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January 25, 1984 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-25

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 25, 1984 - Page 3
Ford, Dems attack defense budget 1

WASHINGTON (AP) - House Majoi
Jim Wright, in a preemptive Democrati
President Reagan's State of the Unio
declared yesterday that the nation's pric
grown "cruelly deranged" at the White I
spiraling military spending draining hun
f~s 'ces
And former President Ford urged Reag
ch out the defense budget, and impose ne
well, to stem what he called the "dar]
cloud" of deficits approaching $200 billion:
THE BUDGET Reagan will send to Co
week is expected to call for a boost in Pen
ding of about 14 percent, with a projec
deficit of $180 billion, in fiscal 1985, which
rd 1. Officials have said Reagan will not c
Ford major new taxes, though he will endoi
... suggests new taxes minor ones.
The Progressive Student Network will hold a forum tonight at 7:30 on
military research at the Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State St.
Cinema Guild-Umberto D, 7 & 8:45 p.m., Lorch.
Cinema Two-To Have and Have Not, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Hill Street-Foreign Correspondent, 6:45 & 9p.m., 1429 Hill St.
CFT-The Lady Vanishes, 7 p.m., The Paradine Case, 9 p.m., Michigan
Ethnographic Film Series-High School and Desert People, 7 p.m., Rm. 2 MLB.
Statistics-"Comparing Probability Forecasters," Prof. Stephen Fienberg, Car-
negie-Mellon University, 4 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.t
Chemistry-"Electron Apportionment in Three-Electron Bond-Breaking
Processes," Przemyslaw Maslak of Columbia University, 4 p.m. Rm. 1300 <
Chem. Building. "Piezoelectric Crystal Detectors," Walter Opdycke, 4 t
p.m., Rm. 1200 Chem. Bldg.t
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies-"New Perspectives on t
Swahili Origins," Henry Wright, noon, Whitney Aud.t
Industrial and Operations Engineering-"Operational Analysis of a Job
Shop," Stephen Graves, 4 p.m., 241 IOE Bldg.t
Center for Russian and East European Studies-Brown Bag, "Iulii 0.
Martov: Theory and Practice of Socialist Opposition, 1917-1923," Jane Bur-
bani, noon, Commons, Lane Hall.
Computer Science-"Intro. Ontel Terminal," 1:30-3 p.m., "Advanced On- 1
tel Terminal," 3:30-5 p.m.,Ontel Rm., NUBS, registration required, 764-9595.<
"Intro. to Digital Computing and MTS, III," 7 p.m., E.H. Draus Aud.
Romance Languages - "One Hundred Years of Solitude: The Novel as
Myth and Archive," Prof. Roberto Gonzalez-Echevarria, 4 p.m., E. Conf.
Rm. Rackham.t
Psychiatry-",'Clinical & Basic Science Perspectives for Infant
Psychiatry," Thomas Horner, 10:30 a.m. CPH Aud.
Anatomy & Cell Biology-"Space: The New Frontier in Gravity Receptor 1
& Research," noon, 5732 Med. Sci. I.
Linguistics-"Prospects for Differential Linguistics: Part II.," 4 p.m.,
3050 Frieze.
International Center-"Custom-Tailoring Your European Trip," noon, 603
E. Madison.
University Hostial-Health Night Out," "To Do or Not To Do:. Following
the Doctor's Advice," Marshall Becker, 7:30 p.m., League Ballroom..
Human Resource Development-Workshop, "Communicating Effectively
(Assertively) for Office Staff," 1-5 p.m., Rm.130 LSA Bldg.
UAC-Laughtrack, 9 p.m., Union.
Michigan Ensemble Theatre - "Butley," 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
School of Music-Clarinet Recital Lecia Cecconi, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.t
Academic Alcoholics-1:30 p.m., Alano Club.s
Michigan Gay Undergraduates, 9 p.m., 802 Monroe..
Tae Kwon Do club -6 p.m., CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
Science Fiction Club-8:15 p.m., Stilyagi Air Corps, League.
New Jewish Agenda-8 p.m., for location call 994-5171.
Michigan Undergraduate Film Association-Mass meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
Anderson Rm. D., Union.
Recreational Sports-Orientation meeting for Cross-country skiing & '
canoe trip, during spring break, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1250 CCRB.
Pathology Department-mass meeting for medical technology students, 7
p.m., private dining Rm. -1 Main Hosp.
MSA-Financial Aid Committee, 4 p.m., MSA Chambers, 3909 Union.
The Performance Network-Auditions for "Female Parts," 7:30 p.m., 408
W. Washington. Tryouts today and tomorrow for three female roles.
University Musical Society-Auditions for chorus membership, appoin-
tments available from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., call 665-3717.
Canterbury Loft-"Meditative Celebration of the Holy Eucharist," 5:15
p.m., 332 S. State St.
Student Wood & Crafts Shop-Power Tools Safety, 6 p.m., 537 SAB.
Transcendental Meditation-Introductory Program, 8 p.m., 528 W. Liber-

Career Planning & Placement-10th Annual Career Conference for
Minority & Disabled Students, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., League.
Tae Kwon Do Club-practice, 6 p.m., CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
Museum of Art-Art Break, Rebecca Whitehouse, 12:10 p.m., Museum of
*To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent
N .. t 5

On the eve of the annual presidential address to
Congress, Wright, of Texas, delivered a virtual cam-
paign platform to reverse Reagan policies "to revive
the American dream, to renew the American spirit,
to rekindle America's faith in our future."
"In a world of distorted values, the United States -
whose example should be leading the world to sanity
- begins 1984 with our priorities cruelly deranged,"
Wright told a luncheon audience at the National Press
FORD, IN AN interview on ABC's "Good Morning,
America," said that "if you look at those outyear
future deficits of $170 billion to $180 billion, they're
scary and something has to be done about them."
Reminded that Reagan opposes adding taxes, Ford
said, "I respectfully disagree with him. I can't justify
the kind of deficits they are forecasting for calendar
and.fiscal 1985."
"The only dark, ominous cloud on the economic

front is the forecast of those ... deficits" Ford said.
PRESIDENT, Reagan could face serious re-
election problems because of budget deficits and U.S.
involvement in Lebanon, but Democrats so far have
failed to exploit these and other issues, pollster Louis
Harris said yesterday.
I'd say Ronald Reagan is vulnerable and can be
taken," Harris told a breakfast meeting with repor-
At a separate session, the pollster for Democratic
front-runner Walter Mondale stressed the potential
political importance of the federal budget deficits,
especially if the candidate were to emphasize that
Peter Hart, Mondale's pollster, said only 42 percent
of Americans know that Reagan's budget deficits are
larger than those of any previous president. "Ob-
viously, we are going to try to carry that theme to the
other 58 percent," he said.

Mon dale
... must stress size of deficit

'U' study shows
faitht in gov 't.
is improving.

Financial Analysts'
We are recruiting 1984 graduates for financial analyst
positions in our Corporate Finance Department. No
experience is required and degree candidates for any major
are welcome to apply. A description'of the financial analyst
position. is on file at the placement office.
Applicants should send a resume and a cover letter by
February 15th to Andrew McCarthy, Corporate Finance
Department, Salomon Brothers Inc, One New York Plaza,
New York, New York 10004 (212) 747-5055.
Salomon Brothers Inc

Faith in government is back on the
upswing, after more than two decades
of declining public confidence in
Washington's ability to lead the coun-
try, according to a University study.
Although only 31 percent of citizens
questioned said they trusted the gover-
nment to do what was right most of the
time, that was enough to reverse a long-
running trend and draw considerable
media attention.
IN 1964, 62 percent of the people who
responded to a similar survey said they
stood behind their leaders. But a long
war in Vietnam, the disillusion of
Watergate, and 53 American's held
hostage in Iran steadily pulled the per-
centage to an all-time low of 23 percent
in 1980.
The recently released 1982 figures
show 31 percent of American's now
trust their government.
At first glance, the revival might
seem like a feather in President Ronald
Reagan's cap. Ironically, however,
Reagan's popularity was actually lower
in 1982 than former President Jimmy
Carter's was half-way through his term
according to Arthur Miller, a University

political science professor who conduc-
ted the survey.
THE STUDY also revealed some in-
teresting aspects of party politics.
Although Democrats were com-
plaining about the dangers of the
Reagan administration's ultra-
conservatism, their trust in the gover-
nment increased.
At the same time, Republican sup-
port for the president increased
dramatically while many Republicans
remained hesitant about trusting the
ODDLY ENOUGH, one reason for the
increase in confidence among
Democrats is - the Reagan ad-
ministraion's "attack on government
spending," Miller wrote in an article
published in Public Opinion last July.
"Between 1980 and '82 the population,
including Democrats, favored gover-
nment cuts," asserts Miller in the ar-
ticle. Thus, when the government
began to cut back on its spending, "the
Democrats viewed the administration
as being responsive to its needs."
Meanwhile, "Republicans who
favored cutbacks were less approving
of the administration, feeling that the
cutbacks were not great enough."

'iGEO Cg{e

Judge cuts amount
Liuzzo family -must pay


(Continued from Page 1)
MEMBERS OF the Liuzzo family and
their attorney were unavailable for
comment yesterday. But former attor-
ney for the government Ann Robertson
said she was not dissatisfied with
Joiner's most recent decision.
"I have no complaints one way or
another with his tax of costs," she said
yesterday from her office in Bir-
mingham, Ala.
The widely-publicized suit was filed
several years after Viola Liuzzo, a 39-
year-old white housewife, drove the

family's station wagon from Detroit to
Alabama to participate in the historic
Selma-to-Montgomery voting rights
march in 1965. She was gunned down on
a deserted highway while transporting
a black marcher back to Selma after
the demonstration.
The shots that killed Liuzzo, and left
her passenger unharmed, were fired
from a car carrying three Ku Klux
Klansmen and FBI informant Gary
Thomas Rowe. The Liuzzo family
charged in their suit that the FBI
could have prevented the killing.

"Changing Bodies ... watch for them in the eighties. "



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