Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 11, 1983
House approves bill
to remove PCB silos
LANSING (UPI) - The House and
Senate yesterday approved and sent to
Gov. James Blanchard legislation
permitting the state to condemn PCB-
contaminated silos and pay for their
The legislation permits the
Agriculture Department to pay far-
mers to remove the silos, of which there
are an estimated 360 in the state.
The Senate added an amendment
with which the department would fund
,removal of the 90 to 100 worst-case silos
first, then work on those owned by far-
We've Hea
mers who have compiled with rules
prohibiting use of the structures.
The silos, most of them in Eaton and
Calhoun counties, became con-
taminated in the 1940s when a sealant
containing the toxic polychlorinted
biphenyl was used in them by a now-
defunct Charlotte firm.
Emergency rules prohibiting the
silos' use expired on Wednesday, but
agriculture officials say their lapse is
probably not a problem since the har-
vest season is over.
ard Rumors
AP Photo
Democratic presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, speaking yesterday at the National Conference of Black Mayors in
Washington. Jackson, standing next to John Ford of Tuskegee, Ala., has failed to attract support from the na-
tion's Jewish community for his candidacy.
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UNION - --
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) -4
The kidnappers of multimillionaire
brewer Alfred Heineken sent a written
message to the company yesterday, but
there was not word on whether it was a
ransom demand.
A Heineken brewery spokesman said
the company was willing to pay a ran-
som for 60-year-old "Freddie"
Heineken, who was kidnapped Wed-
nesday along with his chauffeur by
three men armed with automatic
THREE ARMED assailants grabbed
Heineken as he left his Amsterdam of-
fices, according to police. His company
driver, Ab Dodereer, 57, also was seized
and thrown into the getaway vehicle, a
stolen orange delivery van.
Police spokesman Klass Wilting,
quoting a taxi driver who witnessed the
abduction, said Heineken and his driver
were forced into the delivery van as
they crossed about 10 yards of roadwa
to the company limousine.
Spokesman robert Elfrink said tl
kidnappers demanded a news blackout
on the negotiations. "In the interests of
the kidnapped," Elfrink said, the com-
pany and the police have "decided to
follow suit."
HEINEKEN is considered one of
Holland's richestsmen and is a friend of
the royal family. A Rotterdam
newspaper, Algemeen Dagblad, said it
got an anonymous telephone call saying
Heineken would be killed unless s
million ransom was paid. Police
declined comment on the call, but Dut-
ch television said police did not believe
the call was authentic.
Police set up a watch on 'the
Netherland's' borders and at airports
and spot-checked hundreds of cars in
Amsterdam. At brewery headquarters,
a crisis team was set up to deal with the
Elfrink told reporters that police ir
The Hague had recieved a written
message from the abductors and
relayed it to brewery headquarters'in
Amsterdam. He would not say what
convinced him the written message
was authentic.
He said the brewery would pay a ian-
som if it was demanded, adding, "Their
safety is our first and foremost en-
CHICAGO (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson stretched
wide his arms in welcoming the hurt and rejected to his
presidential campaign. But his embrace holds little war-
mth for perhaps the most vote-conscious of America's
Leaders of America's Jewish community - many of
whom have marched arm in arm with Jackson in civil
rights protests - say the newly announced presidential
candidate now is out of step with them.
JEWISH OPPOSITION stems largely from Jackson's
views on the Middle East. Years ago, tne civil rights
leader created a furor among many groups when he
publicly hugged Yasser Arafat, the Palestine Liberation
Organization leader, and called for an independent
Palestinian state.
Now, as Jackson moves from preacher to politician,
that controversy hampers his efforts to woo Jewish voters
to his "rainbow coalition."
"His past record is not one that will endear him to the
Jewish voter," said Rabbi William Berkowitz, head of the
American Jewish Heritage Committee.
"AS FAR as Israel-related issues, Jackson will have a
huge problem," added Morris Amitay, former director of
the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Jackson's 1979 meeting with Arafat is just one source of
the Jewish community's irritation. The civil rights leader
also has criticized Jewish reporters and made statements
some regard as insensitive to the enormity of the
To many of Jackson's critics, that doesn't amount to an-
ti-Semitism but diminishes the appeal of his effort to build
a "rainbow coalition" of the poor, the downtrodden and
other minorities.
JACKSON SAYS he is neither anti-Semitic nor anti-
Israel and has been misunderstood. Though his Mideastx
views may be unorthodox for an American politician, he
said, "My appeal is a moral appeal ... not a tradeoff for
But Jewish voters - many of them concentrated in
New party sparh
competition in I
cities where Jackson is likely to campaign - have
traditionally been important to the Democrats. Amitay
says about 90 percent of registered Jews vote in elections
- higher than any other minority group.
"Normally the kind of support a black would receive
from Jews won't be there," Amitay said of Jackson's
BLACKS AND Jews were allies in the civil rights
movements of the 1960s, but have split on issues which
developed later, such as affirmative action quotas for
hiring and school admissions.
Jews, fearing that quotas would lock them out of schools
and professions where they are now well represented,
have traditionally opposed quotas. Blacks, however,
argue quotas guarantee their equal representation.
That split over domestic issues still appears secondary
to what is the No. 1 concern for many Jewish leaders -
JACKSON SAYS he suffers from "a misperception" of
his Mideast positions.
"I support without equivocation Israel's right to exist,"
Jackson said, but added: "I do support a state of
Palestinian people. The more that they wander aimless
as nomads, the more dangerous and desperate they
"When we met with Arafat, we did not endorse him or.
his tactics. We challenged him to recognize Israel's right
to exist ... We need to be looking at a mutual recognition
An exchange of ideas is necessary with the PLO, he
said, because "you have to break the cycle of terror with
Jackson was heckled by members of the Jewish Defense
League when he announced his candidacy and a few days.
later when he addressed members of the American Anti-
Discrimination Committee.
A California JDL chapter has promised to give Jackson
"a hard time" wherever he goes.
(Continued from Page 1)
petency," said Hartman's vice
presidential candidate Andrew Sriro,
an LSA sophomore.
All LSA TAs whose native language is
not English are requred to pass a writ-
ten and oral test administered throgh
the English Language Institute. Those
who fail the test are referred to classes
through the linguistics department to
improve their English.
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The University cannot wait until the
TAs are in this country to decide
whether to hire them based on their
ability to speak English said LSA
Assistant Dean James Cather. Many
TAs have been promised their jobs as a
form of financial support, he said.
HARTMAN ALSO added one more
concern to his list, although it is not a
high-priority item - Ignite would like
to see the candy machines back in the
University libraries.
While Harman said he has no direct
experience with LSA-SG, he considers
himself to be "abreast of issues and ac-
tivities in student politics," and said he
has been a member of College
Sriro has organized his own main-
tenance business in Detroit.
"I think we're more realistic than
SAID," said Sriro. "If we say we're
promising the world, then only deliver a
state, why not jut promise a state?"
Hartman agrees that this is the key to
their campaign. "I know LSA gover-
nment can't promise the world," said
Hartman. "I'm not promising the
world ... I'm offering straightforward
solutions that will work."
This is the first of two stories
profiling the candidates in the LSA
Student Government elections. The
SAID party will appear tomorrow.
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Present arms'AP Photo
Vice President George Bush holds a Russian AK-47 assault rifle that was
confiscated during the invasion of Grenada. The rifle, along with other
weapons, will be part of a public display this weekend at Andrews Air Force
Base in Maryland.