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March 10, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-10

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Lit 43U


Sunny and warm with a high of 30

VoI. XCIV-No. 126

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 10, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages


Gay activists
protest silently
before visiting




won't halt
peaee talks
. Frm APand UPI

After an hour-long silent march, a gay rights group went to
University President Harold Shapiro's office yesterday,
where spokeswoman Molly Adams declared, "We won't be
silent anymore, and we will be back."
When a secretary told the 13 female members of the Queers
Action Committee that Shapiro was out of town, the women
sat in a circle on the floor holding hands.
AFTER ABOUT 10 minutes, the group stated their demand
that Shapiro issue a statement forbidding discrimination
against homosexuals by the University.
"We're tired of waiting for Shapiro," said QuAC member
Cathy Godre. "A lot of things are holding up (the passage of
the policy), but he is the man who is holding us up."
The group gathered on the Diag at 2 p.m., with brown
paper bags over their heads to symbolize the isolation of gays
on campus. The bags were covered with drawings of closets
and slogans such as, "My friends tell faggot jokes and I can't
come out," and "I am a faculty member who can't come
THE ONLY sound during the protest was the beat of a cof-
fee can which Adams used as a drum, as they walked from
the Diag to the basement of the Fleming Administration
Building, which houses the Office of Affirmative Action.
The group then left the office, walked through the Diag,
down South University and then back up to Shapiro's office.
QuAC and members of the Lesbian and Gay Rights on campus
(LaGROC) group have been asking for a statement forbid-
ding discrimination for more than a year now, and although
Shapiro said last October that he favors the statement, he has
yet to formulate one.
Last week, an impatient group of 55 gay activists marched
to Shapiro's office chanting, "Two, four, six, eight, tell
Shapiro we won't wait," to protest the University's tardiness
in drafting a policy.

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Mortar and
grenade battles raged yesterday in the
heart of Beirut and its southern suburbs
as leaders of Lebanon's warring sects
prepared for peace talks.At least two
deaths were reported and 14 injuries.
The fighting, only three days before
leaders of opposing factions were to
meet in peace talks in Lausanne, Swit-
zerland, was the heaviest since a
ceasefire was announced and the May
17 Israeli-Lebanese peace accord was
4.mFractional leaders, however, continued
a preparations for the talks despite the
PRESIDENT Amin Gemayel, of the
Phalangist Party, has called on op-
position leaders to meet in Lausanne to
discuss power-sharing between
Christians and Moslems and, greater
Moslem representation in the Cabinet.
Battles between Moslem militiamen
and the Lebanese army erupted just af-
Daily Photo by CAROL L. FRANCAVILLA ter dawn and continued throughout the
Members of the Queers Action Committee demonstrate yesterday for a University policy against day, with at least two shells exploding
discrimination based on sexual preference. in the Manara-district where the tem-
porary U.S. Embassy is located.

,.. faces opposition

THE BATTLES spread from the
"Green Line" dividing the city's
Christian and Moslem sectors to
Beirut's southern suburbs with
See FIGHTING, Page 3

Controversial poll ranks 'U' 3rd

America's top, 10 universities?
Undergraduate Graduate
I. riCeto . Hrvard
2. Harvard 2. California (Rorkoy)
3.* Mihigmn (Ann Arbor)3. Mtulgo (Ann. Arbor)
S. StnodS.Safrd
b. California (Berkeley) 6. Chko
1. Wis on in (Mdson 7. Princeton
9. Chmpo 9. Wiscnsin (Madison)
10. UCLA 10. UCLA

The University of Michigan offers the
third best education in the nation - bet-
ter than Stanford, better than Berkeley,
and quite a bit better than the Univer-
sity of Chicago.
At least so says Jack Gourman, a'
controversial political science
professor in California, who rates the
nation's colleges and universities every!
two years.
WHILE CAMPUS officials say they
are happy with the University's 3rd
place ranking, they are hesitant to give
Gourman's methods such a high grade.
"It's marvelous to have Michigan
recognized as one of the top three,
ahead of a couple of private in-
stitutions," said Vice President for

Academic Affairs and Provost Billy
Frye. But Frye went on to say, "It is not
known as one of the most reliable
One of Gourman's most startling
ratings comes in education schools,
where he called the University's the
best in the nation. In September, after a
long review which frequently
questioned the quality of the school, the
University's regents voted to reduce its
budget 40 percent.
"EVEN DURING a time of crucial
review, I am pleased to see us ranked
as one of the top five," said Carl
Berger, dean of the school, "But as a
researcher, I question the way in which
he arrived at his numbers," Berger ad-

PSN: Willing to continue sit-ins


Progressive Student Network mem-
bers say they will continue to use civil
disobedience to get defense research off
campus,' despite the University's
tougher stance against their actions.
In a sit-in Tuesday, police arrested 11
PSN demonstrators for trespassing
Engineering Prof. George Haddad's
research laboratory. Police arrested
the demonstrators soon after they made
their way into the lab in a scene very
different from last year's 48-hour sit-in,
where the University took no action
against the protesters.
BUT PSN members say the group is
willing to risk further arrests to force
the administration and the regents to
take another look at defense research,
Julia Gittleman, an LSA junior, who
was arrested in Tuesday's sit-in, said
there are "about 20" other PSN mem-
bers willing to be arrested to shut down
University labs performing research
supported by the Pentagon.
LSA sophomore Mara Silverman,
who was also arrested on Tuesday, said

'I don't see any problem with running out of
students who are willing to put themselves
on the line.'
- Lee Winkelman
PSN member

the sit-in was a success "because it's
bringing back the issue of military
"The fight is going to continue to get
military research off campus," she
PSN MEMBERS do not all agree on
what that means, with some flatly
demanding that the University refuse
to accept contracts from the defense
department, and others arguing that
guidelines for the research would be an
acceptable first step.
The University has guidelines
prohibiting classified research which
might harm human life. Over the sum-

mer, the regents voted down similar
guidelines for non-classified research,
which makes up the vast majority of
DoD projects at the University.
The faculty and the administration
had supported the proposal, and PSN
members such as co-founder Tom Marx
viewed the vote as a sign that conven-
tional means would not work on the
"WE THINK that we have to work
within the system," Marx said, "(but)
we were forced into civil disobedien-
Marx, who was also arrested in Had-
dad's laboratory, has filed an assault

report against a campus Safety Officer,
and an assault report was also filed
against him in connection with the sit-
it, police said this week.
If PSN continues the sit-ins, they are
unlikely to reach the size of last year's
protest in Engineering Professor
Thomas Senior's radiation laboratory,
when 26 members blockaded the lab.
AS THE group has grown, keeping
actions a secret has been an increasing
Lee Winkelman, a junior majoring in
social philosophy, said PSN will try to
limit the number of people in the group
will know of planned actions, cutting
down the chances of leaks. "Some of the:
details can be withheld," he said.
An attemped sit-in at the laboratory
of Engineering Prof. Theodore Birdsall
failed in February, because University
security' officials heard of the plan
WINKELMAN said civil disobedien-
ce is necessary, because the ad-
ministration is unlikely to reopen the
issue of defense research without the
See PSN, Page 5

Billy Frye felt the heat last night, but
this time it had nothing to do with
budget cuts, "smaller but better," or
the five-year plan. Well, maybe it had
just a little bit to do with it.
The vice president for academic af-
fairs and provost was subjected to
many a bow-tie joke and chiding about
his humble beginnings at the Billy Frye
"Fry" sponsored by the University Ac-
tivities Center as part of Michigras.
THE PUN-filled evening began with
every "fry" take-off imaginable -
from the dinner (fried chicken and
french fries) to an appearance of the

Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
Billy Frye, vice president for student affairs and provost responds to a crack
about himself at last night's "Frye fry," held in the Michigan Union.
Frye gets fried by
fam' ily and frien ds

musical troupe the Friars for a little en-
Bob Foreman, executive director of
UAC and emcee of the roast, began
with a little background on the "fryee."
"Billy was born in Georgia,"
Foreman said, "but he overcame this
handicap by going to high school with
Jimmy Carter and Bert Lance. Billy
was third in his class, but they were
the only three in the class."
Vice President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy talked about Frye's
career at Piedmont College. "Piedmont
is now an airline," he observed.
Both Foreman and Kennedy com-
See FAMILY, Page 5

We are driven
TUDENTS WITH A knack for advertising have a
chance to win $3,000 and see their ideas used to

Dog days
IN A TIGHT race for New York City mascot, the dog has
taken a slight lead over the worm, but King Kong, the
pigeon, and the cockroach are still in contention. "I think
'King Kong should be the mascot because he will protect our
city," a youngster wrote Mayor Edward Koch, who invited
public suggestions last week. Out of 150 nominations, the
dog holds a 13-12 lead over the worm, followed by King
Kong with nine votes, and the pigeon, the cockroach, and
the apple with seven each. In one more bit of evidence that

cavation company, Samuelson's latest find was a 1957
Cadillac - buried 10 feet beneath a parking lot. "It was
pretty well crushed," he said. The car has probably been
sitting underneath the lot for about 20 years according to Ed
Trudel, of Lowell, Massachusett's Division of Planning and
Development. Trudel said the site was turned into a
parking lot when fire destroyed a bowling alley, pool hall
and restaurant. Trudel said the car was probably aban-
doned in an underground garage when the lot was built, and
stayed in park for a long time after. "The only thing really
left intact was the front section where the engine is, said
Jim Nollet of Macomber Builders of Boston. The car wasn't

Also on this date in history:
* 1953 - A panel of professors speaking to the Univer-
sity's Student Citizenship Program, condemned in-
vestigations aimed at weeding, out communists in
education. Philosophy Prof. Henry Aiken described the
country's mood as a "fear of the intellectual in general."
* 1965 - The Office of Student Services confirmed that
there would be no more restrictions on the hours of juniors
in University housing if they were over 21 or had parental
* 1970 - The Central Student Judiciary demanded that
LSA Dean William Hays lift the suspension of Robert Par-




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