Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 11, 1983
Selection P S
receives life sentence
DENTON, Tesas (AP) - Henry Lee
Lucas, a drifter who claims he has
killed 165 people, was sentenced
yesterday to life in prison for mur-
dering his teen-age common-law wife
with a butcher knife.
The jury deliberated more than three
hours before deciding the sentence.
Lucas, 47, was convicted Wednesday
after telling jurors, with tears
streaming down his face, that he stab-
bed Frieda "Becky" Powell, 15, during
a quarrel and sat next to her corpse and
"talked to her about trying to figure out
what to do with her body."
LUCAS ALSO has been charged in
eight other Texas murders, four of
them capital offenses carrying a
possible death penalty.
In 1960, Lucas was convicted of
killing his mother in Michigan. In 1971,
after his parole, he was returned to
prison for attempting to kidnap two
young girls in Michigan.
In 1975, he was paroled again and
began what authorities say was a
'You know he's killed two people. How many
more does he have to kill before a jury sent-
ences him to life?
- Jerry Cobb
District Attorney
nationwide murder spree. Most of the
crimes described by Lucas were
sexually oriented, investigators say,
and many of the victims were
ENTON COUNTY District Attorney
Jerry Cobb had asked the jurors to
return the life sentence.
"He sits here today having murdered
his mother in 1960 and having murdered
Becky Powell and he's asking you for
leniency," Cobb said.
He told the jurors their mission was
'removing this animal from society.'
"You know he's killed two people.
How many more people does he have to
kill before a jury sentences him to
Lucas said after the sentence was an-
nounced that he "expected life all
along" and was not surprised. He said
he expects to get the death penalty in
his next trail. "That's what I've asked
for. I'm going to get it," he said.
Cobb said he believes Lucas will be
tried next in Georgetown, Texas, where
he is charged in the strangling of a
young, unidentified woman whose body
was found near Interstate 35 in 1979.
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United Press International reports
Amway fined for Canadian fraud
TORONTO - Amway Corp. and Amway Canada Ltd., were fined a total of
$25 million yesterday for defrauding the Canadian government of more than
$28 million in unpaid duties on imported goods over a 15-year period.
The $20 million fine levied against the American parent corporation and the
$5 million fine against the Canadian subsidary were believed the highest
ever imposed in Canada.
Ontario Supreme Court Chief Justice Gregory Evans said the severe
penalties were warranted because the scheme used by the two companies
between 1965 and 1980 constituted a "deliberate fraud to provide enormous
profits and business advantages over a considerable period of years."
The two firms pleaded guilty to the charges yesterday in a plea bargaining
deal that dropped charges against four senior company officials.
No suspects in Capitol bombing
WASHINGTON - FBI Director William Webster said yesterday the bomb
detonated in the Capitol early this week had a dual firing mechanism similar
to that used in 10 or 11 other bombings in the nation over the last two years.
. But he said the bureau has no suspects, and no firm evidence to link the
Meeting with reporters at FBI headquarters, Webster said the blast that
severely damaged a corridor and lounge outside the Senate chamber on
Monday night was produced by three or four pounds of dynamite rigged to a
dual firing mechanism using two watches.
He said that 10 or 11 other bombings along the East and West coasts since
1981 had similar mechanisms. Webster would not specify those bombings
"because that would seem to connect them and I don't want to do that."
"I want to avoid speculating. there's already been a lot of speculation,"
he said.
The Armed Resistance Unit, which claimed responsibility for the Capitol
explosion, was the same name used by those who placed bomb outside
the Army War College at Ft. McNair here last spring, he said. there were no
injuries in either of those explosions.
"I wish we had more information about the makeup of that organization,
Webster said. "But we have no specific subjects of this investigation" into
the Capitol bombing and "we don't know who did" the Ft. McNair bombing.
House passes spending bill
On its second try of the week, the House passed a measure 224-189 to keep
nearly $1 billion of additional education and social spending that
Republicans said would draw a veto from President Reagan.
Congress waded through raucous partisan squabbles and filibusters
yesterday as a midnight deadline loomed over the emergency legislation
that will keep money flowing to most of the federal government.
Meanwhile, Senate consideration of the measure, was bogged down by an
abortion filibuster and concerns over foreign aid money included in the
On Tuesday, Democratic freshmen - trying to draw attention to budget
deficits and force action on a tax bill - rebelled against their leaders and
helped defeat the spending measure, 206-203.
San Francisco voters approve
smoke free zone ordinance
SAN FRANCISCO - After a campaign that cost the tobacco industry and
its allies more than $15 a vote, San Francisans have narrowly approved an
ordinance giving non-smokers more clout than in any other big city to
demand smoke free zones in private workplaces.
The vote marks San Franciscans as "a health-conscious electorate, not
easily hornswoggled by a high-priced ad campaign," said City Supervisor
Wendy Nelder, who drafted the law.
A tiny margin of victory emerged late Wednesday, more than 24 hours af-
ter the polls closed, when more than 12,000 absentee ballots finally were
tallied. Proposition "P" passed 80,740 to 79,481. About 30 ballots remained to
be counted, but the small number won't change the outcome.
Once the Board of Supervisors confirms the results, employers have three
months to draft a smoking policy accommodating the preferences of both
smokers and non-smokers. If non-smokers are dissatisfied with the
arrangement and want smoking banned, employers must honor their wishes
or face fines of up to $500 a day.
Rebels threaten election violence
AYACHUCHO, Peru - Citizens of this military-governed guerrilla zone face
a special choice in Sunday's municipal elections - arrest if they don't vote,
and possible death at rebel hands if they do.
The military commander of this embattled Andean state capital has or-
dered the arrest of anyone who appears on the street Sunday without a voter
registration card and the military is censoring campaign speeches. The
Marxist guerrillas of the Shining Path, strongest in the area around
Ayachucho, have made repeated threats against people who vote.
The Shining Path guerrillas have been waging a guerrilla war against the
government and have attacked and killed residents of Ayachucho who they
say cooperate with the government. Ayachucho is the state capital, 350 miles
southeast of Lima, in the guerrilla heartland.
In Lima, 350 miles to the northwest, congressional leaders yesterday con-
demned the killing of Mayor Victor Arias Vicuna of Cerro el Pasco, 110 miles
northeast of Lima, who was slain by guerrillas Tuesday.
Congressional leaders condemned the killing and called it blackmail
aimed at keeping voters away from the polls. the guerrillas have threatened
to attack those who do vote.
Congressman VictorvAlfare de la Pena called for special protection for
political leaders and candidates, and the Senate judiciary committee ap-
proved a bill to restore the death penalty irl Peru for terrorism.
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Look M a! Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
LSA Junior Melissa Schade seesaws the hours away yesterday in a Teeter-
Totter-A-Thon sponsored by Delta Delta Delta sorority and Chi Psi frater-
nity. Members of the two organizations have been in the diag continuously
teeter-tottering since Wednesday morning, and will complete their 48-hour
marathon today at 10 a.m.
U.S. jet fighters
attacked bly Syrians
Reg. Price
$ 95
Sale Price
$ 71
$ 94
(Continued from Page 1>
naissance sorties.
Assistant White House press
secretary Anson Franklin, with
President Reagan in Tokyo, said the
jets were on a "routine" mission when
they came under fire from an uniden-
tified ground site in central Lebanon.
He did not specify the type of fire, but
Beirut radios said surface-to-air
missiles were used.
In addition to the Tomcats, five U.S.
helicopters - four in tight formation
and a fifth flying "shotgun" at a slight
distance - were seen flying sorties
along the coast of Beirut's Moslem and
Christian sectors, then returning to
small-arms fire in the afternoon along
the eastern perimeter of their base at
Beirut airport. The Marines returend
fire and the shooting ended in about 21/2
minutes with no casualties, said
Marine spokesman Capt. Wayne Jones.
Italy yesterday ordered two helicop-
ter-equipped warships to stand by in
Lebanese waters for a possible evac-
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tuation of Arafat from Tripoli, where a
cease-fire collapsed less than 24 hours
after it was arranged by oil-rich Arab
Rockets and artillery fire poured on
residential neighborhoods of the port 50
miles north of Beirut. Rashid Karami,
a former prine minister and a
prominent Sunni Moslem politician
from Tripoli, said Arafat "should be out
of Tripoli at this crucial time so that he
can work with his brothers on confron-
ting the dangers threatening the
ARAFAT HAD repeatedly said he
would leave Tripoli if asked to do so,
and reiterated Thursday: 'I will leave
if the people of Tripoli ask me to leave.
Iam a guest here."
Asked where he would go to if he did
leave, the PLO chairman said he would
return to Tunis, where he set up
headquarters after the evacuation of
guerrillas from Israeli-ringed Beirut in
A group of political leaders from Tir-
poli met with rebel guerrilla leaders
Ahmet Jibril and Saeed Mousa in the
north Lebanese mountains of Akkar
Thursday in an effort to halt the
Sources close to the group said Mousa
demanded that Arafat's loyalists be
moved away from the city in return for
a pledge to halt attacks on Tripoli.
Arafat's departure from Tripoli has
been a condition for an end to the
hostilities by the rebels and their Syrian
The Israelis have agreed to end their
17-month-old invasion of Lebanon, but
only if the Syrians get out.
Friday, November 11, 1983
Vol. XCIV-No. 57
(ISSN 0745-967X)
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