The Michigan Daily - Saturday, March 10, 1984 -Page 3
Union gears up for vote
The union organizing staff is back in town again this spring
for another try at unionizing the University's office workers.
The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) lost a close vote last spring in a con-
centrated effort to organize clerical workers.
BUT THE union is confident it will succeed in its second at-
tempt in two years to organize clerical workers.
"The response has been overwhelming to our first two
mailings in October and November," said Karen St. Martin,
a professional organizer for AFSCME. "Our third mailing
just three weeks ago is looking very good."
The Union is currently sending out "green cards" to
University clericals asking them if they would support
holding another election on the issue.
DESPITE HER optimism, St. Martin declined to say how
many clericals have expressed an interest in holding another
election or when AFSCME would be able to gather the 30 per-
cent affirmative response needed to force another vote on the
"I have no idea when we'll hit 30 percent, but we are going to>
have more than that. All we can do is go all out and collect
them," she said.
After a strong effort to organize the clerical workers, AF-
SCME lost the bid by 79 votes, 1,325 to 1,246.
CLERICALS HAVE been independent since 1976, when
they voted the United Auto Workers out after two years under
the Union. Since 1976, several attempts to organize the
clericals have either been stopped at the polls or failed to
gain the support needed for an election.
This year, however, organizers hope things will change.
"I'm really not sure why they didn't show too much in-
terest in May," said Kim Marentay, a word processor for the
Center for Human Growth who is heading up a news letter for
the campaign. "Probably bad communication had a lot to do
with it. (Clericals) were not coming to a lot of meetings."
"THE CLERICALS themselves are in the campaign this
year, and they are doing most of the leg work," he said. "We
learned a few things last year. We know where our support
is. We also know our weak spots and strong spots."
"I don't know if the situation has changed since May," said
"But people who were a little bit hesitant last time are
Rosita Stanczak, a secretary in the School of Music.
showing more interest now because the close vote showed
them that they could have made a difference. You will
definitely see more activity this time.
Architecture student wins $3,000
John Myefski, a senior in the College
of Architecture and Urban Planning,
won a $3,000 prize Thursday night for
his design of a gazebo overlooking Lake
St. Clair.
Charles Moore, a visiting professor
from the University of California at Los
Angeles, said the winning design "had a
strength by the virtue of its simplicity .
It is a fitting service memorial . .
with a classic quality to it."
THE TASK for Myefski and the other
43 students who entered the second an-
nual Leonard Willeke design contest
was to design a "raised, open, roofed,
summer house for public use that will
provide a commanding and extensive
prospect of Lake St. Clair."
The Willeke Prize, sponsored by the
college, is intended to encourage design
creativity and excellence without
faculty assistance. The prize honors
Leonard Willeke, the Detroit architect
famous for designing the Edsel and
Eleanor Ford home in Detroit.
Urban Planning Prof. Gerald Crane
called the competition, "a major event
for the college," during the ceremony,
and said the Willeke committee was
"very much taken by the effort shown
in (the contestants) work."
Eight of the students who entered
received merit citations: Robert Arens,
Ronald Betts, John Davids, Gregory
Hunt, Michael Kent, Eric Peterson,
Michael Topping, and David
01 mpic precautionsAPho
The FBI's new hostage rescue team gave its first public demonstration this week in Quantico, Virginia. The FBI has
formed the hostage rescue team to insure that terrorists don't interfere with the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
Three darkly dressed FBI agents are shown practicing the rescue of a woman hostage from a terrorist.
In the last day of Michilympics, the University Activities Center will have
a scavenger hunt at 3:30 p.m.; a "Name That Tune" contest in the Union
Commons at 7 p.m.; an. ice cream eating contest in the commons at 7:30;
Casino Royale in the Union Ballroom; Carnival in the Pendleton Room;
bingo in the Anderson Room, the Golden Garter Review in the Kuenzel-
Room; a poker tournament on the Terrace; pool and table soccer in the
Games Center, and Battle of the Bands finals in the University Club.
Alt. Act. - Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 7, 8:45, & 10:30, MLB 3.
Hill Street Cinema - Genocide, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Hill St. Cinema.
Cinema 2 - Trading Places, 7 & 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.
AAFC - Dr. No 7p.m.; From Russia With Love, 9p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Mediatrics - A Shot in the Dark, 7:15 p.m.; The Return of the Pink Pan-
ther, 9:15 p.m.
Cinema Guild - The 22nd Ann Arbor Film Festival, 1, 7, & 9 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Theta Chi - Everything you wanted to know about sex*, 7, 8:40 & 10:20
p.m., Nat. Sci.
PTP - "Miss Julie," play, 8 p.m., New Trueblood Arena.
Major Events - Big Country, concert, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
School of Music - Ellen Hillman, Horn Recital 4 p.m., Recital Hall.
Trumpet recital, Eric Miller, 6 p.m., Recital Hall. Saxophone recital,
Timothy Miller; 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Brecht Company - St. Joan of the Stockyards, 8 p.m., Residential College
The Ark - Liz Carroll, Irish fiddle, 7:30 p.m.,;The Ark.
Ann Arbor Go Club -2 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Tae Kwon Do Club -9a.m., CCRB.
Woman's Basketball - 2 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Biomedical Res. Council - Res. Forum, "Aging - Selected Examples of
Molecular Insight & Clinical Implications," 8 a.m., Sheldon Aud, Towsley
Renaissance University Club - Workshop "Empowerment," 9 p.m.,
Fireplace room, 1416 Hill St.
Armenian Students' Cultural Assoc. - Dance, 8 p.m., Nicholas Greek Or-
thodox Church.
Matthaei Botanical Gardents - Class, "Indoor Nature Photography: Win-
ter Exposure," 10:15 a.m.
Student Alumni Council/Residence Hall Assoc. - Little Sibs weekend,
Magic Show & Balloon Animals, 2 p.m., Alumni Center. Scavanger Hunt,
3:30 p.m., Union. Ice Cream Eating contest, 7:30 p.m, Union.
Women's Career Fair - Workshops and discussions, MLB.
Committee on Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine - Conference, School of
Public Health.
Baha'i Faith - Seminar, 3:30 p.m., Union.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent
Lebanon to Dental Institute faces elimination
hold talks,
(Continued from Page 1
militiamen firing heavy machine-guns,
mortars and rocket-propelled
Christian and Moslem factions ac-
cused each other of starting the new
fighting to interfere with the talks.
The Voice of Free Lebanon radio of
the Christian militias said the fighting
was "a clear attempt to torpedo the
Switerland conference even before it
opens. The escalation is intentional.
THE MOSLEM voice of Arab
Lebanon made the same charge, ac-
cusing the Christian militias "of
escalating the security situation on the
eve of the national reconciliation con-
T he top opposition leaders - Druse
Chieftain Walid Jumblatt and Shiite
Moslem leader Habih Berri - met in
Damascus yesterday to complete work
on their joint position paper for the
reconciliation conference.
The opposition group is expected to
propose formation of a Senate with
equal numbers of members from
Lebanon's major religious groups and
the reduction of the president's term
from six years to three years. The op-
position also wants members of
Parliament, army officers and gover-
nment officials to be chosen by merit,
rather than religion.
MOSLEMS MAKE up about 60 per-
cent of the population, but Lebanese
law gives them 45 of the 99 seats in
Parliament and four of the nine Cabinet
Despite the fighting, state television
said a "positive atmosphere" prevailed
in Damascus about the prospects for
the national unity talks.
C e
Pool manager assaulted
A local elementary pool manager was
assaulted Thursday in the school's
lockerroom, police said yesterday.
After being advised that two
unauthorized teenagers had entered the
lockerroom, the manager of Mack
Elementary School went in to the room
to tell the two teens to leave, police
said. When the manager tried to es-
cort them to his office, one boy placed
his watch over his fist and began pun-
ching the man in the face and neck, ac-
cording to police.
The man suffered several gashes in
the throat and neck. Police are now
searching for suspects.
Woman critically injured
Afr Ross dR-ve ~aQyrniri lA nArhrv
The University's Dental Research In-
stitute may lose 70 percent of its funds if
a government plan makes its way
through Congress in the next few mon-
The National Dental Research In-
stitute of Health plans to phase out all of
the research program's federal support
by 1988. The University's institute
receives less than 70 percent of its funds
from the federal government.
HARALD LOE, director of the
National Dental Research Institute in
Maryland, said yesterday that the plan
is intended to force more universities to
compete for new research centers
which the government will be funding.
The plan calls for 10 to 15 new dental
centers rather than the five institutes
the government supports around the
Although the University's institute
may have its funds cut, Loe said it
would have an excellent chance of
.being awarded one of the research cen-
ters, which might help reduce some of
the institute's losses.
LOE SAID THE pahsing out of in-
stitute funds was also an attempt to
spread out research grants nationally
instead of concentrating them in a
small number of institutes such as the
He said that support for the research
the University's institute is doing will
not be totally cut off because major
funds would be available through
smaller, individual grants.
James Avery, director of the Univer-
sity's institute, said that if the plan
makes it through Congress, it will
probably force the University or the
dental school to replace some of tev
salaries of professors researching in
the program. Curently the government
pays for most of the salaries of the in-
stitute's professors.
Avery said officials from the institute
and the University will talk to the state's
congressmen and representatives to
discuss the possible cut.
An aid for Representative Carl Pur-
sell (R-Plymouth) said that Pursell is
planning to meet with Loe to discuss the
phase-out plan. Pursell is one of the
sub-committee members of the House
Appropriations committee which over-
sees the National Dental Research In-
John Hartigan, a member of the.
Progressive Student Network, was not
arrested in Tuesday's sit-in against
military research. Hartigan filed an
assault report after the protest, but the
Daily incorrectly reported that he had
been arrested.
The new police recruits.
Call them slobs.
Call them jerks.
Call them gross.
Just don't call them
when you're in trouble.
What an Institution!
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