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September 13, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-13

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Hide and seek
Partly sunny with possible thun-
der showers and a high around 87

Vol. XCV, No. 7 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 13, 1984 15 Cents Eight Pages






From wire reports
President Reagan and Democratic
challenger Walter Mondale traded new
gibes and accusations on taxes yester-
day, while a congressional committee
said it would formally investigate the
financial disclosure statements filed by
Mondale's running mate, Rep.
Geraldine Ferraro.
All four major candidates were on the
campaign trail, with vice President
George Bush talking about arms con-
trol and Ferraro returning to the con-
tinuing topic of her religion, while.
Reagan and Mondale concentrated on
budgets, taxes and the nation' s
REAGAN. escalated his recent
criticism with a contention in a Buffalo,
N.Y., speech that Mondale's tax-
increase plans wout put a "ball and
chain around America's neck."
Mondale, on the other hand, said in
Iowa that Reagan himself would likely
raise taxes more than $500 a year for
middle-income families making
In other rhetorical flourishes,
Reagan called Mondale's deficit-
reduction plan a "fairy tale," and Mon-
dale said American families had gone
deep into debt because of the gover-
nment's "Reagancharge Card."
BACK IN Washington, the House
ethics committee announced it would
start a "preliminary inquiry" into
allegations concerning Ferraro's
disclosure records."
The Washington Legal Foundation, a
private law group, has allged that she
wrongly claimed to be exempt from

revealing husband John Zaccaro's
assets and liabilities on the disclosure
statements she has filed since coming
to Congress in 1979.
Ferraro, in a statement released
through an aide, said "as I understand
the committee's rules, receipt of the
conservative action group's complaint
virtually obligated them to process it. I
will cooperate fully with the committee,
and I look forward to a favorable out-

MEANWHILE, in a speech in Scran-
ton, Pa., she confronted criticism from
church officials and anti-abortion ac-
tivists, invoking the words of John F.
Kennedy from 24 years ago to defend
her private faith and her public ac-
tions: "I do not speak for my church on
public matters and neither does the
church speak for me."
In Atlanta, Vice President Bush said
Reagan's upcoming meeting with

Abortion issuemaybe
important to campaign

Coffee break
A man escapes Ann Arbor's hustle and bustle at Bill's Coffee Shop on E. Liberty yesterday afternoon.
'Weaponry microchips may
prove inadequately tested

WASHINGTON (AP) -The explosive
issue of abortion, with its emotional
polarization of both opponents and
proponents,' is threatening to over-
shadow war and peace, deficits, and
even taxes in the presidential cam-
It is an issue fraught with pitfalls for
politicians: a no-win issue that most
candidates for elected office generally
try to avoid because of the strong
feelings on both sides.
BUT ABORTION has become an
issue, especially in vice presidential
politics this year, as Democrat
Geraldine Ferraro struggles with her
church's disapproval of her pro-choice
stand and vice President George Bush
tries to rectify his largely forgotten dif-
ferences with President Reagan on

Ferraro, Walter Mondale's run-
ning mate, has taken most of the heat
thus far by becoming embroiled in a
dispute with the fervently anti-abortion
Roman Catholic church hierarchy. Her
well-publicized disagreement with New
York Archbishop John O'Connor
went to the heart of Catholic doctrine on
abortion versus the attitudes of many
practicing Catholics.
O'Connor has accused Ferraro of
misrepresenting the church's unrelen-
ting ban on abortions.
THE NEW YORK congresswoman
maintains that, as a Catholic, she is
personally opposed to abortion but will
not seek to ,"impose my religious
views" through the law.
Hundreds of anti-abortion picketers
follow her campaign from city to city.
See ABORTION, Page 3

WASHINGTON (AP)-At the heart of
almost every Defense Department's
weapons are tiny "chips" carrying data
on everything from targeting to main-
tenance. So the revelation that millions
of chips were inadequately tested has
sparked concern in the Pentagon and
among defense contractors.
Over the past eight years, millions of
chips produced by Texas Instruments
were inadequately tested. Most of them
are expected to work,' but some may
fail at critical moments, Pentagon of-
ficials fear. With chips in nearly every
piece of military equipment that
moves, the possible complications are
The Texas Instruments chips could
have been placed in everything from
radios, walkie-talkies and helicopters
to fighter-bombers, tanks and sub-
marines. A Navy ship could use
thousand of the fingernail-sized cells.
Pentagoi officials on Monday told
defense contractors to stop accepting
Texas Instruments microchips until the
problem can be solved. The Texas
computer firm has sold millions of

ships to more than 80 other contractors
for installations in a wide variety of
weapons systems.
Officials admit they don't know how
widespread the problem is. However,
Donald Moore, quality control chief of
the Pentagon's Defense Logistics
Agency, cited computers aboard the B-
52 as one place where the Texas In-
struments chips were located. The big
planes are the heart of the nation's
nuclear bomber force.
More than 15 million of 4,700 varieties
of the suspect chips were sold to IBM,
Pentagon officials say. Millions more
may have been sold to other contrac-
"Any weapon that contains a
sophisticated electronic part" could
have some of the suspect chips inside,
Moore said.
The tiny information-carrying chips
aren't confined to the defense industry,
and are common in consumers goods
ranging from cars to calculators. In
weapons, the chips provide data that
"tells" a weapon when, where and how
to work.

Texas Instruments vice president
Norman Neureiter said the company is
working "night and day" to find out
what went wrong and where the chips
were sent.
At first, Neureiter said, the company
thought the situation was simply a
"paper problem" but "later we began
to conclude that perhaps some tests had,
been omitted."
"There is the possibility of criminal
investigation of TI," said chief Pen-
tagon spokesman Michael Burch.
The Pentagon ban on Texas In-
struments chips is the second time this
year that the Defense Department has
had a problem with a microchip sup-
National Semiconductor Corp. paid
$1.7 million in fines and penalties in
March after pleading guilty to 40
federal criminal charges that it had
inadequately tested microchips sold to
the Pentagon between 1978 and 1981.
The Defense Department originally
proposed to ban National Semiconduc-
tor from doing any more business with
the Pentagon, but dropped that idea .

East coast awaits Diana's fury

Hurricane Diana inched its 115 mph
fury closer to the North Carolina coast
yesterday evening, but some restless
storm refugees returned home despite
warning tht "we have a disaster in the
"People should not go back to their
homes," said Gov. Jim Hunt, touring
refugee centers along the coast where
20,000 people sought shelter. "They
would stay right here where they know
they will be safe.
THE STORM'S eye had approached
to within a few miles of Cape Fear late
Tuesday, but yesterday it was drifting

erratically from 40 to 50 miles east-
southeast of Wilmington. In the city, the
wind blew at 29 mph with gusts to
around 40 mph.
Heavy thunderstorms and showers
poured rain on eastern North Carolina
and extended out over the ocean-for 125
The National Weather Service said
the storm was expected to eventually
resume a northerly track, which would
aim it at Onslow and Carteret counties
and to the Outer Banks chains of islan-
DIANA'S sustained winds around its
eye eased from 135 mph late Tuesday to

115 mph early yesterday morning, then
rose to 120 mph but drifted back to 115
mph by afternoon.
At 4 p.m. the storm's position was
latitude 33.9 degrees north and
longitude 77.2 degrees west, barely
changed from mid-morning, the
weather service said.
"That thing is sort of sitting there
churning. It's very difficult to forecast
because of that," said Don Witten,
National Weather Service spokesman
in Washington.."That's a bad scene for
a major storm to sit out there off the
coast churning like that. It's just going to
See DIANA, Page 2

olv rhat Frieze
t v ia sa trwith 'ri fle'

David Homyak could have been a hero. But it just wasn't
his day.
The LSAsophomore's heroics - well, near heroics - un-
folded as quickly as a television detective drama yesterday
when he spotted a man rushing around the third floor of the
Frieze building with a rifle.
THE SIGHT of the armed man sparked Homyak into ac-
tion. With hardly a moment to spare, he rushed off to call
security at the nearest phone, which happened to be in the
Department of Far Eastern and European studies.
His actions were stalled, however, by a secretary in the of-
fice who told him she was waiting for a call from Japan.
Sorry, you'll have to wait, he.was told.
Finally, Homyak's fast talking convinced her to let him use
the phone.
"I TOLD HER I just saw a guy carrying a rifle," he said.
"So she told me she guessed it was alright for me to use the
The secretary frantically searched for the number,
Homyak said, adding that he remembered the number im-
mediately. "I lived in a dorm," he explained.
See POLICE, Page 2

Associated Press

Jason Teeter rides his bicycle through the flooded streets of Wilmington,
him. The floods came compliments of hurricane Diana.

N.C. yesterday while a dog runs along beside

Eye won!

tests or a measles shot-Health Service wants to get
everyone into the act. The giveaway and the other
promotions are part of FestiFall and were organized to
make faculty, staff and students more aware of the campus
health service, said Sherri Gorelick, coordinator of patient
and public relations. The free eye exam, she said, has "ap-
peal for faculty, staff, and students alike." So if you think
it's your lucky day, run out to the Diag and fill out a
ticket-you may win a free trip to 207 Fletcher St.
W-w-wrnni znumber?

telephone-results from lack of "non-verbal clues, such as
body language and eye contact. . .On the telephone, we're
reliant entirely on the auditory clues of the voice and its
nuances," Siegler said. "Many people don't do well when
deprived of visual experience. Relying totally upon hearing
a conversation reminds many of us of overhearing adults
when we were children," she said. When such people have
to ask for something on the phone they feel they are in an in-
ferior position, she said. So if you are phonophobic, the
phone company may actually be doing you a huge favor this

tment after he burglarizes it, sort of sets up housekeeping,
feeds himself and helps himself to the occupants' proper-
ty," said Officer Brian O'Leary. When the owner returns
home and confronts the man, "he doesn't deny (the
burglary) and just casually strolls out," the officer said.
The man, said to be about 30 years old, would not give police
his name so his fingerprints are being checked with other
law enforcement authorities to learn his identity, O'Leary
On Cho i Aid




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