fourth defendant, Col. Adam Pietruszka, 47, was convicted of incitirg
the slaying. He got a 25-year sentence.
Kujawa also ordered Piotrowski and Pietruszka stripped of their civil
rights for 10 years after completing their sentences.
GOP may freeze aid to elderly
WASHINGTON - Senate Republican leader Robert Dole said yesterday
GOP senators are ready to freeze Social Security cost-of-living increases to
help cut the deficit despite promises by President Reagan that aid to the
elderly will be untouched.
In the House, Speaker Thomas O'Neill said federal subsidies to states
would be a good place to aim the budget cut.
Reagan's fiscal 1986 budget, which is $130 billion in the hole, scraps
domestic programs like the Small Business Administration, Urban
Development Action Grants and federal revenue sharing, and severely cuts
farm subsidies. But it does. not touch Social Security cost-of-living, going
along with a campaign promise, and gives a large ipcrease to the military.
Senate Republicans are working on their own budget that is likely to slice
money from the Pentagon anyway.
Both the president and the Senate GOP leaders would like to cut $50 billion
from anticipated deficits but with different formulas.


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Pedestrian hit
Fifty-eight year -old Victor Zietta
was taken to the U-M hospital,
emergency room Monday afternoon af-
ter being hit by a car rounding the cor-
ner of North Thayer and Huron Streets,
according to Ann Arbor Police Sgt.
King. Andre Struger, an LSA senior,
was ticketed by the Ann Arbor Police
for failure to yield to a pedestrian.

Wallets pilfered
A burglar walked through an
unlocked door at Stockwell Hall and left
with a student's wallet valued at $80
sometime Monday evening, according
to the manager of campus Security
Services, Joel Allan. A wallet valued at
$17 was also taken from a student's
unattended belonging at the School of
Business Administration Library Wed-
nesday evening.
- Thomas Hrach


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Vol. XVC - No. 107
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: Feb. 1 through April - $7.00 in Ann Arbor; $12.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International; Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.

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Editor in Chief................... NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors .............JOSEPH KRAUS
Managing Editors ..........GEORGEA KOVANIS
News Editor ..................THOMAS MILLER
Features Editor ............... LAURIE DELATER
City Editor ................ ANL)XtW ERIKSEN
Personnel Editor............. TRACEY MILLER
NEWS STAFF: Jody Becker, Laura Bischoff, Dov
Cohen, Lily Eng, Carla Folz, Rita Girardi, Maria Gold,
Ruth Goldman, Amy Goldstein, Rachel Gottlieb, Jim
Grant, Bill Hahn, Thomas Hrach, Sean Jackson, Elyse
Kimmelman, David Klapman, Debbie Ladestro, Vibeke
Laroi, Carrie Levine. Jerrv Markon. Jennifer Matuia,
Eric Mattson, Amy Mindell, Kery Murakami, Joel Om-
bry, Arona Pearlstein, Christy Reidel, Charlie Sewell,
Stacey Shonk, Katie Wilcox, Andrea Williams.
Magazine Editors ...........PAULA DOHRING
Associate Magazine Editors ...... JULIE JURRJENS
Arts Editors.....................MIKE FISCH
Associate Arts Editors ... MICHAEL DRONGOWSKI
Movies .....................BYRON L. BULL
Music.................... DENNIS HARVEY
Books.....................ANDY WEINE
Theatre ........................CHRIS LAUER

Sports Editor.................MIKE McGRAW
Associate Sports Editors ........... JEFF BERGIDA
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha, Andy Arvidson, Mark
Borowsky, Emily Bridgham, Debbie deFrances, Joe
Devyak, Joe Ewing, Chris Gerbasi, Jim Gindin, Skip
Goodman, Jon Hartman, Steve Herz, Rick Kaplan,
Tom Keaney, Mark Kovinsky, Tim Makinen, Adam
Martin, Scott McKinlay, Barb McQuade, Scott Miller,
Brad Morgan, Jerry Muth, Phil Nussel, Adam Ochlis,
Mike Redstone, Scott Salowich, Randy Schwartz, Susan
Business Manager...............LIZ CARSON
Sales Manager............. DAWN WILLACKER
Marketing Manager.............LISA SCHATZ
Finance Manager.............NANCY BULSON
Display Manager.............. KELLY WORLEY
Classified Manager.............. JANICE KLEIN
Nationals Manager...........JEAN McMAHON
Personnel Manager...........MARY WAGNER
Asst. Finance Manager......FELICE SHERAMY
Ass't. Display Manager........... DOUG SMITH
ADVERTISING STAFF: Ginny Babcock, Carla Balk,
Cathy Barnes. Julia Barron, Christie Bogdan. Alyssa
Burns, Whitney Burr, Monica Crowe, Claire Davies,
Melanie Dunn, Tali Flam, Richard Gagmen, Meg Callo,
Natalie Green, Betsy Heyman, Jen Jeyman, Linda
Hofman, Debra Lederer, Lori Marusak, Sue Melampy,
Stephani Mendelson, Matt Mittelstadt, Emily Mitty,
Lori Nash, Jeanne Perkins, Gail Rabinowitz, Judy

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