Page 2 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday; January 25, 1984
Americans watch 7
hours of TV daily,
NEW YORK (AP) - America's
television fixation reached an all-time
high in 1983, with daily TV viewing
breaking the seven-hour mark.
A.C. Nielsen's numbers revealed that
TV watching per home hit a new high -
an average of seven hours, two
minutes, an increase of 14 minutes over
1982's record.
IT WAS A year that featured the top-
rated "M*A*S*H" finale, two record-
breaking ABC miniseries, increased
cable penetration and one controversial
survey that said viewers were watching
more TV but paying less attention to it.
This was the sixth consecutive year of
record-breaking TV viewing, and the
14-minute increase tied 1964 for the
biggest rise ever.
By breaking the seven-hour barrier
by two minute - the equivalent of a
short video on MTV, four Lite Beer
commericals or Cable News Network's
quickie news update - 1983 joined 1956
and 1971 as history-making years. In
1956, the five-hour level was reached
and, 16 years later, viewing surpassed
six hours.
"NO ONE FACTOR accounts for the
tremendous jump," said Jeremy Han-
delman, a CBS researcher. "In general,
this additional viewing is likely to come
from a variety of groups, watching a
variety of programs. All the bits and
pieces add up."
Among the reasons cited by industry
observers are:
" The increase in cable penetration. It
was 31 percent of the nation's more
than 80 million TV homes in January,
1982, 35 percent one year ago and nearly
40 percent today. This not only in-
creases the TV options, it improves the
reception of previously fuzzy indepen-
dent and PBS stations.
* An increase in homes with multiple
sets. Figures released this week by the
Electronic Industries Association show
a 23 percent rise in sales of color TV
sets, pushing the total of all TV sales for
1983 to a record 19.7 million sets.
" More effective major program-
ming. "Programs like the "M*A*S*H"
finale CBS, "The Day After" ABC,
"Thorn Birds" ABC "Winds of War"
ABC and "Kennedy" NBC attracted the
non-habitual TV viewer," said John
Sisk, senior vice president for network
broadcasting at the J. Walter Thom-
pson ad agency.
" Change in Nielson sampling size.
Nielson went from 1,200 test homes to
1,700 in 1983, and Joel Segal of the Ted
Bates ad agency thinks the new surveys
have picked up more TV addicts. He
called it my "main reason. The in-
crease in viewing could be an
aberration," Segal said.
He aring dates set in
local murder cases
Buy American AP Photo
George Langstaff, president of the Footwear Industries of America, uses a
toeless shoe yesterday to emphasize the importance of establishing import
quotas on shoes made abroad in a Washington news conference yesterday.
Apple, 'U' make deal;
computer sales blossom
(Continued from Page 1)
Circe Court Judge William Ager set
pre-tria [hearing dates yesterday for
defendants in the killings of Nancy
Faber and Brian Canter.
Ricardo Hart, charged with 1st
degree murder, armed robbery, and
possession of a firearm with intent to
commit a felony in connection with the
Nov. 22 shooting of Nancy Faber, stood
mute at his arraignment.
A NOT-GUILTY plea was
automatically entered for him.
Hart allegedly gave his 17-year-old
girlfriend Michelle Pearson a gun and
forced her to rob Faber. In a taped con-
fession, Pearson said Hart threatened
to beat her if she did not cooperate. She
said the gun went off accidently.
Ager set Hart's pretrial hearing for
March 30 at 2 p.m. in Washtenaw Coun-
ty Circuit court. Pearson's pretrial
hearing on the same charges is also set
for March 30.
Ager also set pre-trial hearings for
Lester Joiner Jr. and Robert Williams,
who pleaded not guilty to the Dec. 6
murder of 19-year-old Brian Canter.
Their hearing is scheduled for Feb. 16
at 2 p.m. in the Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court.
In previous statements, both Joiner
and Williams have admitted to choking
Canter with a telephone cord, attem-
pting to stab him in the throat with a
dull penknife, and then throwing his
body into the Huron River where they
held him under the water until he
locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. ROLM's breadth and
diversity are apparent in its expanding divisions:
TELECOMMUNICATIONS designs and manufactures
digital computer-controlled business communication systems
for voice, data and text switching and management.
OFFICE SYSTEMS develops and manufactures office of
the future products.
ROCO sells and supports these products through a national
sales and service network.
MIL-SPEC COMPUTER develops, manufactures and
sells ruggedized computer systems.
value is placed on personal intitiative, creativity and rapid career
movement and where the spacious, award-winning environment was
designed with your personal and professional well-being in mind.
We'll be on campus
Monday, January 30
Interested candidates are invited to join us for an INFORMAL RE-
CEPTION Sunday, January 29 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Refreshments
will be served. Please check with the Society of Women Engineers
for location.
Our environment requires individuals with a high'degree of
initiative, strong communication skills and demonstrated
leadership abilities. For this recruiting season, we are primar-
ily seeking computer science and electrical engineering
candidates with BS and MS degrees. New graduates join
project teams as Hardware or Software Design Engineers
(working in areas such as digital telephones, data communi-
cations, local area networks, packet switching, linear predic-
tive coding of voice, realtime software and relational data
bases), Production Engineers (introducing the product to the
manufacturing process), or Product Support, Sales or Field
Service Engineers (providing customer support). Qualified
candidates who are unable to secure an interview slot wil be
considered if they submit their resumes via the Engineering
Placement Office.
Contact Your Placement Office Now for an
Appointment and Literature.
Tuition reimbursement for graduate study, comprehensive
health, dental and life insurance, profit sharing and stock pur-
chase plan.
3-month paid sabbatical after 6 continuous years of employ-
Active housing program for all new hires.
will only be allowed to purchase one
computer each, and will have to sign an
affidavit forbidding them to buy
The precautions are to prevent stud-
ents and staff from re-selling com-
puters they purchase at a discount.
IN ORDER to implement the plan,
the Computer Center and the School of
Education are teaming up to provide
technical and educational training to
The two units will form a Microcom-
puter Education Center to show studen-
ts and staff how to use the computers.
The center also will be available to
train students who purchase computers
from somewhere other than the
University, Marks said.
Most students reacted positively to
the Apple deal.
Tracey Schultz, a sophomore com-
puter science major, thought that many
students will take advantage of the
deals. "The way it is, everybody could
use one. The lines for (University) ter-
minals are so long."
Paula Johnson, another sophomore
computer science major, said the plan
'sounds like a good idea."
Local computer dealers who sell Ap-
ple computers were considerably less
Anita Lochner, an employee of Lear-
ning Center Ltd., an Ann Arbor retailer,
said that the store is not at all happy
about competing with the University.
"We're disappointed that the Univer.
sity has chosen to enter the computer
retail business, thus competing with
local merchants for a large segment of
Ann Arbor's high-tech market,"
Lochner said. "We support Apple
products being used internally, but
question the wisdom of subsidizing per-
sonal computer purchase with public
funds. . . If they're going into the
busines of selling computers, why don't
they get into the car business?
Everybody needs a car," she said.
Apple, however, asserts that dealers
will benefit in the long run. "We need
marketing tactics like this so we can be
there before another competitor," said
Apple spokesperson Linda Merrill.
"The universities won't provide the full
line of Apple equipment. The dealers
will have to provide much of that."
Woman threatened
An Ann Arbor woman's ex-boyfriend
entered her home on the 2000 block of
Pauline, January 22, and threatened
her with a knife, according to Ann Ar-
bor police. The man entered the
woman's home through an unlocked
patio door at 1 a.m. The case is curren-
tly under investigation by the police.
- Nancy Gottesman
In yesterday's story on dorm drinking,
Bill Knox, resident director fr
academics at Alice Lloyd Hall, was in-
correctly identified as the building
director. Also, the students pictured on
page 1 are not all dorm residents ac-
cording to Alice Lloyd desk clerk Ralph
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Japan increases defense budget
TOKYO - Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone has overruled a Cabinet
decision and ordered that Japan spend at least 6.5 percent more on defense 4
this year to satisfy demands by the United States, officials said yesterday.
The Cabinet tentatively endorsed a Finance Ministry proposal last Friday
for a 5.1 percent increase in military spending in fiscal 1984; which begins in
April, but critics said that was too low.
Officials in the prime minister's office said Nakasone made the decision
because of Washington's pressure for a defense buildup.
The United States has long demanded that Japan assume a greater share of:
the burden of defense in the Pacific, but successive governments have found
the anti-military sentiment among post-war Japanese nearly impossible to
A final decision on the defense budget will be made by Wednesday aftera
meeting between Finance Minister Noboru Takeshita and Yuko Kurihara,
director-general of the Defense Agency.
French farmers join protests
PARIS - Angry farmers blocked rail lines in Brittany yesterday and
shipyard workers threatened with layoffs marched through Paris as unrest
built over the government's industrial and agricultural policies.
The latest expressions of discontent followed a demonstration.Sunday by
about 60,000 people in Bordeax protesting planned nationalization of private
Adding to the woes of Socialist President Francois Mitterand was growing
tension in Lorraine as the government tries to restructure the ailing steel in-
dustry - a threat to even more jobs - and similar problems in the northern
coal fields.
In Brittany, farmers rolled tractors and trucks across main rail lines at
Chateaubourg, St. Jacut-les-Pins, Pleyber-Christ and Chatelaudren, stop-
ping all traffic. Police had to call in reinforcements as farmers refused to
budget or simply movedand set up a blockade at another point.
Druse want Gemayel to resign
BEIRUT - Druse Moslem leader Walid Jumblatt stepped up his
war of words on the Lebanese government yesterday, demanding President
Amin Gemayel resign and inaugurating a radio station to rally his followers
in revolt.
Jumblatt's statement appeared to doom the fledgling "national recon-
ciliation" process, which had managed to get the leaders of Lebanon's
warring factions to sit down at a bargaining table last November in Geneva.
"We will not take part in any government or format with President
Gemayel," Jumblatt said on official Syrian radio from Damascus.
"Therefore, I repeat my earlier request to Amin Gemayel to resign."
Jumblatt's demand marked yet another reversal, since he first issued the
call during the weekend and then denied it.
Underscoring Jumblatt's tough posture, a new Druse radio station went on
the air yesterday afternoon. The'station's newscast clearly demonostrated
its anti-government slant, opening with a report on Jumblatt's callffor
Gemayel's resignation and an item warning the pro-government that
Phalange is preparing for another civil war.
Reagan seeks congressional
support for Beirut Marines
WASHINGTON - President Reagan, seeking to defuse congressional
calls for the withdrawal of. U.S. Marines from Beirut, visited Capitol Hill
yesterday and appealed to Senate Republicans to resist election-year
challenges to his Middle East policies.
"In Lebanon, the peace progress has been slow and painful, but we've
made genuine progress," the president said.
As Reagan addressed his political allies in the Senate, Speaker Thomas
O'Neill (D-Mass.) said more than half the House Democrats who voted to
support the continued presence of the Marines in Lebanon have now changed
their minds.
"They would vote for the president to move them (1,600 U.S. Marines) and
to cut off funds "O'Neill said. "I think the votes are there."
Those who ahended yesterday's meeting said Reagan urged unity among
GOP Senate members, but offered no specific reasons to believe that the
Marines can be withdrawn from Beirut soon, or that there will be any
significant efforts to reduce federal deficits of almost $200 billion.
In a letter to Democratic House members, the president said.he will not
pull out the Marines until a settlement has been negotiated in Lebanon.
Kohl honors Holocaust victims
JERUSALEM - Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West.Germany paid tribute
yesterday to Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust while unforgiving death
camp survivors dogged his steps, booing and jeering.
"I can assure you in Germany it will never happen again," Kohl said as he
toured a memorial to the 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis, "This is a new
Germany and a new generation.
Kohl then met for 90 minutes with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir to
discuss West German plans to sell sophisticated weaponry to Saudi Arabia
despite Israeli objections, said spokesmen for the two leaders.
"Shamir expressed our conviction that Saudi Arabia is not the moderate
state that people in Europe think it is," said Shamir spokesman Avi Pazner.
"We have no doubt that these weapons would be used against us, either
directly or indirectly."
West German spokesman Peter Boenisch declined to give Kohl's reply.
But Bonn is known to be firmly committed to providing defensive weapons to
the oil kingdom even though it scrapped plans to sell it Leopard 1 battle
tanks because of Israeli pressure.
Wednesday, January 25, 1984
Vol. XCI V-No. 95
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates: $8 in Ann Arbor; $10 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann
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Answers to all your questions about University Housing
DAY: Wednesday, January 25, 1984