Smoke fills corridors
in East Engineering
The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 11, 1983 - Page 3
A .burned-out motor in the basement
of the East Engineering Building sent
smoke throughout the hall yesterday,
forcing most of the students and faculty
inside to evacuate for about half an
The motor was in the building's ven-
tilation room, causing smoke to spread
uickly through the vents, according to
at. Gary Basso of the Ann Arbor Fire
Department. The only damage oc-
curred in the machine, but a smokey
odor may persist for a few days.
NO ALARM sounded in the building,
according to occupants at the time. The
building is equipped with smoke alar-
ms, but not enough smoke apparently
was generated to set them off, said
Walter Stevens, the University's safety
The people who left the building did
so of their own accord. "We saw smoke
in the hall and the teacher said we
should leave," said Janet Braisted, an
engineering college junior.
"When class started, I was smelling
it. I didn't hear an alarm," said Tany
Habib, an LSA freshwoman.
The University Activities Center and Musket present "West Side Story,"
tonight at 8 p.m. at Power Center.
Mediatrics - The Dark Crystal, 6:30,8:15, & 10 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema II - Tootsie, 7 & 9:15 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
AAFC - The Road Warrior, 7,8:40 & 10:20 p.m., Lorch.
CFT - A Boy and His Dog, 7:30 & 9:15 p.m., Michigan Theater.
Labor Studies Center - Films on Peace, In the Nuclear Shadow, Who's in
Charge Here, Guide to Armageddon, War Without Winner II, Moolie Rush:
Turning Swords into Plowshares, 7 p.m., Hale Auditorium.
Ark - Reel World String Band, 8p.m., 1421 Hill.
School of Music - Violin recital, Bonita Becker, 8 p.m., Recital Hall;
clarinet recital, Elizabeth Crawford, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall; Ch'in
recital, Wen-Guang Wu, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater; organ recital,
Mary Jane Montague, 8 p.m., Bethlehem Church of Christ.
Performance Network- "The Forest" by Alexander Ostrovsky, 8 p.m.,
408 W. Washington.
Second Chance - Weapons (formerly Mugsy).
Anthropology - Colloquium, Wendy Orent, "The Evolutions of Class
Relations in Israel," 4 p.m., 2053 LSA.
South & Southeast Asian Studies - Bag lunch lecture, Parsudi Suparlan,
"Trickery as a Cultural Theme: Its Expression in Daily Life & In Folktales
Among the Sakai of Riau, Sumatra," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
AstroFest 129 - Jim Loudon, "Orbits: Everything You Always Wanted to
Know About Gravity but Didn't know Whom to Ask," 7:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Geology - Lynton Land, "Evolution of Saline Brines in the Texas Gulf
toast," 4p.m., 4001 CC Little.
Aerospace Engineering - Undergraduate seminar, David Sikarskie,
"Two Examples of Solid-Fluid Interaction," 3:30 p.m., 107 Aerospace Engin.
Labor Studies Center Conference, "Job Security and National Security:
Labor and the Arms Race," Ray Majerus, keynote address, 9:30 p.m.; Dr.
7i'thur Vander, "The Medical Consequences of Nuclear War," 11 p.m.;
Peter Unterweger, "The Economic Impact of Defense Spending," 1 p.m.;
Sen. Carl Levin, "Arms Control: National Policy Perspectives," 3:45 p.m.,
Hale Auditorium.
Engin. Humanities - Debate, "Should Congress Pass the Fair Practices
id Automotive Products Act?" 3 p.m., 1201 East Engin.
Philosophy - Herbert Simon, "Scientific Literacy as a Goal in a High-
Vechnology Society," 4 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Center for Western European Studies; German Dept.; Political Science-
Center for Western European Studies; German Dept.; Political Science -
lbr. Roderich Klett, "how Germans and Americans See Each Other: Reality
4nd Perception," 4 p.m., Rackham W. Conf. Rm.
Korean Christian Fellowship - 9 p.m., Campus Chapel.
Ann Arbor Chinese Bible Class -7:30 p.m., University Reformed Church.
Duplicate Bridge Club - Open game, 7:15 p.m., League.
Tae Kwon Do Club - Practice, 5 p.m., CCRB Marial Arts Rm._
Chinese Students Christian Fellowship - 7:30 p.m., Memorial Christian
Church, 730 Tappan.
Muslim Student Association - Arabic circle discussion on various Islamic
topics, 7 p.m., Int'l Muslim House, 407 N. Ingalls.
Baha'i Club - Celebration of the birth of Baha'uillah featuring inter-
national music, dance, and food, 6:30 p.m., Trotter House.
New Jewish Agenda - Shabbat Potluck. For info call 971-1203.
SYDA Foundation - Hatha yoga course, 5 p.m., for info call 994-5625.
Museum of Art - Art break, Barb Krause, "Woodcuts," 12:10 p.m.
U-M Folk Dance Club - Turkish Dances,8-9:30 p.m., followed by request
dancing until midnight, 3rd floor dance studio, corner of State and William.
Red Cross, Alpha Phi Omega - Blood Drive, 1-7 p.m., Markley.
EMU - Photograph and pottery display, Sean McClellan and Gloria
Lazar, McKenny Union.
Slusser gallery - Paintings by Albert Weber, Slusser Gallery.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Stick 'em up AP Photo
At 104, Albert Diddams needs a little help blowing out the candles on his birthday cake. Diddams, a resident of Orlando, Florida, attributes his long life to eating
only wholesome foods and abstaining from alcohol, coffee and tobacco.
A.C.'s jersey sent to
Marines in Lebanon
Students may find the athletic depart-
ment to be rather bureaucratic and im-
personal when it comes to getting good
basketball tickets, but Phillip Straw, a
federal employee in Washington, D.C.,
found a much different story in his
recent enounter with the folks who work
at State and Hoover.
In preparing a "care" package for
U.S. Marines stationed in Lebanon,
Straw requested and received several
bits of Michigan athletic paraphernalia
- including a football jersey with An-
thony Carter's old #1 on the back.
STRAWA AND about 15 fellow em-
ployees sent requests to colleges and
businesses across the country in their
effort to send 'a touch of home" to the
Response from schools everywhere
was good, he said, but "Michigan
frankly contributed the most
significant of all the items we sent."
Michigan equipment manager John
Faulk said that Carter probably did
wear the Jersey, since no new jerseys
stars down
to earth
(Continued from Page 1)
part of the program because it gives
him a chance to get audience feedback
which he considers "a priceless gift."
He believes there is no such thing as a
dumb question and is careful "not to
shoot (the audience) down."
ONE REASON behind the program's
success is that it attracts both
astronomy enthusiasts as well as
people who know little about the sub-
"I can bring a person to the frontier
of the subject with little or no previous
background," Loudon said.
But the program does have a devoted
"It's a great program . . . Half the
people are long-time fans," said Doug
Nelle, president of the University
Lowbrow Astronomers." During the
Jupiter and Saturn fly-by missions, he
said, "you couldn't get a seat."
Those who work closely with Loudon
attest to his devotion to the program.
Barry Christian, the program's current
projectionist, said that Loudon comes
in about two hours before the program
is scheduled to begin to set things up
and work out any last-minute problems.
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ic. . ,,
with the number were ordered this
THE SPORTS Information Office,
which coordinated Michigan's
donations, also sent a football, media
guides, stickers, and pocket schedule
Straw began the project before the
bombing last month that killed 235
Marines. Interst was good before the
bombing, he said, but it skyrocketed af-
ter the incident. McDonalds, for instan-
ce, had been non-committal toward the
project before the attack, but respon-
ded later with gift certificates for the
Marines to use when they return.
Straw, a Vietnam veteran, said he
tarted the project because he "knows
ow it feels to get mail from home." He
said his group decided to send items
from college athletic departments
because they were looking for things
that would appeal to a 19-year-old
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