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November 09, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-09

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 9, 1983
Senate okays nerve gas funds
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate approved 47-46
yesterday the production of new nerve gas weapons, measure is $9 billion below the president's most Helms voted with nerve gas opponents,
as Vice President George Bush cast the deciding vote recent spending request. chased by a number of Republicans as he
But "There is no fiscal reason, no negotiating floor. Helms returned and changed his vote.
for the second time in four months on the issue. -D' __---_ , __._c,.t .o ~.,llnnAf nT1Amati

he was
left the
a af Naw

The House earlier rejected the $124 million
program, assailed by opponents as gruesome, im-
moral, and a threatbto more civilians thansoldiers.
But the Senate's decision followed arguments by
President Reagan and others that the "binary" bom-
bs and artilleryshells should be produced to prod the
Soviet Union into a negotiated reduction of chemical
THE SENATE went on to vote 86-6 for a record $253
billion military spending bill, which includes every
major weapons program requested by President
Reagan, including nerve gas, the MX nuclear missile
and long-range B-1 bombers.
As approved by the Senate, the appropriations

reason and no military reason, there is no reason of
any kind to produce this weapon," said Sen. Mark
IN A RARE and dramatic repeat of his con-
stitutional role as president of the Senate, Bush made
the difference, just as he did July 13 in a 50-49 vote on
a defense authorization bill.
The Republican-controlled Senate Appropriations
Committee had sided with the House and recommen-
ded blocking nerve gas funding and continuing the 14-
year freeze by the United States on the production of
chemical weapons.
Each vote was watched carefully by ad-
ministration supporters and when conservative Jesse

SIMILARLY, Republican Anfonse maco of iew
York, had voted against nerve gas production on a
procedural tally minutes earlier, but then switched
on the proposal to restore funding.
But John Tower, chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, successfully moved to restore
money for the nerve gas weapons to a $252.5 billion
defense bill.
The defense appropriations bill includes $766.9
million in other funds for defensive measures against
chemical warfare, storage of older types of nerve gas
and for continued research into binary weapons.
See BUSH Page 7

in off-year

From AP and UPI
A Senate race in Washington where
President Reagan's record was an
issue, the probability of Kentucky elec-
ting its first woman governor and a dir-
ty battle for governor of Mississippi
highlighted yesterday's off-year
There was a special election in
Georgia to elect a successor to Rep.
Larry McDonald, who died when Korean
Airlines Flight 007 was shot down.
MCDONALD'S widow, Kathryn, said
she wanted to continue her slain
husband's ultra-conservative causes
"uninterrupted." Her opponent was

Geurge "Buddy" Darden, a self-
described "aggressive conservative"
state lawmaker.
Severl big cities held mayoral
elections, including Philadelphia where
Democrat Wilson Goode said he was
confident of becoming the first black
mayor of the nation's fourth largest
Besides the election in Philadelphia,
incumbents on the ballot included
Dianne Feinstein in San Francisco;
Maurice Ferre in Miami; Kathy Whit-
mire in Houston; William Donald
Schaefer in Baltimore and Richard
hatcher in Gary, Ind.

IN MISSISSIPPI, Democratic Attor-
ney General Bill Allain hoped voters
would elect him governor, despite
allegations he had homosexual
relations with black male prostitutes.
Allain denied the allegation, saying,
"I am no sexual deviate and Leon
Bramlett knows it," and prepared
campaign commercials in which his ex-
wife also disputed the allegation. Allain
also said he took a lie detector test that
demonstrated he was innocent of the
Allain, 35, was opposed by
Republican Leon Bramlett, 60, a
See PARTIES, Page 7

Blockade stops work in lab

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(Continued from Page 1)
At about 6:30 last night, Vice
President for Student Services Henry
Johnson came down to tour the lab and
ask what the group hoped to accomplish
and when theyplanned to leave. John-
son is the first University executive to
contact the demonstrators.
When Johnson asked the group if it
would be satisfied if the regents exten-
ded guidelines restricting classified
research to include non-classified
research, LSA senior Julia gittleman
said, "What's more important to us
than just passing the guidelines is that
the projects go away."
THE GUIDELINES were the subject
of a bitter debate last year and although
they were supported by PSN, the
faculty Senate Assembly and the
University administration, the Regents
turned them down 7-1 in June.
With its sit-in, PSN revived an issue
that many considered dead over the
summer. "I think our point has been
made here and will continue to be made
in future actions," said LSA junior
Erica Freedman.
Although they were successful in
shutting down Senior's lab, some mem-
bers feel it will take more than just one
sit-in to force action by the University.
"THEY'RE NOT going to meet our








demands, they're not going to say 'We
better give them guidelines.' So we'll
keep doing things like this," said Joey
Lieber, an LSA sophomore.
The day began early for the
protesters who got up at 6:20 a.m. to
prepare strategy for the change of
University safety officers at 8a.m.
"If security get in, they get in, but I
think we want. to make sure that
engineers don't get in and use the
equipment," Freedman said.
TWO University safety officers sat
with the protesters all Monday night.
To get into the lab yesterday morning
their' replacements had to break
through the students who were tightly
sandwiched at the front entrance.
In the most serious confrontation of
the sit-in, University Fire Marshall Russ
Downing crawled over the top of the
blockade at about 8:10 a.m., telling the
security officer behind him to follow
"right over the top."
Downing then briefly argued with the
students, asking if they "sympathized
with the communistic way of life." he
added: "I'm a retired Marine, that's
why I don't care for this stuff."
But by late afternoon, the protesters.
allowed safety officers clear access into
and out of the lab.
issue dead,
say faculty
(Continued from Page l)
the Pentagon funds projects for reasons
other than their possible military ap-
plications. "(The defense depar-
tment's) charter says it has to be at the
head of technology," he said. "They
can fund projects just to gain the
knowledge and understanding."
A few faculty members have,
however, come out in strong support of
the protesters. John Reiff, a lecturer
in LSA, said last night that the sit-in "is
having a definite impact in a couple of
ways - the first is that they are stop-
ping a piece of defense research on
campus, the second is that they are
calling the attention of the faculty and
the students to the issue."
Reiff and three LSA professors sent a
letter of support for the protesters to
the Daily Monday night after the
demonstration began. In the letter, the
faculty members stated: "The
blockade requires that the faculty call
for renewal of the Senate Assembly
initiative. It also requires the faculty to
ask a more satisfying response to the
issue of military research from
President Shapiro and other respon-
sible officials."

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Reagan visits Japan, Korea
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - President Reagan embarked yesterday on a
whirlwind visit to Japan and South Korea that he said would "underline the
significance we place on our ties with Northeast Asia and the countries of the
The trip will focus attention on differences with Tokyo over trade, U.S.
hopes for higher defense spending in Japan, and the Soviet military threat to
Asia. Another goal is to underscore the United States' close ties with the two
nations and a commitment to stand by them if they are threatened.
Reagan spoke to several thousand airmen and their families who crowded
into a hanger at snow-shrouded. Elmendorf Air Force Base, where the
president made a brief refueling stop en route to Tokyo.
The next century, Reagan said, could see "vastly expanding economic,
political, and cultural bonds with these countries" of northeastern Asia and
the Pacific.
"I will reaffirm America's commitment to remain a reliable partner for
peace and stability in the region and the world," Reagan said.
"And in both Tokyo and Seoul, we will look for ways to make the region
even more stable and secure."
Last Cuban prisoners sent home
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - The last 101 Cuban prisoners held on Grenada
headed back to Havana yesterday despite a delay in returning the bodies of
42 Cubans killed during the American-led invasion of the island, U.S. of-
ficials said.
A U.S. spokesman said negotiations between Cuba and the United States
over return of the bodies were stalemated.
The bodies were being held at a morgue in Grenada "because the Cubans
won't take them back," said John Walsh of the U.S. Information Agency.
Meanwhile in Calivigny U.S. soldiers found a burned and badly decom-
posed body in a shallow pit and it was reported to be the body of slain Prime
Minister Maurice Bishop, an Army officer said.
The officer said the report that it was Bishop's body came from a
Grenadian who said he recognized the body.
Bishop was reported killed in a coup several days before U.S. troops in-
vaded the Carribean island on Oct. 25.
Arafat tries to avert bloodbath ,
TRIPOLI, Lebanon - PLO chairman Yasser Arafat said yesterday that
"to avert a bloodbath" he will stop fighting Syrian-supported mutineers if
the rebels halt their push into Tripoli, his last Middle East stronghold.
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir visited Israeli troops in southern Lebanon
yesterday and vowed the soldiers would stay until the Jewish state was safe
from terrorist attack.
Shamir did not wear a helmet or a flak jacket on the six-hour tour by
helicopter of the Israeli-occupied area, and he berated an Israeli soldier who
said he felt like a German soldier or a Soviet in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, Moslems shut down southern Lebanon's three major cities in a
general strike against Israel's sealing of the Avali River bridges, the main
route to the north. Scattered violence also erupted in the West Bank.
Marines withdrew yesterday from an outpost on the edge of a Shiite
Moslem neighborhood that has been used repeatedly as a base of attack on
the U.S. peace-keeping contingent, officials said.
Hustler publisher angers judge
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court, in hearings punctuated by the ob-
scene outburst and arrest of Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt, con-
sidered changes in libel laws yesterday that would make national
publications. - and the people who work for them - more tempting targets
for lawsuits.
The justices had just finished hearing arguments in the first of three libel
disputes when Flynt screamed at them from the audience section of the
majestic courtroom.
"- - - - this court! You denied me the counsel of my choice!" Flynt
shouted as police surrounded him and rolled his gold-plated wheelchair
He was still hurling invectives at the bench when a red-faced Chief Justice
Warren Burger rose from his chair and told an assistant rharshal, "Inform
the marshal to take that man into custody."
Flynt was arrested and charged with impeding the administration of
justice, a federal offense carrying the maximum penalty of one year in
prison and a $5,000 fine. He was released by a U.S. magistrate on his own
Hillside Strangler convicted
bringing total slayings to five
LOS ANGELES - Angelo Buono was convicted yesterday of killing a
prostitute and two schoolgirls in the Hillside Strangler case, bringing to five
the number of slayings in which he has been found guilty.
Buono also has been acquitted of one slaying.
As with the second conviction, the jury in the latest three cases also retur-
ned findings of special circumstances of multiple murder, allowing
prosecutors to seek the gas chamber for Buono.
Superior Court Judge Ronald George ordered jurors to continue
deliberating on the remaining four counts against Buono, 50, a Glendale auto
Buono was found guilty yesterday morning of killing Dolores Cepeda, 12,

and Sonja Johnson, 14, whose bodies were found five years ago near Dodger
Stadium. In the afternoon, he was convicted of killing Kimberly Diane Mar-
tin, 18, a prostitute who worked for a Hollywood out-call service.
The trial, which began Nov. 16,.1981, is considered the longest criminal
trial in California history and perhaps the nation. Buono was charged with 10
counts of murder in the grisly sex slayings that terrorized Los Angeles.







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01be 1JMirbian BratIu
Wednesday, November 9, 1983
Vol. XCIV-No. 55
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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November 7--Bursley Hall
November 8--Couzens Hall
November 9--East Quad

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1-7 p.m.

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