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September 16, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-16

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, September 16, 1984
Nov. election could
tie parties in Senate


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Democrats
lost control of the Senate in the 1980
landslide that swept Ronald Reagan in-
to the White House. Since then they,
have been plotting their comeback and
are looking hopefully at the November
It is possible the Republicans, who
now outnumber Democrats 55-45, will
lose their majority, but the election also
holds the potential for producing an
historical rarity - a tie.
THE LAST time Democrats and
Republicans were of equal numbers in
the °Senate was in 1881 and the result
was troublesome for all involved.
Before the deadlock was resolved, what
should have been an easy 11-day Senate
session stretched into 11 weeks.
A recent publication of the historical
office of the secretary of the Senate
recalled the events that led to the
Senate deadlock of 1881 and how it was
finally resolved. The manuevering,
negotiations and horse trading that took
place are not something Congress
would want to go through again.
Although the Senate's party balance
has been nearly even on several oc-
casions, only at -the beginning of the
47th Congress in 1881 did both parties
have equal numbers -37 senators each
plus t'wo independents.
A SPECIAL session of the Senate was
convened on March 4 of that year just to
deal with Cabinet and agency
nominations for the new administration
of President James Garfield.
Democrats, who had lost their ab-
solute majority in the 1880 election,
thought they had the votes of both in-
dependents, but one, of them, Sen.
William Mahone of Virginia, sided with
the Republicans when it came time for
the crucial vote on committee assign-
That put the party split at 38-38, and
meant that Republican Vice President
Chester Arthur would cast the tie-
breaking vote for his party.

MAHONE'S VOTE did not come
cheap, however. Although he was only a
freshman senator, the Republicans
agreed to make Mahone chairman of
the Agriculture Committee and allowed
him to select the secretary and
sergeant at arms of the Senate, both
commanding extensive patronage.
President Garfield also yielded,
reluctantly, control of federal
patronage in Virginia.
The Republicans quickly dictated
the committee list, and a few days later
prepared to elect new enate officers to
replace the Democratic holdovers. But
with several GOP senators absent
because of illness or other business the
angry Democrats were abled to stall
the proceedings by leaving the Senate
chamber each time the Republicans
tried to muster the 39-vote quorum
needed to conduct business.
The Democrats -hoped they could
strike a bargain to keep their Senate of-
ficers in place while allowing
Republicans control of committee
chairmanships. The deadlock delayed
Action on a long list of administrative
After a while, an unexpected split
developed in the Republican ranks bet-
ween President Garfield and Sen.
Roscoe t Conkling (R-NY) over their
competing choices for an appointed
Conkling blocked Garfield's choice
and the president retaliated May 4 by
withdrawing the nominations to other
posts of five New Yorkers backed by
Conkling and the other New York
senator, Thomas Platt, then resigned,
thinking the state legislature would
quickly re-elect them and send a
message to the White House. As it tur-
ned out the two men had misread the
legislature's mood and both failed to be

Associated Press
Paw bell
This six-week-old Labrador-terrier wants in on the dormitory's Sunday night
pizza delivery mania.

Student business helps new local stores


(Continued from Page 1)
bagel samples to attract customers.
"Come in with money," he said "and
we'll sell you anything."
The students' return has also brought
success to the Nectarine Ballroom, the
flashy New York-style dance club
which replaced the Second Chance on
Liberty Street. It was originally designed
for older people and not directed
toward the student market, but a
change in the age limit has made it ac-
cessible to most students.
"AT FIRST we were (allowing only
those) 21 and over," said promotional
director Rita Shelide-Abel, but "now
we're 19 and over. We would like an
upgrade of people from the Second

Cover charges range up to $4.50 at the
Nectarine Ballroom, and "there isn't a
strict dress code, but we allow no beat
up tennis shoes, t-shirts, or jeans," she
said. Shelide-Abel said people have
been lined up at the door every night for
the new club, which features a large
dance floor, video screen, neon lights,
three chrome bars, and valet parking.
TWO BLOCKS away, on William
Street, a new submarine sandwich
store will soon be testing the waters of
the student market in what used to be
the Office Supply House. The
newcomer, Tubby's Sub Shop,'will be a
restaurant on two levels with a sky-lit
arboretum in the center. Accoiding to

Glen Gale of Campus Commercial
Properties, the new store will feature
college pennants and moose heads on
the walls.
After several Chinese restaurants
tried to survive at the corner of State
and William, the former Yong's Garden
is now Steve's Ice Cream. Recently im-
ported from Boston, Steve's is already
drawing long lines for its innovative ice
cream"mix-ins." Employees hand mix
the ice crean with such items as candy,
cookies, raisins, and nuts right on the
counter as the customer watches. "The
mix-ins are what makes us unique,"
said assistant manager Kathy McLen-
nan, who said business has picked up
since the students returned and the


store already has a group of regulars.
"We're happy the students are
back," echoed Patrice Stanley,
manager of New Images, "although
business was good all summer." New
Images, which replaced Englanders on
South University, is a women's clothing
store which Stanley said caters to stud-
ents by offering trendier fashions.
Another new store enjoying the on-
slaught of student consumers is Red
Hot Lovers, a hot dog restaurant where
"the momentum of business practically
doubled when school started," accor-
ding to owner Allan Cantor. He said the
store on East UniverityStreet sells hot
dogs from Chicago topped with an "en-
dless list of condiments."

Iraqi guard foils hijacking
TEL AVIV, Israel- An Iraqi security guard apparently foiled the
hijacking of an Iraqi jetliner over Jordan yesterday, injuring himself and
the three would-be hijackers, an Israeli radio monitor said.
Details were sketchy and it was not clear what type of plane was involved,
how many people were aboard or the reason for the seizure attempt.
Michael Gurdus, an official monitor for Israel radio and television, quoted
the pilot of the jetliner as telling the Amman airport control tower at 9:20
p.m. local time that he was headed for Baghdad instead of Amman as
previously advised. He said he expected to land in the Iraqi capital about an
hour later.
Gurdus told The Associated Press that the pilot radioed that an Iraqi
security man struggled with three people who tried to take over the plane
and that all four were wounded.
He said that pilot also reported that the three wounded hijackers were un-
conscious as the aircraft headed toward Baghdad. The pilot gave his flight
number as 124, but did not say where he had taken off from nor why he had
decided to land in Baghdad.
Soviets seize Alaskan ship
ANCHORAGE, Alaska-Five Alaskans are being held in the Soviet Union
and their 120-foot supply vessel has been seized, the Coast Guard said,
"We don't know why they're in custody or where they were taken into
custody or anything else," said Petty Officer Mike Hilley in Juneau.
The last reported location of the Freida K was in the Chukchi Sea just
south of Point Hope on Tuesday.
The tip of the Seward Peninsula, which the Freida K would have had to
pass on its way back to Nome, is only about 50 miles from Soviet territory.
Hilley said the Homer-based vessel was returning from delivering fuel and
water to Point Lay, an Eskimo village 160 miles northeast.
It was due in Nome on Wednesday. The Coast Guard was told that it was-
overdue last Friday after Terry Thomes, who leases the ship, flew over the
area and found no sign of it, Hilley said.
As the Coast Guard was preparing to launch a search mission, it was
notified by the State Department that the Soviets had seized the vessel and
were holding the crew.
Aftershocks rock central Japan
TOKYO-Two sharp aftershocks rocked central Japan yesterday
following a severe earthquake that sent huge landslides tearing through a
mountain village and blocking roads.
Two people were known dead from Friday's earthquake. Five people
earlier listed as missing turned up safe yesterday, but rescuers continued
the search for 27 others still unaccounted for and feared dead.
More than 500 policeman, firemen and Self Defense Force troops were
participating in the recovery effort around Otaki, a village of 2,300 people at
the foot of a mountain 120 miles northwest of Tokyo.
Both deaths-a 65-year-old man found Friday and a 67-year-old woman
found yesterday-were in Otaki, and all those reported missing were in or
near the village, police said.
A police officer also said there was an "unconfirmed" report of a third
person having been killed when a new slide destroyed a house in Otaki
during yesterday's aftershocks.
Pope talks high tech in Canada
TORONTO-Pope John Paul II, cheered by the greatest throng of his
Canadian tour, championed the cause of the unemployed yesterday and
called on Society's leaders to make technology "truly serve man, woman
and child."
"At tines.technology cannotdecide the fullmeasure of its own allegiance:'
whether it is for humanity or against it," the pope declared at a Mass for a
crowed estimated by organizers It a half-nillion;'sprad over the runways
of a military airport in suburban Toronto.
It was the fourth time in as many days that the leader of the world's more
than 700 million Roman Catholics took a tough line on industry and gover-
nment economic policies.
Canadian business was showing its irritation.
"It's a message that we regret having.heard because it means, really, that
the economic realities have not penetrated the people who wrote the text for
the pope," the Canadian Chamber of Commerce president, Sam Hughes,
said of the pope's calls for a restructuring of Western economies.
Much of what the pope has said reflects recent economic statements by the
bishops of the relatively liberal Catholic Church in Canada, where 1.3 million
people, 11 percent of the workforce, are unemployed.
U.S. to ease Florida fruit ban:.
LAKELAND, Fla.-The federal government will ease its quaraitine on
Florida citrus shipments once producers' groves are certified free of deadly
canker, agriculture agents said yesterday.
Ernie Collins, a spokesman for Florida's Department of Agriculture, said
inspectors began checking groves yesterday and would issue limited per-
mits to growers whose trees and fruits are free of the disease.
"It's simply a ticket that would allow shippers to move some fruit from
Florida to non-citrus producing states,', Collins said. "It will also allow us to
track each shipment."
Fruit must be dipped in chlorine to disinfect it and could not be shipped to
Arizona, California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Texas, Puerto Rico or American
Samoa, he said. The federal ban on all citrus fruit and plants from Florida
was announced Thursday to stop the spread of citrus canker, which poses a
serious threat to the state's $1 billion citrus industry.

Vol. XCV- No.10
The Michigan Daily (ISSS(N 0745-967X) is published through Sunday during the fall and winter terms and
Tuesday through Saturday during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of Michigan.. Sub-
scription rates: September through April-16.50 in Ann Arbor, $29.00 outside She city: May through
August-$4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Post-
master: Send address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann arbor, Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribed to United Press International, Pacific
News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service. .



Expert predicts reduction in Soviet oil production

(Continued from page 1)
economy $17.8 billion in 1980 alone.
At the same time, the Soviets have
been selling 1.25 to 1.75 million barrels
of oil a day to the West, for nearly 70
percent of their total foreign currency
earnings. The windfall from a doubling
in world oil prices in 1979-80 is credited
for enabling them to continue to impor
billions of dollars in food each year
without having to borrow from Western
Soviets have been able to continue this
trend only by overinvesting in energy
development, including a huge expan-
sion of natural gas output as a sub-
stitute for oil once used within the coun-
try but now devoted to exports.
In 1983, he said, energy-including
transportation links such as pipelines
and electric transmission lines-ac-
counted for 40 percent of the nation's
total industrial development, crowding

out funds needed to modernize its out-
dated manufacturing facilities,
housing, roads and schools.
"In effect, the Soviets are borrowing
against future collective consumption,"
Hewett told reporters. "But they're
not going to be able to do it very much
WHILE THE Soviets realize the
potential for gigantic savings through
conservation, their output-oriented
system of rewards works against it, he
And basic economic refor-
ms-Moscow did-not raise the state-
controlled domestic price of oil from
1967 until 1982 despite a 15-fold increase
in world prices-will likely have to wait
until- after the current transition in
.Soviet leadership is completed.
Still, Hewett said, the United States
should not "underestimate the ability of
the Soviets to muddle through."
"Anyone who looks closely into the

operation of Siberian oil and gas fields
and the transportation system linking
them with the European U.S.S.R. might
be tempted to conclude that the energy-
supply system is on the verge of collap-

"That may be, " lie said, "but it has
been in a similar state for a long time,
and it has performed handsomely. On
the other hand... the futurewill be far
more difficult than the past."

Man killed by Amtrak
train near North Campus

(Continued from Page 1)
heard the train coming and moved on to
the other track.
When the train approached and soun-
ded its horn, Postill's friend moved off
the track and yelled at Postill to do the
same, according to police reports. But
Postill appeared confused and did not
react, and he was hit by the train at 6:18
"My understanding was that he'd
been drinking," Reedy said. "I think
anybody that had had their full wits
about them would have gotten out in
plenty of time." He said police had not
confirmed whether Postill, who was

apparently in town for the football
game, was intoxicated.
Postill was apparently trying to show
his friend how a train could bend a
quarter," according to Steve Olson, an
employee at Mitchell Field who talked
with several officials on the scene.
"They put the quarter on the track and
stepped back on the wrong track," he
Reedy said the investigation would
continue but that no charges would be
filed. The train remained at the scene
for 100 minutes before continuing on to

Get i

Mass Meeting
Sept. 17 or 18
7:00 p.m. at the Alumni Center
what we have to of
in the _4
olunteers needed...
o experience necessary for..
Walking Tours
Bus Tours
Panel Presentations
LilI Sibs Weekend
Go Blue Run
Michigan "Write-In"


some women
from rush

(Continued from Page 1)
Kappa Kappa Gamma, for example,
sponsors a national scholarship
program, according to the sorority's
national president, Marian Williams.
"But that is to help pay educational
expenses through school. We have no
assistance for pledges," Williams said.
"Unfortunately, the way it's set up
the only way you can join is if you can
afford it," Seiler said.
"I would like everyone who's in-
terested to be able to join, but that's
just not the way it is. And I do feel
badly about it," she added.



Women and Science
Worksh op

Editor in chief.... -..... -...............BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors..... .. ...........CHERYL BAACKE
Associate News Editors............LAURIE DELATER
Personnel Editor. . ..................... SUE BARTO
Opinion Page Editors....-.,......-.....JAMES BOYD
NEWS STAFF: Marcy Fleischer, Marlo Gold, Thomas
Hrach, Rachel Gottlieb, Eric Mattson, Tracey Miller,
Allison Zousmer.
Magazine Editor ...................JOSEPH KRAUS
Associate Magazine Editor ...........BEN YOMTOOB
Arts Editors..................FANNIE WEINSTEIN
Associate Arts Editors...............BYRON BULL

Sports Editor .....................MIKE MCGRAW
Associate Sports Editors ..,..........JEFF BERGIDA
SPORTS STAFF: Dove Aretha, Mark Borowski, Joe
Ewing, Chris Gerbasi, Jim Gindin, Skip Goodman,
Steve Herz, Rick Kaplan, Tom Keoney, Tim Makinen.
Adam Martin, Scott McKinlay, Barb McQuade, Brad
Morgan, Jerry Muth, Phil Nussel, Mike Redstone,
Scott Solowich, Randy Schwartz, Susan Warner.
Business Manager ................. STEVEN BLOOM
Advertising Manager.-.........MICHAEL MANASTER
Display Manager....................LIZCARSON
Nationals Manager................,.....JOE ORTIZ
Sales Manager................DEBBIE DIOGUARDI


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