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February 05, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-05

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 5, 1985
Police suspect arson in South Quad fires


(Continued from Page 1)
People could die, many people die if there's some
idiot setting off fires."
Mary Antieau, South Quad's Building Director, at-
tributed students lethargy to students "not wanting to
go out in the cold and not believing it's real."
"There's no way when it's 10 below that they're
going to get out as fast as we want them to."
"EDIE QUENBY, an LSA freshwoman living on
the fifth floor of Bush House, said "it took too long to
get everybody out of there."
"We stood in our hall waiting to get down the stair-
well because there were too many people on the
stairwell," she said.
Amy Hyrnik, an LSA freshwoman who lives in
Thronson House, agreed: "It always takes us 4-5
minutes to get down."
Yesterday was no exception, she said, as "it's kind
of scaring everybody that it was real this time."
ACCORDING TO South Quad Resident Advisor

Karen Vikstrom, "a lot of people tend to cluster at the
bottom of the staircase without going on outside, and
that makes it hard."
Antieau, however, said she was pleased that the
"evacuation went off without incident," and the fire
officials agreed that the whole incident was handled
well by South Quad staff.
"I would like to follow up on that complaint about
the stairwell," said Antieau.
Not surprisingly, South Quad residents who were
forced to trek over to the union and neighboring West
Quad were upset at the interruption of their sleep.
"IT WAS A nightmare," said LSA freshwoman
Courtney Mangone. I feel asleep as soon as I got over
to West Quad."
Beth Weber, another LSA freshman, thought a
"shooting at dawn" would be an appropriate punish-
ment for any accused arsonist.
The penalty for a person convicted of arson is up to
20 years in jail, Harris said, "but the penalty would
depend on the person's record and the specifics of the

I'm writing a paper now and it sucks," said LSA
freshman David Fisher. "Now I'm going to have to
stay up all night."
David Kuehn, an RA in Kelsey House, reported that
the smoke "pretty much filled the corridors and went
into my room. You definitely had to have a towel."
"THE RESIDENTS were pretty aggravated, but as
soon as they smelled smoke there was no problem
getting them out. But there was no panic," he said.
"They didn't really want to return to their room
with all of the smoke," he added.
Yesterday afternoon the speculation continued
about the identity of the possible arsonist or ar-
Harris said it "may be an ex-student with a grudge.
People do funny things for strange reasons."
South Quad is offering a reward of $100 to "anyone
who provides information leading to the arrest and
prosecution of the person or persons who started the

Family housing committee recommends renovation

(Continued from Page 1)
too hot," said Anne Quist, a member of
the rate study committee and resident
of Northwood I.
In the other family housing units,
Northwood IV and V and University
Terrace, each apartment has a ther-
IN ADDITION to improvements in
the heating system, the committee
recommended renovation of the apar-
tments. The present furnishings are
mismatched and institutional, Quist
said, because in the past furniture has
been bought in large volumes with dif-
ferent items purchased in different

years. The committee recommended
that each apartment be remodeled in-
dividually over a 10-year period.
Major changes such as a new heating
system and apartment renovations are
funded through the General Student
Residence Reserves, which presently
receives $110 of the yearly rent for each
apartment. The committee recommen-
ded increasing that amount to $120 per
The recommendations also include a
hike in the school service payment -
the money given to the city school
system in lieu of property tax - from $9
to $10 per month.

ANOTHER recommendation ad-
dressed the high turnover among the
residents. Despite the fact that 98 per-
cent of the units are occupied, cleaning
and repair costs top $400,000 per year
because 60 percent of the units receive
new residents each year.
It costs up to $1,000 to prepare a unit
for new tenants because "the expec-
tations of new residents are high," said
Eric Luskin, director of family housing.
To reduce the amount of turnover, the
committee proposed a cancellation fee
- one-third of the monthly rent - for
tenants who move out within the first
four months. Also proposed was a $50

fee for transferring between units. Such
transfers account for 20 percent of all
The committee also endorsed the new
Community Aides - similar to the
resident staff in dormitories - wh last
year were implemented to develop a
sense of community among the residen-
The committee was formed by the
Family Housing Community Council, a
group of residents which meets
regularly to discuss family housing
issues. The rate study committee con-
sisted of council members and housing

City Council considers voter registration changes

(Continued from Page 1)
Northcross also said there was a
problem with deputies not turning
registration forms in on time and even
some cases of the forms being lost. "It
was just a very bad system," North-
cross said. "So after debating over this
for a long time, I decided to do
something about it."
The resolution called for stricter
procedures as to when voter can apply
to be a deputy, a firmer stance on the
number of voter registration forms a
deputy can have at a time, and the
assignment of captains to groups of
deputies who are in charge of handing
in the forms.
"This resolution is a very restrictive
and an arbitrary program making it
harder for students and citizens to
register," said Jim Burchell, a can-

didate for City Council in the Second
"They're blaming the problems of
this system on the deputies when the
only problem has been with errors
made by the City Clerk," Burchell said.
Local American Civil Liberties Union
Chairman Jean King equated the
resolution with theFayette County in-
cident in which negroes faced strict
restrictions on their eligibilities to
vote. "The resolution before you will
place a vast amount of restrictions on
Ann Arbor's citizens," said King.
"Our focus should be on the
m imum number of people we should
re ster. This is not to say that there
shouldn't be some controls but how
many controls," said Councilmember
Lowell Peterson (D-First Ward).
"We're asking for some controls,'

said Mayor Louis Belcher, "in a towr
where there have been some closely
contested elections. We had serious
charges several years ago with people
doing door-to-door registration and
campaigning at the same time, which is

against state law."
Democratic councilmembers said
they were apprehensive about changing
registration laws because the April
mayoral and council elections were so

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Terrorist kills Israeli soldier
RAMALLAH, Occupied West Bank - An Israeli soldier was shot to death
at close range yesterday while he was on guard duty in this Arab town, an
Israeli military spokesman said. It was the latest incident in a two-week
wave of violence that has swept the occupied West Bank of the Jordan River.
It was believed to be the first assassination-style killing of an on-duty
soldier since Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan in the 1967 Arab-
Israeli war. Most previous deaths have occurred during clashes between
soldiers and demonstrators.
The spokesman's announcement said the military imposed a curfew on
Ramallah, 10 miles north of Jerusalem, and the nearby al-Amari refugee
camp while they searched for the attacker. The curfew was lifted six hours
later, at 7 p.m., the spokesman said.
Troops also blocked the road to the Dheishe refugee camp after a rabbi
walked inside and fired shots into the air. Rabbi Moshe Levinger said he did
it because Palestinian youths threw stones at him as he waited for some
Parliament members who planned to demonstrate at the camp about six
miles south of Jerusalem.
Meese approval expected today
WASHINGTON - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Strom Thur-
mond predicted yesterday that Edwin Meese, President Reagan's choice
for attorney general, will be approved by the panel and confirmed by the
Senate, and a leading Democratic critic agreed "the political winds" favor
the nominee.
Reagan is counting on Thurmond, a South Carolina Republican, to pull
Meese's troubled nomination through the GOP-dominated committee today
when the panel makes its recommendation to the full Senate.
Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, (D-Ohio) Meese's most vocal opponent, said
yesterday: "It continues to be an uphill struggle by reason of the political
situation. All of the Republicans are sensitive about denying the president
his choice of an attorney general."
"I'm afraid that the facts and issues are becoming less important than the
political winds."
Meese's ethical conduct was questioned at a hearing about his role in ap-
proving federal jobs for his financial benefactors; his promotion to colonel in
the Army Reserve and his acceptance of a $10,000 payment from a presiden-
tial transition organization.
Gangster trials begin in Italy
NAPLES, Italy - Italy's biggest organized crime trial opened yesterday
in a heavily fortified, $1 million bunker beneath a prison soccer field with a
priest, a nun, and several entertainers among the 251 defendants.
It was the first in a series of three trials for 640 alleged members of thee
New Organized Camorra, the Neapolitan version of the Sicilain Mafia.
Italian police arrested the suspects in nationwide raids 17 months ago.
Lawyers said the key issue before the three-judge tribunal is whether to
accept as truthful the testimony of informers who broke the Italian under-
world's pledge of "omerta," or silence. Gangsters often murder cohorts who
break the pledge.
Information provided by informers led to unprecedented roundups of
suspected Camorra and Mafia gang members accused of running
multimillion-dollar, international drug-trafficking operations.
Spain lifts Gibraltar blockade
GIBRALTAR - Spain ended a 15-year blockade of Gibraltar at midnight
yesterday by opening its border with the tiny British colony to allow the free
passage of people, vehicles, and goods.
Gibraltarians expressed mixed emotions on the lifting of the blockade,
saying it could bring riches to the colony but spell the end of the island's
distinctive way of life.
At midnight, the iron gate at Gibraltar's border with Spain was to open to
tourists, vehicles, and goods for the first time since dictator Francisco
Franco closed the frontier in 1969 to press Spain's claim to the Rock.
British and Spanish delegations gathered in Geneva, Switzerland, to begin
talks to day on the future of the 2/4-square-mile bastion at the mouth of the
Both steps could mean dramatic changes for Gibralta's 30,000 residents,
whose sedate colonial lifestyle contrasts sharply with the sleek, ultra-
modern resorts only an hour's drive away on Spain's Costa del Sol.
Acid cloud causes evacuations
ELKHARD, Ind. - A railroad tanker carrying about 10,000 gallons of
hydrofluoric acid ruptured yesterday, creating a caustic cloud and forcing
the evacuation of about 1,500 people, officials said.
Four of 14 people treated at Elkhart General Hospital were admitted for
observation, hospital spokeswoman Barbara Barrett said. Several people
complained of eye and throat irritation.
"It could have been worse," Fire Chief Douglas Bowlby said. After air
quality tests showed the acid had dissipated, Mayor James Perron allowed
residents to return home after 2 p.m.
Earlier, police went door-to-door warning about 500 residents to leave a
two-square-mile area near the Conrail freight yeards. Hundreds sought
shelter from zero-degree temperatures in evacuation centers set up at three
Also evacuated were more than a thousand students from four schools,
police said.
The evacuation began after a Conrail yard employee reported the spill
around 6:45 a.m Winds of less than 3 mph pushed the quarter-mile-square
cloud slowly toward downtown before shifting to the west in mid-morning.




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Vol. XVC -No. 104
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: Feb. 1 through April - $7.00 in Ann Arbor; $12.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
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Editor in Chief.i...............:.:NEIL CHASE
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Grant, Bill Hahn, Thomas Hrach, Sean Jackson, Elyse
Kimmelman, David Klapman, Debbie Ladestro, Vibeke
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