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February 08, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-08

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Harold Shairo s

first five

years Weekend


Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


Lit 43a

43 allt!

Partly sunny and breezy with a
high near 20.

Vol. XCV, No. 107

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Dailyr

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 8, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pages





nuclear orum

Team A and Team I scrutinize each other across a big
wooden table, contemplating the next move. Team A offers
to play the red marble, trying to see behind its enemy's'
Team I: "What's in it for us?"
TEAM A: "Look, we'll both profit the most if we play our
red marbles."
Team I: "We know your kind of tricks. The risk is too
great. We're using our white marbles."
Two hands unclasp and a red and a white marble roll onto
the table.
This scene from the simulation game at East Quad last
Wednesday night winds down a four-week nuclear forum
designed to demonstrate to University students the dif-
ficulty of arms negotiations, said LSA junior Paul Mc-
Naughton, an East Quad resident fellow and one of the
organizers of the forum.
McNaughton said the hypothetical contest between op-
osing teams is an attempt to "get people to understand the
sitions their countries are put in sometimes."

At Wednesday night's game,
marbles represented the
bargaining chips often used in
arms negotiations. A red
marble drew the highest num-
ber of points, a white marble
left the scores unchanged, and
a red and white marble played
by both sides at once won the

'We must raise
level of consciou
them more invo
-Prof. A

most points to the team playing
the red marble. To win, one team must rack up more points
than the other.
THOUGH THE technical rules of the game bore little
resemblance to those employed at an actual peace con-
ference in Geneva, the climate of the competition and
distrust at the game was similar to the real thing. And the
key ingredient in the simulation game, just like the
negotiations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, is
The double red marble play, which requires the teams to

work together for the
(the public's) maximum benefit was hardly
used at the game. "If
isness and get everyone cooperates,
lved. ' everyone will be happy, but
rarely does that happen," said
krthur Vander McNaughton, referring to the
low number of double red
The simulation game was,
however, only one part of the activities offered at the East
Quad Nuclear War forum. On Jan. 16-Feb. 6, University
professors from the new peace studies program and other
departments spoke on such things as the role of residence
halls in education, teaching in the nuclear age, and the
Soviet perspective on the arms race.
"WE WISH to stimulate critical thought about issues
surrounding nuclear war, providing students with different
perspectives," said McNaughton, who began planning for
the forum last November along with other East Quad

resident fellows, residents, and buildings members. The
East Quad Nuclear Education Council is the product of last
year's organizing and McNaughton said interest has grown
from the five original members to a dozen now.
Other campus groups took an active part in the project.
The Michigan Student Assembly contributed publicity and
financing and the Residence Hall Association funded recep-
tions, according to John Corser, a member of the council.
Educators for Social Responsibility, a nation-wide group of
teachers concerned with nucear war, and the East Quad
Representative Assembly, composed of elected East Quad
residents, also helped to fund the project, Corser said.
John Heidke, an assistant housing director in charge of
residence education, said that the forum plays an impor-
tant role on campus by informing students what they can do
to prevent nuclear confrontation.
"ONE VOICE does count," Heidke said. "The potential of
nuclear war exists in a very real sense and to pretend that it
is not there is absolutely capricious."
See E. QUAD, Page 3

Tarp is sharp
as cagers boil
Purdue 96-85

Panel says



Last season, an 11-point win over a
gutty Purdue club would have put
Michigan coach Bill Frieder into a state
of ecstacy. But last night's 95-84
Wolverine victory at Crisler Arena put
Frieder in quite a different mindset.
Michigan never trailed in the contest,
jumping out to a 13-0 lead which never
got below -six. Led by a career-high 31
points from Roy Tarpley, the 17-3
Wolverines opened it up to 78-55 with
6:06 remaining before pulling their
"We've got it wrapped up so let's start
missing free throws and throwing away
passes" act.
"WE MADE key mistakes," fumed,
Frieder, 'trying to go one-on-three
against the press. We've got three or
four guards out on the floor and, instead
of utilizing one another, they're going
"Antoine (Joubert) did it and then
Gary (Grant) is gonna show Antoine
that he can do it and that's bullshit."
Maybe it's a good sign when you're
getting upset over your eighth straight
THE Wolverines started out like they
were trying to prove to the Associated
Press that number eight isn't high
enough. Following a Tarpley lay-in to
open the scoring, Rich Rellford took a
pass from Joubert and put in a dazzling
reverse lay-up to put Michigan up, 4-0.
Purdue coach Gene Keady called time-
out before one minute had been played.

It didn't do any good. On Purdue's
next possession, Grant made a steal,
drove to the hoop and missed a lay-up
which Rellford followed in with a move
that would have made Bart Connor
The Riviera Beach, Fla. native may
have played the best half of his career.
He was a perfect seven-of-seven from
the field and added four rebounds to the
"I THOUGHT Richard Rellford had
a great game," Frieder said. "He's
ready to play and his attitude is great."
"When I push myself, everything
starts to happen," added the 6-6 for-
ward, who finished with 17 points.
Joubert put Michigan up, 84, with a 12-
foot jumper and then made a steal on
the other end. Grant set up an alley-oop
that Butch Wade was only too happy to
pound home. It was 10-0 and Keady was
forced to call his team to the bench for
the second time in 3:35.
A THREE-point play by Rellford
stretched the lead to a baker's dozen
and it appeared that Keady could start
drawing up plays for Saturday's
Michigan State game.
For the rest of the half, however,
while the Wolverine offense remained
steady (Michigan shot 61.2 percent in
the first half, 63.3 for the game), their
defense and rebounding deserted them.
Purdue freshmen Troy Lewis and Todd
Mitchell kept the Boilers in the game
See BLUE, Page 9




Special to the Daily
DEARBORN-President Harold Shapiro
said last night in a panel discussion at the
University's Dearborn campus that
"there is an ongoing crisis in the liberal
arts" but the sky is not falling.
Shapiro, one of four panelists at the
forum on "The future of the liberal arts
in college and university curricula",
called for a new spirit and a new way of
thinking in the liberal arts.
SHAPIRO WAS joined by the Univer-
sity of Chicago President, Hanna Gray,
Henry Rosovsky, professor of
economics and former dean at Harvard
University, and John Ward, president
of the American Council of Learned
The forum focussed on the problem
liberal arts colleges are currently
facing in preparing the students of
today for more than a vocation.
More and more students are now
trapped into programs which require
that they take classes to fulfill majors
at the expense of the liberal arts cour-
"LIBERAL ARTS is an important
way of giving a means and order to the
human experience," Shapiro said. He
then quoted a Bob Dylan song," 'How
does it feel to be on your own with no

,ris is
direction, home like a rolling stone.' "
Shapiro, in a 20-minute speech, ex=
plained that what was necessary for the
liberal arts education is a new en-
"What we need is new spirit, a new
way of thinking," he said. Shapiro said
the liberal arts researcher is providing
new ways to improve the human con-
THE PRESIDENT went on to com-
pare the liberal arts student to a fun-
damentally sound baseball player. "(A
famous baseball manager) Leo
Durocher said baseball is a simple
game," Shapiro said. "The basic
qualities of the baseball player are the
ability to run, throw, catch, hit, and hit
with power," Shapiro said quoting
Liberal arts people can "read, think,
experience, communicate, and com-
municate with power," Shapiro said.
In another speech, Gray said that the
key to understanding a liberal arts
education is setting an humanistic goal.
"IN THINKING about what a liberal
arts education ought to be, we should be
thinking about the type of human
beings we're trying to shape," she said.
Gray added that the future demands
See PANEL, Page 3


Daily Photo by DAN HABIB

Roy Tarpley rolls to the hoop for two of his season-high 31 points in last night's
95-84 Michigan victory at Crisler Arena. Purdue's Robert Littlejohn defends
on the play.


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say speed
study time

It's 10 p.m. and you're hopelessly behind. By tomorrow you
have to read all of War and Peace, 11 chapters of econ., three
sections of chemistry - and you're in a panic.
Joe down the hall is in the same predicament. But he's not
worried. Because after some tutoring from Evelyn Wood,
he's become a speed reader.
OF COURSE this scenerio is more than slightly
exaggerated. But for many students, enrolling in a speed
reading class has proven to be a fine investment. These
students say classes lighten the tedious chore of reading and
help get them through coursework.
Allex Saxon, an engineering school sophomore, enrolled
in a speed reading course offered by the Michigan Reading
and Learning Center on Washtenaw Ave. And he said the
benefits of the course have been overwhelming.
"It helped me read the vast quantities of reading necessary
for college life. I was able to manage my time better, and
read at a quicker speed," he said.

AND EVERY term, students like Saxon have the oppor-
tunity to become speed readers.
Evelyn Wood's classes come to campus at the beginning of
each semester. The five-week course costs $395.
But if you can't make it to class, or can't afford the $395,
never fear. Evelyn Wood also has a do-it-yourself home it and
its available for a mere $50.
"OUR COURSE and the Evelyn Wood course are similar,"
said Colleen Fairbanks, head of the reading and learning
center's speed reading class. But there is a big difference -
the price. The center's six-week, one-hour-a-week program
costs $50.
And according to Fairbanks, the center's non-profit
organization standing enables it to keep costs down. It is staf-
fed by graduate students.
Experts say that reading speed improves after these cour-
ses because students are taught not to read aloud to them-
selves. Instead students are taught to follow words with their
hands which paces their reading speed and helps them focus
See STUDENTS, Page 3

Consider 'Stuffer
reveals 1identity,

Andrew Boyd, an LSA senior yester-
day said that he was responsible for
stuffing about 1,000 copies of Consider
magazine with flyers discussing U.S.
involvement in Nicaragua.
Boyd, who earlier referred to himself
as Captain John Early, defended his ac-
tions and said that he felt compelled to
express his views on the subject after
spending part of last Semester in
Managua, Nicaragua.
"THE REALITY down there is a dif-
ferent reality than is presented here in

the U.S.," he said.
Two -year-old Consider is a non-profit
magazine published weekly by Univer-
sity students and distributed free
throughout campus. Each issue presen-
ts two opposing views on an issue.
Boyd's flyer, headlined "Consider
(Consider)" was set up in the same
format as the magazine and used a
similar typestyle.
BEFORE BOYD said he was solely
responsible for the action, Michigan
See CONSIDER, Page 2

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Fahey says a plan to get more of Fort Madison, Iowa
students to read more was a success but she's not sure it
was a good idea. Fahey was conducting business on the
roof earlier this week, much to the amusement of the
students who sent her there. The stunt was part of a
bargain Fahey made with the school's 310 students last fall
in challenging them to read 10,000 books this year. "I

Dynasty or democracy?
T he Democratic response to President Reagan's State of
the Union Address lost out to the prime-time soap
opera "Dynasty" on ABC. CBS and NBC carried "The State
of the Union-The Democrats' View" immediately
following the president's address, but ABC postponed it un-
til yesterday to air its popular series in its usual time.
House Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman
Coelho, (D-Calif.), complained that, "ABC has chosen
'Dynasty' over democracy.

creature. "I'm not convinced it's out there," said Sen.
Norman Stone. And even if it is, he added, the Department
of Natural Resources should be able to take care of it.
Chessie has been described by those who claim to have
sighted it as an aquatic animal 35 feet long, "round as a
telephone pole, snakelike or eellike, and with humps and an
elliptical head." Lawmakers were not impressed Jan. 28
when they were shown a videotape that some researchers
claim shows Chessie swimming near Kent Island. "I can't
see it, so I can't vote for it," said Sen. Arthur Dorman.
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