The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 11, 1983 - Page 5
Reagan asks Japan's help
in shrinking trade deficit
From AP and UPI
TOKYO - President Reagan,
making no apparent headway in his bid
to expand American access to Japanese
markets, appealed to this country's
legislators yesterday for help in
shrinking the huge U.S. trade deficit
that is giving him political headaches
back home. .
In a prepared speech, the first by an
American president before the Diet, the
Japanese parliament, Reagan said,
"We need your help in demonstrating
free trade to address concerns of my
own people."
lawmakers that "Americans believe
your markets are less open than ours.
We need your support to lower further
the barriers that still make it difficult
for many American products to enter
your markets easily."
In urging a lowering of trade
barriers, Reagan denounced legislation
passed by the House last week over his
objections that would attempt to curb
Japanese auto imports by requiring
that they contain a percentage of U.S.-
manufactured parts.
"This would be a cruel hoax, raising
prices without protecting jobs,"
Reagan said. "We would buy less from
you. You would buy less from us. The
world's economic pie would shrink.
Retaliation and recrimination would
cooperation to resolve disputes over
trade and economic policy, Reagan
suggested underlying issues of security
overshadow friction between allies.
"We have periodic disputes," the
president said in prepared remarks,
"but the real quarrel is not between us.
"It is with those who would impose
regimentation over freedom, drudgery
over dynamic initiative, a future of
despair over the certainty of better-
ment and the forced feeding of a
military Goliath over a personal stake
in the products progress of tomorrow."
States "is doing our part" to negotiate
arms reductions with the Soviet Union,
but, "They are blocking the dramatic
reductions the world wants."
Although he conceded a "bleak pic-
ture" for an arms agreement in view of
a Soviet threat to suspend the Geneva
arms talks if NATO deploys new U.S.
nuclear missiles in Europe, Reagan
"I will not be deterred in my search
for a breakthrough. The United States
will never walk away from the
negotiating table. Peace is too impor-
Afterward, Reagan and his wife,
Nancy, arranged to fly by helicopter to
Nakasone's private mountain retreat
for lunch.
The Reagans, who were guests at a
white-tie state banquet stages Wed-
nesday in their honor by Emperor
Hirohito, are to travel to South Korea
Saturday and return to Washington
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FRI., NOV. 11th
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Marking the first time that a president has addressed the Japanese Parliament, Reagan asked the legislators to help
him decrease the large U.S. trade deficit.
IGNITE sparks some
competition in ISA vote
If student voters put his party in of-
fice, LSA Student Government
presidential candidate Andrew Har-
tman of the Ignite party says he will
start "sparking student awarness" and
"burning student apathy."
Hartman's newly-formed party made
it on the ballot only because LSA-SG
election officials agreed to waive the
filing deadline to give them two
presidential candidates. Hartman says
he ran partly to give students an alter-
native to the SAID party and its
presidential candidate, Eric Berman.
BUT HARTMAN wants to do more
than oppose SAID. His proposals focus
on two issues that are on all students'
minds - campus safety and English
proficiency for foreign teaching
"I have ideas that will make this
university a better place, a safer place.
As president, I can make these ideas
!work," said Hartman., an LSA
sophomore, about his proposed assault
prevention programs.
Ignite's plan is called START -
student Anti-Rape Team - and would
employ co-ed patrols around campus
wearing bright, flashy clothing and
using flashlights to scan the University.
"START is mainly for stopping
sexual assaults, but it includes any kind
of battery," explained Hartman.
"What most people don't realize is that
the majority of sexual assaults happen
in concentrated areas. START would
help prevent these from happening."
IGNITE'S SECOND major concern is
to ensure that LSA teaching assistants
can communicate well with their
students in English, an issue that has
worried LSA-SG leaders for several
"It's ridiculous (for any LSA student)
to expect every TA to teach well," Har-
tman said, "But to speak good English,
to communicate - I feel any student
should expect at least that."
Hartman's planned solution includes
an LSA-Sg committee that would "rap"
When you're in a tight spot,
good friends will help you. out.
... wants a safer campus
with each new TA before he or she is
hired by the University.
"ALL WE WANT to do is be able to
determine (TAs) English fluency com-
See NEW, Page 6
at 8:00pm &
on + ,0.fnr~n
When you pulled in two hours ago, you didn't
have this problem. And with a party just starting
the last thing you wanted to do was
wait around another two hours.
Neither did the rest of the guys.
So when they offered to give you
a lift, that's exactly what they did,
proving not only that they were
in good shape, but that they
were good friends.