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November 11, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-11

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Fighting a

budget warSe

J Ninety-four Years - ~(i lP11It's coming
43o l .j~lff * l i Mostly cloudy with a chance of
''Edioria Freedom~u __~ 9 light snow and a high near 40.
Vo.XCI V-No. 57 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 11, 1983 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages

.s. jes
by Syrian
I. I:bano
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.S. jets
came under attack for the first time in
Lebanon yesterday when Syrian gun-
ners fired missiles at the carrier-based
planes. At a Beirut airport, small-arms
fire hit Marine positions.
Pressure mounted on Yasser Arafat
leave the northern city of Tripoli and
d the fighting between Palestinian
ctions that has killed at least 1,000
people. The PLO chief said he might
return to Tunis.
SYRIA said its missile batteries in
central Lebanon drove off four U.S. F-
14 Tomcats. No hits were reported.
Lebanese radio stations said the Syrian
firing began in the early morning when
the jets scrambled from the carrier
Dwight D. Eisenhower on recon-
See U.S., Page 2

rise lowest
snce 1964
WASHINGTON (AP) - Falling percent, reflecting the harsh weather of
energy prices helped offset a big jump last spring and summer, analysts said.
in food costs as inflation at the Energy costs fell 0.1 percent, the first
wholesale level measured only 0.3 per- decline in six months. Natural gas
cent on October, the government repor- prices were down 2.8 percent. Over the
ted yesterday. Economists say that en- past year, those costs have slipped 0.7
sures a showing of well under 2 percent percent, their first 12-month decline
for the entire year - the best in nearly since 1965. Analysts attributed the
two decades. decline largely to a surplus of reserves
Through October, wholesale prices caused by the mild fall weather and by
rose at an annual rate of just 0.6 per- an increasing switchover of industrial
cent, compared to 3.7 percent for all of users from natural gas to other fuels.
1982. With only two months to go, Canada also has cut its prices to some
private analysts are betting this year's U.S. customers, they said.
overall increase will come in between 1
percent and 1.5 percent. THE OCTOBER advance in the
THAT WOULD be the lowest figure Produced Price Index for finished
since the 0.5 percent of 1964. goods was in line with the seasonally
Deputy White House press secretary adjusted 0.4 percent gain of August and
Larry Speakes, in Tokyo with President the 0.2 percent of September.
Reagan, called the October figure "a Price changes that show up in the
significantly low rate of inflation" and producer price measure are a good
added that "in recent weeks we have barometer of how food, energy and
seen a remarkable string of indicators other commodity prices will move at
of a flourishing economy.'The October the retail level. The Consumer Price
producer prices showed the foundation Index, though, checks for a broader
for the recovery is strong." range of items, including housing and
Donald Ratajczak, economic medical care, than does the wholesale
forecaster at Georgia State University inflation index.
in Atlanta, predicted that wholesale in- Gasoline prices fell 0.2 percent, a bit
flation would still remain modest at ahead of the 0.1 percent decrease of a
around 4 percent next year. "It month earlier.
looks like we've knocked double-digit
inflation out of the system." Other Fuel oil prices soared 4.2 percent af-
economists, however, say the wholesale ter rising 2.5 percent in the previous
figure could hit 6 percent in 1984. month.
OVERSHADOWING the new report The report also said new car prices
was a strong 1.1 percent increase in surged 0.8 percent past month and light
food prices, the sharpest advance since truck prices skyrocketed 10.8 percent.
a similar gain in April. "The October advances reflected price
Fresh fruit prices soared 18.5 percent hikes for 1984 model-year vehicles by
in October and vegetable prices rose 5.3 domestic producers," it said.

AP Photo
PLO Chief Yasser Arafat told reporters yesterday that he will leave Tripoli if, asked to do so by the Lebanese inhabitan-
ts. Arafat's departure from the city could signal an end to the fighting.

LSA-SG election:

A near miss

LSA students will have two choices
for LSA Student Government president
next Monday and Tuesday, but only
because election officials extended the
filing deadline when they found them-
selves with only one candidate.
LSA junior Eric Berman almost won
the election by default until Andrew
Hartman, a LSA sophomore, made his
ampaign official within the three-day
extended deadline last week.

RUNNING WITH Berman and the
Students for Academic & Institutional
Development (SAID) party are vice
presidential candidate Jean Wyman,
and 11 other candidates for the 15 at-
large council seats.
Vice presidential candidate Andre
Sriro is running with Hartman and
seven candidates for LSA-SG under the
Ignite party.
The twelve independent candidates
for the at-large seats means students
will have 30 LSA-SG hopefuls to pick
from, which is slightly more promising
than last year's 22 candidates. But the
numbers are still much below figures
from two years ago, when 58 candidates
ran for the at-large, presidential, and
vice presidential positions.

"IN A BROAD sense, the problem is
communication between students and
student government," said Rajeev
Samantrai, current LSA-SG president,
who said that LSA students didn't seem
to know about the elections despite ads
in the Daily and posters around cam-
Samantrai said that presidential
candidates have traditionally been in-
cumbent LSA-SG members, and that
the parties usually reflected an
ideological split in the outgoing council.
But this year, no such split occured, he
said, making it necessary to look har-
der for presidential candidates.
LSA election officials are hoping
students show up at the polls. Average
voter turnout ranges from 1,200 to 1,500
students, but this year we're hoping for

twice that turnout," said elections
directer David Surovell.
LSA students can vote next week at
the Undergraduate Library, from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday, and 3:30
p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday. Polling
places will be open both days at the
Fishbowl and MLB, 8:45 a.m. to 3:15
p.m.; and at the Michigan Union from
10 a.m. to2 p.m.
Voting areas will also be set up near
dorm cafeterias from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30
p.m. Students can vote in all of the Hill
area dorms except Stockwell on Mon-
day, and at West Quad, South Quad,
East Quad, and Bursley on Tuesday.
For a profile of IGNITE
presidential candidate Andrew Har-
tman, see page 5.

'U' astronomer brings
the stars down to earth

To the average University student,
astronomy means no more than a cour-
se which can be taken to fulfill the oft-
dreaded natural science requirement.
But for Jim Loudon, staff astronomer
at the University's Exhibit Museum, it
goes beyond such earthly con-
LOUDON HOSTS AstroFest, a series
f free films and lectures that regularly
attracts 500 people and is one of the
most popular events on campus.
The monthly programs explore sub-
jects ranging from female astronaut
Sally Ride to Soviet space missions. At
7:30 p.m. tonight in MLB 3, Loudon will
present "Orbits: Everything You
Always Wanted to Know About
The program started in 1970 while
koudon was teaching a basic
astronomy course in the Residential
College. The course required
laboratory time, but Loudon said he
didn't know how to deal with this.
"I COULDN'T give them a star and
have them dissect it," he said. Instead,

'I can bring a person to the frontier of
(astronomy) with little or no previous
- Jim Loudon
University astronomer

Loudon decided to show films to fulfill
the laboratory requirement.
Loudon figured that as long as he was
showing these films to his students, he
might as well invite the public also. He
put up flyers around East Quad and the
program was billed as the "Residential
College Astronomical Film Festival.
"The first night we had about 50 people in-
cluding my students who were required
to be there," Loudon recalled.
AS THE program's popularity grew,
its name was changed to the "Univer-
sity of Michigan Astronomical Film
According to Loudon, the name

AstroFest came from one of his studen-
ts. He liked it and decided to keep the
condensed version as the new title.
Today, the program is co-sponsored
by the Exhibit Museum and the
aerospace engineering department and
is usually held once a month.
ROBERT BUTSCH, director of the
Exhibit Museum, said the program's
popularity keeps it going. "The
program could be cancelled just like
that," he said, snapping his fingers. But
he added, "the support is there.. . A lot
of people like his approach."
Loudon said he enjoys the lecture

University astronomer Jim Loudon rests against a telescope in the observatory on the fourth floor of Angell Hall.
Loudon hosts the monthly AstroFest program, a series of films and lectures on astronomy.

Floating along
HERE'LL BE lots of balloons floating above the Diag

at Millers. Many students have already bought their raffle
tickets, said Sigma Delta Tau member Leslie Leyine, but
the sorority will be selling more tickets on the Diag
tomorrow. Li
Top secret
STATE DEPARTMENT officials have an embarrassing
I problem - they're trying to determine how much
crrtifat-inn wc emmrnmics d when a file einet

James Adams, a reporter for the station, said the documen-
ts he saw included information from the Central Intelligen-
ce Agency and embassies of other countries in Washington.
Two of the documents, he said, "appeared to be especially
sensitive and so important they should not have been
divulged." Adams said they dealt with Soviet missile
deployment and "a coup in a third world country." A search
ch was conducted at the prison Wednesday that turned up
more documents in addition to ones still in the safe, which
was found Oct. 25. The documents in the safe dated from
January, February, and March of 1983, and included sum-
maries of the morning briefing given to Schultz - some of

" 1932 - Dean of Women Alice Lloyd spoke to the
Women's Self-Government Association on "encouraging in-
tellectual honesty."
" 1968 - A committee in the Residential College proposed
the individual concentration program, allowing them to
choose courses and independent study projects correspon-
ding to LSA requirements.
" 1974 - A University official proposed giving faculty
members a 13 percent pay hike in the following year. O


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