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September 13, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-13

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, Seotember 13. 19R.
Diana heads toward

East Coast


(Continued from page 1)
be a tough day down there."
A HURRICANE warning was in efect
from the South Carolina border to
Oregon Inlet at the north end of North
Carolina's Hatteras Island, including
most of the fragile islands of the Outer
Banks, and a tornado and flood watch
covered much of the eastern end of the
More than 14,000 evacuees went to 65
shelters Tuesday in a 12-county area of
coastal North Carolina, Gov. Jim Hunt
said. Nearly 500,000 people live in the
coastal counties threatened by Diana,
and gubernatorial aide R. Brent
Hackney said it was impossible to tell
exactly how many others were staying
with relatives or in motels.
In Wilmington, some people crept out
of shelters into the rainy weather yest-
erday to see what the storm had done
to their property.
BUT HUNT,who flew from Raleigh
to tour the Wilmington area, warned
people to stay inside the shelters
because Diana "is still a very
dangerous storm" with its erratic
movement and the possibility of heavy
rain. "We've got a disaster in the
making, we want them to stay in cen-

Associated Press
Waves roll to the shore of Wrightsville Beach, N.C. from hurricane Diana yesterday. In the background isJohnny Mer-
cer Pier which has sustained some damage to the top railing.

ters, stay out of harm's way," he ad-
"The damage thus far is fairly light,
thank goodness," the governor added.
I've seen uprooted trees, street lights
down, I don't know about any homes

that have been badly damaged.
In Norfolk, Va., emergency services
coordinator Robert Smith said food
supplies were being readied for
evacuation centers in case Diana
moves north. The Navy sent about 45

shipes out to sea to "ride out the
storm," said Senior Chief Troy Snead, a
spokesman at the Norfolk Naval
BEACHES south of Wilmington were
spared the full fury of 135-mph winds.


EPA selects new sites
for superun cleanup
WASHINGTON (AP) - The En- are evaluated to determine their poten-
vironmental Protection Agency yester- tial threat.
day added 128 sites to its priority list for Listing does not affect a site's
cleanup under the $1.6 billion "super- eligibility for emergency action.
fund" abandoned hazardous waste Thomas said any imminent threats to
dump program, and said about 250 health at the sites already have been
more are likely to be added within a addressed.
month. But listing does qualify the sites for
EPA Assistant Administrator Lee long-term cleanup action, such as
Thomas, head of the superfund removing and cleansing contaminated
program, said the 128 sites brought the underground water supplies.
list to 538 locations where EPA has THE 128 sites have long been known
made a formal finding of "significant - EPA identified most of them last
long-term threat to human health and year as candidates for listing, and most
the environment." unofficial compilations already have
THE LIST will contain nearly 800 included rusrated because it's just
sites within a month, Thomas said, and become so blatantly political," said
is expected to grow eventually to bet- Rep. James Florio (D-N.J.) who wrote
ween 1,400 and 2,200 sites, as new sites the superfund law.
Elderly woman agrees to

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
GM prepares UAW wage offer
DETROIT-General motors prepared yesterday to make a wage offer to
the United Auto Workers while a number of auto industry analysts predicted
the current contract would be extended in lieu of a strike.
The current concessions contract covering 350,000 workers at the nation's
largest automaker expires at midnight tomorrow. Ford Motor Co. announ-
ced that the same contract covering its 114,000 workers would be extended
pending a resolution of the GM situation. Ford spokesman Tony Fredd said
the extnesion, which is a formality, hinges on a 72-hour notice from either
The GM wage and benefit offer was expected late in the day. GM, in an
initial bid last month that was rejected by the union, offered workers a lump
sum payment of $600 in the first year of a contract, $300 in the second year
and no new money in the third year.
Iraq destroys Iranian convoy
MANAMA, Bahrain-Iraq said yesterday its warships attacked and
destroyed a four-ship "enemy convoy" in Iranian waters at the north end of
the Persian Gulf.
An Iraqi military communique, broadcast by Baghdad radio and
monitored in Bahrain, said the convoy was sailing through the shallow Khor
Mousa creek, heading for the Iranian port of Bandar Khomeini when the
two-hour attack occurred.
It was the third attack in three days reported by Iraq on ships in the Per
sian Gulf. There was no independent confirmation of the attack. The attack
lasted two hours, according to the communique, which did not identify the
stricken targets beyond saying it was an "enemy convoy."
"The Iraqi armed forces will deal Iran's supplies further destructive
blows, until Iran bends to the call of peace and justice," said an Iraqi
military spokesman over the state-run radio. Iran, which has been at war
with Iraq for the past four years, made no comment on the reports.
Marine shipping and salvage sources along the Persian Gulf said there
was no way for them to verify the claim independently. "That's too far up in
the gulf for us to be involved," said one shipping executive in Bahrain, who
spoke on condition he not be identified. "We have picked up no distress
signals from any ships today."'
Ulcers linked to smoking
BOSTON-Smoking appears to be the single most important cause of
recurring ulcers, and giving up cigarettes is probably more effective than
the leading ulcer drug for avoiding this painful condition, researchers have
Doctors have long noticed that smokers are more likely to develop ulcers.
The latest study concludes that they are also far more apt than non-smokers
to have ulcers come back again after they have healed.
The researchers found that Tagamet, the widely used ulcer-healing drug,
often keeps ulcers at bay. But smokers who take the medicine still have
more repeat bouts of ulcers than do non-smokers who doh't use it.
About 10 percent of all Americans have ulcers at some time during their
lives. This has made Tagamet, known generically as cimetidine, one of the
nation's most widely prescribed drugs.
"Smoking appears to be the most important factor in recurrent ulcers,"
said Dr. Stephen Sontag. "We analyzed for acid output, as well as sex,
duration of ulcer disease and other variables. Only smoking was
statistically significant."
Some argue that smoking may not really cause ulcers. Instead, they say
these people have a "smoker personality." And it's the personality, not the
cigarettes, that make them susceptible to ulcers.
Pope blesses poor fishermen
FLATROCK, Newfoundland-Pope John Paul II blessed the hard-pressed
fishermen of this poor, rocky coast yesterday, and delivered a powerful in-
dictment of modern economies that fail to put "people over things."
Governments must change their economic systems and end chronic
unemployment, "so that human needs be put before mere financial gain,"
the pontiff told several thousand people huddled in this tiny, windswept
He then stepped directly into an explosive Canadian political dispute by
endorsing worker cooperatives and joint worker-management ownership of
the fishing industry, taking the fishermen's side in a battle with the federal
government over their economic future.
"Good fishing, safe passage and God's blessing," the pope said. John
Paul, on the fourth day of a 12-day Canadian tour, chose to emphasize
economic and family issues in this island province, where centuries of
isolation have made "Newfies'.' a poor and close knit community.
At an outdoor Mass later yesterday in the provincial capital of St. John's,
the pontiff praised those Roman Catholic couples who bow to church
prohibitions against artificial contraception and divorce.
State may sue to halt bible clubs
HOWARD CITY-Tri-County School District officials said yesterday the
threat of state legal action to halt voluntary religious instruction in their
elementary schools comes as "no surprise."
Phillip Runkel, state school superintendent, said he will ask the State
Board of Education next week to authorize Attorney General Frank Kelley
to file suit against the district to stop noon-hour "Bible clubs" which are held
in the elementary schools.
Runkel's statement came in response to the Tri-County School Board's
unanimous vote Monday to allow volunteers from Bible Center Ministries of
Jenison to hold the sessions at McNaughton Elementary School in Howard
City and Sand Lake Elementary School.
John Stevenson, Tri-County School Board President, said he does not ex
pect his colleagues on the board to reverse their position on the issue "on the

I threat of a suit."


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pay $uu
CHICAGO - An elderly widow says
she didn't think there was anything
unusual about a contractor asking for a
$25,000 down payment plus $25,000 more
in installment payments to fix a leaky
"How was I to know?" she said. Af-
ter all, six previous visits by the same
contractor already had cost her $16,000.
The plumbing job might have cost 84-
year-old Rose Rolek her life savings
had it not been for a bank clerk and an
off-duty policeman.
MRS. ROLEK went to Citicorp
Savings on Monday and withdrew
$25,000 for the downpayment on the job.
Clerk Joyce Narducy asked her why

she needed so much cash and then
summoned James Ryan, a 22-year
police veteran who moonlights as a
bank security guard.
RYAN ASKED Rolek if she had a
contract for the job, and she produced a
piece of paper that stipulated she would
pay $25,000 immediately and make a
series of $5,000 monthly payments for a
total of $50,000.
"But it wasn't a contract," Ryan
He called his station and two officers
went to Rolek's South Side home, where
they found eight employees of Central
Home Improvement Contractors
tearing up the concrete basement floor.

for wakry uiuet



Now a family
frof fourcan eati



Police hunt 'gun-totng' actor
(Continued from page 1) 7

- _
I o a
1 Olyat Ponderos *

Within minutes, two Ann Arbor
patrolmen were on the scene. And along
with Homyak, who they asked to iden-
tify the person, they began searching
third floor classrooms.
Although it may sound exciting,
Homyak said he anticipated the worst.
"I thought wow, I didn't want to stay for
BUT THE police officers found their
man. He wasn't robbing students or
holding instructors hostage. Instead he
was just sitting - in a theater and
drama class.
The gun-toting suspect, who had

rushed past Homyak was carrying a
theater prop - a non-functional rifle.
And Homyak wasn't a hero - even
though he gave it his best shot.
"I'm a little embarassed," Homyak
said. "And the Ann Arbor police did say
to me that it was better to be safe than
sorry," he added. "But geez, these
things don't happen to me every day."
Ann Arbor police Capt. Harold Rady,
said the department did not file a report
of the incident because no rules were
broken. The only casualty was
Homyak's bruised pride.
Ah, another happy ending.


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GlieMidy iigan Eatig
Vol. XCV- No.7
Member of the Associated Press
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sun-
day during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during
the spring and summer terms by students at the University of Michigan.
Subscription rates: September through April-$16.50 in Ann Arbor, $29.00
outside the city; May through August-$4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send ad-
dress changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
Editor in chief ........................BILL SPINDLE Sports Editor.....................MIKE MCGRAW
Managing Editors ............ . ... CHERYL BAACKE Associate Sports Editors.............JEFF BERGIDA
Associate News Editors..........LAURIE DELATER DOUGLAS B. LEVY
Personnel Editor ....................... SUE BARTO SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretho, Mark Borowski, Joe
Opinion Page Editors ................. JAMES BOYD Ewing, Chris Gerbosi, Jim Gindin, Skip Goodman,
JACKIE YOUNG Steve Herz, Rick Kaplan, Tom Keaney, Tim Makinen,
NEWS STAFF: Marcy Fleischer, Maria Gold, Thomas Adam Martin, Scott McKinlay, Barb McQuade, Brad
Hrach, Rachel Gottlieb, Eric Mattson, Tracey Miller, Morgan, Jerry Muth, Phil Nussel, Mike Redstone,
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Magazine Editor ................JOSEPH KRAUS Business Manager .........,.......STEVEN BLOOM
Associate Magazine Editor...........BEN YOMTOOB Advertising Manager...........MICHAEL MANASTER
Arts Editors...................FANNIE WEINSTEIN Display Manager ................... IZ CARSON
PETE WILLIAMS Nationals Manager .................... JOE ORTIZ
Associate Arts Editors ................. BYRON BULL Sales Manager ......... ......... DEBBIE DIOGUAROI
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