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September 16, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-16

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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SSunny to partly-sunny today.
Highs in the upper sixties.

Vol. XCV No. 10 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, September 16, 1984 15 Cents Eight Pages
H skies bring
Bliiedown to {q
By KATIE BLACKWELL field goal in the team's history.
How the tables can turn. In just seven short BUT ON Michigan's next possession, the
days, Michigan has come full circle from an dreaded interception took its toll. Quarterback
exciting upset of Miami, to the depths of Jim Harbaugh dropped back on a third-and-12
humility as the Washington Huskies dominated situation and threw a perfect strike over the
the Wolverines, 20-11. middle' into the waiting arms of inside
Last Saturday, Michigan manhandled super- linebacker Joe Kelly.
star Bernie, Kosar and the Hurricanes, forcing The Huskies took advantage of their field
eight turnovers in the 22-14 victory. But yester- position deep in Michigan territory. Tailback
day, the Huskies played that spoiler role. The Jacque Robinson led the drive to the endzone,
Wolverines coughed up the pigskin five times in churning up 17 yards on four consecutive
the afternoon, leading to 10 points for the carries before fullback Rick Fenney took it in
visitors, from the two.
I'VE SEEN US play worse, but I can't The Wolverines were saved by the bell, for
remember when," said a fiery Bo Schem- the moment, as the first half clock ran out, the
bechler after the game. "It was just one score still 10-3 in favor of the Huskies.
mistake after another. We were about as bad as BUT THE HALFTIME rest apparently was
we could get.' not enough for Michigan as it was forced to
Surprisingly, Michigan dominated the final punt away it's first opportunity in the third
statistics, in nearly every category. It just quarter. As it did twice in the Miami game, thealdtsprthlitsotescebr.lngly-ebm-etteWlviesnte-
Sd spark the lights on the scoreboard. lut ong play-the bm-eft the Wolverinesi te
Except for the final touchdown drive, the dust. Washington quarterback, Hugh Millen, a
Wolverines could easily have been shut out, former Ann Arborite, unloaded a 73-yard spiral
Placekicker Bob Bergeron must have been to his dangerous split end, Mark Pattison, who
saying prayers of thanks after his weak-looking caught the final touchdown in last year's 25-24 .
field goal attempt miraculously sailed through Washington victory over Michigan. Pattison Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
the uprights in the second quarter. The 52-yard plagued Michigan's secondary all day, this
boot tied the game at 3-3 and put Bergeron in time eluding two tacklers, putting his team on Washington linebacker Joe Kelly breezes by Michigan's Gerald White after hauling in the first of three Husky interceptions in Washington's
the Michigan record books with the longest top17-3. 20-11 victory yesterday. Kelly's pickoff keyed the Huskies' first touchdown.


train kills
man near
From staff reports
A 27-year-old man was killed last
night when he stepped into the path of
an Chicago-bound Amtrak train as it
passed the University's North Campus.
Norbert Postill, of Trenton, was
walking along the tracks with a friend
when he "apparently bent over to put a
coin on the rail," according to Amtrak
spokesperson Sue Martin.
THE TWO were walking along the
two paiallel tracks which follow the
Huron River below the University's.
Mitchell Field on Fuller Road.
"They thought the train was on the
same track they were on," Martin said.
"The engineer apparently did see the
man, blew the horn, and slowed' the
train," she said, but "it was impossible
to stop the train in time."
Ann Arbor Police Capt. Harold Reedy
said Postill and his friend apparently
See MAN, Page 2

Some forget finances
when finding a sorority

They brush their hair, iron their- blouses and beat their
brains for conversation starters. But of the 1,100 women who
will rush sororities this fall, few pay heed to the high cost of
joining the Greek circles.
Though the average cost for participating in a sorority's
social functions for one year-$495-is printed ina booklet
distributed to all rushees, few women take the time to tally
up all the expenses for four years.
"WITH THE HUSTLE and bustle of meeting people,
they're not thinking about the possible financial and prac-
tical problems," said Diana Faulk, a junior in nursing and
resident advisor in Mary Markley dormitory.
Instead, Faulk said the women who approach her have
questions like, " 'Are you a no one if you don't rush a
sorority?' They really want to know if it's the thing to do,"
she said.
Faulk added that one resident worried she would not make
a good impression on sorority leaders if she inquired about
membership costs.
THE FEES start adding up even before a rushee picks a
sorority. In order to pdrticipate in rush, a student must pay a
$10 non-refundable fee that covers mailings and a rush
Living expenses and social dues vary from house to house
and usually aren't publicized until after a rushee has
narrowed down her choices to two sororities. A registered
rushee, however, can check the fees at any time filed at the
Panhellenic Association office.
The cost of room and board runs about $2,714 a year, a
year's social dues for parties, formal dances and other ac-

tivities range anywhere from $150 to $500, and in most houses
there are "pledge" fees and other charges in order to become
Sara Theit, a sophomore who is rushing this fall; said she
hadn't read the financial information in her rush booklet.
She guessed the first year would cost her about $100 or $200.
"Anything more than $400 or $500 is a lot, but I would pay it
because I can afford it," she added.
JANESE ANDERSON, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta,
echoed Theit.
"I don't think I (joined) because I thought I was overly
rich, but that was where I wanted to put my money. You get
a lot out of it," Anderson said.
Although she admitted the expenses of staying in her house
have traditionally fallen "in the higher range," she said she
has no qualms about belonging to a group some people cannot
afford to join.
"IF SHE CAN'T afford it, I'd be surprised if (the house)
would even interest.her," Anderson said. As the sorority's
rush chairperson, she said the house does not post its dues
during rush.
"We didn't, not because we don't want to, we've just never done
it," Anderson said.
For those women with limited budgets, there are few alter-
natives. Unlike fraternities, which boast a broader range of
dues, most sororites fix their costs around the average.
SORORITIES OFFER scholarships and grants, but none
are available to pledges or women considering rushing. The
money is only available "once they're in the house and there
is more of a commitment of both sides," Seiler said.
See COSTS, Page 2

On strike Associated Press
Picketers walk the line yesterday at General Motors' Linden, N.J. assembly
plant where about 4,800 workers are part of a selective national strike. See
story, page 3.

may run
low on
in 1990's

Union-the world's largest oil
producer-is approaching an energy
crisis sure to strain a major foundation
of its political, economic and military
power, according to a study released
And while its vast oil, natural gas and
coal reserves will enable it to remain a
net energy exporter well into the 1990s,
the Soviet Union cannot continue to
maintain the "growth machine" its on-
ce-cheap energy fueled without major
sacrifices, said the study written by Ed
Hewett of the Brookings Institution, a
Washington-based research center.
BUT HEWETT also dismissed the

notion, recounted as late as 1982 by
Defense Secretary Weinberger, that the
Soviet Union is running out of energy
and, in Weinberger's words, might
"move down through Iran, Iraq and
Afghanistan and try to seize the oil
fields" of the Middle East.
With 40 percent of the world's proven
and probably oil and natural gas reser-
ves, the Soviet Union likely will never
need the Middle East as an evergy
source, Hewett said.
"Oil output will probably stagnate in
the Soviet Union, but energy output will
not," Hewett wrote in his 222-page
study, "energy Economics and Foreign
Policy in the Soviet Union."

figures, the Soviet Union's crude oil
production in 1983 was a record-high
11.95 million barrels per day, compared
with 8.68 million barrels by the United
States and 4.87 million barrels by Saudi
Using only three-fourths of their
production themselves, the Soviets
have traditionally relied on oil as a
major foreign policy tool. In exchange
for their loyalty to Moscow, the East
European allies are getting two-thrids
to three-fourths of -their oil from the
Soviet Union at subsidized prices
estimated to have cost the Soviet
See EXPERT, Page 2

New stores flourish
as students return

The change from summer to fall
brings a welcome increase in business
for established Ann Arbor merchants,
but for those new merchants who
opened over the summer it is the time
when they learn whether their store will
be a success.
This year many new stores seem to
passing that test.

"AS SOON as the students came in we
did great," said "Cousin Larry,"
manager of the new Barry's Bagel
Place store on State Street. "All we
needed was people.
Cousin Larry, the manager who
describes himself as "head schlepp" at
Barry's, spent time earlier this month
on the front step of his store giving out
See STUDENT, Page 2

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St. Bo.?
A DEITY IS rising from the hills of Ann Arbor.
Every Saturday, over 100,000 frenzied
worshippers block to Bo Schembechler's Michigan Tem-

out of line." Saint Mike (White of Illinois) for example fell
from grace by recruiting too many junior college altar
boys and by losing to UCLA in the Rose Bowl. So ap-
propriately, Baldwin, portrays St. Mike spilling his
sacrificial, aided in embarrassment by Terry
Donahue of UCLA.
On the inside... .

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