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February 03, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-03

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Page 2-Wednesday, February 3, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Tax exemption status protested


WASHINGTON (AP)- More than half the lawyers
n the Justice Department's civil rights division have
igned a letter protesting the Reagan ad-
inistration's decision to grant tax exemptions to
acially discriminatory private schools. '
The reversal of the 11-year-old policy of denying
uch exemptions was also opposed by the depar-
ment's tax division, solicitor general's office and Of-
rice of Legal Counsel, said department sources who
declined to be identified. Sources also said the Inter-
nal Revenue Service opposed the change.
ON JAN. 8, the Justice and Treasury Departments
announced that the administration was granting the
exemptions, reversing the administration's position
in Supreme Court cases involving Bob Jones Univer-
sity and Goldsboro Christian Schools.
After a storm of protest, the White House announ-
ced four days later that it would seek legislation
denying tax exemptions to schools which racially

The Associated Press obtained yesterday a copy of
a letter sent to Assistant Attorney General William
Bradford Reynolds, head of the civil rights division.
THE LETTER said granting tax-exempt status to
the schools "violates existing federal civil rights law,
as expressed in the Constitution, acts of Congress,
and federal court interpretations thereof."
"Many of these schools were established for the
purpose of perpetuating racial segregation in com-
munities which were in the process of desegregating
their schools pursuant to the requirements of federal
law. Their existence demonstrates approval, if not
encouragement, of racial prejudice," said the letter.
In congressional testimony Monday, Deputy At-
torney General Edward Schmults and Reynolds
repeated administration denials of any hesitancy to
enforce civil rights laws They argued that Congress
had never authorized the IRS to deny such tax exem-

ptions and said new laws are needed to prevent the
IRS from making social policy by administrative fiat.
SCHMULTS acknowledged in his testimony that
initial legal briefs for the court cases prepared by the
tax division and the solicitor's office supported the
policy of denying the exemptions. Schmults also said
he and Reynolds were the chief Justice officials who
argued for the change.
Department sources said that Reynolds consulted
only his assistants before making his decision. The
sources said the department's Office of Legal Coun-
sel argued vociferously up until the day the decision
was announced that it would violate existing court
Opponents of the change have noted that the IRS
denied the exemptions in 1970 when ordered to do so
by a federal court and that those decisions have since
been upheld by the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Bloodstains link Williams to other victims.

ATLANTA (AP)- Bloodstains found
in the back seat of a car driven by
Wayne Williamsmatch the blood of two.
slain young blacks, witnesses testified.
yesterday at Williamds' murder trial.
Three forensic serologists from the
G orgia Crime Laboratory testified
tht the bloodstains in the car matched
the' blood types and blood enzyme
gropings of slaying victims John Por-
ter mnd William Barrett.
I E 23-YEAR-OLD Williams, a
bla k free-lance photographer and
spring talent' promoter, is charged
with murdering Nathaniel Cater, 27,
n( Jimmy Ray Payne, 21, two of 28
yog blacks whose deaths over 22
rnoths have been investigated by a sp-

special police task force. Williams had
denied knowing any of the 28.
Prosecutors, who are expected to
wind up their case this week, are
presenting evidence in 10 additional
slayings in an effort to show a pattern
that may fit the Cater and Payne
One of the serologists, Linda Tillman,
acknowledged it would be "impossible"
to determine that bloodstains came
from a specific individual.
THE TESTIMONY was the first time
evidence about bloodstains had been
presented at the trial. Most of the 12
victims, including Barrett, were
asphyxiated, but earlier testimony in-
dicated Porter was stabbed to death
and Barrett's body has been stabbed in
a ritualistic style shortly after his
. Defensr lawyers objected to part of
the serologists' testimony,'calling it "a

Hollywood show." Judge Clarence
Cooper overruled the objection.
Tillman, the 10th witness in 17 days of
testimony, said she found the stains un-
derneath the material covering the
back seat of Williams' white station
wagon. The stains were not visible on
the surface of the material, she said.
SHE SAID the stains matched
Barrett's blood, which was type A and
enzyme group 1, and Porter's, blood,
which was type B and enzyme group 1.
Tillman said Williams' blood type is
0, but she admitted she did not know the
blood type of Williams' parents or his
aunt and uncle, who also had been
known to drive the car.
Another serologist, John Wegel, said
one in four people have the same blood
type and exzyme group as Barrett,
while seven out of 10 have the same
blood type and enzyme group as Porter.
WEGEL ALSO testified that type 1

enzymes last only eight weeks outside
the body, meaning the stains in
Williams'. car were less than, eight
weeks old when they were found during
a June 4 search. Barrett's body was
found May 12 and Porter's was
discovered April 12.
Under cross-examination, Wegel said
the eight-week figure was only ap-
Earlier, Canadian fiber expert Barry
Gaudette testified that the possibility
that Williams did not have contact with
Cater, Payne and 11-year-old Patrick
Baltazar is "so remote as not to be wor-
th considering."
"I'M NEARLY certain there was
some sort of association between the
victims and the environment of Wayne
Williams," he said.
With one exception, "we had no
major differences in our opinions," said.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Fr ench Communist Party
PARIS- The French Communist Party opens its 24th congress today
trying to preserve its fragile unity while developing a strategy to halt the
worst electoral reverses in its 60-year history.
After suffering a-setback in last spring's presidential and parliamentary
elections, the pro-Soviet French Communists lost even more ground to the.
ruling Socialists within their traditional working class constituency by
backing the military takeover in Poland.
Although there is some dissent over the pro-Soviet party line toward
Poland and Afghanistan, the real dispute is over domestic tactics in the past
five years-namely the leadership's inconsistent line toward the Socialists.
Mubarak arrives in U.S.
WASHINGTON- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak arrived yesterday
seeking acceptance by President Reagan and the American people as a wor-
thy successor to the late Ahwar Sadat.
The four-day visit is his first since he replaced Sadat after the Oct. 6, 1981
Mubarak's schedule calls for one formal Oval Office meeting with
Reagan, that willbe held this morning.
Polish crisis, 'far from over
WASHINGTON- The risk of violence in Poland "will grow by the hour"
unless, the martial law government relaxes its grip, Secretary of State
Alexander Haig predicted yesterday.
"The Polish ,crisis is far from over," Haig told the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee in his first Capitol Hill appearance since the Dec. 13
crackdown, which the United States says is backed by the Soviet Union.
Haig told the committee that Western unity in opposition to the sup-
pression has been an "unpleasant surprise" to the Soviet Union.
Until Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, the Polish leader, eases up; "passive and
not-so-passive resistance will probably increase," he said.
.Deaf lawyer may be allowed
to use. computer-in court
WASHINGTON- The Supreme Court must decide whether to break its
zealously guarded traditions by allowing a deaf lawyer to use an elaborate
computer and video display system during oral arguments before the
justices this sprg.g
Michael Chatoff, representing a deaf schoolgirl in a key case involving the
educational rights of the handicapped, has asked the justices to let him use
the system in what would be the first proceeding of its kind before the high
"He does not want to let someone else argue the case," Supreme Court
Clerk Alexander Stevas said yesterday.
"He points out in the letters to the court that it would enhance' the
procedure in other courts" if the Supreme Court allows the system's use,
Stevas added.
Ford boss speaks at talks
DEARBORN- Ford Motor Co. Chairman Philip Caldwell appeared
yesterday at talks between his company and the United Auto Workers to
wish the bargainers well and emphasize that Ford is striving to become
more "people-oriented."
Ford's chief bargainer, Peter Pestillo, said the appearance "was not an
attempt to upstage the bargaining," but was prompted by "a serious in-
terest"!in the negotiations to discuss the state of the auto industry and to ex-
press "our intention to becone even more people-oriented."
Negotiators trying to work out a wage and-beneit concession package met
for more than an hour yesterday morning at the main bargaining table, then
broke into eight subcommittees.
Pestillo and Ephlin predicted the eight smaller sessions would continue at
least through the end of the week and possibly into next week.

Reagan proposes GSL cuts for grads




East Lansing 0 Troy (Continued from Page 1)
other banks and savings and loans
asked for, more information on the
program before agreeing to take part.
Both Sussman and Donald Deskins,
the 'associate dean of the Rackham
graduate school, said that the new cut-
back of GSLs, if approved, would likely
further erode the graduate schools
enrollment, which they said has been
- -.. declining for several years.
Sussman said that if graduate and
professional students become ineligible

for GSLs, it is unlikely that the Univer-
sity will be able to create new sources
of financial aid because of its difficult
financial situation.
GROTRIAN SAID there were about
4,960 students in the Rackham graduate
school, the law school, and medical
school at the University who were
receiving GSLs as of December. These
students were receiving a total of about
$21 million in guaranteed student loans,
he said.
Three students groups - the
Michigan Student Assembly, the
Rackham Student Government, and the
Public interest Research Group inr
Michigan. - are organizing student op-.
position to the proposed elimination of-
GSLs for graduatestudents.
The three groups plan to hold a con-

ference to organize opposition and are
circulating a petition that criticizes the
Reagan administration's cutbacks in
financial aid to students and asks that
the federal government maintain such
aid at 1980 spending levels.
Virginia Trowbridge, a member of
PIRGIM who is working on the project,
said that about 3,000 signatures have
already beetl collected on the petitions.
She added that the groups' goal for the
drive is 10,000 signatures by March 1.
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar-
bor), is sponsoring a House Concurrent
Resolution that calls on Congress to
reject the latest Reagan proposal'.
"Colleges and .universities will have to
raise their tuitions evenhigher-to ffset
this loss," Bullard said.

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,Now Sirbtgan UaiI
Vol. XCII, No. 102
Wednesday, February 3, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
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Quit complaining.
Take a
Dail y break




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