Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, March 10, 1984
Prof. ired over sex charges
Michigan State University's former
band director has lost his teaching job
at the University of South Florida,
because of allegations of sexual
harassment while he taught in East
South Florida officials said Stanley
DeRusha will only do research until his
contract runs out in August, because
the MSU charges have not been
John Brown, president of South
Florida, said the decision was made af-
ter seeing court documents from
Michigan including charges that
DeRusha pulled a student into his office
and forced her to perform oral sex. The
documents also included letters from
other women alleging that DeRusha
fondled them and made unwanted ad-
ballot suit
by judge
LANSING-(UPI) - Ingham County
circuit Judge Carolyn Stell yesterday
dismissed a suit seeking to force a
secret ballot in next week's Democratic
The ruling came in a suit filed against
Secretary of State Richard Austin by
activist Zolton Ferency, a supporter of
Jesse Jackson.
EARLIER IN the day, Jackson's
campaign organization filed suit in U.S.
District Court in Detroit challenging
the caucuses.
Jackson supporters - say the open
ballot and other caucus rules favor
Walter Mondale, the candidate endor-
sed by most of Michigan's Democratic
Party and union leaders.
In dismissing Ferency's complaint,
Stell said the caucuses "are not
elections for purposes of Michigan elec-
tion laws and constitutional provisions
regarding notice and a secret ballot."
Ferency said he plans to appeal, even
though time is running short. "If her
ruling is correct the Democratic Party
can run those caucuses any which way
they please and no one can get any
relief from any governmental agency,"
he said.I
Sam Riddle of Flint, Jackson's
Michigan campaign strategist, said at-
torneys in the Detroit action want an in-
junction prohibiting the March 17
statewide caucuses from taking place
unless major changes are made.
The case was assigned to Judge Anna
Diggs-Taylor, who scheduled a hearing
for 9 a.m. on March 16 - the day before1
the caucuses.
DeRusha, who declined comment on
the decision, has maintained that the
allegations are false.
DeRusha resigned from MSU just
before a panel investigating the
charges recommended last December
that the University fire him from his
$36,000 post. He has filed a $3 million
lawsuit against MSU charging that the
school had agreed to keep the in-
vestigation confidential.
The MSU panel reported finding 14
instances of sexual harassment.
At South Florida, the music professor
has won the support of many students
and faculty members, who hissed and
booed when provost Greg O'Brien an-
nounced the school's decision Thur-
sday. - UPI
Case dismissed for
Yale protesters
A Connecticut Superior Court last
week dismissed charges against 10
Yale University students who had been
arrested in a protest against the
Trident missile.
The students had been charged with
"a breach of the peace" after the
February protest, for lying in front of
buses carrying people to a Navy
celebration of its new Trident sub-
marine, the USS Georgia.
The 16-member Trident Action Group
is "pledged to non-violence."
- The Yale Daily News
Stalking research in
It's nothing new to Ann Arbor, but a
fight over defense research is now
brewing in the unlikely spot of the
University of Iowa. The Student Senate
commitee has demanded information
about what type of DoD sponsored
research is being performed on cam-
The committee has asked for the ij
formation by the first of April, but its
attorney, Duane Rohovit is not too op-
timistic. "A bureaucracy will fill up as
much time as there is given to it," he
said. "All we are trying to do is set a
time to bring all of this waiting to an
Julia Mears, an administrative
assistant at the university said the
school isn't trying to stall, but can't
release the information until its resear-
ch council approves changes in the
operations manual.
"I realize the students are interested
in getting the information they want,"
she said. "They have been very in-
sistent about that, but I don't think they
have been unreasonable."
- The Daily Iowan
- Compiled by Robert Schwartz
Colleges appears every Saturday
_______________________________ I
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Jobless rate drops in February
WASHINGTON - Civilian unemployment receded to 7.8 percent and
700,000 Americans found jobs in February, the government reported yester-
day. President Reagan's chief spokesman called it "a remarkable trend"
spurred by the economic recovery.
The jobless rate has fallen two-tenths of a percentage point in each of the
past three months to a level only fractionally higher than the 7.4 percent rate
of January 1981, when Reagan took office. The February rate is the lowest in
2/ years.
Since unemployment hit a post-Depression peak of 10.7 percent in Novem-
ber 1982, with more than 12 million people out of work, the rate has plunged
nearly 3 percentage points - the best post-recession recovery in the labor
market since the early 1950s.
An estimated 103.9 million Americans - the most in history - held jobs
last month.
Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said "these em-
ployment figures demonstrate the underlying strength of the economy."
Martin Feldstein, chariman of the president's Council of Economic Ad-
visers, called the Labor Department report "verygood news." He said "it
shows the economy has had substantial strength in February as well as
January and should have a quite strong first quarter."
El Salvador expends U.S. aid
One of the Salvadoran army's top battle commanders said yesterday his
soldiers have killed 60 rebels and wounded 43 others in a week of fighting in
the key eastern province of San Miguel.
But a U.S. military adviser, echoing comments made by the Reagan ad-
ministration Thursday, warned yesterday that El Salvador has used up all
its American military aid for 1984 and could soon face shortages in certain
In Honduras, Assistant Secretary of Defense William Taft denied
statements made by visiting U.S. congressmen that the United States plans
to establish a permanent military base on Honduran soil.
Honduran Foreign Minister Edgar Paz Barnica, asked about reports that
Nicaragua was mobilizing troops and tanks toward the border, said he
could not confirm it, but vowed Honduras would not mobilize even if the
reports were true.
Greece reconsiders Turkish
warship attack as unintentional
ATHENS, Greece - The government yesterday accused Turkey of at-
tacking Greek ships in "its worst provocation" in a decade, then abruptly
announced that it believed Turkey did not intentionally fire'on the vessels.
After a 15-minute meeting yesterday evening with Turkish Ambassador {
Fahir Alacam, Deputy Foreign Minister Yiannis Kapsis told reporters,
"We've decided there was no intention on the part of the Turkish gover-
nment to provoke such a dangerous episode."
He said Greece had reversed an earlier decision to recall Ambassador
Sotiris Constantopoulos from Ankara after Thursday's incident near the nor-
thern Greek island of Samothrace.
Greece had claimed a squadron'of Turkish destroyers on maneuvers in the
Gulf of Saros near the Dardanelles fired three salvos into Greek territorial
waters, narrowly missing the Greek destroyer Panther and a Greek fishing
"New explanations given. to our ambassador today by Foreign Under-
secretary Ercument Yavuzalp were substantially different from those
rejected yesterday," Kapsis said.
He said the Turkish official explained that his country's warships were firing
anti-aircraft shells that exploded in the air "and posed no danger for surface
EPA changes pollution regulators
WASHINGTON - The EPA announced yesterday a basic change in the
system of regulating airborne soot and dust pollution to emphasize the tiny
particles that are linked to respiratory ailments afflicting millions of
More than 100 million tons of soot and dust get-into the atmosphere each 4
year in the United States. The smaller particles that are the focus of the new
regulatory scheme are mostly man-made and come from coal-burning
power plants and industries, automobile emissions and other industrial
When the particles are inhaled they can aggravate heart problems and
such illnesses as bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. The airborne material
also can damage lung tissues and cause cancer.
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates the new plan will involve
as much as $4.4 billion in capital costs for new equipment and controls, as
well as annual costs of $740 million.
Student testifies in rape trial 4
MASON - The alleged victim of a gang rape at Michigan State University
testified yesterday that she felt "scared" and intimaded during her ordeal.
The 19-year-old woman seemed relatively calm during much of her
testimony in Ingham County Circuit Court, but cried when she left the cour-
troom for a recess following about two hours on the stand.
Seven young men are facing charges of third-degree criminal sexual con-
duct in the highly publicized November, 1982 incident.
More serious charges were dismissed in a controversial ruling by an East:
Lansing district judge. A key factor in that ruling was his conclusion that the
woman, a 17-year-old MSU freshman at the time of the incident, had not
resisted or tried to escape. 4
An Ingham County Circuit Court judge last fall ordered the men tried on
reduced charges.
Jackson rolls in
As the March 17 Democratic caucus nears, a local truck advertises the Reverend Jesse Jackson as the owner's favorite.
Study links smoking to ulcerative colitis
LONDON (AP) - Despite the known
health hazards of cigarette smoking,
non-smokers are six times more likely
than smokers to get ulcerative colitis, a
disease that causes chronic diarrhea,
British doctors said yesterday.
Writing in the British Medical Journal
doctors at Queen's Medical Center in
Nottingham said their research
suggests that for unknown reasons,
"smoking directly or indirectly confers
protection against ulcerative colitis."
However, Dr. Richard Logan, an
epidemiologist who headed the resear-
ch, said in an interview that the
medical risks linked to cigarette
smoking, including lung cancer and
heart disease, far outweigh any
possible benefits found by the study.
Ulcerative colitis, a treatable in-
flammation of the colon and rectum, af-
fects about one in every 1,000 people
and is more common among young
adults. It is usually not fatal, but causes
chronic and bloody diarrhea and inter-
feres with proper bowel function.
The researchers said non-smokers
were 6.2 times more likely than
smokers to have ulcerative colitis.
Q~rnrb or~pp ~eructapoll ranks
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Sunday March 11, "Charisma is a
Christian Word," by Donald B. Strobe.
6:00 p.m. Lenten potluck.
7:00 p.m. BETH NISSEN speaking.
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15,
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
Broadcast Sundays 9:30 a.m. - WNRS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00p.m.--Cable Chanel 9.
632 N. Fourth Ave.
Rev. Avery Dumes Jr., Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:45 Morning Worship.
7:00 p.m. Evening Service.
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m.
For rides call 761-1530 or 487-1594.
* T * A
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Mon.-Wed.-5:10 p.m.
Thurs.-Fri.-12:10 p.m.
Sat.-7:00 p.m.
Sun.-8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Upstairs
and downstairs).
12 noon and 5 p.m. (Upstairs and
Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5 p.m.
on Friday only; any other time by ap-
* * * -
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Postema
10:00a.m. Morning Worship
Sermon topic: "Temptation."
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship.
Wed., 9:30 p.m., Evening Prayers at
First Presbyterian Church.
* * - *
502 East Huron, 663-9376
" o mC_ m 2.Jalrca
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus/Career Fellowship
Coordinator: Steve Spina
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour-10:30 social hall.
11:00 a.m. Issues Class, French
Room Wednesday p.m.
8:00 Christian Fellowship, French
8:30-Study-Discussion Groups.
9:30-Holy Communion, sanctuary.
at Lord of Light
801 S. Forest at Hill St., 668-7622
Galen Hora, Pastor
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Student supper at 6:00 p.m. Sunday.
Wednesday - 8:00 Baptism, Eucharist,
ministry study at First Presbyterian,
9:30 Worship at First Presbyterian.
Choir at 7:30 p.m.
332 S. State St.
Episcopal Campus Ministry
Michi gan
3rd in-
(Continued from Page 1)
Gourman also ranked the Univer-
sity's communications department
third in the country, but said the
University's rankings for both
education and communications will fall
in his next report.
He ranked the University's ad-
ministration eighth in his report,
behind such institutions as Harvard,
Princeton, and Yale. University
President Harold Shapiro is "an ex-
cellent administrator," Gourman said,
earning 8.75 on a 10 point scale. Gour-
man's national average for ad-
ministrators is 2.5 to 2.75.
MUCH OF THE criticism of the
Gourman report stems from his refusal
to say how he arrives at his rankings.
Gourman says he has a staff of "50 top
experts in the country" gathering in-
formation for his National Education
Standards Company, making them
"the leaders in the field of rating un-
dergraduate institutions."
Gourman and his staff collect data in
four areas: faculty, curriculum, library
be irt-higan ?IaI
Saturday, March 10, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 126
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by- tudents at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through S.inday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann A -bor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session publis ied Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates: $8 in Ann Arbor; $10 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAIL?, 420 Maynard Street, Ann
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Managing Editor ..... ..... ....BARBARA MISLE Bower, Dan Coven, Jim Davis, Scott Dimetrosky, Tom
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